- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/837/30
- Title:
- 25yrs monitoring of stellar orbits in the GC
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/837/30
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Using 25 years of data from uninterrupted monitoring of stellar orbits in the Galactic Center (GC), we present an update of the main results from this unique data set: a measurement of mass and distance to SgrA*. Our progress is not only due to the eight-year increase in time base, but also to the improved definition of the coordinate system. The star S2 continues to yield the best constraints on the mass of and distance to Sgr A*; the statistical errors of 0.13x10^6^M_{sun}_ and 0.12kpc have halved compared to the previous study. The S2 orbit fit is robust and does not need any prior information. Using coordinate system priors, the star S1 also yields tight constraints on mass and distance. For a combined orbit fit, we use 17 stars, which yields our current best estimates for mass and distance: M=4.28+/-0.10|_stat._+/-0.21|_sys_x10^6^M_{sun}_ and R_0_=8.32+/-0.07|_stat._+/-0.14|_sys_kpc. These numbers are in agreement with the recent determination of R_0_ from the statistical cluster parallax. The positions of the mass, of the near-infrared flares from Sgr A*, and of the radio source Sgr A* agree to within 1mas. In total, we have determined orbits for 40 stars so far, a sample which consists of 32 stars with randomly oriented orbits and a thermal eccentricity distribution, plus eight stars that we can explicitly show are members of the clockwise disk of young stars, and which have lower-eccentricity orbits.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/232/8
- Title:
- 16yrs of AGNs X-ray spectral analyses from 7Ms CDF-S
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/232/8
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a detailed spectral analysis of the brightest active galactic nuclei (AGNs) identified in the 7Ms Chandra Deep Field-South (CDF-S) survey over a time span of 16 years. Using a model of an intrinsically absorbed power-law plus reflection, with possible soft excess and narrow Fe K{alpha} line, we perform a systematic X-ray spectral analysis, both on the total 7Ms exposure and in four different periods with lengths of 2-21 months. With this approach, we not only present the power-law slopes, column densities N_H_, observed fluxes, and absorption-corrected 2-10keV luminosities L_X_ for our sample of AGNs, but also identify significant spectral variabilities among them on timescales of years. We find that the N_H_ variabilities can be ascribed to two different types of mechanisms, either flux-driven or flux-independent. We also find that the correlation between the narrow Fe line EW and N_H_ can be well explained by the continuum suppression with increasing N_H_. Accounting for the sample incompleteness and bias, we measure the intrinsic distribution of N_H_ for the CDF-S AGN population and present reselected subsamples that are complete with respect to N_H_. The N_H_-complete subsamples enable us to decouple the dependences of N_H_ on L_X_ and on redshift. Combining our data with those from C-COSMOS, we confirm the anticorrelation between the average N_H_ and L_X_ of AGN, and find a significant increase of the AGN-obscured fraction with redshift at any luminosity. The obscured fraction can be described as f_obscured_~0.42(1+z)^0.60^.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/836/124
- Title:
- 2yrs of eclipse data & precise RVs for LP661-13
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/836/124
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report the detection of stellar eclipses in the LP 661-13 system. We present the discovery and characterization of this system, including high-resolution spectroscopic radial velocities and a photometric solution spanning two observing seasons. LP 661-13 is a low-mass binary system with an orbital period of 4.7043512_-0.0000010_^+0.0000013^d at a distance of 24.9+/-1.3pc. LP661-13A is a 0.30795+/-0.00084M_{sun}_ star, while LP661-13B is a 0.19400+/-0.00034M_{sun}_ star. The radius of each component is 0.3226+/-0.0033R_{sun}_ and 0.2174+/-0.0023R_{sun}_, respectively. We detect out-of-eclipse modulations at a period slightly shorter than the orbital period, implying that at least one of the components is not rotating synchronously. We find that each component is slightly inflated compared to stellar models, and that this cannot be reconciled through age or metallicity effects. As a nearby eclipsing binary system, where both components are near or below the full-convection limit, LP 661-13 will be a valuable test of models for the structure of cool dwarf stars.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/830/10
- Title:
- >20yrs of HST obs. of Cepheids in SNIa host gal.
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/830/10
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present results of an optical search conducted as part of the SH0ES project (Supernovae and H_0_ for the Equation of State of dark energy) for Cepheid variable stars using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in 19 hosts of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) and the maser-host galaxy NGC4258. The targets include nine newly imaged SN Ia hosts using a novel strategy based on a long-pass filter that minimizes the number of HST orbits required to detect and accurately determine Cepheid properties. We carried out a homogeneous reduction and analysis of all observations, including new universal variability searches in all SNIa hosts, which yielded a total of 2200 variables with well-defined selection criteria, the largest such sample identified outside the Local Group. These objects are used in a companion paper to determine the local value of H_0_ with a total uncertainty of 2.4%.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/854/12
- Title:
- 16yrs of radial velocity measurements of S0-2
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/854/12
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The star S0-2, which orbits the supermassive black hole (SMBH) in our Galaxy with a period of 16 years, provides the strongest constraint on both the mass of the SMBH and the distance to the Galactic center. S0-2 will soon provide the first measurement of relativistic effects near a SMBH. We report the first limits on the binarity of S0-2 from radial velocity (RV) monitoring, which has implications for both understanding its origin and robustness as a probe of the central gravitational field. With 87 RV measurements, which include 12 new observations that we present, we have the requisite data set to look for RV variations from S0-2's orbital model. Using a Lomb-Scargle analysis and orbit- fitting for potential binaries, we detect no RV variation beyond S0-2's orbital motion and do not find any significant periodic signal. The lack of a binary companion does not currently distinguish different formation scenarios for S0-2. The upper limit on the mass of a companion star (M_comp_) still allowed by our results has a median upper limit of M_comp_ sin i <=1.6M_{sun}_ for periods between 1 and 150 days, the longest period to avoid tidal break-up of the binary. We also investigate the impact of the remaining allowed binary system on the measurement of the relativistic redshift at S0-2's closest approach in 2018. While binary star systems are important to consider for this experiment, we find that plausible binaries for S0-2 will not alter a 5{sigma} detection of the relativistic redshift.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/821/89
- Title:
- 12yrs of radial velocity obs. of exoplanet systems
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/821/89
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We conducted a Doppler survey at Keck combined with NIRC2 K-band adaptive optics (AO) imaging to search for massive, long-period companions to 123 known exoplanet systems with one or two planets detected using the radial velocity (RV) method. Our survey is sensitive to Jupiter-mass planets out to 20au for a majority of stars in our sample, and we report the discovery of eight new long-period planets, in addition to 20 systems with statistically significant RV trends that indicate the presence of an outer companion beyond 5AU. We combine our RV observations with AO imaging to determine the range of allowed masses and orbital separations for these companions, and account for variations in our sensitivity to companions among stars in our sample. We estimate the total occurrence rate of companions in our sample to be 52+/-5% over the range 1-20M_Jup_ and 5-20AU. Our data also suggest a declining frequency for gas giant planets in these systems beyond 3-10AU, in contrast to earlier studies that found a rising frequency for giant planets in the range 0.01-3AU. This suggests either that the frequency of gas giant planets peaks between 3 and 10 AU, or that outer companions in these systems have a different semi-major axis distribution than the overall population of gas giant planets. Our results also suggest that hot gas giants may be more likely to have an outer companion than cold gas giants. We find that planets with an outer companion have higher average eccentricities than their single counterparts, suggesting that dynamical interactions between planets may play an important role in these systems.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/253/10
- Title:
- 12yrs of R-band photometry of the quasar 3C 454.3
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/253/10
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- In this work, we present 8523 pairs of R-band optical photometry observations for the quasar 3C 454.3 made during the period of 2006 October - 2018 February on the 70cm meniscus telescope at Abastumani Observatory, Georgia, to study its intraday variabilities (IDVs) and long-term variations, and we have come to the following results. (1) We detected 10 outbursts, a {Delta}R=3.825mag variation, and some IDVs. The IDV timescales are from 4.1 to 285 minutes, with the corresponding variability amplitude being A=2.9%-43.67%. The amplitude increases with IDV timescale. (2) The largest variation over a 1 day timescale is {Delta}R=1.38mag. (3) The IDV timescales suggest that the emission sizes are from 8.9x10^13^cm to 6.20x10^15^cm, and the magnetic field strengths are B=0.18-0.79G. (4) Period analysis results show three possible long-term periods, p=3.04+/-0.02yr, p=1.66+/-0.06yr, and p=1.20+/-0.03yr in the optical light curve. We adopted the accretion disk models and the lighthouse models to period p=3.04+/-0.02yr: in the accretion disk models, the binary black holes have masses M=1.17x10^9^M_{sun}_; in the lighthouse models, we used two boosted jet flux densities to fit the observational light curve. (5) WWZ analysis gives some short-period (high-frequency) signals associated with strong bursts (JD2454302 and JD2454521) with variable frequencies and lasting for the entire observation time span (11.3yr).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/884/92
- Title:
- 7yrs of VRI obs. of S5 0716+714 and its flares
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/884/92
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The typical blazar S5 0716+714 is very interesting due to its rapid and large-amplitude variability and high duty cycle of microvariability in the optical band. We analyze the observations in the I, R, and V bands obtained with the 1.0m telescope at Weihai observatory of Shandong University from 2011 to 2018. The model of synchrotron radiation from turbulent cells in a jet has been proposed as a mechanism for explaining microvariability seen in blazar light curves. Parameters such as the sizes of turbulent cells, the enhanced particle densities, and the location of the turbulent cells in the jet can be studied using this model. The model predicts a time lag between variations, as observed in different frequency bands. An automatic model fitting method for microvariability is developed, and the fitting results of our multi-frequency microvariability observations support the model. The results show that both the amplitude and duration of flares decomposed from the microvariability light curves conform to the log-normal distribution. The turbulent cell size is within the range of about 5-55au, and the time lags of the microvariability flares between the I-R and R-V bands should be several minutes. The time lags obtained from the turbulence model are consistent with the fitting statistical results, and the time lags of flares are correlated with the time lags of the whole light curve.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/848/103
- Title:
- ~1.5yr Swift observations of Mrk 421
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/848/103
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the results of the Swift observations of the nearby BL Lac object Mrk421 during 2013 November-2015 June. The source exhibited a strong long-term variability in the 0.3-10keV band, with a maximum-to-minimum flux ratio of 13, and underwent X-ray flares by a factor of 1.8-5.2 on timescales of a few weeks or shorter. The source showed 48 instances of intraday flux variability in this period, which sometimes was observed within the 1 ks observational run. It was characterized by fractional amplitudes of 1.5(0.3)%-38.6(0.4)% and flux doubling/halving times of 2.6-20.1hr. The X-ray flux showed a lack of correlation with the TeV flux on some occasions (strong TeV flares were not accompanied by comparable X-ray activity and vice versa), indicating that the high-energy emission in Mrk421 was generated from an emission region more complex than a single zone. The best fits of the 0.3-10keV spectra were mainly obtained using the log-parabola model, showing a strong spectral variability that generally followed a "harder-when-brighter" trend. The position of the synchrotron spectral energy distribution peak showed an extreme range from a few eV to ~10keV that happens rarely in blazars.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/647/A116
- Title:
- YSO candidate catalog from ANN
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/647/A116
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Observed young stellar objects (YSOs) are used to study star formation and characterize star-forming regions. For this purpose, YSO candidate catalogs are compiled from various surveys, especially in the infrared (IR), and simple selection schemes in color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) are often used to identify and classify YSOs. We propose a methodology for YSO classification through machine learning (ML) using Spitzer IR data. We detail our approach in order to ensure reproducibility and provide an in-depth example on how to efficiently apply ML to an astrophysical classification. We used feed forward artificial neural networks (ANNs) that use the four IRAC bands (3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8 micron) and the 24 micron MIPS band from Spitzer to classify point source objects into CI and CII YSO candidates or as contaminants. We focused on nearby (~1kpc) star-forming regions including Orion and NGC 2264, and assessed the generalization capacity of our network from one region to another. We found that ANNs can be efficiently applied to YSO classification with a contained number of neurons (~25). Knowledge gathered on one star-forming region has shown to be partly efficient for prediction in new regions. The best generalization capacity was achieved using a combination of several star-forming regions to train the network. Carefully rebalancing the training proportions was necessary to achieve good results. We observed that the predicted YSOs are mainly contaminated by under-constrained rare subclasses like Shocks and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), or by the vastly dominant other kinds of stars (mostly on the main sequence). We achieved above 90% and 97% recovery rate for CI and CII YSOs, respectively, with a precision above 80% and 90% for our most general results. We took advantage of the great flexibility of ANNs to define, for each object, an effective membership probability to each output class. Using a threshold in this probability was found to efficiently improve the classification results at a reasonable cost of object exclusion. With this additional selection, we reached 90% and 97% precision on CI and CII YSOs, respectively, for more than half of them. Our catalog of YSO candidates in Orion (365 CI, 2381 CII) and NGC 2264 (101 CI, 469 CII) predicted by our final ANN, along with the class membership probability for each object, is publicly available at the CDS. Compared to usual CMD selection schemes, ANNs provide a possibility to quantitatively study the properties and quality of the classification. Although some further improvement may be achieved by using more powerful ML methods, we established that the result quality depends mostly on the training set construction. Improvements in YSO identification with IR surveys using ML would require larger and more reliable training catalogs, either by taking advantage of current and future surveys from various facilities like VLA, ALMA, or Chandra, or by synthesizing such catalogs from simulations.