This services provides 1D spectra from DR5 of LAMOST (Large Sky Area
Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope) through SSAP;
data is served both in VO-standard SDM and, via datalink, the original
SDSS-inspired FITS described in .
The LIFE Target Star Database contains information useful
for the planned `LIFE mission`_ (mid-ir, nulling
interferometer in space). It characterizes possible
target systems including information about stellar,
planetary and disk properties. The data itself is mainly
a collection from different other catalogs.
Note that LIFE's target database is living
data. The content – and to some extent even structure – of these
tables may change at any time without prior warning.
.. _LIFE mission:
The 2MASS Point Source Catalogue, short a couple of exotic fields. We
provide this data mainly for matching with other catalogs within our
TAP service.
PPM-Extended (PPMX) is a catalogue of 18 088 919 stars on the ICRS
system containing astrometric and photometric information. Its
limiting magnitude is about 15.2 in the GSC photometric system.
The RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) contains stellar atmospheric
parameters (effective temperature, surface gravity, overall
metallicity), radial velocities, chemical abundances and distances.
Observations between 2003 and 2013 were used to build the five RAVE
data releases.
The RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) contains stellar atmospheric
parameters (effective temperature, surface gravity, overall
metallicity), radial velocities, chemical abundances and distances.
Observations between 2003 and 2013 were used to build the five RAVE
data releases.
This is the result of the query::
objID,, field.rerun, field.camcol, field.fieldId,
obj, ra, dec, raErr, decErr, raDecCorr,
offsetRa_u, offsetRa_g, offsetRa_r, offsetRa_i, offsetRa_z,
offsetDec_u, offsetDec_g, offsetDec_r, offsetDec_i, offsetDec_z,
u, g, r, i, z, err_u, err_g, err_r, err_i, err_z,
mjd_u, mjd_g, mjd_r, mjd_i, mjd_z
on (field.fieldId=PhotoObjAll.fieldId)
on SDSS DR7, kindly provided by the Potsdam mirror. All angular
quantities are given in degrees here.
Stellar Proper Motions in the Ogle II Galactic Bulge Fields
Short Name:
27 Dec 2024 08:31:03
The GAVO DC team
A proper-motion catalogue of 5080236 stars in 49 OGLE-II Galactic
bulge (GB) fields, covering a range of -11°<l<11° and -6°<b<3°. Some
columns have been left out from the original source.
The SuperCOSMOS data primarily originate from scans of the UK Schmidt
and Palomar POSS II blue, red and near-IR sky surveys. The ESO Schmidt
R (dec < -17.5) and Palomar POSS-I E (dec > -17.5) surveys have also
been scanned and provide an early (1st) epoch red measurement.
Mirrored here is the source table containing four-plate multi-colour,
multi-epoch data which are merged into a single source catalogue for
general science exploitation. Within the GAVO DC, some column names
have been adapted to local customs (primarily positions, proper