- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/154/134
- Title:
- Planetary-mass brown dwarfs in the Taurus SFR
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/154/134
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the initial results from a survey for planetary-mass brown dwarfs in the Taurus star-forming region. We have identified brown dwarf candidates in Taurus using proper motions and photometry from several ground- and space- based facilities. Through spectroscopy of some of the more promising candidates, we have found 18 new members of Taurus. They have spectral types ranging from mid-M to early-L, and they include the four faintest known members in extinction-corrected K_s_, which should have masses as low as ~4-5 M_Jup_ according to evolutionary models. Two of the coolest new members (M9.25, M9.5) have mid-IR excesses that indicate the presence of disks. Two fainter objects with types of M9-L2 and M9-L3 also have red mid-IR colors relative to photospheres at =<L0, but since the photospheric colors are poorly defined at >L0, it is unclear whether they have excesses from disks. We also have obtained spectra of candidate members of the IC 348 and NGC 1333 clusters in Perseus that were identified by Luhman et al. Eight candidates are found to be probable members, three of which are among the faintest and least-massive known members of the clusters (~5 M_Jup_).
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/654/A93
- Title:
- Polar dust obscuration in broad-line AGN
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/654/A93
- Date:
- 22 Feb 2022
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We study a sample of 1275 broad-line AGN in the XMM-XXL field, with optical to infrared photometric data. These AGN are seen along their polar direction and we expect a maximal impact of dust located around the poles when it is present. We use X-CIGALE, which introduces a dust component to account for obscuration along the polar directions, modeled as a foreground screen, and an extinction curve that is chosen as it steepens significantly at short wavelengths or is much grayer. By comparing the results of different fits, we are able to define subsamples of sources with positive statistical evidence in favor of or against polar obscuration (if present) and described using the gray or steep extinction curve. We find a similar fraction of sources with positive evidence for and against polar dust. Applying statistical corrections, we estimate that half of our sample could contain polar dust and among them, 60% exhibit a steep extinction curve and 40% a flat extinction curve; although these latter percentages are found to depend on the adopted extinction curves. The obscuration in the V-band is not found to correlate with the X-ray column density, while A_V_/N_H_ ratios span a large range of values and higher dust temperatures are found with the flat, rather than with the steep extinction curve. Ignoring this polar dust component in the fit of the spectral energy distribution of these composite systems leads to an overestimation of the stellar contribution. A single fit with a polar dust component described with an SMC extinction curve efficiently overcomes this issue but it fails at identifying all the AGN with polar dust obscuration.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/849/157
- Title:
- Polarimetry obs. toward IC5146 background stars
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/849/157
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present optical and near-infrared stellar polarization observations toward the dark filamentary clouds associated with IC5146. The data allow us to investigate the dust properties (this paper) and the magnetic field structure (Paper II). A total of 2022 background stars were detected in the Rc, i', H, and/or K bands to A_V_<~25mag. The ratio of the polarization percentage at different wavelengths provides an estimate of {lambda}_max_, the wavelength of the peak polarization, which is an indicator of the small-size cutoff of the grain size distribution. The grain size distribution seems to significantly change at A_V_~3mag, where both the average and dispersion of P_Rc_/P_H_ decrease. In addition, we found {lambda}_max_~0.6-0.9{mu}m for A_V_>2.5mag, which is larger than the ~0.55{mu}m in the general interstellar medium (ISM), suggesting that grain growth has already started in low-AV regions. Our data also reveal that polarization efficiency (PE=P_{lambda}_/A_V_) decreases with A_V_ as a power law in the Rc, i', and K bands with indices of -0.71+/-0.10, -1.23+/-0.10, and -0.53+/-0.09. However, H-band data show a power index change; the PE varies with A_V_ steeply (index of -0.95+/-0.30) when A_V_<2.88+/-0.67mag, but softly (index of -0.25+/-0.06) for greater AV values. The soft decay of PE in high-AV regions is consistent with the radiative alignment torque model, suggesting that our data trace the magnetic field to A_V_~20mag. Furthermore, the breakpoint found in the H band is similar to that for A_V_, where we found the P_Rc_/P_H_ dispersion significantly decreased. Therefore, the flat PE-A_V_ in high-A_V_ regions implies that the power-index changes result from additional grain growth.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/720/1045
- Title:
- Polarimetry toward sightlines through ChaI
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/720/1045
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have obtained optical multi-band polarimetry toward sightlines through the Chamaeleon I cloud, particularly in the vicinity of the young B9/A0 star HD 97300. We show, in agreement with earlier studies, that the radiation field impinging on the cloud in the projected vicinity of the star is dominated by the flux from the star, as evidenced by a local enhancement in the grain heating. By comparing the differential grain heating with the differential change in the location of the peak of the polarization curve, we show that the grain alignment is enhanced by the increase in the radiation field. We also find a weak, but measurable, variation in the grain alignment with the relative angle between the radiation field anisotropy and the magnetic field direction. Such an anisotropy in the grain alignment is consistent with a unique prediction of modern radiative alignment torque theory and provides direct support for radiatively driven grain alignment.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/741/21
- Title:
- Polarization of stars in Taurus
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/741/21
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present maps of the plane-of-sky magnetic field within two regions of the Taurus molecular cloud: one in the dense core L1495/B213 filament and the other in a diffuse region to the west. The field is measured from the polarization of background starlight seen through the cloud. In total, we measured 287 high-quality near-infrared polarization vectors in these regions. In L1495/B213, the percent polarization increases with column density up to A_V_~9mag, the limits of our data. The radiative torques model for grain alignment can explain this behavior, but models that invoke turbulence are inconsistent with the data. We also combine our data with published optical and near-infrared polarization measurements in Taurus. Using this large sample, we estimate the strength of the plane-of-sky component of the magnetic field in nine subregions. This estimation is done with two different techniques that use the observed dispersion in polarization angles. Our values range from 5 to 82uG and tend to be higher in denser regions. In all subregions, the critical index of the mass-to-magnetic flux ratio is sub-unity, implying that Taurus is magnetically supported on large scales (~2pc). Within the region observed, the B213 filament takes a sharp turn to the north and the direction of the magnetic field also takes a sharp turn, switching from being perpendicular to the filament to becoming parallel. This behavior can be understood if we are observing the rim of a bubble. We argue that it has resulted from a supernova remnant associated with a recently discovered nearby gamma-ray pulsar.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/875/64
- Title:
- Polarization & photom. of stars toward LDN1225
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/875/64
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present results based on the optical R-band observations of the polarization of 280 stars distributed toward the dark globule LDN1225. Parallaxes from Gaia data release 2 along with the polarization data of ~200 stars have been used to (a) constrain the distance of LDN 1225 as 830+/-83pc, (b) determine the contribution of interstellar polarization, and (c) characterize the dust properties and delineate the magnetic field (B-field) morphology of LDN 1225. We find that B-fields are more organized and exhibit a small dispersion of 12{deg}. Using the ^12^CO molecular line data from the Purple Mountain Observatory, along with the column density and dispersion in B-fields, we estimate the B-field strength to be ~56+/-10{mu}G, the ratio of magnetic to turbulent pressure to be ~3+/-2, and the ratio of mass to magnetic flux (in units of the critical value) to be <1. These results indicate the dominant role of B-fields in comparison to turbulence and gravity in rendering the cloud support. B-fields are aligned parallel to the low-density parts (traced by a ^12^CO map) of the cloud; in contrast, they are neither parallel nor perpendicular to the high-density core structures (traced by ^13^CO and C^18^O maps). LDN1225 hosts two 70{mu}m sources, which seem to be low-mass Class 0 sources. The ratio of total to selective extinction derived using optical and near-infrared photometric data is found to be anomalous (RV=3.4), suggesting the growth of dust grains in LDN 1225. The polarization efficiency of dust grains follows a power law with an index of -0.7, implying that optical polarimetry traces B-fields in the outer parts of the cloud.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/862/2
- Title:
- Post-starburst galaxy ages from SDSS
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/862/2
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Detailed modeling of the recent star formation histories (SFHs) of post-starburst (or "E+A") galaxies is impeded by the degeneracy between the time elapsed since the starburst ended (post-burst age), the fraction of stellar mass produced in the burst (burst strength), and the burst duration. To resolve this issue, we combine GALEX ultraviolet photometry, SDSS photometry and spectra, and new stellar population synthesis models to fit the SFHs of 532 post-starburst galaxies. In addition to an old stellar population and a recent starburst, 48% of the galaxies are best fit with a second recent burst. Lower stellar mass galaxies (logM*/M_{sun}_<10.5) are more likely to experience two recent bursts, and the fraction of their young stellar mass is more strongly anticorrelated with their total stellar mass. Applying our methodology to other, younger post-starburst samples, we identify likely progenitors to our sample and examine the evolutionary trends of molecular gas and dust content with post-burst age. We discover a significant (4{sigma}) decline, with a 117-230Myr characteristic depletion time, in the molecular gas to stellar mass fraction with the post-burst age. The implied rapid gas depletion rate of 2-150M_{sun}_/yr cannot be due to current star formation, given the upper limits on the current star formation rates in these post- starbursts. Nor are stellar winds or supernova feedback likely to explain this decline. Instead, the decline points to the expulsion or destruction of molecular gas in outflows, a possible smoking gun for active galactic nucleus feedback.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/800/120
- Title:
- Profiles of z<0.5 galaxies with Pan-STARRS1
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/800/120
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the results of an analysis of Pan-STARRS1 Medium Deep Survey multi-band (grizy) images of a sample of 698 low-redshift disk galaxies that span broad ranges in stellar mass, star-formation rate, and bulge/disk ratio. We use population synthesis spectral energy distribution fitting techniques to explore the radial distribution of the light, color, surface mass density, mass/light ratio, and age of the stellar populations. We characterize the structure and stellar content of the galaxy disks out to radii of about twice Petrosian r_90_, beyond which the halo light becomes significant. We measure normalized radial profiles for sub-samples of galaxies in three bins each of stellar mass and concentration. We also fit radial profiles to each galaxy. The majority of galaxies have down-bending radial surface brightness profiles in the bluer bands with a break radius at roughly r_90_. However, they typically show single unbroken exponentials in the reddest bands and in the stellar surface mass density. We find that the mass/light ratio and stellar age radial profiles have a characteristic "U" shape. There is a good correlation between the amplitude of the down-bend in the surface brightness profile and the rate of the increase in the M/L ratio in the outer disk. As we move from late- to early-type galaxies, the amplitude of the down-bend and the radial gradient in M/L both decrease. Our results imply a combination of stellar radial migration and suppression of recent star formation can account for the stellar populations of the outer disk.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/154/46
- Title:
- Proper motions and photometry for members of Cha I
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/154/46
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have performed a search for planetary-mass brown dwarfs in the Chamaeleon I star-forming region using proper motions and photometry measured from optical and infrared images from the Spitzer Space Telescope, the Hubble Space Telescope, and ground-based facilities. Through near-IR spectroscopy at Gemini Observatory, we have confirmed six of the candidates as new late-type members of Chamaeleon I ({>=}M8). One of these objects, ChaJ11110675-7636030, has the faintest extinction-corrected M_K_ among known members, which corresponds to a mass of 3-6M_Jup_ according to evolutionary models. That object and two other new members have redder mid-IR colors than young photospheres at {<=}M9.5, which may indicate the presence of disks. However, since those objects may be later than M9.5 and the mid-IR colors of young photospheres are ill-defined at those types, we cannot determine conclusively whether color excesses from disks are present. If ChaJ11110675-7636030 does have a disk, it would be a contender for the least-massive known brown dwarf with a disk. Since the new brown dwarfs that we have found extend below our completeness limit of 6-10M_Jup_, deeper observations are needed to measure the minimum mass of the initial mass function in Chamaeleon I.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/155/149
- Title:
- Properties of co-moving stars observed by Gaia
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/155/149
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have estimated fundamental parameters for a sample of co-moving stars observed by Gaia and identified by Oh et al (2017, J/AJ/153/257). We matched the Gaia observations to the 2MASS and Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer catalogs and fit MIST isochrones to the data, deriving estimates of the mass, radius, [Fe/H], age, distance, and extinction to 9754 stars in the original sample of 10606 stars. We verify these estimates by comparing our new results to previous analyses of nearby stars, examining fiducial cluster properties, and estimating the power-law slope of the local present-day mass function. A comparison to previous studies suggests that our mass estimates are robust, while metallicity and age estimates are increasingly uncertain. We use our calculated masses to examine the properties of binaries in the sample and show that separation of the pairs dominates the observed binding energies and expected lifetimes.