- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/160/38
- Title:
- Spitzer variability detections of 79 brown dwarfs
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/160/38
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present Spitzer Space Telescope variability monitoring observations of three low-gravity L dwarfs with previous detections of variability in the near-IR: 2MASSJ0045+16, 2MASSJ0501-00, and 2MASSJ1425-36. We detect significant periodic variability in two of our targets, 2MASS J0045+16 and 2MASS J0501-00. We do not detect variability in 2MASS J1425-36. Combining our new rotation periods with rotational velocities, we calculate inclination angles of 22{deg}{+/-}1{deg}, 60_-8_^+13^{deg}, and 52_-13_^+19^{deg} for 2MASSJ0045+16, 2MASSJ0501-00, and 2MASSJ1425-36, respectively. Our three new objects are consistent with the tentative relations between inclination, amplitude, and color anomaly previously reported. Objects with the highest variability amplitudes are inclined equator on, while the maximum observed amplitude decreases as the inclination angle decreases. We also find a correlation between the inclination angle and (J-K)_2MASS_ color anomaly for the sample of objects with measured inclinations. Compiling the entire sample of brown dwarfs with Spitzer variability detections, we find no enhancement in amplitude for young, early-L dwarfs compared to the field dwarf population. We find a possible enhancement in amplitude of low-gravity late-L dwarfs at 4.5{mu}m. We do not find a correlation between amplitude ratio and spectral type for field dwarfs or for the young population. Finally, we compile the rotation periods of a large sample of brown dwarfs with ages 1Myr-1Gyr and compare the rotation rates predicted by evolutionary models assuming angular momentum conservation. We find that the rotation rates of the current sample of brown dwarfs fall within the expected range set by evolutionary models and breakup limits.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/863/15
- Title:
- Spitzer, VLT and Keck NIR light curves of SgrA*
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/863/15
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) is the variable radio, near-infrared (NIR), and X-ray source associated with accretion onto the Galactic center black hole. We present an analysis of the most comprehensive NIR variability data set of Sgr A* to date: eight 24 hr epochs of continuous monitoring of Sgr A* at 4.5{mu}m with the IRAC instrument on the Spitzer Space Telescope, 93 epochs of 2.18{mu}m data from Naos Conica at the Very Large Telescope, and 30 epochs of 2.12{mu}m data from the NIRC2 camera at the Keck Observatory, in total 94929 measurements. A new approximate Bayesian computation method for fitting the first-order structure function extracts information beyond current fast Fourier transformation (FFT) methods of power spectral density (PSD) estimation. With a combined fit of the data of all three observatories, the characteristic coherence timescale of Sgr A* is {tau}_b_=243_-57_^+82^min (90% credible interval). The PSD has no detectable features on timescales down to 8.5min (95% credible level), which is the ISCO orbital frequency for a dimensionless spin parameter a=0.92. One light curve measured simultaneously at 2.12 and 4.5{mu}m during a low flux-density phase gave a spectral index {alpha}_s_=1.6+/-0.1 (F_{nu}_{propto}{nu}^-{alpha}_s_^). This value implies that the Sgr A* NIR color becomes bluer during higher flux-density phases. The probability densities of flux densities of the combined data sets are best fit by log-normal distributions. Based on these distributions, the Sgr A* spectral energy distribution is consistent with synchrotron radiation from a non-thermal electron population from below 20GHz through the NIR.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/235/36
- Title:
- SPLASH-SXDF multi-wavelength photometric catalog
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/235/36
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a multi-wavelength catalog in the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Field (SXDF) as part of the Spitzer Large Area Survey with Hyper-Suprime-Cam (SPLASH). We include the newly acquired optical data from the Hyper-Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program, accompanied by IRAC coverage from the SPLASH survey. All available optical and near-infrared data is homogenized and resampled on a common astrometric reference frame. Source detection is done using a multi-wavelength detection image including the u-band to recover the bluest objects. We measure multi-wavelength photometry and compute photometric redshifts as well as physical properties for ~1.17 million objects over ~4.2deg^2^, with ~800000 objects in the 2.4deg^2^ HSC-Ultra-Deep coverage. Using the available spectroscopic redshifts from various surveys over the range of 0<z<6, we verify the performance of the photometric redshifts and we find a normalized median absolute deviation of 0.023 and outlier fraction of 3.2%. The SPLASH-SXDF catalog is a valuable, publicly available resource, perfectly suited for studying galaxies in the early universe and tracing their evolution through cosmic time.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/PAZh/43/407
- Title:
- S5 0716+714 polarization & brightness 1991-2004
- Short Name:
- J/PAZh/43/407
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We investigate the photometric and polarimetric behavior of the blazar S5 0716+714 based on the observations carried out in 1991-2004 at the 125-cm Crimean Astrophysical Observatory telescope (AZT11) with a photopolarimeter that allows simultaneous polarization and brightness measurements to be made in the UBV RI bands. We also provide the UBV photometry for the blazar obtained in 2000-2009 with a 60-cm telescope at the Crimean Station of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute. The pattern of flux variability and the correlation between the brightness, color, and polarization variations have been investigated. In this time interval the blazar showed a significant brightness and polarization variability similar to noise processes.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/160/130
- Title:
- SpT & NIR color excess of Solar-type stars
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/160/130
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Although solar-analog stars have been studied extensively over the past few decades, most of these studies have focused on visible wavelengths, especially those identifying solar-analog stars to be used as calibration tools for observations. As a result, there is a dearth of well-characterized solar analogs for observations in the near-infrared, a wavelength range important for studying solar system objects. We present 184 stars selected based on solar-like spectral type and V-J and V-K colors whose spectra we have observed in the 0.8-4.2{mu}m range for calibrating our asteroid observations. Each star has been classified into one of three ranks based on spectral resemblance to vetted solar analogs. Of our set of 184 stars, we report 145 as reliable solar-analog stars, 21 as solar analogs usable after spectral corrections with low-order polynomial fitting, and 18 as unsuitable for use as calibration standards owing to spectral shape, variability, or features at low to medium resolution. We conclude that all but five of our candidates are reliable solar analogs in the longer wavelength range from 2.5 to 4.2{mu}m. The average colors of the stars classified as reliable or usable solar analogs are V-J=1.148, V-H=1.418, and V-K= 1.491, with the entire set being distributed fairly uniformly in R.A. across the sky between -27{deg} and +67{deg} in decl.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+AS/106/397
- Title:
- Sra and Srb semiregular variables
- Short Name:
- J/A+AS/106/397
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- (no description available)
2807. SSA 22 field NIR imaging
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/PASJ/53/653
- Title:
- SSA 22 field NIR imaging
- Short Name:
- J/PASJ/53/653
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Deep narrow- and broad-band near-infrared imaging observations of the central 2'x2' region of the SSA 22 field were made with the near-infrared camera (CISCO) attached to the Subaru Telescope. Using a narrow-band filter centered at 2.033{mu}m, [O III] {lambda}5007 emitters at z~3.06+/-0.02 were searched to examine star-forming activities in an over-density region where a clustering of Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs) and Lyman {alpha} emitter candidates around z=3.09 was reported, though the targeted redshift is slightly different from that of the peak of the over-density region. Although one emitter candidate at z=3.06 was detected, it is likely to be located at a redshift of between 1 and 2 judged based on multi-band photometry. Another emission-line object was detected in another narrow-band filter (``off band'' filter) centered at 2.120{mu}m, which is identified with a galaxy at z=0.132 (the emission line is Paschen {alpha}). The K'-band imaging data revealed the presence of 12 Extremely Red Objects (EROs) with I_814_-K'>=4. The distribution of the EROs does not seem to coincide with that of Lyman Break Galaxies or Lyman {alpha} emitters at z~3. The magnitudes and colors of the EROs are not consistent with those of passively evolving massive elliptical galaxies at z~3. Candidates for counterparts of the submm sources detected with SCUBA are found; no EROs around the submm sources are found in our magnitude limit.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/379/54
- Title:
- (S+S) binary galaxies BVRI photometry
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/379/54
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present multicolour broad band (BVRI) photometry for a sample of 33 spiral-spiral (S+S) binary galaxies drawn from the Karachentsev Catalogue of Isolated Pairs of Galaxies (KPG, Cat. <VII/77>). The data is part of a joint observational programme devoted to systematic photometric study of one of the most complete and homogeneous pair samples available in the literature. We present azimuthally averaged colour and surface brightness profiles, colour index (B-I) maps, B band and sharp/filtered B band images as well as integrated magnitudes, magnitudes at different circular apertures and integrated colours for each pair. Internal and external data comparisons show consistency within the estimated errors. Two thirds of the sample have total aperture parameters homogeneously derived for the first time. After reevaluating morphology for all the pairs, we find a change in Hubble type for 24 galaxies compared to the original POSS classifications. More than half of our pairs show morphological concordance which could explain, in part, the strong correlation in the (B-V) colour indices (Holmberg Effect) between pair components. We find a tendency for barred galaxies to show grand design morphologies and flat colour profiles. The measurements will be used in a series of forthcoming papers where we try to identify and isolate the main structural and photometric properties of disk galaxies at different stages of interaction.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/209/22
- Title:
- SSDF survey: IRAC catalogs
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/209/22
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Spitzer South Pole Telescope Deep Field (SSDF) is a wide-area survey using Spitzer's Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) to cover 94deg^2^ of extragalactic sky, making it the largest IRAC survey completed to date outside the Milky Way midplane. The SSDF is centered at ({alpha},{delta})=(23:30, -55:00), in a region that combines observations spanning a broad wavelength range from numerous facilities. These include millimeter imaging from the South Pole Telescope (SPT), far-infrared observations from Herschel/SPIRE, X-ray observations from the XMM XXL survey, near-infrared observations from the VISTA Hemisphere Survey, and radio-wavelength imaging from the Australia Telescope Compact Array, in a panchromatic project designed to address major outstanding questions surrounding galaxy clusters and the baryon budget. Here we describe the Spitzer/IRAC observations of the SSDF, including the survey design, observations, processing, source extraction, and publicly available data products. In particular, we present two band-merged catalogs, one for each of the two warm IRAC selection bands. They contain roughly 5.5 and 3.7 million distinct sources, the vast majority of which are galaxies, down to the SSDF 5{sigma} sensitivity limits of 19.0 and 18.2 Vega mag (7.0 and 9.4uJy) at 3.6 and 4.5um, respectively.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/582/A97
- Title:
- SSP in NIR. II. Synthesis models
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/582/A97
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present unresolved single stellar population synthesis models in the near-infrared (NIR) range. The extension to the NIR is important for the study of early-type galaxies, since these galaxies are predominantly old and therefore emit most of their light in this wavelength range. The models are based on a library of empirical stellar spectra, the NASA infrared telescope facility (IRTF) spectral library. Integrating these spectra along theoretical isochrones, while assuming an initial mass function (IMF), we have produced model spectra of single age-metallicity stellar populations at a resolution R~2000. These models can be used to fit observed spectral of globular clusters and galaxies, to derive their age distribution, chemical abundances and IMF. The models have been tested by comparing them to observed colours of elliptical galaxies and clusters in the Magellanic Clouds. Predicted absorption line indices have been compared to published indices of other elliptical galaxies. The comparisons show that our models are well suited for studying stellar populations in unresolved galaxies. They are particularly useful for studying the old and intermediate-age stellar populations in galaxies, relatively free from contamination of young stars and extinction by dust. These models will be indispensable for the study of the upcoming data from JWST and extremely large telescopes, such as the E-ELT.