40 fully hydrodynamical numerical simulations of the intergalactic gas that gives rise to the Ly-alpha forest. The available data includes simulated spectra, fields such as temperature and density, and parameter files for the simulation. Links are provided to the simulation software (Enzo). This data is made available as a web supplement to astro-ph/0412557, "A Concordance Model of the Lyman- Alpha Forest at z =1.95".
The Faint Object Camera (FOC) was one of the 4 original axial instruments on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). FOC is used to make high-resolution observations of faint sources at UV and visible wavel
The Faint Object Spectrograph (FOS) was one of the 4 original axial instruments aboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The FOS was designed to make spectroscopic observations of astrophysical sources from the near ultraviolet to the near infrared (1150 - 8000 Angstroms). The instrument was removed from HST during the Second Servicing Mission in February 1997.
The Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX), a NASA Small Explorer mission, is performing the first all-sky, deep imaging and spectroscopic ultraviolet surveys in space. The prime goal of GALEX is to study star formation in galaxies and its evolution with time.
H.E.S.S. is a system of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes that investigates cosmic gamma rays in the 100 GeV to 100 TeV energy range. The name H.E.S.S. stands for High Energy Stereoscopic System.
Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is an orbiting astronomical observatory operating from the near-infrared into the ultraviolet. Launched in 1990 and scheduled to operate through 2010, HST carries and has carried a wide variety of instruments producing imaging, spectrographic, astrometric, and photometric data through both pointed and parallel observing programs. MAST is the primary archive and distribution center for HST data, distributing science, calibration, and engineering data to HST users and the astronomical community at large. Over 100 000 observations of more than 20 000 targets are available for retrieval from the Archive.
Introduction to Simulation Databases - Density Fields and Dark Matter
27 Dec 2024 08:31:06
The GAVO DC team
This tutorial was created for a physics teacher workshop (~ high
school level). It shows how to extract density fields and information
on dark matter halos from the CosmoSim database using SQL queries. It
is optimized for brevity.
Introduction to Simulation Databases Using CosmoSim
27 Dec 2024 08:31:03
The GAVO DC team
This tutorial shows how to do first SQL-queries on cosmological
databases, including retrieving mass functions, extracting merger
trees or particles of a specific dark matter halo.