- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/507/1277
- Title:
- Multiwavelength photometry of CDFS X-ray sources
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/507/1277
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The co-evolution of host galaxies and the active black holes which reside in their centre is one of the most important topics in modern observational cosmology. Here we present a study of the properties of obscured active galactic nuclei (AGN) detected in the CDFS 1 Ms observation and their host galaxies. We limited the analysis to the MUSIC area, for which deep K-band observations obtained with ISAAC@VLT are available, ensuring accurate identifications of the counterparts of the X-ray sources as well as reliable determination of photometric redshifts and galaxy parameters, such as stellar masses and star formation rates. In particular, we: 1) refined the X-ray/infrared/optical association of 179 sources in the MUSIC area detected in the Chandra observation; 2) studied the host galaxies observed and rest frame colors and properties.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/761/114
- Title:
- Multi-wavelength study of clusters of galaxies. II.
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/761/114
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Galaxy clusters provide powerful laboratories for the study of galaxy evolution, particularly the origin of correlations of morphology and star formation rate (SFR) with density. We construct visible to MIR spectral energy distributions of galaxies in eight low-redshift (z<0.3) clusters and use them to measure stellar masses and SFRs as a function of environment. A partial correlation analysis indicates that the SFRs of star-forming galaxies (SFGs) depend strongly on M_*_ (>99% confidence) with no dependence on R/R_200_ or projected local density at fixed mass. A merged sample of galaxies from the five best measured clusters shows <SFR>{prop.to}(R/R_200_)^1.1+/-0.3^ for galaxies with R/R_200_<=0.4. A decline in the fraction of SFGs toward the cluster center contributes most of this effect, but it is accompanied by a reduction in <SFR> for SFGs with R<=0.1R_200_. The increase in the fraction of SFGs toward larger R/R_200_ and the isolation of SFGs with reduced SFRs near the cluster center are consistent with the truncation of star formation by ram-pressure stripping, as is the tendency for more massive SFGs to have higher SFRs. We conclude that stripping is more likely than slower processes to drive the properties of SFGs with R<0.4R_200_ in clusters. We also find that galaxies near the cluster center are more massive than galaxies farther out in the cluster at ~3.5{sigma}, which suggests that dynamical relaxation significantly impacts the distribution of cluster galaxies as the clusters evolve.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/392/795
- Title:
- Multi-wavelength study of 2 galaxy clusters
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/392/795
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present results from optical, X-ray and radio observations of two X-ray bright (L_X_~10^45^erg/s) galaxy clusters. Abell 1451 is at redshift z=0.1989 and has line-of-sight velocity dispersion {sigma}_V_=1330km/s as measured from 57 cluster galaxies. It has regular X-ray emission without signs of substructure, a Gaussian velocity distribution, lack of a cooling flow region and significant deviations from the observed scaling laws between luminosity, temperature and velocity dispersion, indicating a possible merging shock. There is only one spectroscopically confirmed cluster radio galaxy, which is close to the X-ray peak. 1RXS J131423.6-251521 (for short RXJ1314-25) has z=0.2474 and {sigma}_V_=1100km/s from 37 galaxies. There are two distinct galaxy groups with a projected separation of ~700kpc. The velocity histogram is bi-modal with a redshift-space separation of ~1700km/s, and the X-ray emission is double peaked. Although there are no spectroscopically confirmed cluster radio galaxies, we have identified a plausible relic source candidate.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/575/A75
- Title:
- MUSE 3D view of HDF-S
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/575/A75
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We observed Hubble Deep Field South with the new panoramic integral-field spectrograph MUSE that we built and have just commissioned at the VLT. The data cube resulting from 27h of integration covers one arcmin^2^ field of view at an unprecedented depth with a 1{sigma} emission-line surface brightness limit of 1x10^-19^erg/s/cm2/arcsec2, and contains ~90000 spectra. We present the combined and calibrated data cube, and we performed a first-pass analysis of the sources detected in the Hubble Deep Field South imaging. We measured the redshifts of 189 sources up to a magnitude I_814_=29.5, increasing the number of known spectroscopic redshifts in this field by more than an order of magnitude. We also discovered 26 Ly{alpha} emitting galaxies that are not detected in the HST WFPC2 deep broad-band images. The intermediate spectral resolution of 2.3{AA} allows us to separate resolved asymmetric Ly{alpha} emitters, [OII]3727 emitters, and [CIII]1908 emitters, and the broad instantaneous wavelength range of 4500{AA} helps to identify single emission lines, such as [OIII]5007, H{beta}, and H{alpha}, over a very wide redshift range. We also show how the three-dimensional information of MUSE helps to resolve sources that are confused at ground-based image quality. Overall, secure identifications are provided for 83% of the 227 emission line sources detected in the MUSE data cube and for 32% of the 586 sources identified in the HST catalogue. The overall redshift distribution is fairly flat to z=6.3, with a reduction between z=1.5 to 2.9, in the well-known redshift desert. The field of view of MUSE also allowed us to detect 17 groups within the field. We checked that the number counts of [OII]3727 and Ly{alpha} emitters are roughly consistent with predictions from the literature. Using two examples, we demonstrate that MUSE is able to provide exquisite spatially resolved spectroscopic information on the intermediate-redshift galaxies present in the field. This unique data set can be used for a wide range of follow-up studies. We release the data cube, the associated products, and the source catalogue with redshifts, spectra, and emission-line fluxes.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/608/A2
- Title:
- MUSE Hubble Ultra Deep Field Survey. II.
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/608/A2
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have conducted a two-layered spectroscopic survey (1'x1' ultra deep and 3'x3'deep regions) in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF) with the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE). The combination of a large field of view, high sensitivity, and wide wavelength coverage provides an order of magnitude improvement in spectroscopically confirmed redshifts in the HUDF; i.e., 1206 secure spectroscopic redshifts for Hubble Space Telescope (HST) continuum selected objects, which corresponds to 15% of the total (7904). The redshift distribution extends well beyond z>3 and to HST/F775W magnitudes as faint as ~=30mag (AB, 1{sigma}). In addition, 132 secure redshifts were obtained for sources with no HST counterparts that were discovered in the MUSE data cubes by a blind search for emission-line features. In total, we present 1338 high quality redshifts, which is a factor of eight increase compared with the previously known spectroscopic redshifts in the same field. We assessed redshifts mainly with the spectral features [OII] at z<1.5 (473 objects) and Ly{alpha} at 2.9<z<6.7 (692 objects). With respect to F775W magnitude, a 50% completeness is reached at 26.5mag for ultra deep and 25.5mag for deep fields, and the completeness remains >=20% up to 28-29mag and ~=27mag, respectively. We used the determined redshifts to test continuum color selection (dropout) diagrams of high-z galaxies. The selection condition for F336W dropouts successfully captures ~=80% of the targeted z~2.7 galaxies. However, for higher redshift selections (F435W, F606W, and F775W dropouts), the success rates decrease to ~=20-40%. We empirically redefine the selection boundaries to make an attempt to improve them to ~=60%. The revised boundaries allow bluer colors that capture Ly{alpha} emitters with high Ly{alpha} equivalent widths falling in the broadbands used for the color-color selection. Along with this paper, we release the redshift and line flux catalog.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/624/A141
- Title:
- MUSE-Wide Survey DR1 catalog
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/624/A141
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the MUSE-Wide survey, a blind, 3D spectroscopic survey in the CANDELS/GOODS-S and CANDELS/COSMOS regions. The final survey will cover 100x1arcmin^2^ MUSE fields. Each MUSE-Wide pointing has a depth of one hour and hence targets more extreme and more luminous objects over ten times the area of the MUSE-Deep fields (Bacon et al., 2017A&A...608A...1B). The legacy value of MUSE-Wide lies in providing "spectroscopy of everything" without photometric pre-selection. We describe the data reduction, post-processing and PSF characterization of the first 44 CANDELS/GOODS-S MUSE-Wide pointings released with this publication. Using a 3D matched filtering approach we detect 1602 emission line sources, including 479 Lyman-{alpha} (Lya) emitting galaxies with redshifts 2.9<~z<~6.3. We cross-matched the emission line sources to existing photometric catalogs, finding almost complete agreement in redshifts (photometric and spectroscopic) and stellar masses for our low redshift (z<1.5) emitters. At high redshift, we only find ~55% matches to photometric catalogs. We encounter a higher outlier rate and a systematic offset of {Delta}z~=0.2 when comparing our MUSE redshifts with photometric redshifts from the literature. Cross-matching the emission line sources with X-ray catalogs from the Chandra Deep Field South, we find 127 matches, mostly in agreement with the literature redshifts, including ten objects with no prior spectroscopic identification. Stacking X-ray images centered on our Lya emitters yields no signal; the Lya population is not dominated by even low luminosity AGN. Other cross-matches of our emission-line catalog to radio and submm data, yielded far lower numbers of matches, most of which already were covered by the X-ray catalog. A total of 9205 photometrically selected objects from the CANDELS survey lie in the MUSE-Wide footprint, of which we provide optimally extracted 1D spectra. We are able to determine the spectroscopic redshift of 98% of 772 photometrically selected galaxies brighter than 24th F775W magnitude. All the data in the first data release - datacubes, catalogs, extracted spectra, maps - are available on the website https://musewide.aip.de.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/606/A12
- Title:
- MUSE-Wide survey: 831 emission line galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/606/A12
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a first instalment of the MUSE-Wide survey, covering an area of 22.2 arcmin^2^ (corresponding to ~20% of the final survey) in the CANDELS/Deep area of the Chandra Deep Field South. We use the MUSE integral field spectrograph at the ESO VLT to conduct a full-area spectroscopic mapping at a depth of 1h exposure time per 1-arcmin^2^ pointing. We searched for compact emission line objects using our newly developed LSDCat software based on a 3-D matched filtering approach, followed by interactive classification and redshift measurement of the sources. Our catalogue contains 831 distinct emission line galaxies with redshifts ranging from 0.04 to 6. Roughly one third (237) of the emission line sources are Lyman{alpha} emitting galaxies with 3<z<6, only four of which had previously measured spectroscopic redshifts. At lower redshifts 351 galaxies are detected primarily by their [OII] emission line (0.3<~z<~1.5), 189 by their [OIII] line (0.21<~z<~0.85), and 46 by their H{alpha} line (0.04<~z<~0.42). Comparing our spectroscopic redshifts to photometric redshift estimates from the literature, we find excellent agreement for z<1.5 with a median {Delta}z of only ~4x10^-4^ and an outlier rate of 6%, however a significant systematic offset of {Delta}z=0.26 and an outlier rate of 23% for Ly{alpha} emitters at z>3. Together with the catalogue we also release 1D PSF-weighted extracted spectra and small 3D datacubes centred on each of the 831 sources.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/772/131
- Title:
- Musket Ball Cluster redshift catalog
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/772/131
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Merging galaxy clusters have become one of the most important probes of dark matter, providing evidence for dark matter over modified gravity and even constraints on the dark matter self-interaction cross-section. To properly constrain the dark matter cross-section it is necessary to understand the dynamics of the merger, as the inferred cross-section is a function of both the velocity of the collision and the observed time since collision. While the best understanding of merging system dynamics comes from N-body simulations, these are computationally intensive and often explore only a limited volume of the merger phase space allowed by observed parameter uncertainty. Simple analytic models exist but the assumptions of these methods invalidate their results near the collision time, plus error propagation of the highly correlated merger parameters is unfeasible. To address these weaknesses I develop a Monte Carlo method to discern the properties of dissociative mergers and propagate the uncertainty of the measured cluster parameters in an accurate and Bayesian manner. I introduce this method, verify it against an existing hydrodynamic N-body simulation, and apply it to two known dissociative mergers: 1ES 0657-558 (Bullet Cluster) and DLSCL J0916.2+2951 (Musket Ball Cluster).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/115/1
- Title:
- MX northern Abell cluster redshift survey
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/115/1
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The results from the COBE satellite show the existence of structure on scales ~ 10% or more of the horizon scale of the universe. Rich clusters of galaxies from the Abell/Abell, Corwin, & Olowin catalogs (Cat. <VII/110>) show evidence of structure on scales of 100h^-1^Mpc and hold the promise of confirming structure on the scale of the COBE results. An impediment to that promise has been that redshift information has been unavailable for a large percentage of these clusters, so knowledge of their three-dimensional distribution has had large uncertainties. We have been working to greatly expand the sample of Abell clusters with reliable redshifts. Our approach in this effort, through the MX Northern Abell Cluster Redshift Survey, has been to measure redshifts of at least 25 galaxies in each of 95 R>=1 Abell cluster fields with m_10_<=16.8 and zero or one previously measured redshift. Of these 95 observed Abell clusters, 88 new cluster redshifts were obtained with an average of nine cluster member galaxy redshifts per field. Two clusters were found to be chance projections of galaxies along the line of sight, while five cluster observations did not provide enough galaxy redshifts to make a positive identification. This work has resulted in a deeper, 98% complete, and more reliable sample of three-dimensional positions of rich Abell clusters in the northern hemisphere. The primary intent of this survey has been to produce a larger and more complete sample of rich Abell clusters that can be used as tracers for large-scale structure. Through analyses with tools such as the two-point correlation function, power spectrum, and velocity dispersions, this sample can be used to constrain theoretical models better for the formation of structure we see in the universe today.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/124/1918
- Title:
- MX northern Abell cluster redshift survey. II.
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/124/1918
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The MX Northern Abell Cluster Survey II is the final stage of a program designed to observe rich Abell clusters with m10<=17.0. We present 1542 new galaxy redshifts within 117 R>=1 Abell cluster fields that have 16.9<=m10<=17.0, 0h<=RA<=24h, -17{deg}<=DE<=90{deg}, and |b|>=30{deg}. Of the 117 clusters observed for the MX Survey II, 105 new cluster redshifts were obtained with an average of eight cluster member galaxy redshifts.