This document describes a computer version of that part of the CGCG (Zwicky et al. 1961-68) containing all the alphanumeric information for galaxies. All known errors found by Zwicky and many others are corrected as well as erroneous quotations from other catalogs (Shapley & Ames 1932, Bigay 1951, Pettit 1954, Humason et al. 1956, Holmberg 1958). It is an illusion to consider all the errors are found. There are some misprints even in the most extended list of misprints (Paturel et al. 1991). We have compiled two files: zwi_gal.ori and zwi_gal.add. The first one contains the original information from CGCG for galaxies. The second one contains the data from above mentioned other catalogs given in CGCG. We have made no attempts to supply the catalog with any new information. A detailed comparison with the machine-readable version of Zwicky galaxies prepared by R.S. Hill (NSSDC ADC #7049 or CDS VII/49) was performed. Our version contains more data on individual galaxies - designation, description, magnitudes, velocity. All galaxies in the Coma center are included. However Hill's version contains data for Zwicky fields, Palomar Sky Survey plate number as well as Mead-Luyten-Palomar number. There are 27837 different galaxies and 29418 entries in CGCG.
The Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) is performing a three-day cadence survey of the visible northern sky (~3{pi}) with newly found transient candidates announced via public alerts. The ZTF Bright Transient Survey (BTS) is a large spectroscopic campaign to complement the photometric survey. BTS endeavors to spectroscopically classify all extragalactic transients with m_peak_<~18.5mag in either the g_ZTF_ or r_ZTF_ filters, and publicly announce said classifications. BTS discoveries are predominantly supernovae (SNe), making this the largest flux-limited SN survey to date. Here we present a catalog of 761 SNe, classified during the first nine months of ZTF (2018 April 1-2018 December 31). We report BTS SN redshifts from SN template matching and spectroscopic host-galaxy redshifts when available. We analyze the redshift completeness of local galaxy catalogs, the redshift completeness fraction (RCF; the ratio of SN host galaxies with known spectroscopic redshift prior to SN discovery to the total number of SN hosts). Of the 512 host galaxies with SNe Ia, 227 had previously known spectroscopic redshifts, yielding an RCF estimate of 44%{+/-}4%. The RCF decreases with increasing distance and decreasing galaxy luminosity (for z<0.05, or ~200Mpc, RCF~0.6). Prospects for dramatically increasing the RCF are limited to new multifiber spectroscopic instruments or wide-field narrowband surveys. Existing galaxy redshift catalogs are only ~50% complete at r~16.9mag. Pushing this limit several magnitudes deeper will pay huge dividends when searching for electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational wave events or sources of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays or neutrinos.