Within this use case for high school students and adanced amateurs
you measure the linear distance of the Andromeda Galaxy following the
steps of the astronomers who first measured it, climbing an important
step of the so-called cosmic distance ladder. The use case requires
the identification of variable stars of the Cepheid class and the
determination of the relation between their period and their intrinsic
PPAKM31 – Optical Integral Field Spectroscopy of Star-Forming Regions
in M31
12 Jun 2024 13:04:11
The GAVO DC team
These observations cover five star-forming regions in the Andromeda
galaxy (M31) with optical integral field spectroscopy. Each has a
field of view of roughly 1 kpc across, at 10pc physical resolution. In
addition to the calibrated data cubes, we provide flux maps of the Hβ,
[OIII]5007, Hα, [NII]6583, [SII]6716 and [SII]6730 line emission. Line
fluxes have not been corrected for dust extinction. All data products
have associated error maps.