Using a semiclassical perturbation approach, we have calculated electron-, proton-, and He III-impact line widths and shifts for 14 O VII and 18 Mg XI multiplets. For O VII, perturber densities are 10^17^-10^23^cm^-3^ and temperatures T=100000-2000000K. For Mg XI, perturber densities are 10^18^-10^24^cm^-3^ and temperatures T=500000-5000000K. For lower perturber densities, the Stark broadening parameters are proportional to the perturber density.
Using a semi-empirical approach, we report in this paper calculated values of the Stark broadening parameters for 58 lines of PbIV. They were calculated using a set of wavefunctions obtained from Hartree-Fock relativistic calculations including core polarization effects. Stark widths for 58 lines of PbIV arising from 5d^10^ns (n=7,8), 5d^10^6p, 5d^9^6s6p, 5d^10^nd (n=6,7), 5d^10^5g and 5d^10^nh (n=6,7) configurations have been calculated in this way. Stark widths and shifts are presented for an electron density of 10^17^cm^-3^ and temperatures T=11000-200000K. These atomic data are relevant to the analysis of PbIV detected in Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer spectra of hot subdwarf B stars and are used to determine the lead abundance of the early B main-sequence star AV 304 in the Small Magallanic Cloud by measuring the 1313.1{AA} resonance line. Common trends for the Stark width of the resonance lines have been found and are discussed.
Using a semiclassical approach, we have calculated electron-, proton-, and He III-impact line widths and shifts for 114 P IV multiplets for perturber densities 10^15^-10^20^cm^-3^ and temperatures T=5000-1000000K. The obtained results have been compared with results obtained by using various simpler approaches.
By using the semiclassical-perturbation formalism, we have calculated electron-, proton-, and He III-impact line widths and shifts for 4 Sc X, 10 Sc XI, 4 Ti XI and 27 Ti XII multiplets, significant for analysis, investigation and modeling of different plasmas in solar and stellar physics, physics and technology. The results are presented as a function of temperature and perturber density.
Using a semiclassical perturbation approach, we have obtained Stark broadening parameters for 16 Si V multiplets using atomic data calculated ab initio with the SUPERSTRUCTURE code. In order to complete Stark broadening data for the most important charged perturbers in stellar atmospheres, Stark broadening parameters for proton-, He II-, and Si II-impact line widths and shifts are also presented. Results have been obtained for an electron density of 10^17^cm^-3^ as a function of temperature. Moreover, we have performed the same calculations with oscillator strengths calculated within the Coulomb approximation.
The determination of the Stark broadening parameters of Sn ions is useful for astrophysicists interested in the determination of the density of electrons in stellar atmospheres. In this paper, we report on the calculated values of the Stark broadening parameters for 171 lines of SnIII arising from 4d^10^5sns (n=6-9), 4d^10^5snp (n=5, 6), 4d^10^5p^2^, 4d^10^5snd (n=5-7), 4d^10^5s4f and 4d^10^5s5g. Stark linewidths and line shifts are presented for an electron density of 10^23^m^-3^ and temperatures T=11000-75000K. These have been calculated using a semi-empirical approach, with a set of wavefunctions obtained from Hartree-Fock relativistic calculations, including core polarization effects. The results obtained have been compared with available experimental data. These can be used to consider the influence of Stark broadening effects in A-type stellar atmospheres.
Using a semiclassical approach, we have calculated electron-, proton-, and He III-impact line widths and shifts for 34 S V multiplets for perturber densities 10^17^-10^21^cm^-3^ and temperatures T=20000-1000000K. For lower perturber densities, the obtained results are linear with perturber density.
Stark broadening parameters have been calculated for 60 spectral lines of XeVIII, for broadening by electron, proton, and HeIII impacts. For calculations, the semiclassical perturbation approach in the impact approximation has been used. The widths and shifts are provided for temperatures from 20000 K to 500000 K and for an electron density of 10^17^/cm^3^. Obtained results have been used to study the influence of Stark broadening on spectral lines in DO white dwarf atmospheres and it has been found that exist broad layers where this broadening mechanism is dominant in comparison with thermal Doppler broadening.
Using the semiclassical perturbation approach, we have calculated electron-, proton- and He II-impact line widths and shifts for 32 Zn I multiplets as a function of temperature and perturber density. Obtained results have been compared with the existing theoretical and experimental data
Using a semiclassical approach, we have calculated electron-, proton-, and ionized helium-impact line widths and shifts for 33 Sr I multiplets for perturber densities 10^13^cm^-3^ (for stellar plasma research) and 10^15^-10^18^cm^-3^ (for laboratory plasma research) and temperatures T=2500-50000K.