We present a catalogue of surface-brightness profiles (SBPs) of 125 Galactic globular clusters, the largest such collection ever gathered. The SBPs are constructed from generally inhomogeneous data, but are based heavily on the Berkeley Globular Cluster Survey of Djorgovski & King. All but four of the SBPs have photometric zero points. We derive central surface brightnesses, King-model concentrations, core radii, half-light, and other fraction-of-light radii where data permit, and we briefly discuss their use.
Although the colour distribution of globular clusters in massive galaxies is well known to be bimodal, the spectroscopic metallicity distribution has been measured in only a few galaxies. After redefining the calcium triplet index-metallicity relation, we use our relation to derive the metallicity of 903 globular clusters in 11 early-type galaxies. This is the largest sample of spectroscopic globular cluster metallicities yet assembled. We compare these metallicities with those derived from Lick indices finding good agreement. In six of the eight galaxies with sufficient numbers of high-quality spectra we find bimodality in the spectroscopic metallicity distribution. Our results imply that most massive early-type galaxies have bimodal metallicity as well as colour distributions. This bimodality suggests that most massive early-type galaxies experienced two periods of star formation.
Observations of the globular cluster M10 were taken at the Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO) 0.9 m telescope on the nights of UT dates 1995 May 6 and 9 using BVI filters. All frames were taken using a 2048x2048 pixel CCD with pixels covering 0.68 arcseconds on a side, for a total field of approximately 23.2 arcminutes on a side. The data were calibrated against Stetson (2000PASP..112..925S) standard stars. Additional high-resolution images were taken at the 3.6 m Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) on the night of UT date 1993 April 13 in BI filters. These observations used a 1200x1200 pixel CCD with pixels covering 0.11 arcseconds on a side, for a total field 2.2 arcminutes on a side, roughly centered on the cluster core. These data were calibrated against the KPNO data.
We present for the globular cluster NGC 5927 the first multicolor CCD photometry that reaches below the cluster's main sequence turnoff. The turnoff is located approximately at V_TO_=20.1mag, (B-V)_TO_=1.18mag, (V-I)_TO_=1.30mag. There is a hint of horizontal branch morphology variations with distance from the cluster center. Using the isochrones of VandenBerg & Bell (1985ApJS...58..561V), we derive the cluster age to be about 15Gyr.
The observations were done on the nights of UT dates 1995 May 6 and 9 by using the Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO) 0.9 m telescope. The file contains BVI data of the globular cluster M12. All frames were taken using a 2048x2048 pixel CCD with pixels covering 0.68 arcseconds on a side, for a total field of approximately 23.2 arcminutes on a side. The data were calibrated against Stetson (2000PASP..112..925S) standard stars.
We present new CCD photometry for the globular cluster M55 that extends well below the main-sequence turnoff. Combining these new data with previously published photographic photometry of cluster giants and horizontal-branch stars yields a high-quality composite color-magnitude diagram (CMD). A comparison of the latter with recent CMDs for M68 and NGC 6752-two clusters whose metallicities bracket that of M55-suggests (1) that the reddening to M55 may be as high as E(B-V)=0.14mag, and (2) that all three systems have similar ages. In particular, if the apparent distance modulus to M55 is (m-M)_V_=14.10mag, then isochrones for Y=0.24 and high [O/Fe] would suggest an age of ~14Gyr. Very encouraging agreement of the observations with theoretical predictions is found.
We present wide-field and high-precision BV and Ca and Stroemgren by photometry of {omega} Centauri, which represents one of the most extensive photometric surveys to date for this cluster. The member stars of {omega} Cen are well discriminated from foreground Galactic field stars in the hk[=(Ca-b)-(b-y)] versus b-y diagram. The resulting "cleaned" color-magnitude diagram (CMD) has allowed us to obtain an accurate distribution of the red horizontal-branch (HB) and the asymptotic giant branch stars.
Within the sample of six young open clusters (NGC 1502, NGC 3105, Stock 16, NGC 6268, NGC 7235 and NGC 7510) we have investigated 1753 objects using the narrow band, three filter Delta a photometric system resulting in the detection of eleven bona-fide magnetic chemically peculiar (CP) stars and five Be or metal-weak stars. The results for the distant cluster NGC 3105 is most important because of the still unknown influence of the global metallicity gradient of the Milky Way. These findings confirms that CP stars are present in open clusters of very young ages (logt>=6.90) at galactocentric distances up to 11.4kpc. For all programme clusters the age, reddening and distance modulus were derived using the corresponding isochrones. Some additional variable stars within Stock 16 could be identified by comparing different photometric studies.