- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/631/A76
- Title:
- MASCARA-3b radial and light curves
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/631/A76
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report the discovery of MASCARA-3b, a hot Jupiter orbiting its bright (V=8.33) late F-type host every 5.55149+/-0.00001-days in an almost circular orbit (e=0.050^+0.020^_-0.017_). This is the fourth exoplanet discovered with the Multi-site All-Sky CAmeRA (MASCARA), and the first of these that orbits a late-type star. Follow-up spectroscopic measurements were obtained in and out of transit with the Hertzsprung SONG telescope. Combining the MASCARA photometry and SONG radial velocities reveals a radius and mass of 1.36+/-0.05R_Jup_ and 4.2+/-0.2M_Jup_. In addition, SONG spectroscopic transit observations were obtained on two separate nights. From analyzing the mean out-of-transit broadening function, we obtain vsini*=20.4+/-0.4km/s. In addition, investigating the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect, as observed in the distortion of the stellar lines directly and through velocity anoma lies, we find the projected obliquity to be {lambda}=1.2^+8.2^_-7.4_deg, which is consistent with alignment.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/628/A9
- Title:
- MASCARA-2b transmission spectra
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/628/A9
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Ultra-hot Jupiters orbit very close to their host star and consequently receive strong irradiation, causing their atmospheric chemistry to be different from the common gas giants. Here, we have studied the atmosphere of one of these particular hot planets, MASCARA- 2b/KELT-20b, using four transit observations with high resolution spectroscopy facilities. Three of these observations were performed with HARPS-N and one with CARMENES. Additionally, we simultaneously observed one of the transits with MuSCAT2 to monitor possible spots in the stellar surface. At high resolution, the transmission residuals show the effects of Rossiter-McLaughlin and centre- to-limb variations from the stellar lines profiles, which we have corrected to finally extract the transmission spectra of the planet. We clearly observe the absorption features of CaII, FeII, NaI, H{alpha}, and H{beta} in the atmosphere of MASCARA-2b, and indications of H{gamma} and MgI at low signal-to-noise ratio. In the case of NaI, the true absorption is difficult to disentangle from the strong telluric and interstellar contamination. The results obtained with CARMENES and HARPS-N are consistent, measuring an H{alpha} absorption depth of 0.68+/-0.05 and 0.59+/-0.07%, and NaI absorption of 0.11+/-0.04 and 0.09+/-0.05% for a 0.75{AA} passband, in the two instruments respectively. The H{alpha} absorption corresponds to ~1.2Rp, which implies an expanded atmosphere, as a result of the gas heating caused by the irradiation received from the host star. For H{beta} and H{gamma} only HARPS-N covers this wavelength range, measuring an absorption depth of 0.28+/-0.06 and 0.21+/-0.07%, respectively. For CaII, only CARMENES covers this wavelength range measuring an absorption depth of 0.28+/-0.05, 0.41+/-0.05 and 0.27+/-0.06% for CaII {lambda}8498{AA}, {lambda}8542{AA} and {lambda}8662{AA} lines, respectively. Three additional absorption lines of FeII are observed in the transmission spectrum by HARPS-N (partially covered by CARMENES), measuring an average absorption depth of 0.08+/-0.04% (0.75{AA} passband). The results presented here are consistent with theoretical models of ultra-hot Jupiters atmospheres, suggesting the emergence of an ionised gas on the day-side of such planets. Calcium and iron, together with other elements, are expected to be singly ionised at these temperatures and be more numerous than its neutral state. The Calcium triplet lines are detected here for the first time in transmission in an exoplanet atmosphere. Description: The transmission spectra and of MASCARA-2b/KELT-20b are presented. Three transits with HARPS-North at TNG telescope were retrieved and one transit with CARMENES at 3.5 telescope at CAHA Observatory. For each spectral line the transmission spectra of MASCARA-2b/KELT-20b after correcting the CLV + RME are presented here. We note that in some cases the transmission spectrum of a specific line also includes transmission lines located close to the main spectral line (e.g. in case of NaI doublet). However, it is important to note that only the main spectral line of each file (see files name) includes the CLV+RME corrections. You need to work with specific files.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/158/239
- Title:
- Metal-rich host stars abundances & equivalent widths
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/158/239
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The relationship between the compositions of giant planets and their host stars is of fundamental interest in understanding planet formation. The solar system giant planets are enhanced above solar composition in metals, both in their visible atmospheres and bulk compositions. A key question is whether the metal enrichment of giant exoplanets is correlated with that of their host stars. Thorngren et al. (2016, J/ApJ/831/64) showed that in cool (T_eq_<1000 K) giant exoplanets, the total heavy-element mass increases with total M_p_ and the heavy-element enrichment relative to the parent star decreases with total M_p_. In their work, the host star metallicity was derived from literature [Fe/H] measurements. Here we conduct a more detailed and uniform study to determine whether different host star metals (C, O, Mg, Si, Fe, and Ni) correlate with the bulk metallicity of their planets, using correlation tests and Bayesian linear fits. We present new host star abundances of 19 cool giant planet systems, and combine these with existing host star data for a total of 22 cool giant planet systems (24 planets). Surprisingly, we find no clear correlation between stellar metallicity and planetary residual metallicity (the relative amount of metal versus that expected from the planet mass alone), which is in conflict with common predictions from formation models. We also find a potential correlation between residual planet metals and stellar volatile-to-refractory element ratios. These results provide intriguing new relationships between giant planet and host star compositions for future modeling studies of planet formation.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/158/75
- Title:
- Mid-type M dwarfs planet occurrence rates
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/158/75
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Previous studies of planet occurrence rates largely relied on photometric stellar characterizations. In this paper, we present planet occurrence rates for mid-type M dwarfs using spectroscopy, parallaxes, and photometry to determine stellar characteristics. Our spectroscopic observations have allowed us to constrain spectral type, temperatures, and, in some cases, metallicities for 337 out of 561 probable mid-type M dwarfs in the primary Kepler field. We use a random forest classifier to assign a spectral type to the remaining 224 stars. Combining our data with Gaia parallaxes, we compute precise (~3%) stellar radii and masses, which we use to update planet parameters and occurrence rates for Kepler mid-type M dwarfs. Within the Kepler field, there are seven M3 V to M5 V stars that host 13 confirmed planets between 0.5 and 2.5 Earth radii and at orbital periods between 0.5 and 10 days. For this population, we compute a planet occurrence rate of 1.19_-0.49_^+0.70^ planets per star. For M3 V, M4 V, and M5 V, we compute planet occurrence rates of 0.86_-0.68_^+1.32^, 1.36_-1.02_^+2.30^, and 3.07_-2.49_^+5.49^ planets per star, respectively.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/162/137
- Title:
- Minerva-Australis radial velocity of AU Mic
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/162/137
- Date:
- 14 Mar 2022 08:18:00
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report measurements of the sky-projected spin-orbit angle for AU Mic b, a Neptune-size planet orbiting a very young (~20Myr) nearby pre-main-sequence M-dwarf star, which also hosts a bright, edge-on, debris disk. The planet was recently discovered from preliminary analysis of radial-velocity observations and confirmed to be transiting its host star from photometric data from the NASA's TESS mission. We obtained radial-velocity measurements of AU Mic over the course of two partially observable transits and one full transit of planet b from high-resolution spectroscopic observations made with the MINERVA-Australis telescope array. Only a marginal detection of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect signal was obtained from the radial velocities, in part due to AU Mic being an extremely active star and the lack of full transit coverage plus sufficient out-of-transit baseline. As such, a precise determination of the obliquity for AU Mic b is not possible in this study and we find a sky-projected spin-orbit angle of {lambda}=47_-54_^+26^deg . This result is consistent with both the planet's orbit being aligned or highly misaligned with the spin axis of its host star. Our measurement independently agrees with, but is far less precise than observations carried out on other instruments around the same time that measure a low-obliquity orbit for the planet. AU Mic is the youngest exoplanetary system for which the projected spin-orbit angle has been measured, making it a key data point in the study of the formation and migration of exoplanets-particularly given that the system is also host to a bright debris disk.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/876/23
- Title:
- Multiple populations of extrasolar gas giants
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/876/23
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- There are two planetary formation scenarios: core accretion and gravitational disk instability. Based on the fact that gaseous objects are preferentially observed around metal-rich host stars, most extrasolar gaseous objects discovered to date are thought to have been formed by core accretion. Here, we present 569 samples of gaseous planets and brown dwarfs found in 485 planetary systems that span three mass regimes with boundary values at 4 and 25 Jupiter-mass masses through performing cluster analyses of these samples regarding the host-star metallicity, after minimizing the impact of the selection effect of radial-velocity measurement on the cluster analysis. The larger mass is thought to be the upper mass limit of the objects that were formed during the planetary formation processes. In contrast, the lower mass limit appears to reflect the difference between planetary formation processes around early-type and G-type stars; disk instability plays a greater role in the planetary formation process around early-type stars than that around G-type stars. Populations with masses between 4 and 25 Jupiter masses that orbit early-type stars comprise planets formed not only via the core-accretion process but also via gravitational disk instability because the population preferentially orbits metal-poor stars or is independent of the host-star metallicity. Therefore, it is essential to have a hybrid scenario for the planetary formation of the diverse systems.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/154/184
- Title:
- Multiplicity of RV exoplanet host stars
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/154/184
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Given the frequency of stellar multiplicity in the solar neighborhood, it is important to study the impacts this can have on exoplanet properties and orbital dynamics. There have been numerous imaging survey projects established to detect possible low-mass stellar companions to exoplanet host stars. Here, we provide the results from a systematic speckle imaging survey of known exoplanet host stars. In total, 71 stars were observed at 692 and 880 nm bands using the Differential Speckle Survey Instrument at the Gemini-north Observatory. Our results show that all but two of the stars included in this sample have no evidence of stellar companions with luminosities down to the detection and projected separation limits of our instrumentation. The mass-luminosity relationship is used to estimate the maximum mass a stellar companion can have without being detected. These results are used to discuss the potential for further radial velocity follow-up and interpretation of companion signals.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/635/A73
- Title:
- Multiplicity study of transiting exoplanet hosts. I.
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/635/A73
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Many main-sequence stars are part of multiple systems. The effect of stellar multiplicity on planet formation and migration, however, is poorly understood. We study the multiplicity of stars hosting known transiting extra-solar planets to test competing theories on the formation mechanisms of hot Jupiters. We observed 45 exoplanet host stars using the infrared dual imaging spectrograph (IRDIS) of the Spectro-Polarimetric High-Contrast Exoplanet Research (SPHERE) instrument at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) to search for potential companions. For each identified candidate companion we determined the probability that it is gravitationally bound to its host by performing common proper motion checks and modelling of synthetic stellar populations around the host. In addition, we derived contrast limits as a function of angular separation to set upper limits on further companions in these systems. We converted the derived contrast into mass thresholds using AMES-Cond, AMES-Dusty, and BT-Settl models. We detected new candidate companions around K2-38, WASP-72, WASP-80, WASP-87, WASP-88, WASP-108, WASP-118, WASP-120, WASP-122, WASP123, WASP-130, WASP-131, and WASP-137. The closest candidates were detected at separations of 0.124"+/-0.007" and 0.189"+/-0.003" around WASP-108 and WASP-131; the measured K-band contrasts indicate that these are stellar companions of 0.35+/-0.02M_{sun}_ and 0.62^+0.05^_-0.04_M_{sun}_, respectively. Including the re-detection and confirmation of previously known companions in 13 other systems, we derived a multiplicity fraction of 55.4^+5.9^_-9.4_%. For the representative sub-sample of 40 hot Jupiter host stars among our targets, the derived multiplicity rate is 54.8^+6.3^_-9.9_%. Our data do not confirm any trend that systems with eccentric planetary companions are preferably part of multiple systems. On average, we reached a magnitude contrast of 8.5+/-0.9,mag at an angular separation of 0.5". This allows us to exclude additional stellar companions with masses higher than 0.08M_{sun}_ for almost all observed systems; around the closest and youngest systems, this sensitivity is achieved at physical separations as small as 10au. Our study shows that SPHERE is an ideal instrument for detecting and characterising close companions to exoplanetary host stars.Although the second data release of the Gaia mission also provides useful constraints for some of the systems, the achieved sensitivity provided by the current data release of this mission is not good enough to measure parallaxes and proper motions for all detected candidates. For 14 identified companion candidates further astrometric epochs are required to confirm their common proper motion at 5{sigma} significance.
- ID:
- ivo://nexsci.ipac/ExoplanetArchive/ConfirmedPlanets
- Title:
- NASA Exoplanet Archive
- Short Name:
- ConfirmedPlanets
- Date:
- 06 Jun 2019 16:04:50
- Publisher:
- NASA Exoplanet Science Institute
- Description:
- Exoplanet and host star published parameters.
- ID:
- ivo://nexsci.ipac
- Title:
- NASA Exoplanet Science Institute
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 27 Nov 2018 17:20:48
- Publisher:
- NASA Exoplanet Science Institute
- Description:
- NExScI is the science operations and analysis center for NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program