- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/328/83
- Title:
- Globular clusters luminosity function
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/328/83
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Data of figure 1 of the paper, namely the luminosity function of globular clusters in bolometric magnitude. The original HST magnitude is given, then the corresponding bolometric magnitude and the converted luminosity function. The vertical scale of the LF is arbitrary (it is the scale used on the figure). The conversion between the HST and bolometric magnitudes uses a spline fit of the theoretical models of Baraffe et al. (1997A&A...327.1054B), for the appropriate metallicities. The name of the cluster and of the observational paper main authors are given as a header, followed by the magnitudes description and the data.
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/622/A193
- Title:
- Gl686 RV curves and BVR photometry
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/622/A193
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The HArps-n red Dwarf Exoplanet Survey is providing a major contribution to the widening of the current statistics of low-mass planets, through the in-depth analysis of precise radial velocity measurements in a narrow range of spectral sub-types. Using the HARPS-N spectrograph we reach the precision needed to detect small planets with a few earth masses. Our survey is mainly focused on the M-dwarf population of the northern hemisphere. As part of that programme, we obtained radial velocity measurements of Gl686, an M1 dwarf at d=8.2pc. These measurements show a dispersion much in excess of their internal errors. The analysis of data obtained within an intensive observing campaign, demonstrates that the excess dispersion is due to a coherent signal, with a period of 15.53d. Almost simultaneous photometric observations were carried out within the APACHE and EXORAP programmes to characterize the stellar activity and to distinguish periodic variations related to activity from signals due to the presence of planetary companions, complemented also with ASAS photometric data. We used a Bayesian framework to estimate the orbital parameters and the planet minimum mass, and to properly treat the activity noise. We took advantage of the available radial velocity measurements for this target from other observing campaigns. The analysis of the radial velocity composite time series from the HIRES, HARPS and HARPS-N spectrographs, consisting of 198 measurements taken over 20 years, enabled us to address the nature of periodic signals and also to characterize stellar physical parameters (mass, temperature and rotation). We report the discovery of a super-Earth orbiting at a distance of 0.092AU from the host star Gl686. Gl686 b has a minimum mass of 7.1+/-0.9M_{Earth} and an orbital period of 15.532+/-0.002d. The analysis of the activity indexes, correlated noise through a Gaussian process framework and photometry, provides an estimate of the stellar rotation period at 37d, and highlights the variability of the spot configuration during the long timespan covering 20yrs. The observed periodicities around 2000d likely point to the existence of an activity cycle.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/598/A26
- Title:
- HADES RV Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. II.
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/598/A26
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The distribution of exoplanets around low-mass stars is still not well understood. Such stars, however, present an excellent opportunity for reaching down to the rocky and habitable planet domains. The number of current detections used for statistical purposes remains relatively modest and different surveys, using both photometry and precise radial velocities, are searching for planets around M dwarfs. Our HARPS-N red dwarf exoplanet survey is aimed at the detection of new planets around a sample of 78 selected stars, together with the subsequent characterization of their activity properties. Here we investigate the survey performance and strategy. From 2700 observed spectra, we compare the radial velocity determinations of the HARPS-N DRS pipeline and the HARPS-TERRA code, calculate the mean activity jitter level, evaluate the planet detection expectations, and address the general question of how to define the strategy of spectroscopic surveys in order to be most efficient in the detection of planets. We find that the HARPS-TERRA radial velocities show less scatter and we calculate a mean activity jitter of 2.3m/s for our sample. For a general radial velocity survey with limited observing time, the number of observations per star is key for the detection efficiency. In the case of an early M-type target sample, we conclude that approximately 50 observations per star with exposure times of 900s and precisions of approximately 1m/s maximizes the number of planet detections.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/626/A112
- Title:
- Halo oxygen-rich AGB stars catalog
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/626/A112
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- To construct a catalogue of oxygen-rich (M) asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars in the halo, complementing the catalogues of carbon-rich (C) stars, previous lists of Miras and SRa semi-regulars located in the northern hemisphere are merged and cleaned of various defects. After putting aside known C stars, characteristics such as colours and periods indicate that most of the remaining objects are M stars. Distances are obtained through the period-luminosity relation. By considering their position in the sky, stars lying at |Z|>5kpc are confirmed to be in majority in the Sgr tidal arms. The M stars are more numerous than C ones. Our distance scale is supported by two cool variables located in the Pal 4 globular cluster. Along the Sgr arms, there is reasonable agreement on distances of our objects with recent RR Lyrae distances. A few stars may be as distant as 150kpc, with possibly four at the trailing arm apocentre, and two in the A16 sub-structure, angularly close to two C stars. Ninety radial velocities are collected from Gaia and other sources. A catalogue with 417 M pulsating AGB stars is provided. This catalogue contains about 260 stars in the halo with |Z|>5kpc. Their Ks magnitudes range from 8 up to 13. For comparison, the catalogue also provides about 150 stars in the disc having 5<Ks<8.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/834/85
- Title:
- H{alpha} emission in nearby M dwarfs
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/834/85
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The high-energy emission from low-mass stars is mediated by the magnetic dynamo. Although the mechanisms by which fully convective stars generate large-scale magnetic fields are not well understood, it is clear that, as for solar-type stars, stellar rotation plays a pivotal role. We present 270 new optical spectra of low-mass stars in the Solar Neighborhood. Combining our observations with those from the literature, our sample comprises 2202 measurements or non-detections of H{alpha} emission in nearby M dwarfs. This includes 466 with photometric rotation periods. Stars with masses between 0.1 and 0.6M_{sun}_ are well-represented in our sample, with fast and slow rotators of all masses. We observe a threshold in the mass-period plane that separates active and inactive M dwarfs. The threshold coincides with the fast-period edge of the slowly rotating population, at approximately the rotation period at which an era of rapid rotational evolution appears to cease. The well-defined active/inactive boundary indicates that H{alpha} activity is a useful diagnostic for stellar rotation period, e.g., for target selection for exoplanet surveys, and we present a mass-period relation for inactive M dwarfs. We also find a significant, moderate correlation between L_H{alpha}_/L_bol_ and variability amplitude: more active stars display higher levels of photometric variability. Consistent with previous work, our data show that rapid rotators maintain a saturated value of L_H{alpha}_/L_bol_. Our data also show a clear power-law decay in L_H{alpha}_/L_bol_ with Rossby number for slow rotators, with an index of -1.7+/-0.1.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/764/3
- Title:
- H{alpha} indices in M low-mass stars
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/764/3
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Through the McDonald Observatory M Dwarf Planet Search, we have acquired nearly 3000 high-resolution spectra of 93 late-type (K5-M5) stars over more than a decade using the High Resolution Spectrograph on the Hobby-Eberly Telescope. This sample provides a unique opportunity to investigate the occurrence of long-term stellar activity cycles for low-mass stars. In this paper, we examine the stellar activity of our targets as reflected in the H{alpha} feature. We have identified periodic signals for six stars, with periods ranging from days to more than 10 years, and find long-term trends for seven others. Stellar cycles with P>=1 year are present for at least 5% of our targets. Additionally, we present an analysis of the time-averaged activity levels of our sample, and search for correlations with other stellar properties. In particular, we find that more massive, earlier type (M0-M2) stars tend to be more active than later type dwarfs. Furthermore, high-metallicity stars tend to be more active at a given stellar mass. We also evaluate H{alpha} variability as a tracer of activity-induced radial velocity (RV) variation. For the M dwarf GJ 1170, H{alpha} variation reveals stellar activity patterns matching those seen in the RVs, mimicking the signal of a giant planet, and we find evidence that the previously identified stellar activity cycle of GJ 581 may be responsible for the recently retracted planet f in that system. In general, though, we find that H{alpha} is not frequently correlated with RV at the precision (typically 6-7m/s) of our measurements.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/878/134
- Title:
- HARPS and X-shooter spectra of Southern M dwarfs
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/878/134
- Date:
- 25 Oct 2021 00:49:19
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the homogeneous analysis of a sample of Southern early-type M dwarfs in the solar neighborhood (d<60pc). We used the MCAL technique to derive the effective temperature Teff, metallicity [Fe/H], and activity index i_a_(H_alpha_) of 420 M stars using HARPS spectra. The effective temperature Teff, surface gravity logg, metallicity [Fe/H], and projected rotational velocity V_rot_sini of 153 M0-M6 dwarfs were determined by fitting the observed intermediate-resolution spectra from the VIS arm of VLT/X-shooter with a grid of BT-Settl stellar atmosphere models. We estimated the typical uncertainties of the fit with X-shooter spectra by varying region-to-region results by {sigma}T_eff_~50K, {sigma}logg~0.2, and {sigma}[Fe/H]~0.2dex. Photometric verification of Teff for the 295 stars from the HARPS sample and the 61 stars from the X-shooter sample is also provided. We compared our results from different methods to estimate absolute uncertainty in determining the physical properties of M dwarfs.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/600/A13
- Title:
- HARPS M dwarf sample magnetic activity
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/600/A13
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Atmospheric magnetic fields in stars with convective envelopes heat stellar chromospheres, and thus increase the observed flux in the CaII H and K doublet. Starting with the historical Mount Wilson monitoring program, these two spectral lines have been widely used to trace stellar magnetic activity, and as a proxy for rotation period (Prot) and consequently for stellar age. Monitoring stellar activity has also become essential in filtering out false-positives due to magnetic activity in extra-solar planet surveys. The CaII emission is traditionally quantified through the R'_HK_-index, which compares the chromospheric flux in the doublet to the overall bolometric flux of the star. Much work has been done to characterize this index for FGK-dwarfs, but M dwarfs - the most numerous stars of the Galaxy - were left out of these analyses and no calibration of their CaII H and K emission to an R'_HK_ exists to date. We set out to characterize the magnetic activity of the low- and very-low-mass stars by providing a calibration of the R'_HK_-index that extends to the realm of M dwarfs, and by evaluating the relationship between R'_HK_ and the rotation period.. We calibrated the bolometric and photospheric factors for M dwarfs to properly transform the S-index (which compares the flux in the CaII H and K lines to a close spectral continuum) into the R'_HK_. We monitored magnetic activity through the CaII H and K emission lines in the HARPS M dwarf sample.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/162/174
- Title:
- HARPS radial velocity follow up of GJ 1214
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/162/174
- Date:
- 21 Mar 2022 00:16:00
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present an intensive effort to refine the mass and orbit of the enveloped terrestrial planet GJ1214b using 165 radial velocity (RV) measurements taken with the HARPS spectrograph over a period of 10years. We conduct a joint analysis of the RVs with archival Spitzer/IRAC transits and measure a planetary mass and radius of 8.17{+/-}0.43M{Earth} and 2.742-_0.053_^+0.050^R{Earth}. Assuming that GJ1214b is an Earth-like core surrounded by a H/He envelope, we measure an envelope mass fraction of X_env_=5.24_-0.29_^+0.30^%. GJ1214b remains a prime target for secondary eclipse observations of an enveloped terrestrial, the scheduling of which benefits from our constraint on the orbital eccentricity of <0.063 at 95% confidence, which narrows the secondary eclipse window to 2.8hr. By combining GJ1214 with other mid-M-dwarf transiting systems with intensive RV follow up, we calculate the frequency of mid-M-dwarf planetary systems with multiple small planets and find that 90_-21_^+5^% of mid-M dwarfs with a known planet with mass [1,10]M{Earth} and orbital period [0.5,50]days, will host at least one additional planet. We rule out additional planets around GJ1214 down to 3M{Earth} within 10days, such that GJ1214 is a single-planet system within these limits. This result has a 44_-5_^+9^ probability given the prevalence of multiplanet systems around mid-M dwarfs. We also investigate mid-M-dwarf RV systems and show that the probability that all reported RV planet candidates are real planets is <12% at 99% confidence, although this statistical argument is unable to identify the probable false positives.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/162/79
- Title:
- HARPS radial velocity follow up of TOI-1634
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/162/79
- Date:
- 11 Mar 2022
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Studies of close-in planets orbiting M dwarfs have suggested that the M-dwarf radius valley may be well explained by distinct formation timescales between enveloped terrestrials and rocky planets that form at late times in a gas-depleted environment. This scenario is at odds with the picture that close-in rocky planets form with a primordial gaseous envelope that is subsequently stripped away by some thermally driven mass-loss process. These two physical scenarios make unique predictions of the rocky/enveloped transition's dependence on orbital separation such that studying the compositions of planets within the M-dwarf radius valley may be able to establish the dominant physics. Here, we present the discovery of one such keystone planet: the ultra-short-period planet TOI-1634b (P=0.989days, F=121F{Earth}, r_p_=1.790_-0.081_^+0.080^R{Earth}) orbiting a nearby M2 dwarf (K_s_=8.7, R_s_=0.450R{sun}, M_s_=0.502M{sun}) and whose size and orbital period sit within the M-dwarf radius valley. We confirm the TESS-discovered planet candidate using extensive ground-based follow-up campaigns, including a set of 32 precise radial velocity measurements from HARPS-N. We measure a planetary mass of 4.91_-0.70_^+0.68^M{Earth}, which makes TOI-1634b inconsistent with an Earth-like composition at 5.9{sigma} and thus requires either an extended gaseous envelope, a large volatile-rich layer, or a rocky composition that is not dominated by iron and silicates to explain its mass and radius. The discovery that the bulk composition of TOI-1634b is inconsistent with that of Earth supports the gas-depleted formation mechanism to explain the emergence of the radius valley around M dwarfs with M_s_<~0.5M{sun}.