Reference HII Regions for Abundance Determination (SCS)
Short Name:
HII props scs
27 Dec 2024 08:31:00
The GAVO DC team
A table containing reference data for HII regions. We also give a
source code to compute abundances and electron temperatures in HII
regions from strong emission lines.
Sasmirala Subarcsecond mid-infrared atlas of local AGN
Short Name:
sasmirala atlas
27 Dec 2024 08:31:05
The GAVO DC team
These FITS images were generated with the IDL package MIRphot
[Asmus2014]_ by extraction (and combination) of the sub-images from the
chopped/nodded total images from COMICS, Michelle, T-ReCS and VISIR (see
[Asmus2014]_ for details).
The FITS images contain the central ~4 arcsec of each source centered on
the (putative) nuclear position with North being up and East to the
left. The WCS registration has been performed after extraction by using
coordinates of the nucleus from other wavelengths (mostly 2MASS and
NED). The uncertainty of these reference position is usually less than 1
arcsec. In addition, the imprecision of the assignment itself is ~1px ~
The FITS images are flux calibrated (unit is mJy) using the Gaussian 2D
fits to the corresponding STD observation (where available, otherwise
using the median conversion factor for the used instrument/filter
settings). Therefore, correction factors have to be applied in case
other flux measurement methods are applied to the images. The flux
values given in the FITS headers should be regarded as approximate
values. In particular for the instruments, VISIR and COMICS, they are
not necessarily exactly equal to the values provided in the photometry
results table, because many flux measurements were performed during the
process of combining individual subimages (all in MIRphot), instead of
in the final combined image, provided here. The used total images are
available upon request. Note, however, that these are just the products
of the observatory-delivered pipelines with default parameters.
.. [Asmus2014] Asmus D., Hoenig S.F., Gandhi P., Smette A.,
Duschl W.: The subarcsecond mid-infrared view of local active
galactic nuclei: I. The N- and Q-band imaging atlas,
`2014MNRAS.439.1648A <>`_
Sasmirala Subarcsecond mid-infrared atlas of local AGN, Cone Search
Short Name:
sasmirala cone
27 Dec 2024 08:31:05
The GAVO DC team
The Subarcsecond mid-infrared (MIR) atlas of local active galactic
nuclei (AGN) is a collection of all available N- and Q-band images
obtained at ground-based 8-meter class telescopes with public archives
(Gemini/Michelle, Gemini/T-ReCS, Subaru/COMICS, and VLT/VISIR). It
includes in total 895 images, of which 60% are perviously unpublished.
These correspond to 253 local AGN with a median redshift of 0.016. The
atlas contains the uniformly processed and calibrated images and
nuclear photometry obtained through Gauss and PSF fitting for all
objects and filters. This also includes measurements of the nuclear
extensions. In addition, the classifications of extended emission (if
present) and derived nuclear monochromatic 12 and 18 micron continuum
fluxes are available. Finally, flux ratios with the circumnuclear MIR
emission (measured by Spitzer) and total MIR emission of the galaxy
(measured by IRAS) are presented.
This service publishes plate scans of the Palomar-Leiden Troian
surveys conducted between 1960 and 1977. The surveys led to the
discovery of more than 2,000 asteroids (1,800 with orbital information),
with another 2,400 asteroids, including 19 Trojans, found after further
analysis of the plates.
Note that because of the large size of the plates, in this service each
original plate is contained in two parts, marked with "_1" and "_2",
respectively. The central parts
of the two parts overlap.
This is the result of the query::
objID,, field.rerun, field.camcol, field.fieldId,
obj, ra, dec, raErr, decErr, raDecCorr,
offsetRa_u, offsetRa_g, offsetRa_r, offsetRa_i, offsetRa_z,
offsetDec_u, offsetDec_g, offsetDec_r, offsetDec_i, offsetDec_z,
u, g, r, i, z, err_u, err_g, err_r, err_i, err_z,
mjd_u, mjd_g, mjd_r, mjd_i, mjd_z
on (field.fieldId=PhotoObjAll.fieldId)
on SDSS DR7, kindly provided by the Potsdam mirror. All angular
quantities are given in degrees here.
This is a redacted version of the SDSS DR16 table prepared for VizieR
(V/154/sdss16). It is mainly here to facilitate local matches; for
original SDSS-related research, it is probably better to somewhere
Over VizieR and SDSS, we are keeping most of the per-band values in
arrays to keep the column list manageable. Note that in ADQL, array
indexes are 1-based.
We are trying to orient our column names on SDSS but use underscores
instead of camel-casing (e.g. spec_obj_id instead of SpecObjID), since
mixed-case identifiers in SQL is asking for trouble.
To save space, we do not keep psf-based classifications, per-band
offsets, spectrum metadata, and USNO-related information in this
table. Let the operators know if you need any of that.
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