MWSC presents a list of 3006 Milky Way Stellar Clusters (MWSC), found
in the 2MAst (2MASS with Astrometry) catalogue. The target list was
compiled on the basis of present-day lists of open, globular and
candidate clusters. For confirmed clusters we determined a homogeneous
set of astrophysical parameters such as membership, angular radii of
the main morphological parts, mean cluster proper motions, distances,
reddenings, ages, tidal parameters, and sometimes radial velocities.
MWSC-e14a ("MWSC extension 2014a") is a catalogue of
139 new open clusters at high Galactic latitudes
(\|b\|>20 deg) including lists of candidate members. It extends the
Kharchenko et al. 'Catalog of Milky Way Star Clusters'.
The target list was compiled as density enhancements found in the 2MASS
point source catalogue. For confirmed clusters we determined a homogeneous
set of astrophysical parameters such as membership, angular radii of the
main morphological parts, proper motion, distance, reddening, age, and
tidal parameters.
.. _Catalog of Milky Way Star Clusters:
MWSC presents a list of 3006 Milky Way Stellar Clusters (MWSC), found
in the 2MAst (2MASS with Astrometry) catalogue. The target list was
compiled on the basis of present-day lists of open, globular and
candidate clusters. For confirmed clusters we determined a homogeneous
set of astrophysical parameters such as membership, angular radii of
the main morphological parts, mean cluster proper motions, distances,
reddenings, ages, tidal parameters, and sometimes radial velocities.
NMDB: Real-time Database for High Resolution Neutron Monitor
Short Name:
nmdb web
27 Dec 2024 08:31:05
The GAVO DC team
NMDB serves the data of roughly 50 stations across the globe
measuring ground-based cosmic ray intensities at minute cadence.
Cosmic rays are detected for primary particles of energies up to 15
GeV depending on station magnetic latitude.
List of Observatory Codes assigned by the Minor Planet Center (MPC).
The codes are used in cataloguing astrometric observations of small
bodies in the solar system. A code is unique for a certain location
and consists of three digits or one letter and two digits.
In this representation, we give the observatory code, the geocentric
coordinates, and the observatory designation.
OpenNGC is a database containing positions and main data of NGC (New
General Catalogue) and IC (Index Catalogue) objects. It has been built
by merging data from NED, HyperLEDA, SIMBAD, and several databases
available at HEASARC.
In this VO publication, we have changed most of the column names,
mostly to make them work as ADQL column names without resorting to
delimited identifiers. The mapping should be obvious.
An optical polarimetric catalog for the Small Magelanic Cloud (SMC)
is presented. It gives intrinsic and observed polarizations in the
V-band for a total of 7207 stars located in the Northeast and Wing
sections of the SMC and part of the Magellanic Bridge.
These spectra are optical follow-up observations of the
X-ray sources detected in the 942 ks exposure of the
Chandra Deep Field-South (CDFS) using FORS.
Outlier Analysis in Low-Resolution Spectra: DFBS and Beyond
27 Dec 2024 08:31:06
The GAVO DC team
Low-resolution spectra like those resulting from objective prism
observations or the RP/BP instrument on board of the Gaia astrometry
satellite enable a wealth of interesting science. This use case
investigates one use leading up to combining many VO resources: The
identification of misclassified objects from reference databases.