- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/158/189
- Title:
- HD 126516 radial velocity & photometric observations
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/158/189
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- From numerous radial velocities as well as Johnson B and V differential photoelectric photometry, we have determined the orbital elements and other properties of the single-lined triple system HD 126516. This system consists of a narrow-lined F5 V star and an unseen M dwarf companion in a 2.1241 day circular orbit. The small, low-mass secondary produces detectable eclipses of the primary, and that pair has been given the variable star name V349 Vir. Variations of the center-of-mass velocity of this short-period system have an orbital period of 702.7 days or 1.92 yr and an eccentricity of 0.36. The third star is likely a K or M dwarf. From an analysis of our photometry, we conclude that the primary of HD 126516 is not a {gamma} Dor variable. Comparison with evolutionary tracks indicates that the primary is slightly metal-poor and has an age of 2.5 Gyr. The projected rotational velocity of the primary is very low, just 4 km/s, which is 10 times less than its synchronous rotational velocity. Thus, either that component's rotation is extremely non-synchronous or the inclinations of the rotational and orbital axes are very different, and so the primary has a very large spin-orbit misalignment. Because of the moderate age of the system and the fact that its orbit is already circularized, neither situation is expected theoretically.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/636/L6
- Title:
- HD 158259 SOPHIE radial velocities
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/636/L6
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Since 2011, the SOPHIE spectrograph has been used to search for Neptunes and super-Earths in the northern hemisphere. As part of this observational program, 290 radial velocity measurements of the 6.4 V magnitude star HD 158259 were obtained. Additionally, TESS photometric measurements of this target are available. We present an analysis of the SOPHIE data and compare our results with the output of the TESS pipeline. The radial velocity data, ancillary spectroscopic indices, and ground-based photometric measurements were analyzed with classical and l_1_ periodograms. The stellar activity was modeled as a correlated Gaussian noise and its impact on the planet detection was measured with a new technique. The SOPHIE data support the detection of five planets, each with msini~=6M_{Earth}_, orbiting HD 158259 in 3.4, 5.2, 7.9, 12, and 17.4 days. Though a planetary origin is strongly favored, the 17.4 d signal is classified as a planet candidate due to a slightly lower statistical significance and to its proximity to the expected stellar rotation period. The data also present low frequency variations, most likely originating from a magnetic cycle and instrument systematics. Furthermore, the TESS pipeline reports a significant signal at 2.17 days corresponding to a planet of radius ~=1.2R_{Earth}_. A compatible signal is seen in the radial velocities, which confirms the detection of an additional planet and yields a ~=2M_{Earth}_ mass estimate. We find a system of five planets and a strong candidate near a 3:2 mean motion resonance chain orbiting HD 158259. The planets are found to be outside of the two and three body resonances.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/136/1557
- Title:
- HD 46703 spectroscopy and photometry
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/136/1557
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The metal-poor post-asymptotic giant branch (AGB) star HD 46703 is shown to be a single-line spectroscopic binary with a period of 600-days, a high velocity of -94km/s, and an orbital eccentricity of 0.3. Light-curve studies show that it also pulsates with a period of 29-days. High-resolution, high signal-to-noise spectra were used for a new abundance study.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/657/A68
- Title:
- HD 137496 system discovery
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/657/A68
- Date:
- 22 Feb 2022
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Most of the currently known planets are small worlds with radii between that of the Earth and Neptune. The characterization of planets in this regime shows a large diversity in compositions and system architectures, with distributions hinting at a multitude of formation and evolution scenarios. However, many planetary populations, such as high-density planets, are significantly under-sampled limiting our understanding on planet formation and evolution. NCORES is a large observing program conducted on the HARPS high-resolution spectrograph which aims to confirm the planetary status and to measure the masses of small transiting planetary candidates detected by transit photometry surveys in order to constrain their internal composition.Methods.Using photometry from the K2 satellite and radial velocities measured with the HARPS and CORALIE spectrographs, we search for planets around the bright (Vmag=10) and slightly evolved Sun-like star HD 137496. We precisely estimate the stellar parameters, M*=1.035+/-0.022M_{sun}_, R*= 1.587+/-0.028R_{sun}_, Teff=5799+/-61K,together with the chemical composition (e.g. [Fe/H]=-0.027+/-0.040dex) of the slightly evolved star. We detect two planets orbiting HD 137496. The inner planet, HD 137496 b, is a super-Mercury (an Earth-sized planet with the density of Mercury) with a mass of Mb=4.04+/-0.55M_{sun}_), a radius of Rb=1.31^+0.06^_-0.05_R_{sun}_ and a density of {rho}b=10.49^+2.08^_-1.82_g/cm^3^. From interior modeling analysis we find that the planet is composed mainly of iron, with the core representing over 70% of the planet's mass (Mcore/Mtotal=0.73^+0.11^_-0.12_). The outer planet, HD 137496 c, is an eccentric (e=0.477+/-0.004), long period (P=479.9^+1.0^_-1.1_days) giant planet (Mc*sinic=7.66+/-0.11M_{Jup}_) for which we do not detect a transit. HD 137496 b is one of the few super-Mercuries detected to date. The accurate characterization reported here enhances its role as a key target to better understand the formation and evolution of planetary systems. The detection of an eccentric long period giant companion also reinforces the link between the presence of small transiting inner planets and long period gas giants.
2505. HD 2685 TESS photometry
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/625/A16
- Title:
- HD 2685 TESS photometry
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/625/A16
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report on the confirmation of a transiting giant planet around the relatively hot (Teff=6801+/-56K) star HD 2685, whose transit signal was detected in Sector 1 data of NASA's TESS mission. We confirmed the planetary nature of the transit signal using Doppler velocimetric measurements with CHIRON, CORALIE, and FEROS, as well as using photometric data obtained with the Chilean-Hungarian Automated Telescope and the Las Cumbres Observatory. From the joint analysis of photometry and radial velocities, we derived the following parameters for HD 2685b: P=4.12688^+0.00005^_-0.00004_-days, e=0.091^+0.039^_-0.047_, M_P_=1.17+/-0.12M_J_, and R_P_=1.44+/-0.05R_J_. This system is a typical example of an inflated transiting hot Jupiter in a low-eccentricity orbit. Based on the apparent visual magnitude (V=9.6mag) of the host star, this is one of the brightest known stars hosting a transiting hot Jupiter, and it is a good example of the upcoming systems that will be detected by TESS during the two-year primary mission. This is also an excellent target for future ground- and space-based atmospheric characterization as well as a good candidate for measuring the projected spin-orbit misalignment angle through the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/503/601
- Title:
- HD 17156 transit photometry & radial velocities
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/503/601
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- To improve the parameters of the HD17156 system (peculiar due to the eccentric and long orbital period of its transiting planet) and constrain the presence of stellar companions. Photometric data were acquired for 4 transits, and high precision radial velocity measurements were simultaneously acquired with SARG at TNG for one transit. The template spectra of HD 17156 was used to derive effective temperature, gravity, and metallicity. A fit of the photometric and spectroscopic data was performed to measure the stellar and planetary radii, and the spin-orbit alignment. Planet orbital elements and ephemeris were derived from the fit. Near infrared adaptive optic images was acquired with ADOPT at TNG. We have found that the star has a radius of R_S_=1.44+/-0.03R_{sun}_ and the planet R_P_=1.02+/-0.08R_{jup}_ The transit ephemeris is T_c_=2454756.73134+/-0.00020+N*21.21663+/-0.00045 BJD. The analysis of the Rossiter-Mclaughlin effect shows that the system is spin orbit aligned with an angle Beta=4.8+/-5.3deg The analysis of high resolution images has not revealed any stellar companion with projected separation between 150 and 1000 AU from HD17156. Here we present the photometric data of the transits of HD 17156b.
2507. HD 80606 transits
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/419/2233
- Title:
- HD 80606 transits
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/419/2233
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report observations of HD 80606 using the 10.4-m Gran Telescopio Canarias and the Optical System for Imaging and low Resolution Integrated Spectroscopy (OSIRIS) tunable filter imager. We acquired very high precision, narrow-band photometry in four bandpasses around the KI absorption feature during the 2010 January transit of HD 80606b and during out-of-transit observations conducted in 2010 January and April. We obtained differential photometric precisions of ~2.08x10^-4^ for the in-transit flux ratio measured at 769.91nm, which probes the KI line core.
2508. HD 185510 UBV photometry
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/333/205
- Title:
- HD 185510 UBV photometry
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/333/205
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- UBV photometry and moderate resolution H{alpha} spectrophotometry of the evolved binary system HD 185510 (sdB + K0 III), performed at Catania Astrophysical Observatory, is presented and discussed. The spectrophotometric data were collected in 1991, 1993, and 1994, while the photometric light curves were obtained in 1993, 1994 and 1995. From the B and V photometry we determine a new photometric rotational period of 26.23d, confirming the asynchronous rotation of the cool giant component. The spectroscopic data confirm the vsin i value of 15km/s measured by Fekel et al. (1993AJ....106.2370F) and clearly reveal a filled-in H{alpha} line with appreciable variations. The excess emission of the line, observed at any orbital phase, is found to be anticorrelated with the V light curve and is primarily ascribed to the chromospheric activity on the cool star. The primary total eclipse is clearly visible in the U band, but undetectable in the V band. From the U observations we determined a total duration of the primary eclipse (from 1^st^ to 4^rd^ contact) of 1.3883d, with the ingress lasting only 27 minutes. This new accurate monitoring and timing of the eclipse allowed us to improve the system solution which leads to R_C_=8.8R_{sun}_, T_C_=4800K, R_H_=0.11R_{sun}_, T_H_=30000K for the cool and hot star respectively. The evolution of HD 185510B is discussed also in relation to the evolutionary status of HD 185510A and the synchronization time scale. HD 185510B is probably a sdB near the zero age extended horizontal branch, resulting from an enhanced mass loss in late case B or case A mass exchange with a possible common envelope phase. A small amount (15-20%) of mass loss from the system which can account for the strong IR excess is suggested.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/426/247
- Title:
- HD 173977 uby photometry and HRV
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/426/247
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present spectroscopic and photometric observations of the star HD 173977. It appears that the star is part of a double line binary system, with a period of 1.801d, corresponding to twice the period of the photometric variations. Hence the star is an ellipsoidal variable. The system is probably synchronized. The physical parameters of both components were derived through two independent methods, one based on evolutionary tracks, the other being the result of the behaviour of light curves in a close binary system. After removing the ellipsoidal variations, 3 frequencies are detected in the photometric data: 8.56, 14.51 and 16.42d^-1^, while 2 additional frequencies are also possible: 10.96 and 12.11d^-1^. In accordance with its position in the HR diagram, the primary component of HD 173977 should be considered as a delta Scuti star and no longer as a gamma Doradus star. In addition, HD 173844, used as a check star, is discovered variable with a 15.79d^-1^ frequency and is classified as a delta Scuti star.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/586/A85
- Title:
- HD 18078 uvby light curves
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/586/A85
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The existence of a significant population of Ap stars with very long rotation periods (up to several hundred years) has progressively emerged over the past two decades. However, only lower limits of the periods are known for most of them because their variations have not yet been observed over a sufficient timebase. We determine the rotation period of the slowly rotating Ap star HD 18078 and we derive constraints on the geometrical structure of its magnetic field. We combine measurements of the mean magnetic field modulus obtained from 1990 to 1997 with determinations of the mean longitudinal magnetic field spanning the 1999-2007 time interval to derive an unambiguous value of the rotation period. We show that this value is consistent with photometric variations recorded in the Stromgren uvby photometric system between 1995 and 2004. We fit the variations of the two above-mentioned field moments with a simple model to constrain the magnetic structure.