SSAP service for CoRot COROT: ("COnvection, ROtation and Transits"), is a mission with two principal objectives: the study of stellar interiors using asteroseismology techniques, and the discovery of extrasolar planets using the transit method. Successfully launched in December 2006, CoRoT has been providing the astronomical community with a number of revolutionary results on the internal structure of stars and on the physical properties of extrasolar planets. The need for an archive for the CoRoT data was identified in the early phases of the project. In March 2003, LAEFF was selected, together with the CDS, to be responsible for the long-term storage and maintenance of the CoRoT Final Archive, which will contain all CoRoT data processed in a homogeneous and uniform way. This Final Archive will represent the legacy of the mission for future generations of researchers and educators. In addition to the Final Archive, efficient data management and data interchange mechanisms have been set up to work during the operational phase of CoRoT. In this framework two types of archives have been defined. - The Mission Archive: Located at the Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS) in Paris, the Mission Archive is the only access point for CoRoT data during the proprietary period. - The Public Archives: Containing only publicly available data, these are dynamic archives since new data as well as re-calibrations of previous data will be ingested during the mission lifetime. The Public Archives are being developed at the IAS (Paris), CDS (Strasbourg), NStED (Pasadena, California), and LAEX (Madrid). For the sake of integrity, the data are stored at IAS and remotely accessed from the Public Archives.