This service provides access to the spectral library in support of
the CRISM experiment on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. This is a
redesigned version of the library once distributed by the PDS
Geosciences node, with data files provided as VOTable (the native
version was available at:
Reference: Murchie et al (2007) Compact Reconnaissance Imaging
Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).
JGR Planets, 112:E05S03
Measurements of comet Halley in the spectral channel of IKS on board
the Vega-1 spacecraft. Data are retrieved from the PDS Small Bodies
Node data set (2011 reformatted version) and updated. The data set
consists in 101 tables providing the radiance spectrum of comet Halley
from various distances, plus two composite spectra. For details and
further references, see: Combes M. et al., 1988, The 2.5-12 micron
Spectrum of Comet Halley from the IKS-VEGA Experiment, Icarus, 76,
404-436 [1988Icar...76..404C]