- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/161/134
- Title:
- Survey of stellar & planetary comp. within 25pc
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/161/134
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We explore the impact of outer stellar companions on the occurrence rate of giant planets detected with radial velocities. We searched for stellar and planetary companions to a volume-limited sample of solar-type stars within 25pc. Using adaptive optics imaging observations from the Lick 3m and Palomar 200" Telescopes, we characterized the multiplicity of our sample stars, down to the bottom of the main sequence. With these data, we confirm field star multiplicity statistics from previous surveys. We additionally combined three decades of radial velocity (RV) data from the California Planet Search with newly collected RV data from Keck/HIRES and the Automated Planet Finder/Levy Spectrometer to search for planetary companions in these same systems. Using an updated catalog of both stellar and planetary companions, as well as detailed injection/recovery tests to determine our sensitivity and completeness, we measured the occurrence rate of planets among the single and multiple-star systems. We found that planets with masses in the range of 0.1-10M_J_ and with semimajor axes of 0.1-10au have an occurrence rate of 0.18_-0.03_^+0.04^ planets per star when they orbit single stars and an occurrence rate of 0.12{+/-}0.04 planets per star when they orbit a star in a binary system. Breaking the sample down by the binary separation, we found that only one planet-hosting binary system had a binary separation <100au, and none had a separation <50au. These numbers yielded planet occurrence rates of 0.20_-0.06_^+0.07^ planets per star for binaries with separation aB>100au and 0.04_-0.02_^+0.04^ planets per star for binaries with separation aB<100au. The similarity in the planet occurrence rate around single stars and wide primaries implies that wide binary systems should actually host more planets than single-star systems, since they have more potential host stars. We estimated a system-wide planet occurrence rate of 0.3 planets per wide binary system for binaries with separations aB>100au. Finally, we found evidence that giant planets in binary systems have a different semimajor-axis distribution than their counterparts in single-star systems. The planets in the single-star sample had a significantly higher occurrence rate outside of 1au than inside 1au by nearly 4{sigma}, in line with expectations that giant planets are most common near the snow line. However, the planets in the wide binary systems did not follow this distribution, but rather had equivalent occurrence rates interior and exterior to 1au. This may point to binary-mediated planet migration acting on our sample, even in binaries wider than 100au.
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/181/62
- Title:
- Survey of young solar analogs
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/181/62
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present results from an adaptive optics survey for substellar and stellar companions to Sun-like stars. The survey targeted 266 F5-K5 stars in the 3Myr-3Gyr age range with distances of 10-190pc. Results from the survey include the discovery of two brown dwarf companions (HD 49197B and HD 203030B), 24 new stellar binaries, and a triple system. We infer that the frequency of 0.012-0.072M_{sun}_ brown dwarfs in 28-1590AU orbits around young solar analogs is 3.2^+3.1^_-2.7_% (2{sigma} limits). The result demonstrates that the deficiency of substellar companions at wide orbital separations from Sun-like stars is less pronounced than in the radial velocity "brown dwarf desert." We infer that the mass distribution of companions in 28-1590AU orbits around solar-mass stars follows a continuous dN/dM_2_{prop.to}M^-0.4^_2_ relation over the 0.01-1.0M_{sun}_ secondary mass range. While this functional form is similar to that for isolated objects less than 0.1M_{sun}_, over the entire 0.01-1.0M_{sun}_ range, the mass functions of companions and of isolated objects differ significantly. Based on this conclusion and on similar results from other direct imaging and radial velocity companion surveys in the literature, we argue that the companion mass function follows the same universal form over the entire range between 0 and 1590AU in orbital semimajor axis and ~0.01-20M_{sun}_ in companion mass. In this context, the relative dearth of substellar versus stellar secondaries at all orbital separations arises naturally from the inferred form of the companion mass function.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/556/A150
- Title:
- SWEETCat I. Stellar parameters for host stars
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/556/A150
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- In this paper we present new precise atmospheric parameters for stars with planets. We then take the opportunity to present a new catalogue of stellar parameters for FGK and M stars with planets detected by radial velocity, transit, and astrometry programs. Stellar atmospheric parameters and masses for the sample were derived assuming LTE and using high resolution and high signal-to-noise spectra. The methodology used is based on the measurement of equivalent widths for a list of iron lines and making use of iron ionization and excitation equilibrium principles. For the catalog, and whenever possible, we used parameters derived in previous works published by our team, using well defined methodologies for the derivation of stellar atmospheric parameters. This set of parameters amounts to over 65% of all planet host stars known, including more than 90% of all stars with planets discovered through radial velocity surveys. For the remaining targets, stellar parameters were collected from the literature.
534. SWEET-Cat updated
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/620/A58
- Title:
- SWEET-Cat updated
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/620/A58
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Exoplanets have now been proven to be very common. The number of its detections continues to grow following the development of better instruments and missions. One key step for the understanding of these worlds is their characterization, which mostly depend on their host stars. We perform a significant update of the Stars With ExoplanETs CATalog (SWEET-Cat), a unique compilation of precise stellar parameters for planet-host stars provided for the exoplanet community. We made use of high-resolution spectra for planet-host stars, either observed by our team or found in several public archives. The new spectroscopic parameters were derived for the spectra following the same homogeneous process (ARES+MOOG). The host star parameters were then merged together with the planet properties listed in exoplanet.eu to perform simple data analysis. We present new spectroscopic homogeneous parameters for 106 planet-host stars. Sixty-three planet hosts are also reviewed with new parameters. We also show that there is a good agreement between stellar parameters derived for the same star but using spectra obtained from different spectrographs. The planet-metallicity correlation is reviewed showing that the metallicity distribution of stars hosting low-mass planets (below 30M_{sun}_) is indistinguishable from that from the solar neighborhood sample in terms of metallicity distribution.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/155/54
- Title:
- TBOSS Survey. II. ALMA continuum observations
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/155/54
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report 885 {mu}m ALMA continuum flux densities for 24 Taurus members spanning the stellar/substellar boundary with spectral types from M4 to M7.75. Of the 24 systems, 22 are detected at levels ranging from 1.0 to 55.7 mJy. The two nondetections are transition disks, though other transition disks in the sample are detected. Converting ALMA continuum measurements to masses using standard scaling laws and radiative transfer modeling yields dust mass estimates ranging from ~0.3 to 20 M_{Earth}_. The dust mass shows a declining trend with central object mass when combined with results from submillimeter surveys of more massive Taurus members. The substellar disks appear as part of a continuous sequence and not a distinct population. Compared to older Upper Sco members with similar masses across the substellar limit, the Taurus disks are brighter and more massive. Both Taurus and Upper Sco populations are consistent with an approximately linear relationship in M_dust_ to M_star_, although derived power-law slopes depend strongly upon choices of stellar evolutionary model and dust temperature relation. The median disk around early-M stars in Taurus contains a comparable amount of mass in small solids as the average amount of heavy elements in Kepler planetary systems on short-period orbits around M-dwarf stars, with an order of magnitude spread in disk dust mass about the median value. Assuming a gas-to-dust ratio of 100:1, only a small number of low-mass stars and brown dwarfs have a total disk mass amenable to giant planet formation, consistent with the low frequency of giant planets orbiting M dwarfs.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/473/2004
- Title:
- TESS-HERMES Survey Data Release 1 catalog
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/473/2004
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) will provide high-precision time series photometry for millions of stars with at least a half-hour cadence. Of particular interest are the circular regions of 12{deg} radius centred around the ecliptic poles that will be observed continuously for a full year. Spectroscopic stellar parameters are desirable to characterize and select suitable targets for TESS, whether they are focused on exploring exoplanets, stellar astrophysics or Galactic archaeology. Here, we present spectroscopic stellar parameters (Teff, logg, [Fe/H], vsini, vmicro) for about 16000 dwarf and subgiant stars in TESS' southern continuous viewing zone. For almost all the stars, we also present Bayesian estimates of stellar properties including distance, extinction, mass, radius and age using theoretical isochrones. Stellar surface gravity and radius are made available for an additional set of roughly 8500 red giants. All our target stars are in the range 10<V<13.1. Among them, we identify and list 227 stars belonging to the Large Magellanic Cloud. The data were taken using the High Efficiency and Resolution Multi-Element Spectrograph (HERMES; R~28000) at the Anglo-Australian Telescope as part of the TESS-HERMES survey. Comparing our results with the TESS Input Catalogue (TIC) shows that the TIC is generally efficient in separating dwarfs and giants, but it has flagged more than 100 cool dwarfs (Teff<4800K) as giants, which ought to be high-priority targets for the exoplanet search. The catalogue can be accessed via http://www.physics.usyd.edu.au/tess-hermes/, or at Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/IV/39
- Title:
- TESS Input Catalog version 8.2 (TIC v8.2)
- Short Name:
- IV/39
- Date:
- 03 Mar 2022 07:19:26
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We define various types of "phantom" stars that may appear in the TESS Input Catalog (TIC), and provide examples and lists of currently known cases. We present a methodology that can be used to check for phantoms around any object of interest in the TIC, and we present an approach for correcting the TIC-reported flux contamination factors accordingly. We checked all 2077 TESS Objects of Interest (TOIs) known as of July 21st 2020 (Sectors 1 to 24) and sent corrections for 291 stars to MAST where they are integrated into the publicly available TIC-8, updating it to TIC 8.1. We used the experience gained to construct an all-sky algorithm searching for "phantoms" which led to 34 million updates integrated into TIC 8.2.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/IV/38
- Title:
- TESS Input Catalog - v8.0 (TIC-8)
- Short Name:
- IV/38
- Date:
- 11 Feb 2022 14:26:27
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The TIC is used to help identify two-minute cadence target selection for the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission, and to calculate physical and observational properties of planet candidates. It is for use by both the TESS science team and the public, and it is periodically updated - the current version is TIC-8. TIC-8 uses the GAIA DR2 catalog as a base and merges a large number of other photometric catalogs, including 2MASS, UCAC4, APASS, SDSS, WISE, etc. There are roughly 1.5 billion stellar and extended sources in TIC-8, containing compiled magnitudes including B, V, u, g, r, i, z, J, H, K, W1-W4, and G. This version was released in May 2019, and is expected to be the last official version of the TIC produced by the TESS mission, although future, independent development of the TIC is possible. The TIC is the responsibility of the SAO Arm of the TESS Science Office under the leadership of David Latham. The TESS Target Selection Working Group (TSWG) is co-chaired by Keivan Stassun (Vanderbilt) & Joshua Pepper (Lehigh).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/157/113
- Title:
- TESS M-dwarf exoplanetary systems
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/157/113
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a study of the M-dwarf exoplanetary systems forthcoming from NASA's TESS mission. While the mission's footprint is too complex to be characterized by a single detection completeness, we extract ensemble completeness functions that recover the planet detections from previous work for stars between 3200 and 4000 K. We employ these completeness functions, together with a dual- population planet occurrence model that includes compact multiple planetary systems, to infer anew the planet yield. We predict both the number of M-dwarf planets likely from TESS and their system architectures. We report four main findings. First, TESS will likely detect more planets orbiting M dwarfs that previously predicted. Around stars with effective temperatures between 3200 and 4000 K, we predict that TESS will find 1274+/-241 planets orbiting 1026+/-182 stars, a 1.2-fold increase over previous predictions. Second, TESS will find two or more transiting planets around 20% of these host stars, a number similar to the multiplicity yield of NASA's Kepler mission. Third, TESS light curves in which one or more planets are detected will often contain transits of additional planets below the detection threshold of TESS. Among a typical set of 200 TESS hosts to one or more detected planets, 93+/-17 transiting planets will be missed. Transit follow-up efforts with the photometric sensitivity to detect an Earth or larger around a mid-M dwarf, even with very modest period completeness, will readily result in additional planet discoveries. Fourth, the strong preference of TESS for systems of compact multiples indicates that TESS planets will be dynamically cooler on average than Kepler planets, with 90% of TESS planets residing in orbits with e<0.15. We include both (1) a predicted sample of planets detected by TESS orbiting stars between 3200 and 4000 K, including additional nontransiting planets, or transiting and undetected planets orbiting the same star and (2) sample completeness functions for use by the community.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/V/60
- Title:
- 15th Complementary Catalog of SBs
- Short Name:
- V/60
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This catalog contains the orbits and the derived masses of 436 spectroscopic binaries for which articles were published between 1982 and 1986. The magnitudes and spectral types are from the Centre de Donnees astronomiques de Strasbourg. The notes are not included in this electronic version.