The fields chosen for the first observations of the cosmic microwave background with the Very Small Array have been surveyed with the Ryle Telescope at 15GHz. We have covered three regions around RA=00h20m DE=+30{deg}, RA=09h40m DE=+32{deg} and RA=15h40m DE=+43{deg} (J2000.0), an area of 520{deg}^2^. There are 242 sources above the estimated completeness limit of ~25mJy, although a total of ~760 sources have been detected, some as faint as 10mJy.
This catalog contains a deep survey (5C12) of a region close to the North Galactic Pole carried out with the Cambridge One-Mile Telescope at 408 MHz (HPBW 80"x139") and at 1407 MHz (HPBW 23"x40"). The flux densities are on the KPW scale (Kellermann et al. 1969ApJ...157....1K), and were based on 3C48, 3C147 and 3C295. This part of the survey contains 321 sources with apparent flux densities brighter than 9 mJy at 408 MHz or 1.4 mJy at 1407 MHz.
The Cambridge Low Frequency Synthesis Telescope has been used at 151MHz to survey a region of 418 square degrees centred at RA=17h, DE=65deg, which includes the North Ecliptic Cap. The resolution is 70x70"cosec{delta} and the rms noise on the maps is 25mJy/beam. We present positions and flux densities for 2702 sources which have a signal to noise ratio >5.5 and radio maps of 37 selected extended sources.
In a previous paper (Paper I, Franzen et al., 2011MNRAS.415.2699F), the observational, mapping and source-extraction techniques used for the Tenth Cambridge (10C) Survey of Radio Sources were described. Here, the first results from the survey, carried out using the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager Large Array (LA) at an observing frequency of 15.7GHz, are presented. The survey fields cover an area of ~27deg^2^ to a flux-density completeness of 1mJy. Results for some deeper areas, covering ~12deg^2^, wholly contained within the total areas and complete to 0.5mJy, are also presented. The completeness for both areas is estimated to be at least 93 per cent. The 10C survey is the deepest radio survey of any significant extent (>~0.2deg^2^) above 1.4GHz.
The 7C survey of radio sources is being made with the Cambridge Low-Frequency Synthesis Telescope at 151MHz, with an angular resolution of 70x70cosec{delta}.arcsec^2^. We present the results from one part of of this survey covering 0.144sr in two areas of sky centred at RA=10h28min, DE=41{deg} and RA=06h28min, DE=45{deg} and reaching a limiting flux density of 50mJy. A list of the positions, flux densities and angular sizes of 4723 sources is presented; the position errors are in the range 1-3arcsec for sources with flux densities greater than 500mJy, and the flux density errors are typically 18mJy. About 10 per cent of the sources have apparent angular sizes greater than 60arcsec. The derived source counts are as accurate as those presently available at 405 and 1400MHz and show similar behaviour; in particular the convergence slopes are the same. The median spectral index between 151 and 408MHz remains constant at ~0.9 between 10 and 0.5Jy at 151MHz.
The 6th Cambridge Survey of radio sources covers most of the sky north of Dec>30{deg} with an angular resolution of 4.2x4.2cosec{delta} arcmin^2^ and a limiting flux density of 120mJy at 151MHz. This paper, the first of a series, describes the telescope and the methods used to produce the survey maps and source list, and presents maps of a circular area of radius 10{deg} centered on the North Celestial Pole and a list of 1761 sources north of {delta}>+80{deg}.
The 6th Cambridge survey of radio sources covers most of the sky north of +30{deg} with an angular resolution of 4.2x4.2cosec{delta}arcmin^2^ and reaches a limiting flux density of 190mJy at 151MHz in the present zone. In this paper the methods used to produce the survey maps from a non-tracking telescope operating at declinations other than the north celestial pole are described: this forms the basis for all future papers in the series. Maps of a high galactic latitude region are presented 30{deg}<{delta}<51{deg}, 08h30m<{alpha}<17h30m, together with a list of 8278 sources in the 2030deg^2^ covered. A source count over the range 200mJy<S(151)<100Jy is derived.
The 6th Cambridge Survey of radio sources covers most of the sky north of 30{deg} with an angular resolution of 4.2x4.2cosec{delta} arcmin^2^ and a limiting flux density of 160mJy at 151MHz, with completeness achieved at 600mJy. This paper presents 8749 sources in the 1950deg^2^ region 48{deg}<{delta}<68{deg}, 05h25m<{alpha}<18h17m.
The 6th Cambridge Survey of radio sources covers most of the sky north of 30{deg} with an angular resolution of 4.2x4.2cosec{delta} arcmin^2^ and a limiting flux density of 160mJy at 151MHz, with completeness achieved at 600mJy. This zone covers the declinations 67{deg}--82{deg} region 48{deg}<{delta}<68{deg}, 05h25m<{alpha}<18h17m.
The 6th Cambridge Survey of radio sources covers most of the sky north of 30{deg} with an angular resolution of 4.2x4.2cosec{delta} arcmin^2^ and a limiting flux density of 160mJy at 151MHz, with completeness achieved at 600mJy. This paper presents, in the declination ranges 48{deg}<{delta}<68{dec} the zones Va (01h34<{alpha}<06h14) and Vb (17h16<{alpha}<20h24)