This database table is derived from the Swift TDRSS messages sent on ground soon after a BAT trigger occurs on-board. For each trigger there are associated up to 14 messages, however not all are always generated and sent on ground. The messages are generated on board by the BAT, XRT and UVOT instruments and the Figure of Merit part of the observatory's autonomy. The BAT and XRT can each have five different message types. The UVOT and FOM can each have two different message types. These TDRSS messages are the results of the on-board data processing of the three instruments and some contain data products. They are first distributed via the GCN and later archived. The BAT messages are: alert, 'ack' containing the position, or 'nack' if the position could not be calculated, a lightcurve and scaled map. The XRT messages are: centroid containing the position, an image (if the position has been calculated), centroid error if the position could not be calculated, spectra in Low Rate Photodiode and Windowed Timing modes, a lightcurve. The UVOT messages are: finding chart containing star positions and a subimage centered on the XRT position. The FOM messages are used to indicate if the FOM will or will not observe the new target and if the spacecraft will (or will not) request a slew for the new target. The parameters in this database table are a collection of high level information taken from the following messages : the BAT alert, 'ack' or 'nack' message, the FOM messages, the XRT position and image. If the information is not available the fields are left blank. All messages are provided as data products within this database table. This database table is generated at the Swift processing site. During operation, it is updated on daily basis. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
The UVOT runs only one type of configuration filter/mode/window in a given time interval. This database table, therefore, contains for a given time interval a single record that describes one configuration. This database table is generated by the Swift Data Center. During operation, it is updated on daily basis. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
The XRT runs only one type of configuration mode/window in a given time interval. The table therefore contains for a given time interval a single record that describes one configuration. A new record is generated when the following is changing within an observation: new operating mode , new pointing mode, or new window configuration. This database table is generated by the Swift Data Center. During operation, it is updated on daily basis. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
The IRAS Galaxy Atlas (IGA) is a high resolution image atlas of the Galactic plane at 60 and 100 microns, it has been produced using the IRAS satellite data. The HIRES program was developed by the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC) to produce high resolution (~ 1 arcmin) images from IRAS data using the Maximum Correlation Method (H.H. Aumann, J.W. Fowler and M. Melnyk, 1990, Astronomical Journal, 99, 1674).
The Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UIT) was one of three ultraviolet telescopes on the ASTRO-1 mission flown on the Space Shuttle Columbia during the period of 2 - 10 December 1990. The same three instruments were later flown on the Space Shuttle Endeavour during 3 - 17 March 1995, as part of the ASTRO-2 mission. Exposures were obtained on 70-mm photographic film in the 1200-3300 Angstrom range using broadband filters and later digitized using a Perkin-Elmer microdensitometer. The image resolution was 3 arcseconds over a 40 arcminute field of view and images of targets as faint as 21st (ultraviolet) magnitude were recorded. Overall, the UIT-1 mission obtained 821 exposures of 66 targets (361 near-UV and 460 far-UV), and UIT-2 obtained 758 images of 193 targets (all far-UV), for a total of 1579 exposures. This table contains only 1481 rows, 777 UIT-1 exposures (347 near-UV and 430 far-UV) and 704 UIT-2 exposures (all far-UV), implying that 98 exposures are 'missing' from this table. This table was created by the HEASARC in April 2012 based on <a href="">CDS Catalog VI/104</a> file uitlist.dat. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
Data for these sources were obtained from the Vela 5B all-sky XC detector. The Vela 5B nuclear test detection satellite was part of a program run jointly by the Advanced Research Projects of the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S.Atomic Energy Commission, managed by the U.S. Air Force. It was placed in a nearly circular orbit at a geocentric distance of ~118,000 km on 23 May 1969; the orbital period was ~112 hours. The satellite rotated about its spin axis with a ~64-sec period. The X-ray detector was located ~90 degrees from the spin axis, and so covered the celestial sphere twice per satellite orbit. Data were telemetered in 1-sec count accumulations. Vela 5B operated until 19 June 1979, although telemetry tracking was poor after mid-1976. The scintillation X-ray detector (XC) aboard Vela 5B consisted of two 1-mm-thick NaI(Tl) crystals mounted on photomultiplier tubes and covered by a 5-mil-thick beryllium window. Electronic thresholds provided two energy channels, 3-12 keV and 6-12 keV. In front of each crystal was a slat collimator providing a FWHM aperture of ~6.1x6.1 degrees. The effective detector area was ~26 sq-cm. Sensitivity to celestial sources was severely limited by the intrinsic detector background of ~36 cts/sec. The Vela 5B X-ray detector yielded ~40 cts/sec for the Crab, so 1 Vela ct/sec ~25 UFU~4.5E-10 ergs/sq-cm/sec in the 3-12 keV response band. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
This database table contains the current target list of the X-ray Multi-Mirror Newton (XMM-Newton) mission including those in (i) the routine calibration plan, (ii) the Guaranteed Time Observation (GTO) program, (iii) the triggered target candidates or ToOs accepted for the First through the Twentieth-Fourth Announcements of Opportunity (AO-1 through AO-24) programs, (iv) the AO-1 through AO-24 Guest Observer (GO) program targets with priority A or B, (v) the AO-1 through AO-19 GO program targets with priority C which have been observed, (vi) the AO-20 through AO-24 GO program targets with priority C, and (vii) the targets granted by agreement of the ESA Director of Science and the National Space Agency of Japan, following the loss of the original Astro-E spacecraft. For complete and authoritative information on the XMM-Newton mission, policies, and data archive, refer to the web pages of the European Space Agency's (ESA's) XMM-Newton Science Operations Center at <a href=""></a> and of NASA's XMM-Newton Guest Observer Facility at <a href=""></a> Notice that all priority C targets from AOs 1 through 19 which were never observed by XMM-Newton (and hence have expired) have been removed from this table. To check which targets have either already been observed by XMM-Newton or are on the short-term schedule to be observed in the next few weeks, users should examine the <a href="/db-perl/W3Browse/">XMMMASTER</a> table which is also contained in Browse. To find out which targets are currently scheduled to be observed in the next three months, the user should check the XMM-Newton Advanced Plan at <a href=""></a> While abstracts are available for most proposals, there are a number of targets for which the HEASARC lacks the corresponding abstracts: e.g., the abstracts for AO-2 Guest Observer targets which have non-US PIs are not available. This database table was last updated by the HEASARC in December 2024, when AO-24's accepted targets were added. <p> AO-23's accepted targets were added in November 2023. <p> AO-22's accepted targets were added in November 2022. <p> AO-21's accepted targets were added and AO-19's unobserved priority C targets were removed in December 2021. <p> AO-20's accepted targets were added and AO-18's unobserved priority C targets were removed in December 2020. <p> AO-19's accepted targets were added and AO-17's unobserved priority C targets were removed in April 2020. <p> In June 2019, many duplicate entries were removed. <p> AO-18's accepted targets were added and AO-16's unobserved priority C targets were removed in November 2018. <p> AO-17's accepted targets were added and AO-15's unobserved priority C targets were removed in November 2017. <p> AO-16's accepted targets were added and AO-14's unobserved priority C targets were removed in December 2016. <p> AO-15's accepted targets were added and AO-13's unobserved priority C targets were removed in December 2015. <p> In August 2015, proposal titles were added. <p> AO-14's accepted targets were added and AO-12's unobserved priority C targets were removed in December 2014. <p> AO-13's accepted targets were added and AO-11's unobserved priority C targets were removed in December 2013. <p> AO-12's accepted targets were added and AO-10's unobserved priority C targets were removed in December 2012. <p> AO-11's accepted targets were added and AO-9's unobserved priority C targets were removed in December 2011. <p> AO-10's accepted targets were added and AO-8's unobserved priority C targets were removed in December 2010. <p> AO-9's accepted targets were added and AO-7's unobserved priority C targets were removed in January 2010. <p> AO-8's accepted targets were added and AO-6's unobserved priority C targets were removed in December 2008. <p> AO-7's accepted targets were added and AO-5's unobserved priority C targets were removed in January 2008. <p> AO-6's accepted targets were added in January 2007, and, in November 2006, an effort was made to remove most of the unobserved priority C targets from previous AOs. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
This is the XMM-Newton Master Catalog and Public Archive table which has been created from information supplied to the HEASARC by the XMM-Newton Project. It is periodically updated as necessary. This database table contains the list of observations which have already been made by the XMM-Newton observatory, as well as those which are scheduled to be made in the near future (usually a a few weeks to a month ahead of the present). It does not contain observations which are scheduled to be performed further in the future, nor does it contain accepted observations which have not yet been scheduled. The list of all accepted XMM-Newton observations, including a number of ones which are unlikely to ever be carried out, such as accepted priority C targets, is available in the XMMAO Browse table. This table includes entries for both pointed data and for data obtained during spacecraft slews. The slew observations all have obsid values beginning with the digit 9 and, because they were not made at a fixed position, lack any positional information such as RA and Declination. Some XMM-Newton observations for which the archived data has become publicly available as indicated by the public_date parameter value, i.e., the proprietary period has expired, are not currently available at the HEASARC: such cases will have values of 'N' for the data_in_heasarc parameter. These datasets in most cases are available at the ESA XMM-Newton Science Archive (XSA) at <a href=""></a>. For much more detailed information on the XMM-Newton instruments and their operation, please refer to the XMM-Newton Users Handbook at <a href=""></a>. This database table was created by the HEASARC based on information supplied by the XMM-Newton Project at the following URLs: <pre> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> </pre> It is periodically updated within a few days of whenever these XMM-Newton Project's URLs are modified. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
The 2023 release of the XMM OM Serendipitous Ultraviolet Source Survey (XMM-SUSS6.1) Catalog, a catalog of optical/UV sources detected by the Optical Monitor (OM) on-board the European Space Agency's (ESA's) XMM-Newton observatory, spans the period of observations from 2000 to November 2022. The data processing was performed at the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC, Madrid, Spain) using the XMM Science Analysis Software system (SAS) versions 18 and 19. In addition to covering a larger observation period, this sixth release reflects a change in philosophy with regard to the origin of the incorporated data. In previous releases, the data were generated via a bespoke processing of the OM Observation Data Files (ODFs) while in this new release, the catalog has been guided by the XMM user community and the authors have sought to harmonize the contents of the catalog with those of the OM data in the XMM-Newton Science Archive (XSA), which derive from the standard XMM-Newton pipeline processing system. While the bespoke processing and pipeline systems are fundamentally very similar, they are not identical and the differences lead to some differences in the output. The number of observations (OBSIDs) included in the catalog is 12,057. This table (XMMOMSUOB) contains the list of these observations and their characteristics, giving for each observation the filters used, the exposure time for each filter, the number of sources detected in each filter and the detection magnitude limit for each filter. The total number of entries in this release is 9,920,390. They correspond to 6,659,554 unique sources, of which 1,225,117 have multiple entries in the source table, corresponding to different observations. This list of sources is available at the HEASARC as the <a href="/W3Browse/xmm-newton/xmmomsuss.html">XMMOMSUSS table</a>. The documentation on the first release of this catalog is available at <a href=""></a>. This HEASARC database table contains the sixth release of the XMM-OM SUSS catalog, XMM-SUSS6.1, released by ESA in October 2023, obtained from the XMM-Newton Science Archive (<a href=""></a>), and ingested into the HEASARC database in October 2023. It is also available at the HEASARC as the gzipped FITS file <a href=""></a>. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .