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232. UCD resolver
- ID:
- ivo://org.gavo.dc/ucds/ui/ui
- Title:
- UCD resolver
- Short Name:
- ucdguess
- Date:
- 27 Dec 2024 08:31:06
- Publisher:
- The GAVO DC team
- Description:
- The UCD resolver uses the metadata in the current Registry to suggest UCDs pertinent to natural language column descriptions. In that, it fulfills a similar function as the `CDS UCD builder`_ but uses an entirely different approach. .. _CDS UCD builder:
- ID:
- ivo://org.gavo.dc/ucdc/q/cone
- Title:
- Ultracool Dwarf Companion Catalogue UCDC
- Short Name:
- UCDC cone
- Date:
- 27 Dec 2024 08:31:03
- Publisher:
- The GAVO DC team
- Description:
- The Ultracool Dwarf Companion Catalogue consists of 278 multiple systems, 32 of which are newly discovered, each with at least one spectroscopically confirmed Ultracool Dwarf, within a 100 pc volume-limited sample. This catalogue is compiled using the Gaia Catalogue of Nearby Stars for stellar primaries and the Gaia Ultracool Dwarf Sample for low-mass companions and includes 241 doubles, 33 triples, and 4 higher-order systems established from positional, proper motion, and parallax constraints.
- ID:
- ivo://org.gavo.dc/tutreg/gavo_vocourse/rec
- Title:
- Using the Virtual Observatory
- Short Name:
- GAVO vo course
- Date:
- 27 Dec 2024 08:31:06
- Publisher:
- The GAVO DC team
- Description:
- This is a course on using the Virtual Observatory (VO), an international research data infrastructure in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Starting with a brief discussion of some general concepts, it introduces some of the major client programs like TOPCAT and Aladin, together with some simple discovery protocols. A first focus topic is the query language ADQL, which is treated within the equivalent of three lectures. The second major focus of the course is the premier Python interface to the VO, pyVO, which is used to also more deeply investigate the topics treated before. The course is complemented by a number of side tracks, brief discussions of more fundamental or more specialised VO topics. The course comes with many exercises, most of which also have solutions. We hope it is suitable for both self-study and as lecture notes in teacher-led situations. In the latter case, it is designed to work as a semester-long course with two hours of lectures and lab work each per week.
235. USNO-B1 plates
- ID:
- ivo://org.gavo.dc/usnob/res/plates/pq
- Title:
- USNO-B1 plates
- Short Name:
- usnob_plates
- Date:
- 27 Dec 2024 08:31:13
- Publisher:
- The GAVO DC team
- Description:
- This table contains the metadata for the plates that went into USNO-B 1.0 as best as we can reconstruct it (i.e., largely those that also make up the Digital Sky Survey DSS). Most of the source files were obtained from, some additional contributions came from Dave Monet.
- ID:
- ivo://org.gavo.dc/ivoidval/q/val
- Title:
- Validator for IVOA Identifiers
- Short Name:
- ivoid val
- Date:
- 27 Dec 2024 08:31:05
- Publisher:
- The GAVO DC team
- Description:
- A validator for IVOA identifiers, checking conformity to version 2 of the specification. The service returns results in a tabular format, where an identifier is valid if no row with msg_type="ERROR" is present. As per DALI, the format of the table returned can be controlled through the RESPONSEFORMAT parameter; for machine consumption, the most useful values for that parameter are probably json and votable. The code used here is available at
- ID:
- ivo://org.gavo.dc/emi/q/s
- Title:
- VLBI images of Lockman Hole radio sources
- Short Name:
- VLBI-Lockman
- Date:
- 27 Dec 2024 08:31:12
- Publisher:
- The GAVO DC team
- Description:
- These are 1.4GHz Very Long Baseline Interferometry images of 532 radio sources with a flux density exceeding 100uJy as determined by Ibar et al. (2009, MNRAS, 397, 281), obtained between 2010-06-03 and 2010-09-03. For all fields, we give frames processed using natural weighting to preserve maximal sensitivity. For the 65 detected sources, we additionally give frames processed using uniform weighting to suppress sidelobes (see Middelberg et al. 2013, A&A 551, 97 for details) in flux density measurements. Some sources have larger images to cover a larger area because the initial coordinates were not sufficiently accurate.
- ID:
- ivo://org.gavo.dc/registryrss/q/rss
- Title:
- VO Fresh: New Services in the VO RSS
- Short Name:
- vofresh_rss
- Date:
- 27 Dec 2024 08:31:12
- Publisher:
- The GAVO DC team
- Description:
- New entries in the `Virtual Observatory <>`_'s registry in RSS format; this service lets you use a common "news aggregator" to learn of services appearing in the VO in almost real time. The data is taken from the VO registry by querying for new records twice a day. New items are announced here for 30 days. To subscribe to this feed, point your browser/news aggregator to If you can configure your client's update frequency, for this feed it is sufficient to update every 12 hours -- it is only updated morining and afternoon UTC. New entries on this feed are also distributed `on the Fediverse`_. To get notifications of new VO services, subscribe to ``_. .. .. _on the Fediverse:
- ID:
- ivo://org.gavo.dc/voidoi/q/ui
- Title:
- VOiDOI DOI registration web service
- Short Name:
- DOI registration
- Date:
- 27 Dec 2024 08:31:02
- Publisher:
- The GAVO DC team
- Description:
- This service lets VO data publishers assign Digital Object Identifiers to their services, greatly enhancing their citability. Since technically, the DOI references the registry record, this service can only be used on properly registered services.
- ID:
- ivo://org.gavo.dc/vott/q/list
- Title:
- VOTT: VO Text Treasures
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 27 Dec 2024 08:31:05
- Publisher:
- The GAVO DC team
- Description:
- VOTT is a formatted list of educational/outreach texts on using the VO: use cases, tutorials, courses, and such. VOTT contains material for all settings, from pre-school to graduate. It is generated from the documents known to the VO Registry.