- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/627/A43
- Title:
- Two super-Earths orbiting TOI-402
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/627/A43
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is revolutionising the search for planets orbiting bright and nearby stars. In sectors 3 and 4, TESS observed TOI-402 (TIC-120896927), a bright V=9.1 K1 dwarf also known as HD15337, and found two transiting signals with periods of 4.76 and 17.18 days and radii of 1.90 and 2.21R_{Earth}_, respectively. This star was observed prior to the TESS detection as part of the radial-velocity (RV) search for planets using the HARPS spectrometer, and 85 precise RV measurements were obtained before the launch of TESS over a period of 14 years. In this paper, we analyse the HARPS RV measurements in hand to confirm the planetary nature of these two signals. HD15337 happens to present a stellar activity level similar to the Sun, with a magnetic cycle of similar amplitude and RV measurements that are affected by stellar activity. By modelling this stellar activity in the HARPS radial velocities using a linear dependence with the calcium activity index log(R'_HK_), we are able, with a periodogram approach, to confirm the periods and the planetary nature of TOI-402.01 and TOI-402.02. We then derive robust estimates from the HARPS RVs for the orbital parameters of these two planets by modelling stellar activity with a Gaussian process and using the marginalised posterior probability density functions obtained from our analysis of TESS photometry for the orbital period and time of transit. By modelling TESS photometry and the stellar host characteristics, we find that TOI-402.01 and TOI-402.02 have periods of 4.75642+/-0.00021 and 17.1784+/-0.0016 days and radii of 1.70+/-0.06 and 2.52+/-0.11 (precision 3.6 and 4.2%), respectively. By analysing the HARPS RV measurements, we find that those planets are both super-Earths with masses of 7.20+/-0.81 and 8.79+/-1.68 (precision 11.3 and 19.1%), and small eccentricities compatible with zero at 2{sigma}. Although having rather similar masses, the radii of these two planets are very different, putting them on different sides of the radius gap. By studying the temporal evolution under X-ray and UV (XUV) driven atmospheric escape of the TOI-402 planetary system, we confirm, under the given assumptions, that photo-evaporation is a plausible explanation for this radius difference. Those two planets, being in the same system and therefore being in the same irradiation environment are therefore extremely useful for comparative exoplanetology across the evaporation valley and thus bring constraints on the mechanisms responsible for the radius gap.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/641/A170
- Title:
- Ultracool dwarf K2 light curves
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/641/A170
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- With the discovery of a planetary system around the ultracool dwarf TRAPPIST-1, there has been a surge of interest in such stars as potential planet hosts. Planetary systems around ultracool dwarfs represent our best chance of characterising temperate rocky-planet atmospheres with the James Webb Space Telescope. However, TRAPPIST-1 remains the only known system of its kind and the occurrence rate of planets around ultracool dwarfs is still poorly constrained. We seek to perform a complete transit search on the ultracool dwarfs observed by NASA's K2 mission, and use the results to constrain the occurrence rate of planets around these stars. We filter and characterise the sample of ultracool dwarfs observed by K2 by fitting their spectral energy distributions and using parallaxes from Gaia. We build an automatic pipeline to perform photometry, detrend the light curves, and search for transit signals. Using extensive injection-recovery tests of our pipeline, we compute the detection sensitivity of our search, and thus the completeness of our sample. We infer the planetary occurrence rates within a hierarchical Bayesian model (HBM) to treat uncertain planetary parameters.With the occurrence rate parametrised by a step-wise function, we present a convenient way to directly marginalise over the second level of our HBM (the planetary parameters). Our method is applicable generally and can greatly speed up inference with larger catalogues of detected planets. We detect one planet in our sample of 702 ultracool dwarfs: a previously validated mini-Neptune. We thus infer a mini-Neptune (2-4R_{Earth}_) occurrence rate of {eta}=0.20^+0.16^_0.11_ within orbital periods of 1-20 days. For super-Earths (1-2R_{Earth}_) and ice or gas giants (4-6R_{Earth}_) within 1-20 days, we place 95% credible intervals of {eta}<1.14 and {eta}<0.29, respectively. If TRAPPIST-1-like systems were ubiquitous, we would have a 96% chance of finding at least one.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/635/A205
- Title:
- Ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-121b transits
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/635/A205
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Ultra-hot Jupiters offer interesting prospects for expanding our theories on dynamical evolution and the properties of extremely irradiated atmospheres. In this context, we present the analysis of new optical spectroscopy for the transiting ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-121b. We first refine the orbital properties of WASP-121b, which is on a nearly polar (obliquity Psi^North^=88.1+/-0.25{deg} or Psi^South^=91.11+/-0.20{deg}) orbit, and exclude a high differential rotation for its fast-rotating (P<1.13-days), highly inclined (i*^North_=8.1^+3.0^_-2.6_{deg} or i*_South_=171.9^+2.5^_-3.4_{deg}) star. We then present a new method that exploits the reloaded Rossiter-McLaughlin technique to separate the contribution of the planetary atmosphere and of the spectrum of the stellar surface along the transit chord. Its application to HARPS transit spectroscopy of WASP-121b reveals the absorption signature from metals, likely atomic iron, in the planet atmospheric limb. The width of the signal (14.3+/-1.2km/s) can be explained by the rotation of the tidally locked planet. Its blueshift (-5.2+/-0.5km/s) could trace strong winds from the dayside to the nightside, or the anisotropic expansion of the planetary thermosphere.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/156/78
- Title:
- 44 validated planets from K2 Campaign 10
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/156/78
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present 44 validated planets from the 10th observing campaign of the NASA K2 mission, as well as high-resolution spectroscopy and speckle imaging follow-up observations. These 44 planets come from an initial set of 72 vetted candidates, which we subjected to a validation process incorporating pixel-level analyses, light curve analyses, observational constraints, and statistical false positive probabilities. Our validated planet sample has median values of R_p_=2.2 R_{Earth}_, P_orb_=6.9 days, T_eq_=890 K, and J=11.2 mag. Of particular interest are four ultra-short period planets (P_orb_~<1 day), 16 planets smaller than 2 R_{Earth}_, and two planets with large predicted amplitude atmospheric transmission features orbiting infrared-bright stars. We also present 27 planet candidates, most of which are likely to be real and worthy of further observations. Our validated planet sample includes 24 new discoveries and has enhanced the number of currently known super-Earths (R_p_~1-2 R_{Earth}_), sub-Neptunes (R_p_~2-4 R_{Earth}_), and sub-Saturns (R_p_~4-8 R_{Earth}_) orbiting bright stars (J=8-10 mag) by ~4%, ~17%, and ~11%, respectively.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/239/5
- Title:
- Variable stars and cand. planets from K2
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/239/5
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We produce light curves for all ~34000 targets observed with K2 in Campaign 17 (C17), identifying 34 planet candidates, 184 eclipsing binaries, and 222 other periodic variables. The forward-facing direction of the C17 field means follow-up can begin immediately now that the campaign has concluded and interesting targets have been identified. The C17 field has a large overlap with C6, so this latest campaign also offers an infrequent opportunity to study a large number of targets already observed in a previous K2 campaign. The timing of the C17 data release, shortly before science operations begin with the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), also lets us exercise some of the tools and methods developed for identification and dissemination of planet candidates from TESS. We find excellent agreement between these results and those identified using only K2-based tools. Among our planet candidates are several planet candidates with sizes <4R_{Earth}_ and orbiting stars with Kp<~10 (indicating good RV targets of the sort TESS hopes to find) and a Jupiter-sized single-transit event around a star already hosting a 6 day planet candidate.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/159/242
- Title:
- Velocities and transit times in the Kepler-88 system
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/159/242
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the discovery of Kepler-88d (P_d_=1403{+/-}14days, Msin_i_d__=965{+/-}44M_{Earth}_=3.04{+/-}0.13M_J_, e_d_=0.41{+/-}0.03) based on six years of radial velocity (RV) follow-up from the W.M.Keck Observatory High Resolution Echelle Spectrometer spectrograph. Kepler-88 has two previously identified planets. Kepler-88b (KOI-142.01) transits in the NASA Kepler photometry and has very large transit timing variations (TTVs). Nesvorny+, performed a dynamical analysis of the TTVs to uniquely identify the orbital period and mass of the perturbing planet (Kepler-88c), which was later was confirmed with RVs from the Observatoire de Haute-Provence (OHP). To fully explore the architecture of this system, we performed photodynamical modeling on the Kepler photometry combined with the RVs from Keck and OHP and stellar parameters from spectroscopy and Gaia. Planet d is not detectable in the photometry, and long-baseline RVs are needed to ascertain its presence. A photodynamical model simultaneously optimized to fit the RVs and Kepler photometry yields the most precise planet masses and orbital properties yet for b and c: P_b_=10.91647{+/-}0.00014days, M_b_=9.5{+/-}1.2M_{Earth}_, P_c_=22.2649{+/-}0.0007days, and M_c=214.0{+/-}5.3M_{Earth}_. The photodynamical solution also finds that planets b and c have low eccentricites and low mutual inclination, are apsidally anti-aligned, and have conjunctions on the same hemisphere of the star. Continued RV follow-up of systems with small planets will improve our understanding of the link between inner planetary system architectures and giant planets.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/157/171
- Title:
- Visual analysis and demographics of Kepler TTVs
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/157/171
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We visually analyzed the transit timing variation (TTV) data of 5930 Kepler Objects of Interest (KOIs) homogeneously. Using data from Rowe et al. (2014, J/ApJ/784/45) and Holczer et al. (2015, J/ApJ/807/170; 2016, J/ApJS/225/9), we investigated TTVs for nearly all KOIs in Kepler's Data Release 24 catalog. Using TTV plots, periodograms, and phase-folded quadratic plus sinusoid fits, we visually rated each KOI's TTV data in five categories. Our ratings emphasize the hundreds of planets with TTVs that are weaker than the ~200 that have been studied in detail. Our findings are consistent with statistical methods for identifying strong TTVs, though we found some additional systems worth investigation. Between about 3-50 days and 1.3-6 Earth radii, the frequency of strong TTVs increases with period and radius. As expected, strong TTVs are very common when period ratios are near a resonance, but there is not a one-to-one correspondence. The observed planet-by-planet frequency of strong TTVs is only somewhat lower in systems with one or two known planets (7%+/-1%) than in systems with three or more known planets (11%+/-2%). We attribute TTVs to known planets in multitransiting systems but find ~30 cases where the perturbing planet is unknown. Our conclusions are valuable as an ensemble for learning about planetary system architectures and individually as stepping stones toward more-detailed mass-radius constraints. We also discuss Data Release 25 TTVs, investigate ~100 KOIs with transit duration and/or depth variations, and estimate that the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite will likely find only ~10 planets with strong TTVs.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/643/A98
- Title:
- VIsual Binary Exoplanet survey with SPHERE
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/643/A98
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Recent surveys indicate that planets in binary systems are more abunda- nt than previously thought, which is in agreement with theoretical work on disc dynamics and planet formation in binaries. So far, most observational surveys, however, have focused on short-period planets in binaries, thus little is known about the occurrence rates of planets on longer periods (>10au). In order to measure the abundance and physical characteristics of wide-orbit giant exoplanets in binary systems, we have designed the 'VIsual Binary Exoplanet survey with Sphere' (VIBES) to search for planets in visual binaries. It uses the SPHERE instrument at VLT to search for planets in 23 visual binary and four visual triple systems with ages of <145Myr and distances of <150pc. We used the IRDIS dual-band imager on SPHERE to acquire high-contrast images of the sample targets. For each binary, the two components were observed at the same time with a coronagraph masking only the primary star. For the triple star, the tight components were treated as a single star for data reduction. This enabled us to effectively search for companions around 50 individual stars in binaries and four binaries in triples. We derived upper limits of <13.7% for the frequency of sub-stellar companions around primaries in visual binaries, <26.5% for the fraction of sub-stellar companions around secondaries in visual binaries, and an occurrence rate of <9.0% for giant planets and brown dwarfs around either component of visual binaries. We have combined our observations with literature measurements to astrometrically confirm, for the first time, that 20 binaries and two triple systems, which were previously known, are indeed physically bound. Finally, we discovered a third component of the binary HD 121336. The upper limits we derived are compatible with planet formation through the core accretion and the gravitational instability processes in binaries. These limits are also in line with limits found for single star and circumbinary planet search surveys.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/B/planets
- Title:
- VizieR Solar system catalogues
- Short Name:
- B/planets
- Date:
- 03 Dec 2021 00:36:23
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The VizieR planetary catalogue EPN-TAP service provides a selection of catalogues containing data related to the Solar System and exoplanets. VizieR (http://vizier.unistra.fr) is a larger service distributing astronomical catalogues related to reviewed papers. Catalogues can be downloaded in TOPCAT (sometimes as multiple tables), the external_link parameter provides access to associated files. This catalogue is the result of a common effort of CDS and ObsParis. The table is conform with EPNcore standard to be queriable throw Europlanet web site (http://www.europlanet-vespa.eu/).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/161/54
- Title:
- VRI photometry of MOA 2009-BLG-319
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/161/54
- Date:
- 10 Dec 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present an adaptive optics (AO) analysis of images from the KeckII telescope NIRC2 instrument of the planetary microlensing event MOA-2009-BLG-319. The ~10yr baseline between the event and the Keck observations allows the planetary host star to be detected at a separation of 66.5{+/-}1.7mas from the source star, consistent with the light-curve model prediction. The combination of the host star brightness and light-curve parameters yields host star and planet masses of M_host_=0.524{+/-}0.048M{sun} and m_p_=67.3{+/-}6.2M{Earth} at a distance of DL=7.1{+/-}0.7kpc. The star-planet projected separation is 2.03{+/-}0.21au. The planet-to-star mass ratio of this system, q=(3.857{+/-}0.029)x10^-4^, places it in the predicted "planet desert" at 10^-4^<q<4x10^-4^ according to the runaway gas accretion scenario of the core accretion theory. Seven of the 30 planets in the Suzuki et al. sample fall in this mass ratio range, and this is the third with a measured host mass. All three of these host stars have masses of 0.5<~M_host_/M{sun}<~0.7, which implies that this predicted mass ratio gap is filled with planets that have host stars within a factor of two of 1M{sun}. This suggests that runaway gas accretion does not play a major role in determining giant planet masses for stars somewhat less massive than the Sun. Our analysis has been accomplished with a modified DAOPHOT code that has been designed to measure the brightness and positions of closely blended stars. This will aid in the development of the primary method that the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope mission will use to determine the masses of microlens planets and their hosts.