We have derived the near-infrared structural components of a sample of Seyfert and starburst (SBN) host galaxies by fitting near-infrared images with a new two-dimensional decomposition algorithm. An analysis of the fitted parameters shows that Seyfert 1 and SBN bulges resemble normal early-type bulges in structure and color, with (J-K)^c^_b_ about 0.1 mag redder than disk (J-K)^c^_d_. Seyfert 2 bulges, on the other hand, are bluer than normal, with (J-K)^c^_b_{approx}(J-K)^c^_d_. Seyfert disks (especially type 1), but not those of SBNs, are abnormally bright (in surface brightness), significantly more so than even the brightest normal disks. Seyfert disks are also compact, but similar to those in normal early-type spirals. For a given mass, Seyfert and particularly SBN galaxies are abnormally rich in neutral hydrogen, and there is strong, albeit indirect, evidence for lower mass-to-light (M/L) ratios in Seyfert and SBN disks, but normal M/L ratios in their bulges. In Seyfert and SBN galaxies, H I mass fractions and M/L ratios are anticorrelated, and we attribute the high gas mass fractions and low M/L ratios in SBNs and several Seyfert galaxies to ongoing star formation. Such abundant gas in Seyfert galaxies would be expected to inhibit bar formation, which may explain why active galaxies are not always barred.
We present high-resolution near-infrared and mid-infrared imaging, mid-infrared spectroscopy and millimetre-wavelength continuum observations of the nearby massive star-forming complex IRAS 09002-4732. A rich cluster of young stars displaying near-infrared excess emission is detected. We identify the ionising source of the ultracompact H II region G268.42-0.85 and show that this star is the dominant heating and illuminating source of the region. Spectral type estimates based on different methods are consistent with a star of spectral type O9. The combination of the new observations with literature data allows us to set up the first structural model for the region.
We present intermediate-resolution (R~8000-12000) high signal-to-noise (S/N) H- and K-band spectroscopy of a sample of 37 optically visible stars, ranging in spectral type from O3 to B3 and representing most luminosity classes. Spectra of this quality can be used to constrain the temperature, luminosity, and general wind properties of OB stars, when used in conjunction with sophisticated atmospheric model codes. Most important is the need for moderately high resolutions (R>=5000) and very high signal-to-noise (S/N>=150) spectra for a meaningful profile analysis. When using near-infrared spectra for a classification system, moderately high signal-to-noise (S/N~100) is still required, though the resolution can be relaxed to just a thousand or two. In the Appendix we provide a set of very high-quality near-infrared spectra of Brackett lines in six early-A dwarfs. These can be used to aid in the modeling and removal of such lines when early-A dwarfs are used for telluric spectroscopic standards.
A revised near-infrared classification scheme for T dwarfs is presented, based on and superseding prior schemes developed by Burgasser and coworkers (2002ApJ...564..421B) and Geballe and coworkers (2002ApJ...564..466G), and defined following the precepts of the MK process. Drawing from two large spectroscopic libraries of T dwarfs identified largely in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the Two Micron All Sky Survey, nine primary spectral standards and five alternate standards spanning spectral types T0-T8 are identified that match criteria of spectral character, brightness, absence of a resolved companion, and accessibility from both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
We present an empirical infrared spectral library of medium-resolution (R~2000-3000) H (1.6{mu}m) and K (2.2{mu}m) band spectra of 218 red stars, spanning a range of [Fe/H] from ~-2.2 to ~+0.3. The sample includes Galactic disk stars, bulge stars from Baade's window, and red giants from Galactic globular clusters. We report the values of 19 indices covering 12 spectral features measured from the spectra in the library. Finally, we derive calibrations to estimate the effective temperature, and diagnostic relationships to determine the luminosity classes of individual stars from near-infrared spectra. This paper is part of a larger effort aimed at building a near-IR spectral library to be incorporated in population synthesis models, as well as at testing synthetic stellar spectra.
We present and discuss {lambda} 6470-8780 spectra of 7 poorly-studied Be stars and of one Luminous Blue Variable (AG Car), and give equivalent widths and radial velocities of selected spectral lines.
We present a library of 139 near-IR spectra of cool asymptotic giant branch stars that will be useful for comparison with theoretical model atmosphere calculations and for modelling the integrated emission from intermediate-age stellar populations. The source list was selected from the 'extremely red' region of the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) Photometric H{alpha} Survey (IPHAS) colour-colour plane that is overwhelmingly dominated by very late-type stars. The spectral library also includes a large fraction of S-type and carbon stars. We present a number of spectral classification sequences highlighting the various molecular features identified and discuss a number of rare features with uncertain identifications in the literature. With its focus on particularly cool photospheres, this catalogue serves as a companion to recent spectroscopic atlases of MK standards in the near-IR. Finally, the relationship between IPHAS (r'-i') and (r'-H{alpha}) colours and spectroscopically determined properties is discussed and a strong correlation between the (r'-H{alpha}) colour and the C/O abundance index for S-type and carbon stars is noted. This relation has the potential to separate O-rich, S-type and carbon stars in the Galaxy based on their photometry alone.
The existence in the Milky Way of either a long thin bar with a half length of 4.5kpc and a position angle of around 45{deg} with respect to the Sun-Galactic centre line or a bulge+bar complex, thicker and shorter, with a smaller tilt respect to the Sun-GC line, has been a matter of discussion in recent decades. In this paper, we present low resolution (R=500) near-infrared spectra for selected and serendipitous sources in six inner in-plane Galactic fields at l=7{deg}, 12{deg}, 15{deg}, 20{deg}, 26{deg} and 27{deg}, with the aim of analysing the stellar content present in those fields.
The rest-frame near-IR spectra of intermediate age (1-2Gyr) stellar populations are dominated by carbon based absorption features offering a wealth of information. Yet, spectral libraries that include the near-IR wavelength range do not sample a sufficiently broad range of ages and metallicities to allow for accurate calibration of stellar population models and thus the interpretation of the observations. In this paper we investigate the integrated J- and H-band spectra of six intermediate age and old globular clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC).
We present the results of a near-IR spectroscopic survey of 110 Class I protostars observed from 0.80um to 2.43um at a spectroscopic resolution of R=1200. This survey is unique in its selection of targets from the whole sky, its sample size, wavelength coverage, depth, and sample selection.