This service is an extension of the Apparent Places of Fundamental
Stars (APFS) computing exact geocentric positions in both the CIO and
equinox systems to stars from the Gaia DR3 result catalogue.
This service is an extension of the Apparent Places of Fundamental
Stars (APFS) computing exact geocentric positions in both the CIO and
equinox systems to stars from the Gaia DR2 result catalogue.
This service is an extension of the Apparent Places of Fundamental
Stars (APFS) computing exact geocentric positions in both the CIO and
equinox systems to stars from the Hipparcos catalogue.
ARI's "Geschichte des Fixsternhimmels" is an attempt to collect all
astrometrically useful observations from before ca. 1970 in a way
comparable to what has been done to construct the FK* series of
fundamental catalogs. About 7e6 published positions are included.
In GAVO's DC, we provide tables of identified and non-identified stars
together with the master catalog that objects were identified against.
ARI's "Geschichte des Fixsternhimmels" is an attempt to collect all
astrometrically useful observations from before ca. 1970 in a way
comparable to what has been done to construct the FK* series of
fundamental catalogs. About 7e6 published positions are included.
In GAVO's DC, we provide tables of identified and non-identified stars
together with the master catalog that objects were identified against.
The catalogue ARIHIP has been constructed by selecting the 'best
data' for a given star from combinations of HIPPARCOS data with Boss'
GC and/or the Tycho-2 catalogue as well as the FK6. It provides 'best
data' for 90 842 stars with a typical mean error of 0.89 mas/year
(about a factor of 1.3 better than Hipparcos for this sample of
Differences between UCAC3 and PPMXL in positions and proper
motions, on
an all-sky one-degree grid. At each gridpoint we give the
differences X(PPMXL)- X(UCAC3) averaged over all stars in
a sqrt(2)/2-degrees environment around the gridpoint given. The
corrections given here should bring UCAC3 based astrometry to the ICRS.
Differences between USNO-B and PPMXL in positions and proper
motions, on
an all-sky one-degree grid. At each gridpoint we give the
differences X(PPMXL)- X(USNO-B1.0) averaged over all stars in
a sqrt(2)/2-degrees environment around the gridpoint given. The
corrections given here should bring USNO-B based astrometry to the ICRS.