- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/794/60
- Title:
- SDSS RGB stars distances
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/794/60
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present distance determinations for a large and clean sample of red giant branch stars selected from the ninth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (Adelman-McCarthy et al. 2012ApJS..203...21A, Cat. V/139). The distances are calculated based on both observational cluster fiducials and theoretical isochrones. Distributions of distances from the two methods are very similar with peaks at about 10 kpc and tails extending to more than 70 kpc. We find that distances from the two methods agree well for the majority of the sample stars; though, on average, distances based on isochrones are 10% higher than those based on fiducials. We test the accuracy of our distance determinations using 332 stars from 10 Galactic globular and open clusters. The average relative deviation from the literature cluster distances is 4% for the fiducial-based distances and 8% for the isochrone-based distances, both of which are within the uncertainties. We find that the effective temperature and surface gravity derived from low-resolution spectra are not accurate enough to essentially improve the performance of distance determinations. However, for stars with significant extinction, effective temperature may help to better constrain their distances to some extent. We make our sample stars and their distances available from an online catalog. The catalog comprises 17941 stars with reasonable distance estimations reaching to more than 70 kpc, which is suitable for the investigation of the formation and evolution of the Galaxy, especially the Galactic halo.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/815/63
- Title:
- SDSS wide double white dwarfs spectroscopy
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/815/63
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present observational constraints on the initial-final mass relation (IFMR) using wide double white dwarfs (DWDs). We identify 65 new candidate wide DWDs within the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, bringing the number of candidate wide DWDs to 142. We then engage in a spectroscopic follow-up campaign and collect existing spectra for these objects; using these spectra, we derive masses and cooling ages for 54 hydrogen (DA) WDs in DWDs. We also identify one new DA/DB pair, four candidate DA/DC pairs, four candidate DA/DAH pairs, and one new candidate triple degenerate system. Because wide DWDs are co-eval and evolve independently, the difference in the pre-WD lifetimes should equal the difference in the WD cooling ages. We use this to develop a Bayesian hierarchical framework and construct a likelihood function to determine the probability that any particular IFMR fits a sample of wide DWDs. We then define a parametric model for the IFMR and find the best parameters indicated by our sample of DWDs. We place robust constraints on the IFMR for initial masses of 2-4M_{sun}_. The WD masses produced by our model for stars within this mass range differ from those predicted by semi-empirical fits to open cluster WDs. Within this mass range, where there are few constraining open cluster WDs and disagreements in the cluster ages, wide DWDs may provide more reliable constraints on the IFMR. Expanding this method to the many wide DWDs expected to be discovered by Gaia may transform our understanding of the IFMR.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/159/124
- Title:
- Searching Kepler data. I. 17 new planets
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/159/124
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the results of an independent search of all ~200000 stars observed over the four year Kepler mission (Q1-Q17) for multiplanet systems, using a three-transit minimum detection criterion to search orbital periods up to hundreds of days. We incorporate both automated and manual triage, and provide estimates of the completeness and reliability of our vetting pipeline. Our search returned 17 planet candidates (PCs) in addition to thousands of known Kepler Objects of Interest (KOIs), with a 98.8% recovery rate of already confirmed planets. We highlight the discovery of one candidate, KIC-7340288b, that is both rocky (radius=<1.6R_{Earth}_) and in the Habitable Zone (insolation between 0.25 and 2.2 times the Earth's insolation). Another candidate is an addition to the already known KOI-4509 system. We also present adaptive optics imaging follow-up for six of our new PCs, two of which reveal a line-of-sight stellar companion within 4".
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/886/154
- Title:
- Sgr stream K- & M-giants and BHB stars
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/886/154
- Date:
- 07 Dec 2021 13:01:04
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We characterize the kinematic and chemical properties of ~3000 Sagittarius (Sgr) stream stars, including K-giants, M-giants, and blue horizontal branch stars (BHBs), selected from SEGUE-2, Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope, and Sloan Digital Sky Survey separately in Integrals-of-Motion space. The orbit of the Sgr stream is quite clear from the velocity vector in the X-Z plane. Stars traced by K-giants and M-giants show that the apogalacticon of the trailing steam is ~100kpc. The metallicity distributions of Sgr K-giants, M-giants, and BHBs indicate that the M-giants are on average the most metal-rich population, followed by K-giants and BHBs. All of the K-giants, M-giants, and BHBs indicate that the trailing arm is on average more metal-rich than the leading arm, and the K-giants show that the Sgr debris is the most metal-poor part. The {alpha}-abundance of Sgr stars exhibits a similar trend with the Galactic halo stars at lower metallicity ([Fe/H]<~-1.0dex), and then evolve down to lower [{alpha}/Fe] than disk stars at higher metallicity, which is close to the evolution pattern of the {alpha}-element of Milky Way dwarf galaxies. We find that VY and metallicity of K-giants have gradients along the direction of the line of sight from the Galactic center in the X-Z plane, and the K-giants show that VY increases with metallicity at [Fe/H]>~-1.5dex. After dividing the Sgr stream into bright and faint streams according to their locations in equatorial coordinates, the K-giants and BHBs show that the bright and faint streams present different VY and metallicities, the bright stream is on average higher in VY and metallicity than the faint stream.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/883/88
- Title:
- Short-duration stellar flares from GALEX & Kepler
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/883/88
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report on a population of short-duration near-ultraviolet (NUV) flares in stars observed by the Kepler and Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) missions. We analyzed the NUV light curves of 34276 stars observed from 2009 to 2013 by both the GALEX (NUV) and Kepler (optical) space missions with the eventual goal of investigating multiwavelength flares. From the GALEX data, we constructed light curves with a 10s cadence, and we ultimately detected 1904 short-duration flares on 1021 stars. The vast majority (94.5%) of these flares have durations less than 5 minutes, with flare flux enhancements above the quiescent flux level ranging from 1.5 to 1700. The flaring stars are primarily solar-like, with Teff ranging from 3000 to 11000K and radii between 0.5 and 15R_{sun}_. This set of flaring stars is almost entirely distinct from that of previous flare surveys of Kepler data and indicates a previously undetected collection of small flares contained within the Kepler sample. The range in flare energies spans 1.8x10^32^-8.9x10^37^erg, with associated relative errors spanning 2%-87%. The flare frequency distribution by energy follows a power law with index {alpha}=1.72+/-0.05, consistent with results of other solar and stellar flare studies at a range of wavelengths. This supports the idea that the NUV flares we observed are governed by the same physical processes present in solar and optical flares. The relationship between flare duration and associated flare energy extends results found for solar and stellar white-light flares, and suggests that these flares originate in regions with magnetic field strengths of several hundred Gauss, and length scales of the order of 10^10^cm.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/794/36
- Title:
- {sigma} Orionis cluster stellar population
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/794/36
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a spectroscopic survey of the stellar population of the {sigma} Orionis cluster. We have obtained spectral types for 340 stars. Spectroscopic data for spectral typing come from several spectrographs with similar spectroscopic coverage and resolution. More than half of the stars in our sample are members confirmed by the presence of lithium in absorption, strong H{alpha} in emission or weak gravity-sensitive features. In addition, we have obtained high-resolution (R~34000) spectra in the H{alpha} region for 169 stars in the region. Radial velocities were calculated from this data set. The radial velocity distribution for members of the cluster is in agreement with previous work. Analysis of the profile of the H{alpha} line and infrared observations reveals two binary systems or fast rotators that mimic the H{alpha} width expected in stars with accretion disks. On the other hand, there are stars with optically thick disks and narrow H{alpha} profiles not expected in stars with accretion disks. This contribution constitutes the largest homogeneous spectroscopic data set of the {sigma} Orionis cluster to date.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/151/143
- Title:
- Silicon depletion in the interstellar medium
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/151/143
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report interstellar silicon (Si) depletion and dust-phase column densities of Si along 131 Galactic sight lines using archival observations. The data were corrected for differences in the assumed oscillator strength. This is a much larger sample than previous studies but confirms the majority of results, which state that the depletion of Si is correlated with the average density of hydrogen along the line of sight (<n(H)>) as well as the fraction of hydrogen in molecular form (f(H_2_)). We also find that the linear part of the extinction curve is independent of Si depletion. Si depletion is correlated with the bump strength (c_3_/R_V_) and the FUV curvature (c_4_/R_V_) suggesting that silicon plays a significant role in both the 2175{AA} bump and the FUV rise.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/239/2
- Title:
- Simulated exoplanets from TESS list of targets
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/239/2
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has a goal of detecting small planets orbiting stars bright enough for mass determination via ground-based radial velocity observations. Here, we present estimates of how many exoplanets the TESS mission will detect, the physical properties of the detected planets, and the properties of the stars that those planets orbit. This work uses stars drawn from the TESS Input Catalog (TIC) Candidate Target List and revises yields from prior studies that were based on Galactic models. We modeled the TESS observing strategy to select approximately 200000 stars at 2-minute cadence, while the remaining stars are observed at 30-minute cadence in full-frame image data. We placed zero or more planets in orbit around each star, with physical properties following measured exoplanet occurrence rates, and used the TESS noise model to predict the derived properties of the detected exoplanets. In the TESS 2-minute cadence mode we estimate that TESS will find 1250+/-70 exoplanets (90% confidence), including 250 smaller than 2R_{Earth}_. Furthermore, we predict that an additional 3100 planets will be found in full-frame image data orbiting bright dwarf stars and more than 10000 around fainter stars. We predict that TESS will find 500 planets orbiting M dwarfs, but the majority of planets will orbit stars larger than the Sun. Our simulated sample of planets contains hundreds of small planets amenable to radial velocity follow-up, potentially more than tripling the number of planets smaller than 4R_{Earth}_ with mass measurements. This sample of simulated planets is available for use in planning follow-up observations and analyses.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/156/277
- Title:
- Sixty validated planets from K2 campaigns 5-8
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/156/277
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a uniform analysis of 155 candidates from the second year of NASA's K2 mission (Campaigns 5-8), yielding 60 statistically validated planets spanning a range of properties with median values of R_p_=2.5 R_{Earth}_, P=7.1 days, T_eq_=811 K, and J=11.3 mag. The sample includes 24 planets in 11 multiplanetary systems, as well as 18 false positives and 77 remaining planet candidates. Of particular interest are 18 planets smaller than 2 R_{Earth}_, five orbiting stars brighter than J=10 mag, and a system of four small planets orbiting the solar-type star EPIC 212157262. We compute planetary transit parameters and false-positive probabilities using a robust statistical framework and present a complete analysis incorporating the results of an intensive campaign of high-resolution imaging and spectroscopic observations. This work brings the K2 yield to over 360 planets, and by extrapolation, we expect that K2 will have discovered ~600 planets before the expected depletion of its onboard fuel in late 2018.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/143/67
- Title:
- SLoWPoKES. II. Properties of wide, low-mass binaries
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/143/67
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report the results from spectroscopic observations of 113 ultra-wide, low-mass binary systems, largely composed of M0-M3 dwarfs, from the SLoWPoKES catalog of common proper motion pairs identified in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (Dhital et al., 2010, Cat. J/AJ/139/2566). Radial velocities of each binary member were used to confirm that they are comoving and, consequently, to further validate the high fidelity of the SLoWPoKES catalog. Ten stars appear to be spectroscopic binaries based on broad or split spectral features, supporting previous findings that wide binaries are likely to be hierarchical systems. We measured the H{alpha} equivalent width of the stars in our sample and found that components of 81% of the observed pairs have similar H{alpha} levels. The difference in H{alpha} equivalent width among components with similar masses was smaller than the range of H{alpha} variability for individual objects. We confirm that the Lepine et al. (2007ApJ...669.1235L) {zeta}-index traces iso-metallicity loci for most of our sample of M dwarfs. However, we find a small systematic bias in {zeta}, especially in the early-type M dwarfs. We use our sample to recalibrate the definition of {zeta}. While representing a small change in the definition, the new {zeta} is a significantly better predictor of iso-metallicity for the higher-mass M dwarfs.