- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/901/61
- Title:
- LCs of 4 superluminous SNe from the ZTF survey
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/901/61
- Date:
- 17 Feb 2022 13:56:34
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present photometry and spectroscopy of four hydrogen-poor luminous supernovae discovered during the 2-month long science commissioning and early operations of the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) survey. Three of these objects, SN 2018bym (ZTF18aapgrxo), SN 2018avk (ZTF18aaisyyp), and SN 2018bgv (ZTF18aavrmcg), resemble typical SLSN-I spectroscopically, while SN 2018don (ZTF18aajqcue) may be an object similar to SN 2007bi experiencing considerable host galaxy reddening, or an intrinsically long-lived, luminous, and red SN Ic. We analyze the light curves, spectra, and host galaxy properties of these four objects and put them in context of the population of SLSN-I. SN 2018bgv stands out as the fastest-rising SLSN-I observed to date, with a rest-frame g-band rise time of just 10 days from explosion to peak-if it is powered by magnetar spin-down, the implied ejecta mass is only ~1M_{sun}_. SN 2018don also displays unusual properties-in addition to its red colors and comparatively massive host galaxy, the light curve undergoes some of the strongest light-curve undulations postpeak seen in an SLSN-I, which we speculate may be due to interaction with circumstellar material. We discuss the promises and challenges of finding SLSNe in large-scale surveys like ZTF given the observed diversity in the population.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/239/27
- Title:
- LEGA-C DR2: galaxies in the COSMOS field
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/239/27
- Date:
- 01 Mar 2022
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the second data release of the Large Early Galaxy Astrophysics Census (LEGA-C), an ESO 130-night public spectroscopic survey conducted with VIMOS on the Very Large Telescope. We release 1988 spectra with typical continuum S/N~20{AA}^-1^ of galaxies at 0.6<~z<~1.0, each observed for ~20hr and fully reduced with a custom-built pipeline. We also release a catalog with spectroscopic redshifts, emission-line fluxes, Lick/IDS indices, and observed stellar and gas velocity dispersions that are spatially integrated quantities, including both rotational motions and genuine dispersion. To illustrate the new parameter space in the intermediate-redshift regime probed by LEGA-C, we explore relationships between dynamical and stellar population properties. The star-forming galaxies typically have observed stellar velocity dispersions of ~150km/s and strong H{delta} absorption (H{delta}_A_~5{AA}), while passive galaxies have higher observed stellar velocity dispersions (~200km/s) and weak H{delta} absorption (H{delta}_A_~0{AA}). Strong [OIII]5007/H{beta} ratios tend to occur mostly for galaxies with weak H{delta}_A_ or galaxies with higher observed velocity dispersion. Beyond these broad trends, we find a diversity of possible combinations of rest-frame colors, absorption-line strengths, and emission-line detections, illustrating the utility of spectroscopic measurements to more accurately understand galaxy evolution.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/792/76
- Title:
- Lensed z~6-8 galaxies behind CLASH clusters
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/792/76
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We utilize 16 band Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations of 18 lensing clusters obtained as part of the Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble (CLASH) Multi-Cycle Treasury program to search for z ~ 6-8 galaxies. We report the discovery of 204, 45, and 13 Lyman-break galaxy candidates at z ~ 6, z ~ 7, and z ~ 8, respectively, identified from purely photometric redshift selections. This large sample, representing nearly an order of magnitude increase in the number of magnified star-forming galaxies at z ~ 6-8 presented to date, is unique in that we have observations in four WFC3/UVIS UV, seven ACS/WFC optical, and all five WFC3/IR broadband filters, which enable very accurate photometric redshift selections. We construct detailed lensing models for 17 of the 18 clusters to estimate object magnifications and to identify two new multiply lensed z >~ 6 candidates. The median magnifications over the 17 clusters are 4, 4, and 5 for the z ~ 6, z ~ 7, and z ~ 8 samples, respectively, over an average area of 4.5 arcmin^2^ per cluster. We compare our observed number counts with expectations based on convolving "blank" field UV luminosity functions through our cluster lens models and find rough agreement down to ~27 mag, where we begin to suffer significant incompleteness. In all three redshift bins, we find a higher number density at brighter observed magnitudes than the field predictions, empirically demonstrating for the first time the enhanced efficiency of lensing clusters over field surveys. Our number counts also are in general agreement with the lensed expectations from the cluster models, especially at z ~ 6, where we have the best statistics.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/868/129
- Title:
- Lensing analysis in Abell 370
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/868/129
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a new gravitational lens model of the Hubble Frontier Fields cluster Abell 370 (z=0.375) using imaging and spectroscopy from Hubble Space Telescope and ground-based spectroscopy. We combine constraints from a catalog of 909 weakly lensed galaxies and 39 multiply imaged sources comprised of 114 multiple images, including a system of multiply imaged candidates at z=7.84+/-0.02, to obtain a best-fit mass distribution using the cluster lens modeling code strong and weak lensing united. As the only analysis of A370 using strong and weak lensing constraints from Hubble Frontier Fields (HFF) data, our method provides an independent check of assumptions on the mass distribution used in other methods. Convergence, shear, and magnification maps are made publicly available through the HFF website (http://www.stsci.edu/hst/campaigns/frontier-fields). We find that the model we produce is similar to models produced by other groups, with some exceptions due to the differences in lensing code methodology. In an effort to study how our total projected mass distribution traces light, we measure the stellar mass density distribution using Spitzer/Infrared array camera imaging. Comparing our total mass density to our stellar mass density in a radius of 0.3Mpc, we find a mean projected stellar to total mass ratio of <f*>=0.011+/-0.003 (stat.) using the diet Salpeter initial mass function. This value is in general agreement with independent measurements of <f*> in clusters of similar total mass and redshift.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/723/1678
- Title:
- LensPerfect A1689 analysis
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/723/1678
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a strong lensing (SL) mass model of A1689 which resolves substructures an estimated 25kpc across within the central ~400kpc diameter. We achieve this resolution by perfectly reproducing the observed (strongly lensed) input positions of 168 multiple images of 55 knots residing within 135 images of 42 galaxies. Our model makes no assumptions about light tracing mass, yet we reproduce the brightest visible structures with some slight deviations. A1689 remains one of the strongest known lenses on the sky, with an Einstein radius of R_E_=47.0+/-1.2" (143^+3^_-4_kpc) for a lensed source at z_s_=2. We find that a single Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) or Sersic profile yields a good fit simultaneously (with only slight tension) to both our SL mass model and published weak lensing (WL) measurements at larger radius (out to the virial radius). Our SL model prefers slightly higher concentrations than previous SL models, bringing our SL+WL constraints in line with other recent derivations. Our results support those of previous studies which find A1689 has either an anomalously large concentration or significant extra mass along the line of sight (perhaps in part due to triaxiality).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/903/33
- Title:
- 1366 LGRB redshifts estimates with BARSE
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/903/33
- Date:
- 15 Mar 2022
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a catalog of probabilistic redshift estimates for 1366 individual Long-duration Gamma-ray Bursts (LGRBs) detected by the Burst And Transient Source Experiment (BATSE). This result is based on a careful selection and modeling of the population distribution of 1366 BATSE LGRBs in the five-dimensional space of redshift and the four intrinsic prompt gamma-ray emission properties: the isotropic 1024ms peak luminosity (L_iso_), the total isotropic emission (E_iso_), the spectral peak energy (E_pz_), as well as the intrinsic duration (T_90z_), while carefully taking into account the effects of sample incompleteness and the LGRB-detection mechanism of BATSE. Two fundamental plausible assumptions underlie our purely probabilistic approach: (1) LGRBs trace, either exactly or closely, the cosmic star formation rate, with a possibility of the excess rates of LGRBs in the nearby universe, and (2) the joint four-dimensional distribution of the aforementioned prompt gamma-ray emission properties is well described by a multivariate log-normal distribution. Our modeling approach enables us to constrain the redshifts of individual BATSE LGRBs to within 0.36 and 0.96 average uncertainty ranges at 50% and 90% confidence levels, respectively. Our redshift predictions are completely at odds with the previous redshift estimates of BATSE LGRBs that were computed via the proposed phenomenological high-energy relations, specifically, the apparently strong correlation of LGRBs' peak luminosity with the spectral peak energy, lightcurve variability, and spectral lag. The observed discrepancies between our predictions and the previous works can be explained by the strong influence of detector threshold and sample incompleteness in shaping these phenomenologically proposed high-energy correlations in the literature. Finally, we also discuss the potential effects of an excess cosmic rate of LGRBs at low redshifts and the possibility of a luminosity evolution of LGRBs on our results.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/837/120
- Title:
- Lick Observatory Supernova Search (LOSS) revisited
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/837/120
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Most types of supernovae (SNe) have yet to be connected with their progenitor stellar systems. Here, we reanalyze the 10-year SN sample collected during 1998-2008 by the Lick Observatory Supernova Search (LOSS; see Leaman+, 2011, J/MNRAS/412/1419) in order to constrain the progenitors of SNe Ia and stripped-envelope SNe (SE SNe, i.e., SNe IIb, Ib, Ic, and broad-lined Ic). We matched the LOSS galaxy sample with spectroscopy from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and measured SN rates as a function of galaxy stellar mass, specific star formation rate, and oxygen abundance (metallicity). We find significant correlations between the SN rates and all three galaxy properties. The SN Ia correlations are consistent with other measurements, as well as with our previous explanation of these measurements in the form of a combination of the SN Ia delay-time distribution and the correlation between galaxy mass and age. The ratio between the SE SN and SN II rates declines significantly in low-mass galaxies. This rules out single stars as SE SN progenitors, and is consistent with predictions from binary-system progenitor models. Using well-known galaxy scaling relations, any correlation between the rates and one of the galaxy properties examined here can be expressed as a correlation with the other two. These redundant correlations preclude us from establishing causality-that is, from ascertaining which of the galaxy properties (or their combination) is the physical driver for the difference between the SE SN and SN II rates. We outline several methods that have the potential to overcome this problem in future works.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/106/426
- Title:
- Lick slit spectra of quasar
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/106/426
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present Lick Observatory slit spectra of 38 objects which were claimed to have pronounced ultraviolet excess and emission lines. Zhan & Chen (ZC) selected these objects by eye from a UK Schmidt telescope IIIaJ objective prism plate of a field at 0h 0.0deg (l ~= 98 deg, b ~= -60 deg). We concentrate on m(J) ~= 18-19 objects which Zhan and Chen (ZC) thought were most likely to be quasistellar objects (QSOs) at redshift z(em) >= 2.8. Most of our spectra have FWHM spectral resolutions of about 4 A, and relatively high S/N of about 10-50, although some have FWHM ~= 15 A or lower S/N. We find eleven QSOs, four galaxies at z ~= 0.1, twenty-two stars and one unidentified object with a low S/N spectrum. The ZC lists are found to contain many QSOs at low z but few at high z, as expected. Of eleven objects which ZC suggested were QSOs with z(prism) <= 2.8, eight (73%) are QSOs. But only three of twenty-five candidates with z(prism) >= 2.8 are QSOs, and only two (8%) of these are at z >= 2.8. Unfortunately, the ZC prism redshifts are often incorrect: only five of the eleven QSOs are at redshifts similar to z(prism). Six of the QSOs show absorption systems, including Q0000+027A with a relatively strong associated C IV absorption system, and Q0008+008 (V ~= 18.9) with a damped Ly alpha system with an HI column density of 10^21 cm^-2. The stars include a wide variety of spectral types. There is one new DA 4 white dwarf at 170 pc, one sdB at 14 kpc, and three M stars. The rest are of types F, G, and K. We have measured the equivalent widths of the Ca II K line, the G band, and the Balmer lines in ten stars with the best spectra, and we derive metallicities. Seven of them are in the range -2.5 <= [Fe/H] <= -1.7, while the others are less metal poor. If the stars are dwarfs, then they are at distances of 1 to 7 kpc, but if they are giants, typical distances will be about 10 kpc.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/192/1
- Title:
- Light-curve parameters from the SNLS
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/192/1
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We combine high-redshift Type Ia supernovae from the first three years of the Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS) with other supernova (SN) samples, primarily at lower redshifts, to form a high-quality joint sample of 472 SNe (123 low-z, 93 SDSS, 242 SNLS, and 14 Hubble Space Telescope). SN data alone require cosmic acceleration at >99.999% confidence, including systematic effects. For the dark energy equation of state parameter (assumed constant out to at least z=1.4) in a flat universe, we find w=-0.91^+0.16^_-0.20_(stat)^+0.07^_-0.14_(sys) from SNe only, consistent with a cosmological constant. Our fits include a correction for the recently discovered relationship between host-galaxy mass and SN absolute brightness. We pay particular attention to systematic uncertainties, characterizing them using a systematic covariance matrix that incorporates the redshift dependence of these effects, as well as the shape-luminosity and color-luminosity relationships. Unlike previous work, we include the effects of systematic terms on the empirical light-curve models. The total systematic uncertainty is dominated by calibration terms. We describe how the systematic uncertainties can be reduced with soon to be available improved nearby and intermediate-redshift samples, particularly those calibrated onto USNO/SDSS-like systems.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/700/1097
- Title:
- Light curve parameters of SN Ia
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/700/1097
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We combine the CfA3 supernovae Type Ia (SN Ia) sample with samples from the literature to calculate improved constraints on the dark energy equation of state parameter, w. The CfA3 sample is added to the Union set of Kowalski et al. (2008, Cat. J/ApJ/686/749) to form the Constitution set and, combined with a baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAO) prior, produces 1+w=0.013^+0.066^_-0.068_ (0.11syst), consistent with the cosmological constant. The CfA3 addition makes the cosmologically useful sample of nearby SN Ia between 2.6 and 2.9 times larger than before, reducing the statistical uncertainty to the point where systematics play the largest role. We use four light-curve fitters to test for systematic differences: SALT, SALT2, MLCS2k2 (RV=3.1), and MLCS2k2 (RV=1.7).