NED service to retrieve Cross-IDs for a named object.
It retrieves the names of sources which have been cross-identified
with the named object. NED is built around a master list of extragalactic objects,
for which multi-wavelength cross-identifications have been established. Cross-identifications
are based on a statistical, rule-based cross-matching algorithm that matches names,
positions, redshifts, and other relevant data to objects already in NED. These matches
are also vetted by human experts on the NED staff.
NED service to retrieve diameters, axis ratios, and position angles for a named object.
Diameters and related data, measured across the electromagnetic spectrum, have
been collected from large surveys, compilations and the literature. These include
optical diameters from SDSS, GALEX, RC3, ESO-B, ESO-LV, UGC, MCG, and many others.
NED Cone Search service (search for objects Near Position).
This service searches NED's master list of extragalactic objects for entries
near a given position.
NED's implementation of the VO Table Access Protocol, or TAP.
The results include main information from NED about the objects:
Preferred name for the object, Position, Redshift, Type of the Object, and numbers
of main results for the object.