This is gaia_source from the Gaia Data Release 3, stripped to just
enough columns to enable basic science (but therefore a bit faster and
simpler to deal with than the full gaia_source table).
Note that on this server, there is also The gedr3dist.main, which
gives distances computed by Bailer-Jones et al. Use these in
preference to working with the raw parallaxes.
This server also carries the gedr3mock schema containing a simulation
of gaia_source based on a state-of-the-art galaxy model, computed by
Rybizki et al.
The full DR3 is available from numerous places in the VO (in
particular from the TAP services ivo:// and
This is a “light” version of the full Gaia DR2 gaia_source table,
containing the original astrometric and photmetric columns with just
enough additional information to let careful researchers notice when data
is becomes uncertain and the full error model should be consulted. The
full DR2 is available from numerous places in the VO (in particular from
the TAP services ivo:// and
This table also includes a column containing the Renormalized Unit Weight
Error RUWE (GAIA-C3-TN-LU-LL-124-01), a robust measure for the
consistency of the solution.
On this TAP service, there is the table gdr2dist.main containing
distances computed by Bailer-Jones et al (:bibcode:`2018AJ....156...58B`).
If in doubt, use these instead of the parallaxes provided here.
The main result catalog from the ESA Hipparcos satellite, obtained
November 1989 through March 1993. In the GAVO DC, several columns were
left out and all angles are given in degrees.
MWSC presents a list of 3006 Milky Way Stellar Clusters (MWSC), found
in the 2MAst (2MASS with Astrometry) catalogue. The target list was
compiled on the basis of present-day lists of open, globular and
candidate clusters. For confirmed clusters we determined a homogeneous
set of astrophysical parameters such as membership, angular radii of
the main morphological parts, mean cluster proper motions, distances,
reddenings, ages, tidal parameters, and sometimes radial velocities.
MWSC-e14a ("MWSC extension 2014a") is a catalogue of
139 new open clusters at high Galactic latitudes
(\|b\|>20 deg) including lists of candidate members. It extends the
Kharchenko et al. 'Catalog of Milky Way Star Clusters'.
The target list was compiled as density enhancements found in the 2MASS
point source catalogue. For confirmed clusters we determined a homogeneous
set of astrophysical parameters such as membership, angular radii of the
main morphological parts, proper motion, distance, reddening, age, and
tidal parameters.
.. _Catalog of Milky Way Star Clusters:
MWSC presents a list of 3006 Milky Way Stellar Clusters (MWSC), found
in the 2MAst (2MASS with Astrometry) catalogue. The target list was
compiled on the basis of present-day lists of open, globular and
candidate clusters. For confirmed clusters we determined a homogeneous
set of astrophysical parameters such as membership, angular radii of
the main morphological parts, mean cluster proper motions, distances,
reddenings, ages, tidal parameters, and sometimes radial velocities.
PPM-Extended (PPMX) is a catalogue of 18 088 919 stars on the ICRS
system containing astrometric and photometric information. Its
limiting magnitude is about 15.2 in the GSC photometric system.
Within this case you learn that stars that seem "fixed" on the sky
may actually move, even if their motion is so slow for the naked eye
to be undetectable. You compare two photographs of the Barnard's Star
taken several years apart and will be able to estimate its
displacement on the sky. Your estimate will be very close to actual
Stellar Proper Motions in the Ogle II Galactic Bulge Fields
Short Name:
27 Dec 2024 08:31:03
The GAVO DC team
A proper-motion catalogue of 5080236 stars in 49 OGLE-II Galactic
bulge (GB) fields, covering a range of -11°<l<11° and -6°<b<3°. Some
columns have been left out from the original source.