- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/149/103
- Title:
- Spectroscopy of candidate YSOs in Serpens
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/149/103
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have completed an optical spectroscopic survey of a sample of candidate young stars in the Serpens Main star-forming region selected from deep B, V, and R band images. While infrared, X-ray, and optical surveys of the cloud have identified many young stellar objects (YSOs), these surveys have been biased toward particular stages of pre-main sequence evolution. We have obtained over 700 moderate resolution optical spectra that, when combined with published data, have led to the identification of 63 association members based on the presence of H{alpha} in emission, lithium absorption, X-ray emission, a mid-infrared excess, and/or reflection nebulosity. Twelve YSOs are identified based on the presence of lithium absorption alone. An additional 16 objects are classified as possible association members and their pre-main sequence nature is in need of confirmation. Spectral types along with V and R band photometry were used to derive effective temperatures and bolometric luminosities for association members to compare with theoretical tracks and isochrones for pre-main sequence stars. An average age of 2Myr is derived for this population. When compared to simulations, there is no obvious evidence for an age spread when considering the major sources of uncertainties in the derived luminosities. However when compared to the young cluster in Ophiuchus, the association members in Serpens appear to have a larger spread in luminosities and hence ages which could be intrinsic to the region or the result of a foreground population of YSOs associated with the Aquila Rift. Modeling of the spectral energy distributions from optical through mid-infrared wavelengths has revealed three new transition disk objects, making a total of six in the cluster. Echelle spectra for a subset of these sources enabled estimates of vsini for seven association members. Analysis of gravity-sensitive lines in the echelle and moderate resolution spectra of the association members indicate surface gravities consistent with dwarf or sub-giant stars.
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/730/128
- Title:
- Spectroscopy of DA WD from the SDSS-DR4
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/730/128
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present an improved spectroscopic and photometric analysis of hydrogen-line DA white dwarfs from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 4 (SDSS DR4) based on model atmospheres that include improved Stark broadening profiles with non-ideal gas effects. We also perform a careful visual inspection of all spectroscopic fits with high signal-to-noise ratios (S/Ns>12) and present improved atmospheric parameters (T_eff_ and logg) for each white dwarf. Through a comparison of spectroscopic and photometric temperatures, we report the discovery of 35 DA+DB/DC double degenerate candidates and two helium-rich DA stars. We also determine that a cutoff at S/N=15 optimizes the size and quality of the sample for computing the mean mass of DA white dwarfs, for which we report a value of 0.613M_{sun}_. We compare our results to previous analyses of the SDSS DR4 and find a good agreement if we account for the shift produced by the improved Stark profiles. Finally, the properties of DA white dwarfs in the SDSS are weighed against those of the Villanova White Dwarf Catalog sample of Gianninas et al. (2009JPhCS.172a2021G).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/782/8
- Title:
- Spectroscopy of 104 objects in the ONC
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/782/8
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We performed low-resolution (R~40) near-infrared (0.9-2.4{mu}m) multi-object spectroscopy of 240 isolated point sources having apparent H-band magnitudes between 9 and 18 in the central 5'x6' of the Orion Trapezium cluster. The observations were performed over four nights at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope using the visiting instrument SIMON, an infrared imager and multi-object spectrograph. We present the spectra of 104 objects with accurately derived spectral types including 7 new objects having masses below the hydrogen-burning limit, and 6 objects with masses below the deuterium-burning limit. The spectral classification is performed by fitting previously classified spectral templates of dwarf stars (K4-M3) and optically classified young stellar and substellar objects (M4-L0), to the entire 0.9-2.4{mu}m spectral energy distribution in order to assign a spectral type and visual extinction for each object. Of the 104 objects studied, 44 have been previously classified spectroscopically using various techniques. We perform a rigorous comparison between the previous classifications and our own and find them to be in good agreement. Using the dereddened H-band magnitudes, the classified objects are used to create an Hertzsprung-Russell diagram for the cluster. We find that the previous age estimates of ~1Myr to be consistent with our results. Consistent with previous studies, numerous objects are observed to have luminosities several magnitudes above the 1Myr isochrone. Numerous objects exhibiting emission features in the J band are also reported.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/153/188
- Title:
- Spectroscopy of the foreground population in Orion A
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/153/188
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We perform a spectroscopic survey of the foreground population in Orion A with MMT/Hectospec. We use these data, along with archival spectroscopic data and photometric data, to derive spectral types, extinction values, and masses for 691 stars. Using the Spitzer Space Telescope data, we characterize the disk properties of these sources. We identify 37 new transition disk (TD) objects, 1 globally depleted disk candidate, and 7 probable young debris disks. We discover an object with a mass of less than 0.018-0.030 M_{sun}_, which harbors a flaring disk. Using the H{alpha} emission line, we characterize the accretion activity of the sources with disks, and confirm that the fraction of accreting TDs is lower than that of optically thick disks (46%+/-7% versus 73%+/-9%, respectively). Using kinematic data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and APOGEE INfrared Spectroscopy of the Young Nebulous Clusters program (IN-SYNC), we confirm that the foreground population shows similar kinematics to their local molecular clouds and other young stars in the same regions. Using the isochronal ages, we find that the foreground population has a median age of around 1-2 Myr, which is similar to that of other young stars in Orion A. Therefore, our results argue against the presence of a large and old foreground cluster in front of Orion A.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/428/3164
- Title:
- Spectroscopy of WASP planet host stars
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/428/3164
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have made a detailed spectral analysis of 11 Wide Angle Search for Planets (WASP) planet host stars using high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) HARPS spectra. Our line list was carefully selected from the spectra of the Sun and Procyon, and we made a critical evaluation of the atomic data. The spectral lines were measured using equivalent widths. The procedures were tested on the Sun and Procyon prior to be being used on the WASP stars. The effective temperature (Teff), surface gravity (logg), microturbulent velocity (v_mic_) and metallicity were determined for all the stars.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/798/87
- Title:
- Spitzer/IRS debris disk catalog. II.
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/798/87
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- During the Spitzer Space Telescope cryogenic mission, astronomers obtained Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) observations of hundreds of debris disk candidates that have been compiled in the Spitzer IRS Debris Disk Catalog (Chen et al. 2014, J/ApJS/211/25). We have discovered 10 and/or 20 {mu}m silicate emission features toward 120 targets in the catalog and modeled the IRS spectra of these sources, consistent with MIPS 70 {mu}m observations, assuming that the grains are composed of silicates (olivine, pyroxene, forsterite, and enstatite) and are located either in a continuous disk with power-law size and surface density distributions or thin rings that are well-characterized using two separate dust grain temperatures. For systems better fit by the continuous disk model, we find that (1) the dust size distribution power-law index is consistent with that expected from a collisional cascade, q=3.5-4.0, with a large number of values outside this range, and (2) the minimum grain size, a_min_, increases with stellar luminosity, L_*_, but the dependence of a_min_ on L_*_ is weaker than expected from radiation pressure alone. In addition, we also find that (3) the crystalline fraction of dust in debris disks evolves as a function of time with a large dispersion in crystalline fractions for stars of any particular stellar age or mass, (4) the disk inner edge is correlated with host star mass, and (5) there exists substantial variation in the properties of coeval disks in Sco-Cen, indicating that the observed variation is probably due to stochasticity and diversity in planet formation.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/762/128
- Title:
- Spitzer/IRS disk parameters in Serpens
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/762/128
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Spectral energy distributions are presented for 94 young stars surrounded by disks in the Serpens Molecular Cloud, based on photometry and Spitzer/IRS spectra. Most of the stars have spectroscopically determined spectral types. Taking a distance to the cloud of 415pc rather than 259pc, the distribution of ages is shifted to lower values, in the 1-3Myr range, with a tail up to 10Myr. The mass distribution spans 0.2-1.2M_{sun}_, with median mass of 0.7M_{sun}_. The distribution of fractional disk luminosities in Serpens resembles that of the young Taurus Molecular Cloud, with most disks consistent with optically thick, passively irradiated disks in a variety of disk geometries (L_disk_/L_star_~0.1). In contrast, the distributions for the older Upper Scorpius and {eta} Chamaeleontis clusters are dominated by optically thin lower luminosity disks (L_disk_/L_star_~0.02). This evolution in fractional disk luminosities is concurrent with that of disk fractions: with time disks become fainter and the disk fractions decrease. The actively accreting and non-accreting stars (based on H{alpha} data) in Serpens show very similar distributions in fractional disk luminosities, differing only in the brighter tail dominated by strongly accreting stars. In contrast with a sample of Herbig Ae/Be stars, the T Tauri stars in Serpens do not have a clear separation in fractional disk luminosities for different disk geometries: both flared and flat disks present wider, overlapping distributions. This result is consistent with previous suggestions of a faster evolution for disks around Herbig Ae/Be stars. Furthermore, the results for the mineralogy of the dust in the disk surface (grain sizes, temperatures and crystallinity fractions, as derived from Spitzer/IRS spectra) do not show any correlation to either stellar and disk characteristics or mean cluster age in the 1-10Myr range probed here. A possible explanation for the lack of correlation is that the processes affecting the dust within disks have short timescales, happening repeatedly, making it difficult to distinguish long-lasting evolutionary effects.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/226/8
- Title:
- Spitzer/IRS survey of Class II objects in Orion A. I.
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/226/8
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present our investigation of 319 Class II objects in Orion A observed by Spitzer/IRS. We also present the follow-up observations of 120 of these Class II objects in Orion A from the Infrared Telescope Facility/SpeX. We measure continuum spectral indices, equivalent widths, and integrated fluxes that pertain to disk structure and dust composition from IRS spectra of Class II objects in Orion A. We estimate mass accretion rates using hydrogen recombination lines in the SpeX spectra of our targets. Utilizing these properties, we compare the distributions of the disk and dust properties of Orion A disks with those of Taurus disks with respect to position within Orion A (Orion Nebular Cluster [ONC] and L1641) and with the subgroups by the inferred radial structures, such as transitional disks (TDs) versus radially continuous full disks (FDs). Our main findings are as follows. (1) Inner disks evolve faster than the outer disks. (2) The mass accretion rates of TDs and those of radially continuous FDs are statistically significantly displaced from each other. The median mass accretion rate of radially continuous disks in the ONC and L1641 is not very different from that in Taurus. (3) Less grain processing has occurred in the disks in the ONC compared to those in Taurus, based on analysis of the shape index of the 10{mu}m silicate feature (F_11.3_/F_9.8_). (4) The 20-31{mu}m continuum spectral index tracks the projected distance from the most luminous Trapezium star, {theta}^1^ Ori C. A possible explanation is UV ablation of the outer parts of disks.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/845/120
- Title:
- Spitzer obs. of warm dust in 83 debris disks
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/845/120
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The architectures of debris disks encode the history of planet formation in these systems. Studies of debris disks via their spectral energy distributions (SEDs) have found infrared excesses arising from cold dust, warm dust, or a combination of the two. The cold outer belts of many systems have been imaged, facilitating their study in great detail. Far less is known about the warm components, including the origin of the dust. The regularity of the disk temperatures indicates an underlying structure that may be linked to the water snow line. If the dust is generated from collisions in an exo-asteroid belt, the dust will likely trace the location of the water snow line in the primordial protoplanetary disk where planetesimal growth was enhanced. If instead the warm dust arises from the inward transport from a reservoir of icy material farther out in the system, the dust location is expected to be set by the current snow line. We analyze the SEDs of a large sample of debris disks with warm components. We find that warm components in single-component systems (those without detectable cold components) follow the primordial snow line rather than the current snow line, so they likely arise from exo-asteroid belts. While the locations of many warm components in two-component systems are also consistent with the primordial snow line, there is more diversity among these systems, suggesting additional effects play a role.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/716/1336
- Title:
- Stability analysis of single-planet
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/716/1336
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We study the dynamical stability of planetary systems consisting of one hypothetical terrestrial-mass planet (1 or 10M_{earth}_) and one massive planet (10M{earth}-10M_jup_). We consider masses and orbits that cover the range of observed planetary system architectures (including non-zero initial eccentricities), determine the stability limit through N-body simulations, and compare it to the analytic Hill stability boundary. We show that for given masses and orbits of a two-planet system, a single parameter, which can be calculated analytically, describes the Lagrange stability boundary (no ejections or exchanges) but diverges significantly from the Hill stability boundary. However, we do find that the actual boundary is fractal, and therefore we also identify a second parameter which demarcates the transition from stable to unstable evolution. We show the portions of the habitable zones (HZs) of {rho} CrB, HD 164922, GJ 674, and HD 7924 that can support a terrestrial planet. These analyses clarify the stability boundaries in exoplanetary systems and demonstrate that, for most exoplanetary systems, numerical simulations of the stability of potentially habitable planets are only necessary over a narrow region of the parameter space. Finally, we also identify and provide a catalog of known systems that can host terrestrial planets in their HZs.