- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/625/A17
- Title:
- SOPHIE data of Gliese 411
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/625/A17
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Periodic radial velocity variations in the nearby M-dwarf star Gl 411 are reported, based on measurements with the SOPHIE spectrograph. Current data do not allow us to distinguish between a 12.95-day period and its one-day alias at 1.08-days, but favour the former slightly. The velocity variation has an amplitude of 1.6m/s, making this the lowest-amplitude signal detected with SOPHIE up to now. We have performed a detailed analysis of the significance of the signal and its origin, including extensive simulations with both uncorrelated and correlated noise, representing the signal induced by stellar activity. The signal is significantly detected, and the results from all tests point to its planetary origin. Additionally, the presence of an additional acceleration in the velocity time series is suggested by the current data. On the other hand, a previously reported signal with a period of 9.9 days, detected in HIRES velocities of this star, is not recovered in the SOPHIE data. An independent analysis of the HIRES dataset also fails to unveil the 9.9-day signal. If the 12.95-day period is the real one, the amplitude of the signal detected with SOPHIE implies the presence of a planet, called Gl 411 b, with a minimum mass of around three Earth masses, orbiting its star at a distance of 0.079AU. The planet receives about 3.5 times the insolation received by Earth, which implies an equilibrium temperature between 256 and 350K, and makes it too hot to be in the habitable zone. At a distance of only 2.5pc, Gl 411 b, is the third closest low-mass planet detected to date. Its proximity to Earth will permit probing its atmosphere with a combination of high-contrast imaging and high-dispersion spectroscopy in the next decade.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/651/A11
- Title:
- SOPHIE radial velocities of 27 F/G stars
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/651/A11
- Date:
- 22 Feb 2022
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Distinguishing classes within substellar objects and understanding their formation and evolution need larger samples of substellar companions such as exoplanets, brown dwarfs, and low-mass stars. In this paper, we look for substellar companions using radial velocity surveys of FGK stars with the SOPHIE spectrograph at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence. We assign here the radial velocity variations of 27 stars to their orbital motion induced by low-mass companions. We also constrained their plane-of-the-sky motion using HIPPARCOS and Gaia Data Release 1 measurements, which constrain the true masses of some of these companions. We report the detection and characterization of six cool Jupiters, three brown dwarf candidates, and 16 low-mass stellar companions. We additionally update the orbital parameters of the low-mass star HD 8291 B, and we conclude that the radial velocity variations of HD 204277 are likely due to stellar activity despite resembling the signal of a giant planet. One of the new giant planets, BD+631405 b, adds to the population of highly eccentric cool Jupiters, and it is presently the most massive member. Two of the cool Jupiter systems also exhibit signatures of an additional outer companion. The orbital periods of the new companions span 30 days to 11.5 years, their masses 0.72M_Jup_ to 0.61M_{sun}_, and their eccentricities 0.04 to 0.88. These discoveries probe the diversity of substellar objects and low-mass stars, which will help constrain the models of their formation and evolution.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/162/75
- Title:
- Speckle observations TESS exoplanet host stars. II.
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/162/75
- Date:
- 18 Mar 2022 09:30:45
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present high-angular-resolution imaging observations of 517 host stars of TESS exoplanet candidates using the 'Alopeke and Zorro speckle cameras at Gemini North and South. The sample consists mainly of bright F, G, K stars at distances of less than 500pc. Our speckle observations span angular resolutions of ~20mas out to 1.2", yielding spatial resolutions of <10-500au for most stars, and our contrast limits can detect companion stars 5-9mag fainter than the primary at optical wavelengths. We detect 102 close stellar companions and determine the separation, magnitude difference, mass ratio, and estimated orbital period for each system. Our observations of exoplanet host star binaries reveal that they have wider separations than field binaries, with a mean orbital semimajor axis near 100 au. Other imaging studies have suggested this dearth of very closely separated binaries in systems which host exoplanets, but incompleteness at small separations makes it difficult to disentangle unobserved companions from a true lack of companions. With our improved angular resolution and sensitivity, we confirm that this lack of close exoplanet host binaries is indeed real. We also search for a correlation between planetary orbital radii versus binary star separation; but, given the very short orbital periods of the TESS planets, we do not find any clear trend. We do note that in exoplanet systems containing binary host stars, there is an observational bias against detecting Earth-size planet transits due to transit depth dilution caused by the companion star.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/624/A49
- Title:
- Spectra of Earth-like planets around M-dwarfs
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/624/A49
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The characterisation of the atmosphere of exoplanets is one of the main goals of exoplanet science in the coming decades. We investigate the detectability of atmospheric spectral features of Earth-like planets in the habitable zone (HZ) around M dwarfs with the future James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). We used a coupled 1D climate-chemistry-model to simulate the influence of a range of observed and modelled M-dwarf spectra on Earth-like planets. The simulated atmospheres served as input for the calculation of the transmission spectra of the hypothetical planets, using a line-by-line spectral radiative transfer model. To investigate the spectroscopic detectability of absorption bands with JWST we further developed a signal- to-noise ratio (S/N) model and applied it to our transmission spectra. High abundances of methane (CH_4_) and water (H_2_O) in the atmosphere of Earth-like planets around mid to late M dwarfs increase the detectability of the corresponding spectral features compared to early M-dwarf planets. Increased temperatures in the middle atmosphere of mid- to late-type M-dwarf planets expand the atmosphere and further increase the detectability of absorption bands. To detect CH_4_, H_2_O, and carbon dioxide (CO_2_) in the atmosphere of an Earth-like planet around a mid to late M dwarf observing only one transit with JWST could be enough up to a distance of 4pc and less than ten transits up to a distance of 10pc. As a consequence of saturation limits of JWST and less pronounced absorption bands, the detection of spectral features of hypothetical Earth-like planets around most early M dwarfs would require more than ten transits. We identify 276 existing M dwarfs (including GJ 1132, TRAPPIST-1, GJ 1214, and LHS 1140) around which atmospheric absorption features of hypothetical Earth-like planets could be detected by co-adding just a few transits. The TESS satellite will likely find new transiting terrestrial planets within 15pc from the Earth. We show that using transmission spectroscopy, JWST could provide enough precision to be able to partly characterise the atmosphere of TESS findings with an Earth-like composition around mid to late M dwarfs.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/875/29
- Title:
- Spectroscopic analysis of the CKS sample. I.
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/875/29
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present results from a quantitative spectroscopic analysis conducted on archival Keck/HIRES high-resolution spectra from the California-Kepler Survey (CKS) sample of transiting planetary host stars identified from the Kepler mission. The spectroscopic analysis was based on a carefully selected set of FeI and FeII lines, resulting in precise values for the stellar parameters of effective temperature (Teff) and surface gravity (logg). Combining the stellar parameters with Gaia DR2 parallaxes and precise distances, we derived both stellar and planetary radii for our sample, with a median internal uncertainty of 2.8% in the stellar radii and 3.7% in the planetary radii. An investigation into the distribution of planetary radii confirmed the bimodal nature of this distribution for the small-radius planets found in previous studies, with peaks at ~1.47+/-0.05 and ~2.72+/-0.10R_{Earth}_ with a gap at ~1.9R_{Earth}_. Previous studies that modeled planetary formation that is dominated by photoevaporation predicted this bimodal radii distribution and the presence of a radius gap, or photoevaporation valley. Our results are in overall agreement with these models, as well as core powered mass-loss models. The high internal precision achieved here in the derived planetary radii clearly reveal the presence of a slope in the photoevaporation valley for the CKS sample, indicating that the position of the radius gap decreases with orbital period; this decrease was fit by a power law of the form R_pl_{propto}P^-0.11^, which is consistent with both photoevaporation and core powered mass-loss models of planet formation, with Earth-like core compositions.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/160/188
- Title:
- Spectroscopic transit depths of LHS 3844b
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/160/188
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Atmospheric studies of spectroscopically accessible terrestrial exoplanets lay the groundwork for comparative planetology between these worlds and the solar system terrestrial planets. LHS3844b is a highly irradiated terrestrial exoplanet (R=1.303{+/-}0.022R{Earth}) orbiting a mid-M dwarf 15parsecs away. Work based on near-infrared Spitzer phase curves ruled out atmospheres with surface pressures >~10bars on this planet. We present 13 transit observations of LHS3844b taken with the Magellan Clay telescope and the LDSS3C multi-object spectrograph covering 620-1020nm. We analyze each of the 13 data sets individually using a Gaussian process regression, and present both white and spectroscopic light curves. In the combined white light curve we achieve an rms precision of 65ppm when binning to 10minutes. The mean white light-curve value of (Rp/Rs)^2^ is 0.4170{+/-}0.0046%. To construct the transmission spectrum, we split the white light curves into 20 spectrophotometric bands, each spanning 20nm, and compute the mean values of (Rp/Rs)^2^ in each band. We compare the transmission spectrum to two sets of atmospheric models. We disfavor a clear, solar composition atmosphere ({mu}=2.34) with surface pressures >~0.1bar to 5.2{sigma} confidence. We disfavor a clear, H2O steam atmosphere ({mu}=18) with surface pressures >~0.1bar to low confidence (2.9{sigma}). Our observed transmission spectrum favors a flat line. For solar composition atmospheres with surface pressures >~1bar we rule out clouds with cloud-top pressures of 0.1bar (5.3{sigma}), but we cannot address high-altitude clouds at lower pressures. Our results add further evidence that LHS3844b is devoid of an atmosphere.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/638/A120
- Title:
- SPHERE maps around Proxima Cen
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/638/A120
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Proxima Centauri is the closest star to the Sun and it is known to host an Earth-like planet in its habitable zone; very recently a second candidate planet was proposed based on radial velocities. At quadrature, the expected projected separation of this new candidate is larger than 1 arcsec, making it a potentially interesting target for direct imaging. While identification of the optical counterpart of this planet is expected to be very difficult, successful identification would allow for a detailed characterization of the closest planetary system. We searched for a counterpart in SPHERE images acquired over four years through the SHINE survey. In order to account for the expected large orbital motion of the planet, we used a method that assumes the circular orbit obtained from radial velocities and exploits the sequence of observations acquired close to quadrature in the orbit. We checked this with a more general approach that considers Keplerian motion, called K-stacker. We did not obtain a clear detection. The best candidate has S/N=6.1 in the combined image. A statistical test suggests that the probability that this detection is due to random fluctuation of noise is <1%, but this result depends on the assumption that the distribution of noise is uniform over the image, a fact that is likely not true. The position of this candidate and the orientation of its orbital plane fit well with observations in the ALMA 12m array image. However, the astrometric signal expected from the orbit of the candidate we detected is 3-sigma away from the astrometric motion of Proxima as measured from early Gaia data. This, together with the unexpectedly high flux associated with our direct imaging detection, means we cannot confirm that our candidate is indeed Proxima c. On the other hand, if confirmed, this would be the first observation in imaging of a planet discovered from radial velocities and the second planet (after Fomalhaut b) of reflecting circumplanetary material. Further confirmation observations should be done as soon as possible.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/610/A55
- Title:
- Spitzer secondary eclipses of Qatar-1b
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/610/A55
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Previous secondary eclipse observations of the hot Jupiter Qatar-1b in the Ks band suggest that it may have an unusually high day side temperature, indicative of minimal heat redistribution. There have also been indications that the orbit may be slightly eccentric, possibly forced by another planet in the system. We investigate the day side temperature and orbital eccentricity using secondary eclipse observations with Spitzer. We observed the secondary eclipse with Spitzer/IRAC in subarray mode, in both 3.6 and 4.5um wavelengths. We used pixel-level decorrelation to correct for Spitzer's intra-pixel sensitivity variations and thereby obtain accurate eclipse depths and central phases.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/155/161
- Title:
- Stars nearby Robo-AO Kepler planetary candidates
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/155/161
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the overall statistical results from the Robo-AO Kepler planetary candidate survey, comprising of 3857 high-angular resolution observations of planetary candidate systems with Robo-AO, an automated laser adaptive optics system. These observations reveal previously unknown nearby stars blended with the planetary candidate host stars that alter the derived planetary radii or may be the source of an astrophysical false positive transit signal. In the first three papers in the survey, we detected 440 nearby stars around 3313 planetary candidate host stars. In this paper, we present observations of 532 planetary candidate host stars, detecting 94 companions around 88 stars; 84 of these companions have not previously been observed in high resolution. We also report 50 more-widely separated companions near 715 targets previously observed by Robo-AO. We derive corrected planetary radius estimates for the 814 planetary candidates in systems with a detected nearby star. If planetary candidates are equally likely to orbit the primary or secondary star, the radius estimates for planetary candidates in systems with likely bound nearby stars increase by a factor of 1.54, on average. We find that 35 previously believed rocky planet candidates are likely not rocky due to the presence of nearby stars. From the combined data sets from the complete Robo-AO KOI survey, we find that 14.5+/-0.5% of planetary candidate hosts have a nearby star with 4", while 1.2% have two nearby stars, and 0.08% have three. We find that 16% of Earth-sized, 13% of Neptune-sized, 14% of Saturn-sized, and 19% of Jupiter-sized planet candidates have detected nearby stars.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/474/5158
- Title:
- Stars with hot Jupiter exoplanets
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/474/5158
- Date:
- 07 Dec 2021 00:40:26
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a grid of forward model transmission spectra, adopting an isothermal temperature-pressure profile, alongside corresponding equilibrium chemical abundances for 117 observationally significant hot exoplanets (equilibrium temperatures of 547-2710K). This model grid has been developed using a 1D radiative-convective-chemical equilibrium model termed ATMO, with up-to-date high-temperature opacities. We present an interpretation of observations of 10 exoplanets, including best-fitting parameters and {chi}^2^ maps. In agreement with previous works, we find a continuum from clear to hazy/cloudy atmospheres for this sample of hot Jupiters. The data for all the 10 planets are consistent with subsolar to solar C/O ratio, 0.005 to 10 times solar metallicity and water rather than methane-dominated infrared spectra. We then explore the range of simulated atmospheric spectra for different exoplanets, based on characteristics such as temperature, metallicity, C/O ratio, haziness and cloudiness. We find a transition value for the metallicity between 10 and 50 times solar, which leads to substantial changes in the transmission spectra. We also find a transition value of C/O ratio, from water to carbon species dominated infrared spectra, as found by previous works, revealing a temperature dependence of this transition point ranging from ~0.56 to ~1-1.3 for equilibrium temperatures from ~900 to ~2600K. We highlight the potential of the spectral features of HCN and C2H2 to constrain the metallicities and C/O ratios of planets, using James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) observations. Finally, our entire grid (~460000 simulations) is publicly available and can be used directly with the JWST simulator PandExo for planning observations.