Stars have different colors and luminosities. Following this tutorial
we will learn what star luminosity and color are, and which
information about stellar evolution we can obtain from them.
TIRO calculates bound-bound and bound-free absorption cross-sections
and respective model atoms based on Kurucz's data
TMAW -- Tübingen Model Atmosphere Package WWW Interface
Short Name:
27 Dec 2024 08:31:03
The GAVO DC team
The Tübingen NLTE Model-Atmosphere Package (`TMAP
<>`_) is a tool to calculate
stellar atmospheres in spherical or plane-parallel geometry in hydrostatic
and radiative equilibrium allowing departures from local thermodynamic
equilibrium (LTE) for the population of atomic levels./TMAP/ is based on
the so-called Accelerated Lambda Iteration (ALI) method and is able to
account for line blanketing by metals. All elements from hydrogen to nickel
may be included in the calculation with model atoms which are tailored for
the aims of the user.
This tutorial will show how tabular data can be easily transferred
from Topcat to Aladin or the other way, and it will illustrate the
benefits of this inter-client communication for VO users. This is
shown with a quick look at filtering members of the Coma Cluster from
This tutorial is a dense course through the advanced functions of
TOPCAT and STILTS. It covers detailed information of how to use TOPCAT
and STILTS to find data in the VO, access them, perform crossmatches
and how to do visualisations.
This table contains line metadata computed a pseudo-relativistic
Hartree-Fock method including core-polarization corrections. Its
schema follows the first Working Draft of LineTAP.
This service provides oscillator strengths and transition
probabilities. Mainly based on experimental energy levels, these were
calculated with the pseudo-relativistic Hartree-Fock method including
core-polarization corrections.