- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/611/A28
- Title:
- ATLAS3D H{alpha} imaging of early-type galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/611/A28
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The traditional knowledge of the mechanisms that caused the formation and evolution of early-type galaxies (ETG) in a hierarchical universe was challenged by the unexpected finding by ATLAS^3D^ that 86% of the ETGs show signs of a fast-rotating disk at their interior. This implies a common origin of most spiral galaxies, followed by a quenching phase, while only a minority of the most massive systems are slow rotators and were likely to be the products of merger events. Our aim is to improve our knowledge on the content and distribution of ionized hydrogen and their usage to form stars in a representative sample of ETGs for which the kinematics and detailed morphological classification were known from ATLAS^3D^. Methods. Using narrow-band filters centered on the redshifted H{alpha} line along with a broad-band (r-Gunn) filter to recover the stellar continuum, we observed or collected existing imaging observations for 147 ETGs (including members of the Virgo cluster) that are representative of the whole ATLAS3D survey. Fifty-five ETGs (37%) were detected in the H{alpha} line above our detection threshold, (EW(H{alpha})<=-1{AA}), and 21 harbor a strong source (EW(H{alpha})<=-5{AA}). The strong H{alpha} emitters appear associated with mostly low-mass (M*~10^10^M_{sun}_) S0 galaxies that contain conspicuous stellar and gaseous discs. These harbor significant star formation at their interior, including their nuclei. The weak H{alpha} emitters are almost one order of magnitude more massive, contain gas-poor discs and harbor an AGN at their centers. Their emissivity is dominated by [NII] and does not imply star formation. The 92 undetected ETGs constitute the majority in our sample and are gas-free systems that lack a disc and exhibit passive spectra even in their nuclei. These pieces of evidence reinforce the conclusion made previously that the evolution of ETGs followed the secular channel for the less massive systems and the dry merging channel for the most massive galaxies at the center of clusters of galaxies.
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Search Results
352. ATLAS3D project. I.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/413/813
- Title:
- ATLAS3D project. I.
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/413/813
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The ATLAS^3D^ project is a multiwavelength survey combined with a theoretical modelling effort. The observations span from the radio to the millimetre and optical, and provide multicolour imaging, two-dimensional kinematics of the atomic (HI), molecular (CO) and ionized gas (H{beta}, [OIII] and [NI]), together with the kinematics and population of the stars (H{beta}, Fe5015 and Mgb), for a carefully selected, volume-limited (1.16x10^5^Mpc^3^) sample of 260 early-type (elliptical E and lenticular S0) galaxies (ETGs). The models include semi-analytic, N-body binary mergers and cosmological simulations of galaxy formation. Here we present the science goals for the project and introduce the galaxy sample and the selection criteria. The sample consists of nearby (D<42Mpc, |DE-29{deg}|<35{deg}, |b|>15{deg}) morphologically selected ETGs extracted from a parent sample of 871 galaxies (8 per cent E, 22 per cent S0 and 70 per cent spirals) brighter than M_K_<-21.5mag (stellar mass M_*_>~6x10^9^M_{sun}_).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/VII/266
- Title:
- Atlas of Virgo galaxies
- Short Name:
- VII/266
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This database contains surface brightness profiles in the optical g, r, i, z bands and near-IR H-band for 286 Virgo cluster galaxies. This morphologically-complete sample spans a huge range in galaxy size, luminosity, surface brightness and stellar populations. These data have been used to study the luminosity and surface brightness distribution of Virgo cluster galaxies, in McDonald et al. (2009MNRAS.394.2022M). We find compelling evidence for bimodal populations in surface brightness, with both early- and late-type galaxies having a dearth of intermediate surface brightness galaxies. Most convincing is our confirmation of the result by Tully and Verheijen that the surface brightness of galaxy disks are strongly bimodal (1997ApJ...484..145T) The near-IR H-band data have been obtained from a variety of telescopes. We downloaded archival images for 31/286 and 84/286 bright galaxies from the 2MASS and GOLDMine online databases, respectively. The remaining 171 galaxies have new observations from the UH 2.2-m (130/286), CFHT (20/286) and UKIRT (21/286) telescopes. These data were all reduced in a homogeneous way, as outlined in our data paper. The optical g, r, i, z data were all obtained from the SDSS archives. Surface brightness profiles were extracted homogeneously from the optical and near-IR data following similar procedures, as outlined in our paper (2011MNRAS.414.2055M) The parametric and non-parametric parameters from bulge-disk decompositions of 285 optical griz and near-IR H-band surface brightness (SB) profiles are given in the bdd_* files in this directory. The profiles are stored in the "prof_g", "prof_r", "prof_i", "prof_z" and "prof_h" subdirectories, one for each color.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/135/1276
- Title:
- ATLAS radio observations of ELAIS-S1
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/135/1276
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have conducted sensitive (1{sigma}<30uJy) 1.4GHz radio observations with the Australia Telescope Compact Array of a field largely coincident with infrared observations of the Spitzer Wide-Area Extragalactic Survey (SWIRE, 2003PASP..115..897L). The field is centered on the European Large Area ISO Survey S1 region and has a total area of 3.9{deg}. We describe the observations and calibration, source extraction, and cross-matching to infrared sources. Two catalogs are presented: one of the radio components found in the image and another of radio sources with counterparts in the infrared and extracted from the literature. 1366 radio components were grouped into 1276 sources, 1183 of which were matched to infrared sources. We discover 31 radio sources with no infrared counterpart at all, adding to the class of Infrared-Faint Radio Sources.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/805/57
- Title:
- Atmosphere parameters model-derived for PMS & BDs
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/805/57
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We test state-of-the-art model atmospheres for young very-low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in the infrared, by comparing the predicted synthetic photometry over 1.2-24{mu}m to the observed photometry of M-type spectral templates in star-forming regions. We find that (1) in both early and late young M types, the model atmospheres imply effective temperatures (Teff) several hundred Kelvin lower than predicted by the standard pre-main sequence (PMS) spectral type-Teff conversion scale (based on theoretical evolutionary models). It is only in the mid-M types that the two temperature estimates agree. (2) The Teff discrepancy in the early M types (corresponding to stellar masses >~0.4M_{sun}_ at ages of a few Myr) probably arises from remaining uncertainties in the treatment of atmospheric convection within the atmospheric models, whereas in the late M types it is likely due to an underestimation of dust opacity. (3) The empirical and model-atmosphere J-band bolometric corrections are both roughly flat, and similar to each other, over the M-type Teff range. Thus the model atmospheres yield reasonably accurate bolometric luminosities (Lbol), but lead to underestimations of mass and age relative to evolutionary expectations (especially in the late M types) due to lower Teff. We demonstrate this for a large sample of young Cha I and Taurus sources. (4) The trends in the atmospheric model J-K_s_ colors, and their deviations from the data, are similar at PMS and main sequence ages, suggesting that the model dust opacity errors we postulate here for young ages also apply at field ages.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/804/146
- Title:
- Atmospheric parameters for nearby B-F stars
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/804/146
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Age determination is undertaken for nearby early type (BAF) stars, which constitute attractive targets for high-contrast debris disk and planet imaging surveys. Our analysis sequence consists of acquisition of ubvy{beta} photometry from catalogs, correction for the effects of extinction, interpolation of the photometry onto model atmosphere grids from which atmospheric parameters are determined, and finally, comparison to the theoretical isochrones from pre-main sequence through post-main sequence stellar evolution models, accounting for the effects of stellar rotation. We calibrate and validate our methods at the atmospheric parameter stage by comparing our results to fundamentally determined T_eff_ and log g values. We validate and test our methods at the evolutionary model stage by comparing our results on ages to the accepted ages of several benchmark open clusters (IC2602, {alpha} Persei, Pleiades, Hyades). Finally, we apply our methods to estimate stellar ages for 3493 field stars, including several with directly imaged exoplanet candidates.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/659/L7
- Title:
- AU Mic b and c transits with CHEOPS
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/659/L7
- Date:
- 10 Mar 2022 07:19:39
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Here we report large-amplitude transit timing variations (TTVs) for AU Microcopii b and c as detected in combined TESS (2018, 2020) and CHEOPS (2020, 2021) transit observations. AU Mic is a young planetary system with a debris disk and two transiting warm Neptunes. A TTV on the order of several minutes was previously reported for AU Mic b, which was suggested to be an outcome of mutual perturbations between the planets in the system. In 2021, we observed AU Mic b (five transits) and c (three transits) with the CHEOPS space telescope to follow-up the TTV of AU Mic b and possibly detect a TTV for AU Mic c. When analyzing TESS and CHEOPS 2020-2021 measurements together, we find that a prominent TTV emerges with a full span of >=23 minutes between the two TTV extrema. Assuming that the period change results from a periodic process - such as mutual perturbations - we demonstrate that the times of transits in the summer of 2022 are expected to be 30-85 minutes later than predicted by the available linear ephemeris.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/764/133
- Title:
- Auriga-California giant molecular cloud
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/764/133
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have mapped the Auriga/California molecular cloud with the Herschel PACS and SPIRE cameras and the Bolocam 1.1mm camera on the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory with the eventual goal of quantifying the star formation and cloud structure in this giant molecular cloud (GMC) that is comparable in size and mass to the Orion GMC, but which appears to be forming far fewer stars. We have tabulated 60 compact 70/160 {mu}m sources that are likely pre-main-sequence objects and correlated those with Spitzer and WISE mid-IR sources. At 1.1 mm, we find 18 cold, compact sources and discuss their properties. The most important result from this part of our study is that we find a modest number of additional compact young objects beyond those identified at shorter wavelengths with Spitzer.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/153/107
- Title:
- Australian Dark Energy Survey (OzDES) quasar catalog
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/153/107
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a study of quasar selection using the supernova fields of the Dark Energy Survey (DES). We used a quasar catalog from an overlapping portion of the SDSS Stripe 82 region to quantify the completeness and efficiency of selection methods involving color, probabilistic modeling, variability, and combinations of color/probabilistic modeling with variability. In all cases, we considered only objects that appear as point sources in the DES images. We examine color selection methods based on the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) (Wright et al. 2010AJ....140.1868W) mid-IR W1-W2 color, a mixture of WISE and DES colors (g-i and i-W1), and a mixture of Vista Hemisphere Survey (McMahon et al. 2013Msngr.154...35M) and DES colors (g-i and i-K). For probabilistic quasar selection, we used XDQSO, an algorithm that employs an empirical multi-wavelength flux model of quasars to assign quasar probabilities. Our variability selection uses the multi-band {chi}^2^-probability that sources are constant in the DES Year 1 griz-band light curves. The completeness and efficiency are calculated relative to an underlying sample of point sources that are detected in the required selection bands and pass our data quality and photometric error cuts. We conduct our analyses at two magnitude limits, i<19.8 mag and i<22 mag. For the subset of sources with W1 and W2 detections, the W1-W2 color or XDQSOz method combined with variability gives the highest completenesses of >85% for both i-band magnitude limits and efficiencies of >80% to the bright limit and >60% to the faint limit; however, the giW1 and giW1+variability methods give the highest quasar surface densities. The XDQSOz method and combinations of W1W2/giW1/XDQSOz with variability are among the better selection methods when both high completeness and high efficiency are desired. We also present the OzDES Quasar Catalog of 1263 spectroscopically confirmed quasars from three years of OzDES observation in the 30 deg^2^ of the DES supernova fields. The catalog includes quasars with redshifts up to z~4 and brighter than i=22 mag, although the catalog is not complete up to this magnitude limit.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/358/30
- Title:
- Automated classification of ASAS variables
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/358/30
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- With the advent of surveys generating multi-epoch photometry and the discovery of large numbers of variable stars, the classification of these stars has to be automatic. We have developed such a classification procedure for about 1700 stars from the variable star catalogue of the All-Sky Automated Survey 1-2 (ASAS 1-2) by selecting the periodic stars and by applying an unsupervised Bayesian classifier using parameters obtained through a Fourier decomposition of the light curve. For irregular light curves we used the period and moments of the magnitude distribution for the classification. In the case of ASAS 1-2, 83 per cent of variable objects are red giants. A general relation between the period and amplitude is found for a large fraction of those stars. The selection led to 302 periodic and 1429 semiperiodic stars, which are classified in six major groups: eclipsing binaries, 'sinusoidal curves', Cepheids, small amplitude red variables, SR and Mira stars. The type classification error level is estimated to be about 7 per cent.