- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/159/257
- Title:
- Hawaii IR parallax program. IV. L0-T8 BDs with UKIRT
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/159/257
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present parallaxes, proper motions, and J-band photometry for 348 L and T dwarfs measured using the wide-field near-infrared camera (WFCAM) on the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT). This is the largest single batch of infrared parallaxes for brown dwarfs to date. Our parallaxes have a median uncertainty of 3.5mas, similar to most previous ground-based infrared parallax surveys. Our target list was designed to complete a volume-limited parallax sample of L0-T8 dwarfs out to 25pc spanning declinations -30{deg} to +60{deg} (68% of the sky). We report the first parallaxes for 165 objects, and we improve on previous measurements for another 53 objects. Our targets include 104 objects (mostly early-L dwarfs) having Gaia DR2 parallax measurements with which our parallaxes are consistent. We include an extensive comparison of previous literature parallaxes for L and T dwarfs with both our results and Gaia DR2 measurements, identifying systematic offsets for some previous surveys. Our parallaxes confirm that 14 objects previously identified as wide common proper motion companions to main-sequence stars have distances consistent with companionship. We also report new J_MKO_ photometry for our targets, including the first measurements for 193 of our targets and improvements over previously published J_MKO_ photometry for another 60 targets. Altogether, our parallaxes will enable the first population studies using a volume-limited sample spanning spectral types L0-T8 defined entirely by parallaxes.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/841/116
- Title:
- Herschel spectra of 11 very low mass stars
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/841/116
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The properties of disks around brown dwarfs and very low mass stars (hereafter VLMOs) provide important boundary conditions on the process of planet formation and inform us about the numbers and masses of planets than can form in this regime. We use the Herschel Space Observatory PACS spectrometer to measure the continuum and [OI]63{mu}m line emission toward 11 VLMOs with known disks in the Taurus and Chamaeleon I star-forming regions. We fit radiative transfer models to the spectral energy distributions of these sources. Additionally, we carry out a grid of radiative transfer models run in a regime that connects the luminosity of our sources with brighter T Tauri stars. We find that VLMO disks with sizes 1.3-78au, smaller than typical T Tauri disks, fit well the spectral energy distributions assuming that disk geometry and dust properties are stellar mass independent. Reducing the disk size increases the disk temperature, and we show that VLMOs do not follow previously derived disk temperature-stellar luminosity relationships if the disk outer radius scales with stellar mass. Only 2 out of 11 sources are detected in [OI] despite a better sensitivity than was achieved for T Tauri stars, suggesting that VLMO disks are underluminous. Using thermochemical models, we show that smaller disks can lead to the unexpected [OI]63{mu}m nondetections in our sample. The disk outer radius is an important factor in determining the gas and dust observables.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/160/63
- Title:
- IR spectra of 5 brown dwarfs with Gemini North IRS
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/160/63
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Cold brown dwarfs are excellent analogs of widely separated, gas giant exoplanets, and provide insight into the potential atmospheric chemistry and physics we may encounter in objects to be discovered by future direct imaging surveys. We present a low-resolution, R~300, M-band spectroscopic sequence of seven brown dwarfs with effective temperatures between 750 and 250K along with Jupiter. These spectra reveal disequilibrium abundances of carbon monoxide (CO) produced by atmospheric quenching. We use the eddy diffusion coefficient (Kzz) to estimate the strength of vertical mixing in each object. The Kzz values of cooler gaseous objects are close to their theoretical maximum, and warmer objects show weaker mixing, likely due to less efficient convective mixing in primarily radiative layers. The CO-derived Kzz values imply that disequilibrium phosphine (PH3) should be easily observable in all of the brown dwarfs, but none as yet show any evidence for PH3 absorption. We find that ammonia is relatively insensitive to atmospheric quenching at these effective temperatures. We are able to improve the fit to WISE 0855's M-band spectrum by including both CO and water clouds in the atmospheric model.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/858/55
- Title:
- K2 ultracool dwarfs survey. III. M6-L0 flares
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/858/55
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report the white light flare rates for 10 ultracool dwarfs using Kepler K2 short-cadence data. Among our sample stars, two have spectral type M6, three are M7, three are M8, and two are L0. Most of our targets are old low-mass stars. We identify a total of 283 flares in all of the stars in our sample, with Kepler energies in the range log E_Kp_~(29-33.5)erg. Using the maximum-likelihood method of line fitting, we find that the flare frequency distribution (FFD) for each star in our sample follows a power law with slope -{alpha} in the range -(1.3-2.0). We find that cooler objects tend to have shallower slopes. For some of our targets, the FFD follows either a broken power law, or a power law with an exponential cutoff. For the L0 dwarf 2MASSJ12321827-0951502, we find a very shallow slope (-{alpha}=-1.3) in the Kepler energy range (0.82-130)x10^30^erg: this L0 dwarf has flare rates which are comparable to those of high-energy flares in stars of earlier spectral types. In addition, we report photometry of two superflares: one on the L0 dwarf 2MASS J12321827-0951502 and another on the M7 dwarf 2MASS J08352366+1029318. In the case of 2MASSJ12321827-0951502, we report a flare brightening by a factor of ~144 relative to the quiescent photospheric level. Likewise, for 2MASSJ08352366+1029318, we report a flare brightening by a factor of ~60 relative to the quiescent photospheric level. These two superflares have bolometric (ultraviolet/optical/infrared) energies 3.6x10^33^erg and 8.9x10^33^erg respectively, while the full width half maximum timescales are very short, ~2min. We find that the M8 star TRAPPIST-1 is more active than the M8.5 dwarf 2M03264453+1919309, but less active than another M8 dwarf (2M12215066-0843197).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/465/4723
- Title:
- Log of SALT-RSS observations
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/465/4723
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- New spectra of 81 ultracool dwarfs (spectral types M7 and later) are discussed. Spectral classifications of 49 objects are available in the literature, while 32 objects are newly classified. The known spectral types were used to test an automated classification scheme, which relies primarily on template fitting, supplemented by matching of spectral indices calibrated against the template spectra. An attempt was made to quantify the uncertainty in the spectral types, which is generally better than two subclasses. Objects for which spectral types differ by more than one subclass from the literature classifications are discussed individually. Discrepancies between automated classifications based on, respectively, template fitting and spectral index matching, may be useful for flagging objects with unusual spectra. Aside from the 32 first-time classifications, alternative classifications are presented for 32 previously classified dwarfs. Very large (equivalent width greater than 130{AA}) H{alpha} flares are reported for the known ultracool dwarf binary 2MASS J15200224-4422419; curiously, the object does not appear to have quiescent emission lines. Non-zero equivalent-width measurements are listed for a further 29 objects.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/629/A145
- Title:
- L9-T3.5 brown dwarfs light curves
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/629/A145
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Brown dwarfs in the spectral range L9-T3.5, within the so called L/T transition, have been shown to be variable at higher amplitudes and with greater frequency than other field dwarfs. This strong variability allows for the probing of their atmospheric structure in 3D through multi-wavelength observations for studying the underlying physical mechanisms responsible for the variability. The few known strongly variable dwarfs in this range have been extensively studied. Now, more variables such as these need to be discovered and studied to better constrain atmospheric models. This is also critical to better understand giant exoplanets and to shed light on a number of possible correlations between brown dwarf characteristics and variability. Previous studies suggest an occurrence rate for strong variability (peak-to-peak amplitudes >2%) of up to 39% among brown dwarfs within the L/T transition. In this work, we aim to discover new strong variables in this spectral range by targeting ten previously unsurveyed brown dwarfs. We used the NOTCam at the Nordic Optical Telescope to observe 11 targets, with spectral types ranging from L9.5 to T3.5, in the J-band during October 2017 and September 2018. Using differential aperture photometry, we then analysed the light curves for significant variability using Lomb-Scargle periodogram algorithms and least squares fitting. We report first discoveries of strong and significant variability in four out of the ten targets (false alarm probability <0.1%), measuring peak-to-peak amplitudes up to 10.7+/-0.4% in J for the T1 dwarf 2MASS J22153705+2110554, for which we observe significant light curve evolution between the 2017 and 2018 epochs. We also report a marginally significant detection of strong variability, and confirm that the well known 2MASS J01365662+0933473 is still strongly variable three years after the last reported epoch. Finally, we present an extensive multi-epoch catalogue of strong variables reported in the literature and discuss possible correlations that are identifiable from the catalogue. We significantly add to the number of known strong variables, and through Poisson statistics infer an occurrence rate for strong variability among L9-T3.5 brown dwarfs of 40^+32^_19_%, which is in agreement with previous estimates. The new variables identified in this work are also excellently suited for extensive multi-wavelength observations dedicated to probing the 3D structure of brown dwarf atmospheres.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/631/A125
- Title:
- 54 massive companions detected with SOPHIE
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/631/A125
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Brown-dwarfs (BD) are substellar objects with masses intermediate between planets and stars within about 13-80M_J_. While isolated brown-dwarfs are most likely produced by gravitational collapse in molecular clouds down to masses of a few M_J_, a nonnegligible fraction of low-mass companions might be formed through the planet formation channel in protoplanetary disks. The upper mass limit of objects formed within disks is still observationnally unknown, the main reason being the strong dearth of BD companions at orbital periods shorter than 10 years, a.k.a. the brown-dwarf desert. We aim at determining the best statistics of secondary companions within the 10-100M_Jup_ range within 10au from the primary star, while minimising observational bias. This can help determining the mass limit separating planet-formed from star-formed browndwarfs. Moreover, the exact shape of the BD desert in a mass-period space is still underdetermined, and can strongly constrain the companion-star interactions mechanisms at work in close binary systems at small mass ratio. We made an extensive use of the radial velocity (RV) surveys of FGK stars below 60 pc distance to the Sun and in the northern hemisphere performed with the SOPHIE spectrograph at Observatoire de Haute-Provence. We derived the Keplerian solutions of the RV variations of 54 sources. Public astrometric data of the Hipparcos and Gaia missions allowed deriving direct astrometric solution of orbital motion and constraining the mass of the companion for most sources. We introduce GASTON, a new method to derive inclination combining RVs Keplerian and astrometric excess noise from Gaia DR1. We report the discovery of 12 new BD candidates. For 5 of them, additional astrometric data led to revise their mass in the M-dwarf regime. Among the 7 remaining objects, 4 are confirmed BD companions, and 3 others are likely also in this mass regime. Moreover, we report the detection of 42 objects in the M-dwarf mass regime 90M_J_-0.52M_{sun}_. The resulting Msin i-P distribution of BD candidates shows a clear drop in the detection rate below 80-day orbital period. Above that limit, the BD desert reveals rather wet, with a uniform distribution of the Msin i. We derive a minimum BD-detection frequency around Solar-like stars of 2.0+/-0.5%.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/903/96
- Title:
- MUTA; the {mu}Tau Association
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/903/96
- Date:
- 15 Mar 2022
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present an analysis of the newly identified {mu}Tau Association (MUTA) of young stars at ~150pc from the Sun that is part of the large Cas-Tau structure, coeval and comoving with the {alpha}Persei cluster. This association is also located in the vicinity of the Taurus-Auriga star-forming region and the Pleiades association, although it is unrelated to them. We identify more than 500 candidate members of MUTA using Gaia DR2 data and the BANYAN {Sigma} tool, and we determine an age of 62{+/-}7Myr for its population based on an empirical comparison of its color-magnitude diagram sequence with those of other nearby young associations. The MUTA association is related to the Theia 160 group of Kounkel & Covey and corresponds to the e Tau group of Liu et al. It is also part of the Cas-Tau group of Blaauw. As part of this analysis, we introduce an iterative method based on spectral templates to perform an accurate correction of interstellar extinction of Gaia DR2 photometry, needed because of its wide photometric bandpasses. We show that the members of MUTA display an expected increased rate of stellar activity and faster rotation rates compared with older stars, and that literature measurements of the lithium equivalent width of nine G0- to K3-type members are consistent with our age determination. We show that the present- day mass function of MUTA is consistent with other known nearby young associations. We identify WD0340+103 as a hot, massive white dwarf remnant of a B2 member that left its planetary nebula phase only 270000yr ago, posing an independent age constraint of 60_-6_^+8^ Myr for MUTA, consistent with our isochrone age. This relatively large collection of comoving young stars near the Sun indicates that more work is required to unveil the full kinematic structure of the complex of young stars surrounding {alpha} Persei and Cas-Tau.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/159/63
- Title:
- New AO obs. of exoplanets & brown dwarf companions
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/159/63
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The orbital eccentricities of directly imaged exoplanets and brown dwarf companions provide clues about their formation and dynamical histories. We combine new high-contrast imaging observations of substellar companions obtained primarily with Keck/NIRC2 together with astrometry from the literature to test for differences in the population-level eccentricity distributions of 27 long-period giant planets and brown dwarf companions between 5 and 100au using hierarchical Bayesian modeling. Orbit fits are performed in a uniform manner for companions with short orbital arcs; this typically results in broad constraints for individual eccentricity distributions, but together as an ensemble, these systems provide valuable insight into their collective underlying orbital patterns. The shape of the eccentricity distribution function for our full sample of substellar companions is approximately flat from e=0-1. When subdivided by companion mass and mass ratio, the underlying distributions for giant planets and brown dwarfs show significant differences. Low mass ratio companions preferentially have low eccentricities, similar to the orbital properties of warm Jupiters found with radial velocities and transits. We interpret this as evidence for in situ formation on largely undisturbed orbits within massive extended disks. Brown dwarf companions exhibit a broad peak at e~0.6-0.9 with evidence for a dependence on orbital period. This closely resembles the orbital properties and period-eccentricity trends of wide (1-200au) stellar binaries, suggesting that brown dwarfs in this separation range predominantly form in a similar fashion. We also report evidence that the "eccentricity dichotomy" observed at small separations extends to planets on wide orbits: the mean eccentricity for the multi-planet system HR8799 is lower than for systems with single planets. In the future, larger samples and continued astrometric orbit monitoring will help establish whether these eccentricity distributions correlate with other parameters such as stellar host mass, multiplicity, and age.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/158/38
- Title:
- New substellar discoveries from Kepler and K2
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/158/38
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the discoveries of a brown dwarf (BD) and a low-mass star from the Kepler and K2 missions. The newly discovered BD is EPIC 212036875b and the low-mass star is KOI-607b. EPIC 212036875b has a mass of M_b_=52.3+/-1.9 M_J_, a radius of R_b_=0.874+/-0.017 R_J_, and orbits its host star in P=5.169885+/-0.000027 days. Its host star is a late F-type star with M_*_=1.288+/-0.065 M_{sun}_, R_*_= 1.498+/-0.025 R_{sun}_, and T_eff_=6238+/-60 K. KOI-607b has a mass of M_b_=95.1+/-3.4 M_J_, a radius of R_b_=1.089+/-0.089 R_J_, and an orbital period of P=5.89399148+/-0.00000060 days. The primary star in the KOI-607 system is a G dwarf with M_*_=0.993+/-0.052 M_{sun}_, R_*_= 0.915+/-0.031 R_{sun}_, and T_eff_=5418+/-87 K. We also revisit a BD, CWW 89Ab, that was previously published by Nowak et al. 2017AJ....153..131N (under the designation EPIC 219388192b). CWW 89Ab is one of two known transiting BDs associated with a star cluster, which illustrates the need for more BDs with accurate masses, radii, and reliable age determinations to test theoretical models. We find that the newly discovered BD, EPIC 212036875b, falls in the middle of the so-called BD desert, indicating that EPIC 212036875b is either a particularly rare object, or the BD desert may not be so dry after all.