- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/601/A67
- Title:
- Kepler solar-type stars modeling
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/601/A67
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Kepler space telescope yielded unprecedented data for the study of solar-like oscillations in other stars. The large samples of multi-year observations posed an enormous data analysis challenge that has only recently been surmounted. Asteroseismic modeling has become more sophisticated over time, with better methods gradually developing alongside the extended observations and improved data analysis techniques. We apply the latest version of the Asteroseismic Modeling Portal (AMP) to the full-length Kepler data sets for 57 stars, comprising planetary hosts, binaries, solar-analogs, active stars, and for validation purposes, the Sun. From an analysis of the derived stellar properties for the full sample, we identify a variation of the mixing-length parameter with atmospheric properties. We also derive a linear relation between the stellar age and a characteristic frequency separation ratio. In addition, we find that the empirical correction for surface effects suggested by Kjeldsen and coworkers is adequate for solar-type stars that are not much hotter (Teff<~6200K) or significantly more evolved (logg>~4.2, <{Delta}{nu}> >~80uHz80) than the Sun. Precise parallaxes from the Gaia mission and future observations from TESS and PLATO promise to improve the reliability of stellar properties derived from asteroseismology.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/756/185
- Title:
- Kepler TTVs. V. Metrics catalog
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/756/185
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Transit timing variations provide a powerful tool for confirming and characterizing transiting planets, as well as detecting non-transiting planets. We report the results of an updated transit timing variation (TTV) analysis for 1481 planet candidates based on transit times measured during the first sixteen months of Kepler observations. We present 39 strong TTV candidates based on long-term trends (2.8% of suitable data sets). We present another 136 weaker TTV candidates (9.8% of suitable data sets) based on the excess scatter of TTV measurements about a linear ephemeris. We anticipate that several of these planet candidates could be confirmed and perhaps characterized with more detailed TTV analyses using publicly available Kepler observations. For many others, Kepler has observed a long-term TTV trend, but an extended Kepler mission will be required to characterize the system via TTVs. We find that the occurrence rate of planet candidates that show TTVs is significantly increased (~68%) for planet candidates transiting stars with multiple transiting planet candidates when compared to planet candidates transiting stars with a single transiting planet candidate.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/590/A80
- Title:
- 2-10keV luminosity function of AGN
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/590/A80
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The XMM-Large scale structure (XMM-LSS), XMM-Cosmological evolution survey (XMM-COSMOS), and XMM-Chandra deep field south (XMM-CDFS) surveys are complementary in terms of sky coverage and depth. Together, they form a clean sample with the least possible variance in instrument effective areas and point spread function. Therefore this is one of the best samples available to determine the 2-10keV luminosity function of active galactic nuclei (AGN) and their evolution. The samples and the relevant corrections for incompleteness are described. A total of 2887 AGN is used to build the LF in the luminosity interval 10^42^-10^46^erg/s and in the redshift interval 0.001-4. A new method to correct for absorption by considering the probability distribution for the column density conditioned on the hardness ratio is presented.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/821/47
- Title:
- KOI transit probabilities of multi-planet syst.
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/821/47
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- NASA's Kepler Space Telescope has successfully discovered thousands of exoplanet candidates using the transit method, including hundreds of stars with multiple transiting planets. In order to estimate the frequency of these valuable systems, it is essential to account for the unique geometric probabilities of detecting multiple transiting extrasolar planets around the same parent star. In order to improve on previous studies that used numerical methods, we have constructed an efficient, semi-analytical algorithm called the Computed Occurrence of Revolving Bodies for the Investigation of Transiting Systems (CORBITS), which, given a collection of conjectured exoplanets orbiting a star, computes the probability that any particular group of exoplanets can be observed to transit. The algorithm applies theorems of elementary differential geometry to compute the areas bounded by circular curves on the surface of a sphere. The implemented algorithm is more accurate and orders of magnitude faster than previous algorithms, based on comparisons with Monte Carlo simulations. We use CORBITS to show that the present solar system would only show a maximum of three transiting planets, but that this varies over time due to dynamical evolution. We also used CORBITS to geometrically debias the period ratio and mutual Hill sphere distributions of Kepler's multi-transiting planet candidates, which results in shifting these distributions toward slightly larger values. In an Appendix, we present additional semi-analytical methods for determining the frequency of exoplanet mutual events, i.e., the geometric probability that two planets will transit each other (planet-planet occultation, relevant to transiting circumbinary planets) and the probability that this transit occurs simultaneously as they transit their star.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/442/281
- Title:
- Late-type giants BVRIJHKL and Teff calibration
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/442/281
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present new synthetic broad-band photometric colors for late-type giants based on synthetic spectra calculated with the PHOENIX model atmosphere code. The grid covers effective temperatures Teff=3000...5000K, gravities logg=-0.5...+3.5, and metallicities [M/H]=+0.5...-4.0.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/631/A43
- Title:
- Late-type stars FeI & FeII NLTE line formation
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/631/A43
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Iron plays a crucial role in studies of late-type stars. In their atmospheres, neutral iron is the minority species and lines of FeI are subject to the departures from local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE). In contrast, one believes that LTE is a realistic approximation for FeII lines. The main source of the uncertainties in the non-LTE (NLTE) calculations for cool atmospheres is a treatment of inelastic collisions with hydrogen atoms. We investigate the effect of FeI+HI and FeII+HI collisions and their different treatment on the FeI/FeII ionisation equilibrium and iron abundance determinations for Galactic halo benchmark stars HD 84937, HD 122563, and HD 140283 and a sample of 38 very metal-poor (VMP) giants in the dwarf galaxies with well known distances. We perform the NLTE calculations for FeI-FeII with applying quantum-mechanical rate coefficients for collisions with HI from recent papers of Barklem (2018, Cat. J/A+A/612/A90B18), Yakovleva, Belyaev, and Kraemer (2018CP....515..369Y, YBK18), and Yakovleva, Belyaev, and Kraemer (2019MNRAS.483.5105Y , YBK19). We find that collisions with HI serve as efficient thermalisation processes for FeII, such that the NLTE abundance corrections for FeII lines do not exceed 0.02dex, in absolute value, for [Fe/H]~>-3 and reach +0.06dex at [Fe/H]~-4. For a given star, different treatments of FeI+HI collisions by B18 and YBK18 lead to similar average NLTE abundances from the FeI lines, although there exist discrepancies in the NLTE abundance corrections for individual lines. With using quantum-mechanical collisional data and the Gaia based surface gravity, we obtain consistent abundances from the two ionisation stages, FeI and FeII, for a red giant HD 122563. For a turn-off star HD 84937 and a subgiant HD 140283, we analyse the iron lines in the visible and the ultra-violet (UV, 1968 to 2990{AA}) range. For either FeI or FeII, abundances from the visible and UV lines are found to be consistent in each star. The NLTE abundances from the two ionisation stages agree within 0.10dex, when using the YBK18 data, and 0.13dex in case of B18. The FeI/FeII ionisation equilibrium is achieved for each star of our stellar sample in the dwarf galaxies, with the exception of stars at [Fe/H]~<-3.7.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/370/1181
- Title:
- Library of Lick/IDS indices for binaries
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/370/1181
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Using evolutionary population synthesis, we present 13 refined absorption-line indices defined by the Lick Observatory Image Dissector Scanner (Lick/IDS) system for an extensive set of instantaneous-burst binary stellar populations (BSPs) at high resolution (~0.3{AA}), and 38 indices at intermediate resolution (3{AA}). The ages of the populations are at an interval of 1Gyr in the range 115 Gyr, and the metallicities are in the range 0.004-0.03. These indices are obtained by two methods: (i) using the empirical fitting functions (FFs method); (ii) measured directly from the synthetic spectra (DC method). Together with our previous paper, a data base of Lick/IDS spectral absorption-line indices for BSPs at high and intermediate resolutions is provided. This set of indices includes 21 indices of Worthey et al. (1994, Cat. <J/ApJS/94/687>), four Balmer indices defined by Worthey & Ottaviani (1997, Cat. <J/ApJS/111/377>), and 13 indices with the new passband definitions of Trager et al. (1998, Cat. <J/ApJS/116/1>, hereafter T98.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/649/A98
- Title:
- Lightcurve inversion for 491 asteroids
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/649/A98
- Date:
- 22 Feb 2022
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We perform lightcurve inversion for 491 asteroids to retrieve phase curve parameters, rotation periods, pole longitudes and latitudes, and convex and triaxial ellipsoid shapes by using the sparse photometric observations from Gaia Data Release 2 and the dense ground-based observations from the DAMIT data base. We develop a method for the derivation of reference absolute magnitudes and phase curves from the Gaia data, allowing for comparative studies among hundreds of asteroids.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/625/A152
- Title:
- Light-curve models of black hole
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/625/A152
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- In the new era of gravitational wave (GW) and multi-messenger astrophysics, the detection of a GW signal from the coalescence of a black hole - neutron star (BHNS) binary remains a highly anticipated discovery. This kind of system is expected to be within reach of the second generation of ground-based detectors. In this context, we develop a series of versatile semi-analytical models to predict the properties of all the electromagnetic (EM) counterparts of BHNS mergers.We include the nuclear-decay-powered kilonova emission, its radio remnant, the prompt emission from the jet and the related afterglow. The properties of these counterparts depend upon those of the outflows that result from the partial disruption of the NS during the merger and from the accretion disc around the remnant, which are necessary ingredients for transient EM emission to accompany the GW signal. We therefore define ways to relate the properties of these outflows to those of the progenitor binary, establishing a link between the binary parameters and the counterpart properties. From the resulting model, we anticipate the variety of light curves that can emerge after a BHNS coalescence, from the radio up to gamma-rays. These light curves feature universal traits which are the imprint of the dynamics of the emitting outflows, but at the same time they show a clear dependence on the BH mass and spin, though with a high degree of degeneracy. The latter can be deduced by joint GW - EM analysis. In this paper, we perform a proof-of-concept multi-messenger parameter estimation of a BHNS merger with an associated kilonova, to test how the information from the EM counterpart can complement that from the GW signal. Our results indicate that the observation and modeling of the kilonova can help to break the degeneracies in the GW parameter space, leading to better constraints on, e.g., the BH spin.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/574/A60
- Title:
- Light curve templates of SNe Ib/c from SDSS
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/574/A60
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present optical (ugriz) light curve templates of supernovae Ib/c from the SDSS II SN survey.