The Wide-Field Plate Database (WFPDB_) contains the descriptive information
for the astronomical wide-field (>1°) photographic observations stored in
numerous archives all over the world. The total number of these
observations, obtained since the end of the 19th century with more
then 200 instruments (telescopes) is about 2 550 000 from 509 archives.
The WFPDB is continually being updated, providing currently access to the
information for about 640 000 plates from 117 plate archives (30% of the
estimated total number of wide-field plates)
.. _WFPDB:
The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) is a space-based imaging
survey of the entire sky in the 3.4 (W1), 4.6 (W2), 12 (W3), and 22 (W4) μm
mid-infrared. This is the project's reliable Source Catalog containing
accurate photometry and astrometry for over 500 million objects.
More details are available in the `Explanatory Supplement`_, which also
has a list of `Cautionary Notes`_.
.. _Explanatory Supplement:
.. _Cautionary Notes:
The SPM4 Catalog contains absolute proper motions, celestial
coordinates, and B,V photometry for 103,319,647 stars and galaxies
between the south celestial pole and -20 degrees declination. The
catalog is roughly complete to V=17.5. It is based on photographic and
CCD observations taken with the Yale Southern Observatory's
double-astrograph at Cesco Observatory in El Leoncito, Argentina.
The zCOSMOS redshift survey used 600h on the VIMOS spectrograph spread over
five observing seasons (2005-2009) to obtain spectra of about 20,000 galaxies
selected to have Iab < 22.5 across the full 1.7 deg2 of the COSMOS field.
This part, "zCOSMOS-bright", was designed to yield a high and fairly uniform
sampling rate (about 70%), with a high success rate in measuring redshifts
(approaching 100% at 0.5 < z < 0.8), and with sufficient
velocity accuracy
(about 100 km/s) to efficiently map the environments of galaxies down to the
scale of galaxy groups out to redshifts z ~ 1.