- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/635/A5
- Title:
- LoTSS giant radio galaxies. I.
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/635/A5
- Date:
- 02 Mar 2022 11:49:28
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Giant radio galaxies (GRGs) are a subclass of radio galaxies, which have grown to megaparsec scales. GRGs are much rarer than normal-sized radio galaxies (<0.7Mpc) and the reason for their gigantic sizes is still debated. Here, we report on the biggest sample of GRGs identified to date. These objects were found in the LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) first data release images, which cover a 424 deg^2^ region. Of the 239 GRGs found, 225 are new discoveries. The GRGs in our sample have sizes ranging from 0.7Mpc to 3.5Mpc and have redshifts (z) between 0.1 and 2.3. Seven GRGs have sizes above 2Mpc and one has a size of ~3.5Mpc. The sample contains 40 GRGs hosted by spectroscopically confirmed quasars. Here, we present the search techniques employed and the resulting catalogue of the newly discovered large sample of GRGs along with their radio properties. In this paper, we also show for the first time that the spectral index of GRGs is similar to that of normal-sized radio galaxies, indicating that most of the GRG population is not dead or is not similar to a remnant-type radio galaxy. We find that 20 out of 239 GRGs in our sample are located at the centres of clusters and we present our analysis on their cluster environment and radio morphology.
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/511/A12
- Title:
- Low-luminosity galaxies in NGC 5846 group
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/511/A12
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Low-luminosity galaxies are known to outnumber the bright galaxy population in poor groups and clusters of galaxies. Yet, the investigation of low-luminosity galaxy populations outside the Local Group remains rare and the dependence on different group environments is still poorly understood. Previous investigations have uncovered the photometric scaling relations of early-type dwarfs and a strong dependence of morphology with environment. The present study aims to analyse the photometric and spectroscopic properties of the low-luminosity galaxy population in the nearby, well-evolved and early-type dominated NGC 5846 group of galaxies. It is the third most massive aggregate of early-type galaxies after the Virgo and Fornax clusters in the local universe. Photometric scaling relations and the distribution of morphological types as well as the characteristics of emission-line galaxies are investigated.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/235/40
- Title:
- Low-mass black holes in Sy1 galaxies. II. SDSS-DR7
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/235/40
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- A new sample of 204 low-mass black holes (LMBHs) in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) is presented with black hole masses in the range of (1-20)x10^5^M_{sun}_. The AGNs are selected through a systematic search among galaxies in the Seventh Data Release (DR7) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), and careful analyses of their optical spectra and precise measurement of spectral parameters. Combining them with our previous sample selected from SDSS DR4 makes it the largest LMBH sample so far, totaling over 500 objects. Some of the statistical properties of the combined LMBH AGN sample are briefly discussed in the context of exploring the low-mass end of the AGN population. Their X-ray luminosities follow the extension of the previously known correlation with the [OIII] luminosity. The effective optical-to-X-ray spectral indices {alpha}_OX_, albeit with a large scatter, are broadly consistent with the extension of the relation with the near-UV luminosity L_2500{AA}_. Interestingly, a correlation of {alpha}_OX_ with black hole mass is also found, with {alpha}OX being statistically flatter (stronger X-ray relative to optical) for lower black hole masses. Only 26 objects, mostly radio loud, were detected in radio at 20cm in the FIRST survey, giving a radio-loud fraction of 4%. The host galaxies of LMBHs have stellar masses in the range of 10^8.8^-10^12.4^M_{sun}_ and optical colors typical of Sbc spirals. They are dominated by young stellar populations that seem to have undergone continuous star formation history.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/711/928
- Title:
- Low-redshift Ly{alpha} galaxies from GALEX
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/711/928
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We construct a sample of low-redshift Ly{alpha} emission-line selected sources from Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) grism spectroscopy of nine deep fields to study the role of Ly{alpha} emission in galaxy populations with cosmic time. Our final sample consists of 119 (141) sources selected in the redshift interval z=0.195-0.44 (z=0.65-1.25) from the FUV (NUV) channel. We classify the Ly{alpha} sources as active galactic nuclei (AGNs) if high-ionization emission lines are present in their UV spectra and as possible star-forming galaxies otherwise. We classify additional sources as AGNs using line widths for our Ly{alpha} emitter (LAE) analysis. These classifications are broadly supported by comparisons with X-ray and optical spectroscopic observations, though the optical spectroscopy identifies a small number of additional AGNs. Defining the GALEX LAE sample in the same way as high-redshift LAE samples, we show that LAEs constitute only about 5% of NUV-continuum selected galaxies at z~0.3. We also show that they are less common at z~0.3 than they are at z~3. Finally, we confirm that the z~2 Lyman break galaxies have relatively low metallicities for their luminosities, and we find that they lie in the same metallicity range as the z~0.3 Ly{alpha} galaxies.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/139/120
- Title:
- Low-redshift Type-Ia supernovae
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/139/120
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- An analysis of the first set of low-redshift (z<0.08) Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) monitored by the Carnegie Supernova Project between 2004 and 2006 is presented. The data consist of well-sampled, high-precision optical (ugriBV) and near-infrared (NIR; YJHKs) light curves in a well-understood photometric system.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/713/970
- Title:
- Low-resolution SED templates for AGNs and galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/713/970
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a set of low-resolution empirical spectral energy distribution (SED) templates for active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and galaxies in the wavelength range from 0.03um to 30um based on the multi-wavelength photometric observations of the NOAO Deep-Wide Field Survey Bootes field and the spectroscopic observations of the AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey. Our training sample is comprised of 14448 galaxies in the redshift range 0<~z<~1 and 5347 likely AGNs in the range 0<~z<~5.58. The galaxy templates correspond to the SED templates presented in 2008 by Assef et al. (Cat. J/ApJ/676/286) extended into the UV and mid-IR by the addition of FUV and NUV GALEX and MIPS 24um data for the field. We use our templates to determine photometric redshifts for galaxies and AGNs. While they are relatively accurate for galaxies ({sigma}_z_/(1+z)=0.04, with 5% outlier rejection), their accuracies for AGNs are a strong function of the luminosity ratio between the AGN and galaxy components. Somewhat surprisingly, the relative luminosities of the AGN and its host are well determined even when the photometric redshift is significantly in error. Finally, we use our templates to predict the color-color distribution of sources in the upcoming Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mission and define a color criterion to select AGNs analogous to those developed for IRAC photometry. We estimate that in between 640000 and 1700000 AGNs will be identified by these criteria, but without additional information, WISE-selected quasars will have serious completeness problems for z>~3.4.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/106/530
- Title:
- Low surface brightness disk galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/106/530
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We use a sample of approximately 340 low surface brightness (LSB) disk galaxies with measured redshifts in combination with the Center for Astrophysics redshift survey to test the hypothesis that LSB galaxies have a deficit of nearby companion galaxies compared to high surface brightness (HSB) disk galaxies. We find a very strong statistical deficit of galaxies located within a projected radius of 0.5 Mpc and within a velocity of 500 km/s around LSB disk galaxies compared to HSB ones. Further, comparing LSB and HSB disk galaxies which are located in the same portion of the sky indicates that the average distance to the nearest neighbor is 1.7 times farther for LSB disk galaxies. A Komologorov-Smirnoff test rules out, at greater than the 99% confidence level, the hypothesis that the distribution of nearest-neighbor distances is the same for HSB and LSB disk galaxies. We speculate that LSB disk galaxies have relatively long formation time scales and therefore must form in relative isolation. In addition, the lack of tidal interactions over a Hubble time serves to suppress the overall star-formation rate as no external trigger is available to help clump the gas. The observed low surface densities of HI in combination with the low probability of tidal interactions effectively prevents these disk galaxies from evolving very rapidly.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/679/194
- Title:
- Low-z intergalactic medium. III.
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/679/194
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We conduct an ultraviolet (HST and FUSE) spectroscopic survey of HI (Lyman lines) and seven metal ions (OVI, NV, CIV, CIII, SiIV, SiIII, FeIII) in the low-redshift IGM at z<0.4. We analyzed 650 Ly{alpha} absorbers over redshift path length {Delta}z=5.27, detecting numerous absorbers: 83 OVI systems, 39 CIII, 53 SiIII, 24 CIV, 24 NV, and so on. In the low-z IGM, we have accounted for ~40% of the baryons: 30% in the photoionized Ly{alpha} forest and 10% in the (T=10^5^-10^6^) WHIM traced by OVI. Statistical metallicities are consistent with the canonical value of 10% solar, with considerable scatter.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/604/521
- Title:
- Luminosities and masses of galaxies out to z~3
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/604/521
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The luminosity-size and mass-size distributions of galaxies out to z~3 are presented. We use very deep near-infrared images of the Hubble Deep Field-South in the J_s_, H, and K_s_ bands, taken as part of FIRES at the VLT, to follow the evolution of the optical rest-frame sizes of galaxies. For a total of 168 galaxies with K_s,AB_ <=23.5, we find that the rest-frame V-band sizes r_e,V_ of luminous galaxies (<L_V_>~2x10^10^h^-2^L_{sun}_) at 2<z<3 are 3 times smaller than for equally luminous galaxies today. In contrast, the mass-size relation has evolved relatively little: the size at mass <M_*_>~2x10^10^h^-2^M_{sun}_ has changed by 20% (+/-20%) since z~2.5. Both results can be reconciled by the fact that the stellar M/L ratio is lower in the luminous high-z galaxies than in nearby ones because they have young stellar populations. The lower incidence of large galaxies at z~3 seems to reflect the rarity of galaxies with high stellar mass.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/788/45
- Title:
- Luminosity and redshift of galaxies from WISE/SDSS
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/788/45
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- In this work, we investigate the dependence of the covering factor (CF) of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) on the mid-infrared (MIR) luminosity and the redshift. We constructed 12 and 22 {mu}m luminosity functions (LFs) at 0.006<=z<=0.3 using Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) data. Combining the WISE catalog (Cat. II/311) with Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS, Cat. II/294) spectroscopic data, we selected 223982 galaxies at 12 {mu}m and 25721 galaxies at 22 {mu}m for spectroscopic classification. We then identified 16355 AGNs at 12 {mu}m and 4683 AGNs at 22 {mu}m by their optical emission lines and cataloged classifications in the SDSS. Following that, we estimated the CF as the fraction of Type 2 AGN in all AGNs whose MIR emissions are dominated by the active nucleus (not their host galaxies) based on their MIR colors. We found that the CF decreased with increasing MIR luminosity, regardless of the choice of Type 2 AGN classification criteria, and the CF did not change significantly with redshift for z<=0.2. Furthermore, we carried out various tests to determine the influence of selection bias and confirmed that similar dependences exist, even when taking these uncertainties into account. The luminosity dependence of the CF can be explained by the receding torus model, but the "modified" receding torus model gives a slightly better fit, as suggested by Simpson.