- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/454/1047
- Title:
- XMM view of NGC 6231 open cluster
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/454/1047
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the results of an X-ray campaign towards the young open cluster NGC 6231. The XMM-Newton observations, of a total duration of about 180 ks, reveals that NGC 6231 is very rich in the X-ray domain too. Indeed, 610 X-ray sources are detected in the present field of view, centered on the cluster core. The limiting sensitivity of our survey is approximately 610^-15^erg/s/cm^2^ but clearly depends on the location in the field of view and on the source spectrum. Using different existing catalogues, over 85% of the X-ray sources could be associated with at least one optical and/or infrared counterpart within a limited cross-correlation radius of 2.5 or 3-arcsec according to the optical/IR catalogue used. The surface density distribution of the X-ray sources presents a slight N-S elongation. Once corrected for the spatial sensitivity variation of the EPIC instruments, the radial profile of the source surface density is well described by a King profile with a central density of about 8 sources per arcmin^2^ and a core radius close to 3.1-arcmin. The distribution of the X-ray sources seems closely related to the optical source distribution. The expected number of foreground and background sources should represent about 9% of the detected sources, thus strongly suggesting that most of the observed X-ray emitters are physically belonging to NGC 6231. Finally, beside a few bright but soft objects -- corresponding to the early-type stars of the cluster -- most of the sources are relatively faint (~5x10^-15^erg/s/cm^2^) with an energy distribution peaked around 1.0-2.0keV.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/422/2024
- Title:
- X-ray-age relation and exoplanet evaporation
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/422/2024
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We study the relationship between coronal X-ray emission and stellar age for late-type stars, and the variation of this relationship with spectral type. We select 717 stars from 13 open clusters and find that the ratio of X-ray to bolometric luminosity during the saturated phase of coronal emission decreases from 10^-3.1^ for late K-dwarfs to 10^-4.3^ for early F-type stars (across the range 0.29<(B-V)_0_<1.41). Our determined saturation timescales vary between 10^7.6^ and 10^8.3^ years, though with no clear trend across the whole FGK range. We apply our X-ray emission - age relations to the investigation of the evaporation history of 121 known transiting exoplanets using a simple energy -limited model of evaporation and taking into consideration Roche lobe effects and different heating/evaporation efficiencies. We confirm that a linear cut-off of the planet distribution in the M^2^/R^3^ versus a^-2^ plane is an expected result of population modification by evaporation and that the known transiting exoplanets display such a cut-off. We find that for an evaporation efficiency of 25 percent we expect around 1 in 5 of the known transiting exoplanets to have lost >10 percent of their mass since formation. In addition we provide estimates of the minimum formation mass for which a planet could be expected to survive for 4Gyrs for a range of stellar and planetary parameters. We emphasise the importance of the earliest periods of a planet's life for its evaporation history with 75 percent expect to occur within the first Gyr. This raises the possibility of using evaporation histories to distinguish different migration mechanisms. For planets with spin-orbit angles available from measurements of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect no difference is found between the distributions of planets with misaligned orbits and those with aligned orbits. This suggests that dynamical effects accounting for misalignment occur early in the life of a planetary system, although additional data is required to test this.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/PAZh/31/116
- Title:
- X-ray binary A0535+26/V725 Tau UBV photometry
- Short Name:
- J/PAZh/31/116
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- New photoelectric UBV observations of the X-ray binary A0535+26 at the Crimea station of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute in 1998-2003.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/809/161
- Title:
- X-ray obs. and membership probabilities of M37
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/809/161
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Empirical calibrations of the stellar age-rotation-activity relation (ARAR) rely on observations of the co-eval populations of stars in open clusters. We used the Chandra X-ray Observatory to study M37, a 500-Myr-old open cluster that has been extensively surveyed for rotation periods (P_rot_). M37 was observed almost continuously for five days, for a total of 440.5ks, to measure stellar X-ray luminosities (L_X_), a proxy for coronal activity, across a wide range of masses. The cluster's membership catalog was revisited to calculate updated membership probabilities from photometric data and each star's distance to the cluster center. The result is a comprehensive sample of 1699 M37 members: 426 with P_rot_, 278 with X-ray detections, and 76 with both. We calculate Rossby numbers, R_0_=P_rot_/{tau}, where {tau} is the convective turnover time, and ratios of the X-ray-to-bolometric luminosity, L_X_/L_bol_, to minimize mass dependencies in our characterization of the rotation-coronal activity relation at 500Myr. We find that fast rotators, for which R_0_<0.09+/-0.01, show saturated levels of activity, with log(L_X_/L_bol_)=-3.06+/-0.04. For R_0_>=0.09+/-0.01, activity is unsaturated and follows a power law of the form R_0_^{beta}^, where {beta}=-2.03^+0.17^_-1.14_. This is the largest sample available for analyzing the dependence of coronal emission on rotation for a single-aged population, covering stellar masses in the range 0.4-1.3M_{sun}_, P_rot_ in the range 0.4-12.8 days, and L_X_ in the range 10^28.4-30.5^erg/s. Our results make M37 a new benchmark open cluster for calibrating the ARAR at ages of ~500Myr.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+AS/128/29
- Title:
- X-ray/optical observations of A8-G2V stars
- Short Name:
- J/A+AS/128/29
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Table 1 lists the sample of 173 stars observed for this study. They are selected from the Bright Star Catalogue (Cat. <V/50>), with the following selection criteria: - Spectral type between A8 and G2; no spectral peculiarities noted; not double in spectral type classification (e.g., HR 32 with spectral type F2V+F6V is excluded); - Luminosity class V; - Right ascension between 0h and 2h, or between 14h and 24 h, declination south of +10 degrees (defining the region on the sky visible during the appointed observation times); - Binaries for which both components occurred in the BSC are excluded, if the separation is less than 10". Not listed are five stars for which no (Walraven photometric and ROSAT X-ray) data are available. These are HR 591, HR 5542, HR 6593, HR 8245 and HR 8735. Table 2 lists the Walraven photometric (VBLUW) data for all but four stars from Table 1. Also listed in Table 2 are the effective temperature, surface gravity and the reddening, as derived from comparison with theoretical colours. Table 5 lists the ROSAT All Sky Survey data for all but 11 stars from Table 1. For a description of the Walraven photometric system, see e.g. <GCPD/11>
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/788/48
- Title:
- X-ray through NIR photometry of NGC 2617
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/788/48
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- After the All-Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae discovered a significant brightening of the inner region of NGC 2617, we began a ~70 day photometric and spectroscopic monitoring campaign from the X-ray through near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths. We report that NGC 2617 went through a dramatic outburst, during which its X-ray flux increased by over an order of magnitude followed by an increase of its optical/ultraviolet (UV) continuum flux by almost an order of magnitude. NGC 2617, classified as a Seyfert 1.8 galaxy in 2003, is now a Seyfert 1 due to the appearance of broad optical emission lines and a continuum blue bump. Such "changing look active galactic nuclei (AGNs)" are rare and provide us with important insights about AGN physics. Based on the H{beta} line width and the radius-luminosity relation, we estimate the mass of central black hole (BH) to be (4+/-1)x10^7^ M_{sun}_. When we cross-correlate the light curves, we find that the disk emission lags the X-rays, with the lag becoming longer as we move from the UV (2-3 days) to the NIR (6-9 days). Also, the NIR is more heavily temporally smoothed than the UV. This can largely be explained by a simple model of a thermally emitting thin disk around a BH of the estimated mass that is illuminated by the observed, variable X-ray fluxes.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/840/41
- Title:
- X-ray/UV Swift monitoring of NGC 4151
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/840/41
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Swift monitoring of NGC 4151 with an ~6hr sampling over a total of 69days in early 2016 is used to construct light curves covering five bands in the X-rays (0.3-50keV) and six in the ultraviolet (UV)/optical (1900-5500{AA}). The three hardest X-ray bands (>2.5keV) are all strongly correlated with no measurable interband lag, while the two softer bands show lower variability and weaker correlations. The UV/optical bands are significantly correlated with the X-rays, lagging ~3-4days behind the hard X-rays. The variability within the UV/optical bands is also strongly correlated, with the UV appearing to lead the optical by ~0.5-1days. This combination of >~3day lags between the X-rays and UV and <~1day lags within the UV/optical appears to rule out the "lamp-post" reprocessing model in which a hot, X-ray emitting corona directly illuminates the accretion disk, which then reprocesses the energy in the UV/optical. Instead, these results appear consistent with the Gardner & Done (2017MNRAS.470.3591G) picture in which two separate reprocessings occur: first, emission from the corona illuminates an extreme-UV-emitting toroidal component that shields the disk from the corona; this then heats the extreme-UV component, which illuminates the disk and drives its variability.
2068. XX Cep BVRI light curves
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/379/1665
- Title:
- XX Cep BVRI light curves
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/379/1665
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We obtained CCD photometric observations of the Algol-type semidetached binary XX Cephei (XX Cep) during 15 nights from 2002 September 17 to 2003 February 2, and also on 2005 January 21. Except for those data taken on the last night of the concentrated observing season, the 3881 measurements were obtained over an interval of only 106 nights. From these data, four new times of minimum light were calculated. The (O-C) diagram formed from all available timings, and thus the orbital period of the system, can be partly represented as a beat effect between two cyclical variations with different periods (P1'=42yr, P2'=181yr) and amplitudes (K1=0.015d, K2=0.103d), respectively. Both physical and non-physical interpretations of these cycles were investigated.
2069. XXL Survey. DR2
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/IX/52
- Title:
- XXL Survey. DR2
- Short Name:
- IX/52
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the second data release (DR2) of the XXL Survey, contextually with the appearance of a second A&A special issue dedicated to XXL. This intermediate release includes the following catalogues and data: The X-ray point source catalogue (3XLSS) and the associated multiwavelength catalogues in the XXL-N and XXL-s areas (XXL paper XXVII). The same paper also provides the list of XMM pointings used, and a supplementary catalogue of redshifts obtained with the AAOmega spectrograph in the XXL-S area. The XXL-365-GC galaxy cluster catalogue (XXL paper XX) with the complete subset of clusters for which the selection function is well determined plus all X-ray clusters which are, to date, spectroscopically confirmed. The ATCA 2.1 GHz radio source catalogue in the XXL-S area (XXL paper XXVIII), together with the catalogue of ther optical and near infrared counterparts (XXL paper XXVI). The GMRT 610 MHz radio source catalogue in the XXL-N area (XXL paper XXIX). FITS images of the XXL-North field: continuum radio mosaic from observations with the Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope (GMRT) at 610MHz, and the corresponding noise map. A complete spectrophotometric sample of galaxies within X-ray detected, optically spectroscopically confirmed groups and clusters (G&C), including also field objects, in the XXL-N area (XXL paper XXII). The list of brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) in the XXL-N area (XXL paper XXVIII). FITS images of the two radio galaxies described in XXL paper XXXIV. ATCA XXL-S source classification data (XXL paper XXXVI) http://sci.esa.int/xmm-newton/60686-tracing-the-universe-x-ray-survey-\ supports-standard-cosmological-model/ List of XXL DR2 papers: XVI. The clustering of X-ray selected galaxy clusters at z~0.3 XVII. X-ray and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich properties of the redshift 2.0 galaxy cluster XLSSC 122 XVIII. ATCA 2.1 GHz radio source catalogue and source counts for the XXL-South field XIX. A realistic population of simulated X-ray AGN: Comparison of models with observations XX. The 365 cluster catalogue XXI. The environment and clustering of X-ray AGN in the XXL-South field XXII. The XXL-North spectrophotometric sample and galaxy stellar mass function in X-ray detected groups and clusters XXIII. The mass scale of XXL clusters from ensemble spectroscopy XXIV. The final detection pipeline XXV. Cosmological analysis of the C1 cluster number counts XXVI. Optical and near infrared identification of the ATCA 2.1 GHz radio sources in the XXL-S field XXVII. The 3XLSS point source catalogue XXVIII. Galaxy luminosity functions of the XXL-N clusters XXIX. GMRT 610 MHz continuum observations XXX. Characterisation of the XLSSsC N01 supercluster and analysis of the galaxy stellar populations XXXI. Classification and host galaxy properties of 2.1 GHz ATCA XXL-S radio sources XXXII. Spatial clustering of the XXL-S AGN XXXIII. Chandra constraints on the AGN contamination of z > 1 XXL galaxy clusters XXXIV. Double irony in XXL-North. A tale of two radio galaxies in a supercluster at z = 0.14 XXXV. The role of cluster mass in AGN activity XXXVI. Evolution and black hole feedback of high-excitation and low-excitation radio galaxies in XXL-S
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/427/1517
- Title:
- XY And and UZ Vir light curves
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/427/1517
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a thorough analysis of multicolour CCD observations of two modulated RRab-type variables, XY And and UZ Vir. These Blazhko stars show relatively simple light-curve modulation with the usual multiplet structures in their Fourier spectra. One additional, independent frequency with linear-combination terms of the pulsation frequency is also detected in the residual spectrum of each of the two stars. The amplitude and phase relations of the triplet components are studied in detail. Most of the epoch-independent phase differences show a slight, systematic colour dependence. However, these trends have opposite signs in the two stars. The mean values of the global physical parameters and their changes with the Blazhko phase are determined, utilizing the inverse photometric method (IPM). The modulation properties and the IPM results are compared for the two variables. The pulsation period of XY And is the shortest when its pulsation amplitude is the highest, while UZ Vir has the longest pulsation period at this phase of the modulation. Despite this contrasting behaviour, the phase relations of the variations in their mean physical parameters are similar. These results do not agree with the predictions of the Blazhko model of Stothers.