We have determined matrix elements for all experimental configurations of CaIII, including the 3s^3^p^6^3d configuration. These values have been obtained using intermediate coupling (IC). For these IC calculations, we have used the standard method of least-squares fitting from the experimental energy levels, using the computer code developed by Robert Cowan. In this paper, using these matrix elements, we report the calculated values of the CaIII Stark widths and shifts for 148 spectral lines, of 56 CaIII spectral line transition probabilities and of eight radiative lifetimes of CaIII levels. The Stark widths and shifts, calculated using the Griem semi-empirical approach, correspond to the spectral lines of CaIII and are presented for an electron density of 10^17^cm^-3^ and temperatures T=1.0-10.0(x10^4^K). The theoretical trends of the Stark broadening parameter versus the temperature are presented for transitions that are of astrophysical interest. There is good agreement between our calculations, for transition probabilities and radiative lifetimes, and the experimental values presented in the literature. We have not been able to find any values for the Stark parameters in the references.
Using a semiclassical approach, we have calculated electron-, proton-, and He III-impact line widths and shifts for 4 Ca IX multiplets for perturber densities 10^18^-10^22^cm^-3^ and 48 Ca X multiplets for perturber densities 10^17^-10^22^cm^-3^. In both cases the temperature range is T=200000-5000000K. For lower perturber densities, obtained results are linear with perturber density.
Stark broadening parameters, widths, and shifts for 33 CdI singlets and 37 triplets were calculated using the semiclassical perturbation method. The results were compared with available experimental and theoretical data. Also, regularity in the spectral series 5s^2^ ^1^S-np ^1^P^o^ was investigated. The influence of Stark broadening was analyzed in A-type stellar atmospheres.
Stark broadening of the 18 Ga I transitions has been analyzed within the framework of the semiclassical perturbation method. Results obtained have been compared with available experimental and theoretical data and used for the consideration of the influence of the Stark broadening effect in stellar atmospheres
Stark broadening of the 447.1nm line of neutral helium in a weakly coupled plasma has been studied. This spectral line has a very close forbidden component. This means it is very sensitive to the plasma electron density, which is similar to hydrogen lines, for which the Stark effect is linear. The aim of this work is to supply information to be used in the spectroscopic diagnostics of plasmas.
New tables of Stark broadened hydrogen Lyman, Balmer and Paschen lines are presented for a wide range of plasma conditions, allowing the complete spectrum of these series to be modelled up to the Inglis Teller limit. The formalism, based on the Model Microfield Method (MMM) for both the electronic and ionic broadenings , gives an accurate description of the line profile from the centre to the wings. The profiles are calculated for a pure hydrogen plasma. All the transitions from n_lower = 1 (Lyman), 2(Balmer), 3(Paschen) to n_upper= (2 to 30) Lyman, (3 to 30) Balmer, (4 to 30) Paschen are reported. The temperature range is 2500 to 1.259E+06 K (10 temperatures) The electronic density range is 10e10 to 3.162E+19 (20 densities) A summary of the parameter values is reported in file "params.dat". The line profiles are tabulated in directories: ly/lyNN for Lyman lines, with NN = 02 .. 30 ba/baNN for Balmer lines, with NN = 03 .. 30 pa/paNN for Paschen lines, with NN = 04 .. 30 Each TRANSITION directory (for example ly/ly02, for Lyman{alpha}) contains at maximum 20 files, denoted by profilX.dat, ie, profil1.dat, ..., profil20.dat, which correspond to different increasing densities. Due to the plasma lowering of the ionization limit (Inglis Teller limit), the number of reported density calculations decreases when NN increases. The number of density files profilX.dat is reported for each transition directory in the file nraie.dat.
With the development of space-borne spectroscopy, spectral line parameters for a large number of lines become of increasing interest for astrophysics. To provide Stark broadening data for ion lines from complex spectra, we present here calculated Stark widths for 37 Kr II lines from the 5s-5p transition. The calculations were performed by using a modified semiempirical approach. The obtained Stark widths are on average in satisfactory agreement with available experimental data.
By using the semiclassical-perturbation formalism, we have calculated electron-, proton-, and He III-impact line widths and shifts for 4 K VIII and 30 K IX multiplets, of interest for analysis, investigation and modeling of different plasmas in solar and stellar subphotospheric layers research and plasma physics. The obtained results are presented as a function of temperature and perturber density. Results are compared with other theoretical estimates, based on regularities and systematic trends.
The electron - impact line widths and shifts for 16 Mn II, 3 Mn III, 10 Ga III, 8 Ge III and 14 Ge IV multiplets, have been considered within a modified semiempirical approach. Moreover, using a semiclassical approach, we have considered electron-, proton-, and He III-impact line widths and shifts for 3 Ge IV multiplets. The obtained results have been compared with other theoretical results.
Using a semiclassical perturbation approach, we have calculated electron-, proton-, and He III-impact line widths and shifts for 57 Na X multiplets for perturber densities 10^17^-10^24^cm^-3^ and temperatures T=200000-5000000K. For lower perturber densities, the Stark broadening parameters are proportional to the perturber density.