- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+AS/136/35
- Title:
- WR galaxies and HII regions catalog
- Short Name:
- J/A+AS/136/35
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a new compilation of Wolf-Rayet (WR) galaxies and extra-galactic HII regions showing broad He II {lambda}4686 emission drawn from the literature. Relevant information on the presence of other broad emission lines (N III {lambda}4640, C IV {lambda}5808 and other) from WR stars of WN and WC subtypes, and other existing broad nebular lines is provided. In total we include 139 known WR galaxies. Among these, 57 objects show both broad He II {lambda}4686 and C IV {lambda}5808 features. In addition to the broad (stellar) He II {lambda}4686 emission, a nebular He II component is well established (suspected) in 44 (54) objects. We find 19 extra-galactic HII regions without WR detections showing nebular He II {lambda}4686 emission. The present sample can be used for a variety of studies on massive stars, interactions of massive stars with the ISM, stellar populations, starburst galaxies etc. The data is accessible electronically and will be updated periodically
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://xaovo/cross/q/match
- Title:
- XAO DC Custom Uploading Crossmatcher
- Short Name:
- xao_crossmatch
- Date:
- 25 Jun 2024 10:32:03
- Publisher:
- Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory,CAS
- Description:
- A plain positional crossmatch service that allows file and URL uploads to be crossmatched to DC-internal tables. In general, you want to use TAP for this kind of thing when it is available, but in a pinch it might come in handy. Larger catalogues that can be matched against include GAIA,PPMXL,ATNF Pulsar Catalog, and more.
943. xCOLD GASS catalog
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/233/22
- Title:
- xCOLD GASS catalog
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/233/22
- Date:
- 02 Nov 2021 07:14:32
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We introduce xCOLD GASS, a legacy survey providing a census of molecular gas in the local universe. Building on the original COLD GASS survey, we present here the full sample of 532 galaxies with CO (1-0) measurements from the IRAM 30m telescope. The sample is mass-selected in the redshift interval 0.01<z<0.05 from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and therefore representative of the local galaxy population with M_*_>10^9^M_{sun}_. The CO (1-0) flux measurements are complemented by observations of the CO (2-1) line with both the IRAM 30 m and APEX telescopes, HI observations from Arecibo, and photometry from SDSS, WISE, and GALEX. Combining the IRAM and APEX data, we find that the ratio of CO (2-1) to CO (1-0) luminosity for integrated measurements is r_21_=0.79+/- 0.03, with no systematic variations across the sample. The CO (1-0) luminosity function is constructed and best fit with a Schechter function with parameters L_CO_^* ^=(7.77+/-2.11)x10^9^K.(km/s).pc^2^, {phi}^*^=(9.84+/-5.41)x10^-4^Mpc^-3^, and {alpha}=-1.19+/-0.05. With the sample now complete down to stellar masses of 10^9^M_{sun}_, we are able to extend our study of gas scaling relations and confirm that both molecular gas fractions (f_H2_) and depletion timescale (t_dep_(H2)) vary with specific star formation rate (or offset from the star formation main sequence) much more strongly than they depend on stellar mass. Comparing the xCOLD GASS results with outputs from hydrodynamic and semianalytic models, we highlight the constraining power of cold gas scaling relations on models of galaxy formation.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/453/1136
- Title:
- XDF CHEF photometric catalogue
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/453/1136
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Photometric redshifts, which have become the cornerstone of several of the largest astronomical surveys like PanStarrs, DES, J-PAS and LSST, require precise measurements of galaxy photometry in different bands using a consistent physical aperture. This is not trivial, due to the variation in the shape and width of the point spread function (PSF) introduced by wavelength differences, instrument positions and atmospheric conditions. Current methods to correct for this effect rely on a detailed knowledge of PSF characteristics as a function of the survey coordinates, which can be difficult due to the relative paucity of stars tracking the PSF behaviour. Here we show that it is possible to measure accurate, consistent multicolour photometry without knowing the shape of the PSF. The Chebyshev-Fourier functions (CHEFs) can fit the observed profile of each object and produce high signal-to-noise integrated flux measurements unaffected by the PSF. These total fluxes, which encompass all the galaxy populations, are much more useful for galaxy evolution studies than aperture photometry. We compare the total magnitudes and colours obtained using our software to traditional photometry with SExtractor, using real data from the COSMOS survey and the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field (HUDF). We also apply the CHEF technique to the recently published eXtreme Deep Field (XDF) and compare the results to those from ColorPro on the HUDF. We produce a photometric catalogue with 35732 sources (10823 with signal-to-noise ratio >=5), reaching a photometric redshift precision of 2 per cent due to the extraordinary depth and wavelength coverage of the eXtreme Deep Field images.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/534/A120
- Title:
- 2XMMi/SDSS Galaxy Cluster Survey
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/534/A120
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a catalogue of X-ray selected galaxy clusters and groups as a first release of the 2XMMi/SDSS Galaxy Cluster Survey. The survey is a search for galaxy clusters detected serendipitously in observations with XMM-Newton in the footprint of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The main aims of the survey are to identify new X-ray galaxy clusters, investigate their X-ray scaling relations, identify distant cluster candidates, and study the correlation of the X-ray and optical properties. In this paper, we describe the basic strategy to identify and characterize the X-ray cluster candidates that currently comprise 1180 objects selected from the second XMM-Newton serendipitous source catalogue (2XMMi-DR3). Cross-correlation of the initial catalogue with recently published optically selected SDSS galaxy cluster catalogues yields photometric redshifts for 275 objects. Of these, 182 clusters have at least one member with a spectroscopic redshift from existing public data (SDSS-DR8). We developed an automated method to reprocess the XMM-Newton X-ray observations, determine the optimum source extraction radius, generate source and background spectra, and derive the temperatures and luminosities of the optically confirmed clusters. Here we present the X-ray properties of the first cluster sample, which comprises 175 clusters, among which 139 objects are new X-ray discoveries while the others were previously known as X-ray sources. For each cluster, the catalogue provides: two identifiers, coordinates, temperature, flux [0.5-2]keV, luminosity [0.5-2]keV extracted from an optimum aperture, bolometric luminosity L500, total mass M500, radius R500, and the optical properties of the counterpart. The first cluster sample from the survey covers a wide range of redshifts from 0.09 to 0.61, bolometric luminosities L500=1.9x10^42^-1.2x10^45^erg/s, and masses M500=2.3x10^13^-4.9x10^14^M_{sun}_. We extend the relation between the X-ray bolometric luminosity L500 and the X-ray temperature towards significantly lower T and L and still find that the slope of the linear L-T relation is consistent with values published for high luminosities.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/558/A75
- Title:
- 2XMMi/SDSS Galaxy Cluster Survey. II.
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/558/A75
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We compile a sample of X-ray-selected galaxy groups and clusters from the XMM-Newton serendipitous source catalogue (2XMMi-DR3) with optical confirmation and redshift measurement from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The X-ray cluster candidates were selected from the 2XMMi-DR3 catalogue in the footprint of the SDSS-DR7. We developed a finding algorithm to search for overdensities of galaxies at the positions of the X-ray cluster candidates in the photometric redshift space and to measure the redshifts of the clusters from the SDSS data. The detection algorithm provides the photometric redshift of 530 galaxy clusters. Of these, 310 clusters have a spectroscopic redshift for at least one member galaxy. About 75 percent of the optically confirmed cluster sample are newly discovered X-ray clusters. Moreover, 301 systems are known as optically selected clusters in the literature while the remainder are new discoveries in X-ray and optical bands. The optically confirmed cluster sample spans a wide redshift range 0.03-0.70 (median z=0.32). In this paper, we present the catalogue of X-ray-selected galaxy groups and clusters from the 2XMMi/SDSS galaxy cluster survey. The catalogue has two subsamples: (i) a cluster sample comprising 345 objects with their X-ray spectroscopic temperature and flux from the spectral fitting, and (ii) a cluster sample consisting of 185 systems with their X-ray flux from the 2XMMi-DR3 catalogue, because their X-ray data are insufficient for spectral fitting. The updated L_X_-T relation of the current sample with X-ray spectroscopic parameters is presented. We see no evidence for evolution in the slope and intrinsic scatter of the L_X_-T relation with redshift when excluding the low-luminosity groups
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/478/2132
- Title:
- XMM-LSS field. New XMM-Newton point-source cat.
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/478/2132
- Date:
- 08 Feb 2022 13:36:34
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present an X-ray point-source catalogue from the XMM-Large Scale Structure (XMM-LSS) survey region, one of the XMM-Spitzer Extragalactic Representative Volume Survey (XMM-SERVS) fields. We target the XMM-LSS region with 1.3Ms of new XMM-Newton AO-15 observations, transforming the archival X-ray coverage in this region into a 5.3deg^2^ contiguous field with uniform X-ray coverage totaling 2.7Ms of flare-filtered exposure, with a 46ks median PN exposure time. We provide an X-ray catalogue of 5242 sources detected in the soft (0.5-2keV), hard (2-10keV), and/or full (0.5-10keV) bands with a 1 per cent expected spurious fraction determined from simulations. A total of 2381 new X-ray sources are detected compared to previous source catalogues in the same area. Our survey has flux limits of 1.7x10^-15^, 1.3x10^-14^, and 6.5x10^-15^erg/cm^2^/s over 90 per cent of its area in the soft, hard, and full bands, respectively, which is comparable to those of the XMM-COSMOS survey. We identify multiwavelength counterpart candidates for 99.9 per cent of the X-ray sources, of which 93 per cent are considered as reliable based on their matching likelihood ratios. The reliabilities of these high-likelihood-ratio counterparts are further confirmed to be ~=97 per cent reliable based on deep Chandra coverage over ~=5 per cent of the XMM-LSS region. Results of multiwavelength identifications are also included in the source catalogue, along with basic optical-to-infrared photometry and spectroscopic redshifts from publicly available surveys. We compute photometric redshifts for X-ray sources in 4.5 deg^2^ of our field where forced-aperture multiband photometry is available; >70 per cent of the X-ray sources in this subfield have either spectroscopic or high-quality photometric redshifts.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/476/1191
- Title:
- XMM-Newton serendipitous survey. IV
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/476/1191
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- X-ray sources at intermediate fluxes (a few x10^-14^erg/cm^2^/s) with a sky density of ~100deg^-2^ are responsible for a significant fraction of the cosmic X-ray background at various energies below 10keV. The aim of this paper is to provide an unbiased and quantitative description of the X-ray source population at these fluxes and in various X-ray energy bands. We present the XMM-Newton Medium sensitivity Survey (XMS), including a total of 318 X-ray sources found among the serendipitous content of 25 XMM-Newton target fields. The XMS comprises four largely overlapping source samples selected at soft (0.5-2keV), intermediate (0.5-4.5keV), hard (2-10keV) and ultra-hard (4.5-7.5keV) bands, the first three of them being flux-limited.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/548/A99
- Title:
- XMM-Newton Slew Survey in 2-10keV
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/548/A99
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The on-going XMM-Newton Slew Survey (XSS) provides coverage of a significant fraction of the sky in a broad X-ray bandpass. Although shallow by contemporary standards, in the "classical" 2-10keV band of X-ray astronomy, the XSS provides significantly better sensitivity than any currently available all-sky survey. We investigate the source content of the XSS, focussing on detections in the hard 2-10keV band down to a very low threshold (>=4counts net of background). At the faint end, the survey reaches a flux sensitivity of roughly 3x10^-12^erg/cm^2^/s (2-10keV). Our starting point was a sample of 487 sources detected in the XSS (up to and including release XMMSL1d2) at high galactic latitude in the hard band. Through cross-correlation with published source catalogues from surveys spanning the electromagnetic spectrum from radio through to gamma-rays, we find that 45% of the sources have likely identifications with normal/active galaxies. A further 18% are associated with other classes of X-ray object (nearby coronally active stars, accreting binaries, clusters of galaxies), leaving 37% of the XSS sources with no current identification. We go on to define an XSS extragalactic sample comprised of 219 galaxies and active galaxies selected in the XSS hard band. We investigate the properties of this extragalactic sample including its X-ray logN-logS distribution. We find that in the low-count limit, the XSS is, as expected, strongly affected by Eddington bias. There is also a very strong bias in the XSS against the detection of extended sources, most notably clusters of galaxies. A significant fraction of the detections at and around the low-count limit may be spurious. Nevertheless, it is possible to use the XSS to extract a reasonably robust sample of extragalactic sources, excluding galaxy clusters. The differential logN-logS relation of these extragalactic sources matches very well to the HEAO-1 A2 all-sky survey measurements at bright fluxes and to the 2XMM source counts at the faint end. The substantial sky coverage afforded by the XSS makes this survey a valuable resource for studying X-ray bright source samples, including those selected specifically in the hard 2-10keV band.
950. XMMOMCDFS catalogue
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/574/A49
- Title:
- XMMOMCDFS catalogue
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/574/A49
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The XMM-Newton X-ray observatory has performed repeated observations of the CDFS in 33 epochs (2001-2010) through the XMM-CDFS Deep Survey. During the X-ray observations, XMM-OM targeted the central 17x17arcmin^2^ region of the X-ray field of view, providing simultaneous optical/UV coverage of the CDFS. The resulting set of data can be taken into account to build an XMM-OM catalogue of the CDFS, filling the UV spectral coverage between the optical surveys and GALEX observations. We present the UV catalogue of the XMM-CDFS Deep Survey. Its main purpose is to provide complementary UV average photometric measurements of known optical/UV sources in the CDFS, taking advantage of the unique characteristics of the survey. The data reduction is intended also to improve the standard source detection on individual observations, by cataloguing faint sources through the stacking of their exposure images. We reprocessed the XMM-OM data of the survey and we stacked the exposures from consecutive observations using the standard SAS tools to process the data obtained during single observations. Average measurements of detections with SAS good quality flags from individual observations and from stacked images have been joined to compile the catalogue. Sources have been validated through the cross-identification within the EIS and COMBO-17 surveys. Photometric data of 1129 CDFS sources are provided into the catalogue, and optical/UV/X-ray photometric and spectroscopic information from other surveys are also included. The stacking extends the detection limits by ~1 mag in the three UV bands, contributing 30% of the catalogued UV sources. The comparison with the available measurements in similar spectral bands confirms the validity of the XMM-OM calibration. The combined COMBO-17/X-ray classification of the "intermediate" sources (e.g. optically diluted and/or X-ray absorbed AGN) is also discussed.