- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/PASJ/70/S10
- Title:
- GOLDRUSH I. UV magnitudes
- Short Name:
- J/PASJ/70/S10
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We study the UV luminosity functions (LFs) at z~4, 5, 6, and 7 based on the deep large-area optical images taken by the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) Subaru Strategic Program (SSP). On the 100 deg^2^ sky of the HSC SSP data available to date, we take enormous samples consisting of a total of 579565 dropout candidates at z~4-7 by the standard color selection technique, 358 out of which are spectroscopically confirmed by our follow-up spectroscopy and other studies. We obtain UV LFs at z~4-7 that span a very wide UV luminosity range of ~0.002-100L^*^_UV_(-26<M_UV_<-14mag) by combining LFs from our program and the ultra-deep Hubble Space Telescope legacy surveys. We derive three parameters of the best-fit Schechter function, {Phi}^*^, M_UV_, and {alpha}, of the UV LFs in the magnitude range where the active galactic nucleus (AGN) contribution is negligible, and find that and {Phi}^*^ decrease from z~4 to 7 with no significant evolution of M_UV_. Because our HSC SSP data bridge the LFs of galaxies and AGNs with great statistical accuracy, we carefully investigate the bright end of the galaxy UV LFs that are estimated by the subtraction of the AGN contribution either aided by spectroscopy or the best-fit AGN UV LFs. We find that the bright end of the galaxy UV LFs cannot be explained by the Schechter function fits at >2{sigma} significance, and require either double power-law functions or modified Schechter functions that consider a magnification bias due to gravitational lensing.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/650/148
- Title:
- GOODS blue early-type galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/650/148
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a study of the nature of the blue early-type galaxies (BEGs) in the GOODS North and South fields using the GOODS archival HST ACS data. Using visual inspection, we have selected 58 BEGs and 113 normal red early-type galaxies (REGs) in the sample of 1949 galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts. We find that the BEGs are generally bluer, fainter, and less massive than the REGs, although a few BEGs are exceptionally bright and massive. The number fraction of BEGs to total early-type galaxies is almost constant (~0.3) at z<=1.1. In addition, we find that the sizes of the BEGs in a given redshift bin decrease as redshift decreases. The BEGs look similar to the REGs in the images and surface brightness profiles.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/533/A119
- Title:
- GOODS-Herschel North and South catalogs
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/533/A119
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the deepest 100 to 500{mu}m far-infrared observations obtained with the Herschel Space Observatory as part of the GOODS-Herschel key program, and examine the infrared (IR) 3-500{mu}m spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of galaxies at 0<z<2.5, supplemented by a local reference sample from IRAS, ISO, Spitzer, and AKARI data. We determine the projected star formation densities of local galaxies from their radio and mid-IR continuum sizes.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/697/1369
- Title:
- GOODS Ks-selected multiwavelength compilations
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/697/1369
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Ks-selected multiwavelength compilations in GOODS.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/666/863
- Title:
- GOODS MIPS early-type galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/666/863
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We measure the obscured star formation in z~1 early-type galaxies. This constrains the influence of star formation on their optical/near-IR colors, which, we found, are redder than predicted by the model by Bruzual & Charlot (2003MNRAS.344.1000B). From deep ACS imaging we construct a sample of 95 morphologically selected early-type galaxies in the HDF-N and CDF-S with spectroscopic redshifts in the range 0.85<z<1.15. We measure their 24um fluxes from the deep GOODS MIPS imaging and derive the IR luminosities and star formation rates (SFRs).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/VII/246
- Title:
- GOODS Morphological Catalog
- Short Name:
- VII/246
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present below the morphological catalogs of galaxies in the GOODS North and South fields, as determined visually by R. S. Ellis with a magnitude limit from HST/ACS imaging of z<22.5 (AB).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/504/751
- Title:
- GOODS-MUSIC catalog updated version
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/504/751
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The goal of this work is to infer the star formation properties and the mass assembly process of high redshift (0.3<=z<2.5) galaxies from their IR emission using the 24 micron band of MIPS-Spitzer. We used an updated version of the GOODS-MUSIC catalog, which has multiwavelength coverage from 0.3 to 24 micron and either spectroscopic or accurate photometric redshifts. We describe how the catalog has been extended by the addition of mid-IR fluxes derived from the MIPS 24 micron image. We compared two different estimators of the star formation rate (SFR hereafter). One is the total infrared emission derived from 24 micron, estimated using both synthetic and empirical IR templates. The other one is a multiwavelength fit to the full galaxy SED, which automatically accounts for dust reddening and age-star formation activity degeneracies. For both estimates, we computed the SFR density and the specific SFR. We show that the two SFR indicators are roughly consistent, once the uncertainties involved are taken into account. However, they show a systematic trend, IR-based estimates exceeding the fit-based ones as the star formation rate increases. With this new catalog, we show that: a) at z>0.3, the star formation rate is correlated well with stellar mass, and this relationship seems to steepen with redshift if one relies on IR-based estimates of the SFR; b) the contribution to the global SFRD by massive galaxies increases with redshift up to ~2.5, more rapidly than for galaxies of lower mass, but appears to flatten at higher z; c) despite this increase, the most important contributors to the SFRD at any z are galaxies of about, or immediately lower than, the characteristic stellar mass; d) at z~2, massive galaxies are actively star-forming, with a median SFR ~ 300M_{sun}_/yr. During this epoch, our targeted galaxies assemble a substantial part of their final stellar mass; e) the specific SFR (SSFR) shows a clear bimodal distribution. The analysis of the SFR density and the SSFR seems to support the downsizing scenario, according to which high mass galaxies have formed their stars earlier and more rapidly than their low mass counterparts. A comparison with renditions of theoretical simulations of galaxy formation and evolution indicates that these models follow the global increase in the SSFR with redshift and predict the existence of quiescent galaxies even at z>1.5. However, the average SSFR is systematically underpredicted by all models considered.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/449/951
- Title:
- GOODS-MUSIC sample: multicolour catalog
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/449/951
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a high quality multiwavelength (from 0.3 to 8.0 micron) catalog of the large and deep area in the GOODS Southern Field covered by the deep near-IR observations obtained with the ESO VLT. The catalog is entirely based on public data: in our analysis, we have included the F435W, F606W, F775W and F850LP ACS images, the JHKs VLT data, the Spitzer data provided by IRAC instrument (3.6, 4.5, 5.8 and 8.0 micron), and publicly available U-band data from the 2.2ESO and VLT-VIMOS. We describe in detail the procedures adopted to obtain this multiwavelength catalog. In particular, we developed a specific software for the accurate "PSF-matching" of space and ground-based images of different resolution and depth (ConvPhot), of which we analyse performances and limitations. We have included both z-selected, as well as Ks-selected objects, yielding a unique, self-consistent catalog. The largest fraction of the sample is 90% complete at z~26 or Ks~23.8 (AB scale). Finally, we cross-correlated our data with all the spectroscopic catalogs available to date, assigning a spectroscopic redshift to more than 1000 sources. The final catalog is made up of 14847 objects, at least 72 of which are known stars, 68 are AGNs, and 928 galaxies with spectroscopic redshift (668 galaxies with reliable redshift determination). We applied our photometric redshift code to this data set, and the comparison with the spectroscopic sample shows that the quality of the resulting photometric redshifts is excellent, with an average scatter of only 0.06. The full catalog, which we named GOODS-MUSIC (MUltiwavelength Southern Infrared Catalog), including the spectroscopic information, is made publicly available, together with the software specifically designed to this end.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/689/687
- Title:
- GOODS-N spectroscopic survey
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/689/687
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a table of redshifts for 2907 galaxies and stars in the 145arcmin^2^ HST ACS GOODS-North, making this the most spectroscopically complete redshift sample obtained to date in a field of this size. We also include the redshifts, where available, in a table containing just under 7000 galaxies from the ACS area with K_s,AB_<24.5 measured from a deep K_s_ image obtained with WIRCam on the CFHT, as well as in a table containing 1016 sources with NUV_AB_<25 and 478 sources with FUV_AB_<25.5 (there is considerable overlap) measured from the deep GALEX images in the ACS area. Finally, we include the redshifts, where available, in a table containing the 1199 24um sources to 80uJy measured from the wider area Spitzer GOODS-North. The redshift identifications are greater than 90% complete to magnitudes of F435W_AB_=24.5, F850LP_AB_=23.3, and K_s,AB_=21.5, and to 24um fluxes of 250uJy. An extensive analysis of these data appear in a companion paper, but here we test the efficiency of color-selection techniques to identify populations of high-redshift galaxies and active galactic nuclei. We also examine the feasibility of doing tomography of the intergalactic medium with a 30m telescope.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/207/24
- Title:
- GOODS-S CANDELS multiwavelength catalog
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/207/24
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a UV to mid-infrared multi-wavelength catalog in the CANDELS/GOODS-S field, combining the newly obtained CANDELS HST/WFC3 F105W, F125W, and F160W data with existing public data. The catalog is based on source detection in the WFC3 F160W band. The F160W mosaic includes the data from CANDELS deep and wide observations as well as previous ERS and HUDF09 programs. The mosaic reaches a 5{sigma} limiting depth (within an aperture of radius 0.17") of 27.4, 28.2, and 29.7 AB for CANDELS wide, deep, and HUDF regions, respectively. The catalog contains 34930 sources with the representative 50% completeness reaching 25.9, 26.6, and 28.1 AB in the F160W band for the three regions. In addition to WFC3 bands, the catalog also includes data from UV (U band from both CTIO/MOSAIC and VLT/VIMOS), optical (HST/ACS F435W, F606W, F775W, F814W, and F850LP), and infrared (HST/WFC3 F098M, VLT/ISAAC Ks, VLT/HAWK-I Ks, and Spitzer/IRAC 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, 8.0{mu}m) observations. The catalog is validated via stellar colors, comparison with other published catalogs, zero-point offsets determined from the best-fit templates of the spectral energy distribution of spectroscopically observed objects, and the accuracy of photometric redshifts. The catalog is able to detect unreddened star-forming (passive) galaxies with stellar mass of 10^10^M_{sun}_ at a 50% completeness level to z~3.4 (2.8), 4.6 (3.2), and 7.0 (4.2) in the three regions. As an example of application, the catalog is used to select both star-forming and passive galaxies at z~2-4 via the Balmer break. It is also used to study the color-magnitude diagram of galaxies at 0<z<4.