- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/126/175
- Title:
- M31Y eclipsing binaries and Cepheids
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/126/175
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The DIRECT Project aims to obtain direct distances to two Local Group galaxies, M31 and M33, which occupy a crucial position near the base of the cosmological distance ladder. The first step is to search for detached eclipsing binaries (DEBs) and Cepheids using 1m class telescopes to select good candidates, which will be followed up spectroscopically on 6.510m class telescopes. In this ninth paper, we present a catalog of variable stars discovered with image subtraction in field M31Y (RA=10.97{deg}, DE=41.69{deg}; J2000.0). The data were obtained with the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory 1.2m telescope on 25 nights, over a period of 6 months. In our search covering 22x22, we discovered 41 eclipsing binaries, 126 Cepheids, and 97 other periodic or nonperiodic variables, including a luminous blue variable candidate, a nova, and a Galactic cataclysmic variable. The catalog of variables, as well as their photometry and finding charts, is available electronically via anonymous ftp and the World Wide Web, at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~kstanek/DIRECT . The complete set of the CCD frames is available upon request.
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/833/193
- Title:
- MYStIX candidate protostars
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/833/193
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Massive Young Star-Forming Complex in Infrared and X-ray (MYStIX) project provides a new census on stellar members of massive star-forming regions within 4kpc. Here the MYStIX Infrared Excess catalog and Chandra-based X-ray photometric catalogs are mined to obtain high-quality samples of Class I protostars using criteria designed to reduce extragalactic and Galactic field star contamination. A total of 1109 MYStIX Candidate Protostars (MCPs) are found in 14 star-forming regions. Most are selected from protoplanetary disk infrared excess emission, but 20% are found from their ultrahard X-ray spectra from heavily absorbed magnetospheric flare emission. Two-thirds of the MCP sample is newly reported here. The resulting samples are strongly spatially associated with molecular cores and filaments on Herschel far-infrared maps. This spatial agreement and other evidence indicate that the MCP sample has high reliability with relatively few "false positives" from contaminating populations. But the limited sensitivity and sparse overlap among the infrared and X-ray subsamples indicate that the sample is very incomplete with many "false negatives." Maps, tables, and source descriptions are provided to guide further study of star formation in these regions. In particular, the nature of ultrahard X-ray protostellar candidates without known infrared counterparts needs to be elucidated.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/209/29
- Title:
- MYStIX: Mid-IR observations and catalogs
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/209/29
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Spitzer IRAC observations and stellar photometric catalogs are presented for the Massive Young star-forming complex Study in the Infrared and X-ray (MYStIX). MYStIX is a multiwavelength census of young stellar members of 20 nearby (d<4kpc), Galactic, star-forming regions that contain at least one O star. All regions have data available from the Spitzer Space Telescope consisting of GLIMPSE or other published catalogs for 11 regions and results of our own photometric analysis of archival data for the remaining 9 regions. This paper seeks to construct deep and reliable catalogs of sources from the Spitzer images. Mid-infrared study of these regions faces challenges of crowding and high nebulosity. Our new catalogs typically contain fainter sources than existing Spitzer studies, which improves the match rate to Chandra X-ray sources that are likely to be young stars, but increases the possibility of spurious point-source detections, especially peaks in the nebulosity. IRAC color-color diagrams help distinguish spurious detections of nebular polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emission from the infrared excess associated with dusty disks around young stars. The distributions of sources on the mid-infrared color-magnitude and color-color diagrams reflect differences between MYStIX regions, including astrophysical effects such as stellar ages and disk evolution.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/209/28
- Title:
- MYStIX Wide-Field NIR data: crowded fields
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/209/28
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present JHK infrared data from the UK InfraRed Telescope (UKIRT) for a subset of the regions of the Massive Young Star-Forming Complex Study in Infrared and X-ray (MYStIX) survey. Some of the data were obtained specifically for the MYStIX project, and some as part of the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey's Galactic Plane Survey (UKIDSS). In most of these fields, crowding is a significant issue for aperture photometry, and so we have re-extracted the photometry from the processed images using an optimal extraction technique, and we describe how we adapt the optimal technique to mitigate the effects of crowding.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/590/A116
- Title:
- Nainital-Cape Survey. IV.
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/590/A116
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Nainital-Cape Survey is a dedicated ongoing Survey programme to search for and study pulsational variability in chemically peculiar (CP) stars to understand their internal structure and evolution. The main aims of this Survey are to find new pulsating Ap and Am stars in the northern and southern hemisphere and to perform asteroseismic studies of these new pulsators. The Survey is conducted using high-speed photometry. The candidate stars were selected on the basis of having Stromgren photometric indices similar to those of known pulsating CP stars. Over the last decade a total of 337 candidate pulsating CP stars were observed for the Nainital-Cape Survey, making it one of the longest ground-based surveys for pulsation in CP stars in terms of time span and sample size. The previous papers of this series presented seven new pulsating variables and 229 null results. In this paper we present the light curves, frequency spectra and various astrophysical parameters of the 108 additional CP stars observed since the last reported results. We also tabulated the basic physical parameters of the known roAp stars. As a part of establishing the detection limits in the Nainital-Cape Survey, we investigated the scintillation noise level at the two observing sites used in this Survey, Sutherland and Nainital, by comparing the combined frequency spectra stars observed from each location. Our analysis shows that both the sites permit the detection of variations of the order of 0.6-milli-magnitude (mmag) in the frequency range 1-4mHz, Sutherland is on average marginally better.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/247/7
- Title:
- Narrowband Ca photometry for dwarf spheroidal galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/247/7
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- A few dozen dwarf satellite galaxies of the Milky Way have been discovered, which are often viewed as the remaining building blocks of our Galaxy. The follow-up spectroscopy showed that dwarf galaxies have a sizeable spread in their metallicities. Several scenarios were suggested to explain the metallicity spread, which can be tested by the structural patterns of stellar subpopulations with distinct metallicities. However, such chemical plus structural examination, which we refer to as "chemostructural study", is hindered by the lack of stars with spectroscopic metallicity. Here we propose the Ca-by photometry as an alternative way to secure metallicities for a 2-3 orders of magnitude larger stellar sample than the spectroscopic sample and thus enable us to perform a chemostructural study on dwarf galaxies. In particular, we use the hk index [=(Ca-b)-(b-y)], whose validity as a photometric metallicity indicator (and crass insensitivity to age) for red-giant-branch stars was upheld via Galactic globular clusters, and observe three dwarf spheroidal galaxies-Draco, Sextans, and Canes Venatici I (CVnI)-with Subaru/Suprime-Cam. We find that in all the galaxies the metal-rich stellar populations are more centrally concentrated than the metal-poor counterparts, suggesting that the central regions of the galaxies underwent extended star formation. Such a negative radial metallicity gradient for Sextans and CVnI opposes the traditional spectroscopic results. We also find that their metallicity distribution functions (MDFs) can be characterized by a unimodal, skewed Gaussian shape with a metal-rich peak and a metal-poor tail.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/456/953
- Title:
- Narrow-band imaging of 6 Seyfert-2 galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/456/953
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- While [OIII] narrow-band imaging is commonly used to measure the size of the narrow-line regions (NLRs) in active galactic nuclei (AGNs), it can be contaminated by emission from surrounding starbursts. Recently, we have shown that long-slit spectroscopy provides a valuable alternative approach to probe the size in terms of AGN photoionisation. Moreover, several parameters of the NLR can be directly accessed. We here apply the same methods developed and described for the Seyfert-2 galaxy NGC1386 to study the NLR of five other Seyfert-2 galaxies by using high-sensitivity spatially-resolved optical spectroscopy obtained at the VLT and the NTT. We probe the AGN-photoionisation of the NLR and thus, its "real" size using diagnostic line-ratio diagrams. We derive physical properties of the NLR such as reddening, ionisation parameter, electron density, and velocity as a function of distance from the nucleus. For NGC5643, the diagnostic diagrams unveil a similar transition between line ratios falling in the AGN regime and those typical for HII regions as found for NGC1386, thus determining the size of the NLR. For the other four objects, all measured line ratios fall in the AGN regime. In almost all cases, both electron density and ionisation parameter decrease with radius. Deviations from this general behaviour (such as a secondary peak) seen in both the ionisation parameter and electron density can be interpreted as signs of shocks from the interaction of a radio jet and the NLR gas. In several objects, the gaseous velocity distribution is characteristic for rotational motion in an (inclined) emission-line disk in the centre. We compare our results to those of NGC1386 and show that the latter can be considered as prototypical also for this larger sample. We discuss our findings in detail for each object.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/459/55
- Title:
- Narrow-band imaging of 5 Seyfert-1 galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/459/55
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Spatially resolved emission-line spectroscopy is a powerful tool to determine the physical conditions in the narrow-line region (NLR) of active galactic nuclei (AGNs). We recently used optical long-slit spectroscopy to study the NLRs of a sample of six Seyfert-2 galaxies. We have shown that such an approach, in comparison to the commonly used [OIII] narrow-band imaging alone, allows us to probe the size of the NLR in terms of AGN photoionisation. Moreover, several physical parameters of the NLR can be directly accessed. We here apply the same methods to study the NLR of six Seyfert-1 galaxies and compare our results to those of Seyfert-2 galaxies. We employ diagnostically valuable emission-line ratios to determine the physical properties of the NLR, including the core values and radial dependencies of density, ionisation parameter, and reddening. Tracking the radial change of emission-line ratios in diagnostic diagrams allows us to measure the transition between AGN-like and HII-like line excitation, and thus we are able to measure the size of the NLR. In the diagnostic diagrams, we find a transition between line ratios falling in the AGN regime and those typical for HII regions in two Seyfert-1 galaxies, thus determining the size of the NLR. The central electron temperature and ionisation parameter are in general higher in type-1 Seyferts than in type 2s. In almost all cases, both electron density and ionisation parameter decrease with radius. In general, the decrease is faster in Seyfert-1 galaxies than in type 2s. In several objects, the gaseous velocity distribution is characteristic for rotational motion in an (inclined) emission-line disk in the centre. We give estimates of the black hole masses. We discuss our findings in detail for each object.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/II/26A
- Title:
- Narrow-band photometry of early-type stars
- Short Name:
- II/26A
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- A compilation of the photoelectric measurements in the Barbier-Morguleff system is presented for 773 stars of spectral types O8 to F6. 706 stars have been measured at least twice. The passbands (in Angstroems) and the mean photometric errors of the indexes C(j)-C(2) (in magnitudes) are: ----------------------- Band Interval m.e. ----------------------- C(1) 6000-5900 0.0318 C(2) 5000-4900 --- C(3) 4905-4815 0.0073 C(4) 4380-4310 0.0100 C(5) 4070-4010 0.0102 C(6) 3965-3925 0.0201 C(7) 3780-3720 0.0195 C(8) 3650-3575 0.0189 ----------------------- Regarding the catalog Pass Bands Morguleff and Gerbaldi (1975) note the following: These spectral intervals permit the determination of certain physical characteristics .... The pass bands 1 and 5 lead us to calculate red and blue gradients. The equivalent widths of the H(beta), H(gamma) lines of hydrogen and the K lines of Ca II are derived from band 3, 4, and 6. Bands 7 and 8 measure the Balmer jump. Listed in the catalog file are the normalized magnitudes corresponding to the above pass bands. The normalized magnitude of a pass band, C(j), is defined as the color index of the magnitude in the band minus the magnitude of the second band, C(2). See Morguleff and Gerbaldi (1975) for a brief discussion of conservation of the system and mean errors across all stars.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/II/21A
- Title:
- Narrow-Band Photometry of Late-Type Stars
- Short Name:
- II/21A
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The catalog is a compilation of photoelectric photometry obtained as part of a program investigating the distribution of stars and stellar matter perpendicular to the galactic plane. Compared to the publication, the "catalog" file does not include the position, the spectral type, the source of the UBV photometry, and neither the number of measurements in the narrow-band filters. The observations have mainly been made with the 33cm photographic tube of the Uppsaala double refractor, using a diaphragm of 0.7mm corresponding to 33". A small number of measurements have also been made with the 15cm Zeiss-Heyde astrograph. The observations were made between January 1967 and April 1968.