- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/736/24
- Title:
- VI photometry of sources in the halo of NGC253
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/736/24
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have obtained Magellan/IMACS and HST/ACS imaging data that resolve red giant branch stars in the stellar halo of the starburst galaxy NGC 253. The HST data cover a small area, and allow us to accurately interpret the ground-based data, which cover 30% of the halo to a distance of 30kpc, allowing us to make detailed quantitative measurements of the global properties and structure of a stellar halo outside of the Local Group. The geometry of the halo is significantly flattened in the same sense as the disk, with a projected axis ratio of b/a~0.35+/-0.1. The total stellar mass of the halo is estimated to be M_halo ~2.5+/-1.5x10^9^M_{sun}_, or 6% of the total stellar mass of the galaxy, and has a projected radial dependence that follows a power law of index -2.8+/-0.6, corresponding to a three-dimensional power law index of ~-4. The total luminosity and profile shape that we measure for NGC 253 are somewhat larger and steeper than the equivalent values for the Milky Way and M31, but are well within the scatter of model predictions for the properties of stellar halos built up in a cosmological context. Structure within the halo is seen at a variety of scales: there is small kpc-scale density variation and a large shelf-like feature near the middle of the field. The techniques that have been developed will be essential for quantitatively comparing our upcoming larger sample of observed stellar halos to models of halo formation.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/360/185
- Title:
- VI photometry of the Leo II galaxy
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/360/185
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present V and I photometry of a 9.4'x9.4' field centered on the dwarf spheroidal galaxy Leo II. The Tip of the Red Giant Branch is identified at I^TRGB^=17.83+/-0.03 and adopting <[M/H]>=-1.53+/-0.2 from the comparison of RGB stars with Galactic templates, we obtain a distance modulus (m-M)_0=21.84+/-0.13, corresponding to a distance D=233+/-15kpc. Two significant bumps have been detected in the Luminosity Function of the Red Giant Branch. The fainter bump (B1, at V=21.79+/-0.05) is the RGB bump of the dominant stellar population while the brightest one (B2, at V=21.36+/-0.05) may be identified as the Asymptotic Giant Branch Clump of the same population. The luminosity of the main RGB bump (B1) suggest that the majority of RGB stars in Leo II belongs to a population that is >~4Gyr younger than the classical Galactic globular clusters. The stars belonging to the He-burning Red Clump are shown to be significantly more centrally concentrated than RR Lyrae and Blue Horizontal Branch stars, probing the existence of an age/metallicity radial gradient in this remote dwarf spheroidal.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/108/1598
- Title:
- Virgo cluster ellipticals. III.
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/108/1598
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have used the Planetary Camera on the Hubble Space Telescope to study the morphology and surface brightness parameters of a luminosity- limited sample of fourteen elliptical galaxies in the Virgo cluster. The total apparent blue magnitudes of the galaxies range between 9.4 and 13.4. In this paper, the core brightness profiles are presented, while the overall morphology and the isophotal shapes are discussed in two companion papers [Jaffe et al. AJ, 108, 1567 (1994); van den Bosch et al. AJ, 108, 1579 (1994)]. We show that, in spite of the spherical aberration affecting the HST primary mirror, deconvolution techniques allow recovery of the brightness profile up to 0.2arcsec from the center of the galaxies. We find that none of the galaxies has an isothermal core. On the basis of their morphological and photometrical properties, the galaxies can be divided in two physically distinct groups, referred to as Type I and Type II. All of the Type I galaxies are classified as E1 to E3 in the Revised Shapley Ames Catalog (Sandage & Tammann 1981), while Type II galaxies are classified as E5 to E7. The characteristics of Type II galaxies are explained by the presence of disks component on both the 1 arcsec and the 10 arcsec scales, while Type I galaxies correspond to the classical disk-free ellipticals.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/343/86
- Title:
- Virgo cluster radio luminosity function. I.
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/343/86
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We cross-correlate the galaxies brighter than m_B_=18 in the Virgo cluster with the radio sources in the NVSS survey (1.4GHz), resulting in 180 radio-optical identifications. We determine the radio luminosity function of the Virgo galaxies, separately for the early- and late-types. Late-type galaxies develop radio sources with a probability proportional to their optical luminosity. In fact their radio/optical (R_B_) distribution is gaussian, centered at log R_B_~-0.5, i.e. the radio luminosity is ~0.3 of the optical one. The probability of late-type galaxies to develop radio sources is almost independent of their detailed Hubble type, except for Sa (and S0+S0a) which are a factor of ~5 less frequent than later types at any R_B_. Giant elliptical galaxies feed "monster" radio sources with a probability strongly increasing with mass. However the frequency of fainter radio sources is progressively less sensitive on the system mass. The faintest giant E galaxies (M_B_=-17) have a probability of feeding low power radio sources similar to that of dwarf E galaxies as faint as M_B_=-13.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/538/A69
- Title:
- Virgo early-type galaxies optical properties
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/538/A69
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Studies of dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxies with statistically significant sample sizes are still rare beyond the Local Group, since these low surface brightness objects can only be identified with deep imaging data. In galaxy clusters, where they constitute the dominant population in terms of number, they represent the faint end slope of the galaxy luminosity function and provide important insight on the interplay between galaxy mass and environment. In this study we investigate the optical photometric properties of early-type galaxies (dwarf ellipticals (dEs) and dSphs) in the Virgo cluster core region, by analysing their location on the colour magnitude relation (CMR) and the structural scaling relations down to faint magnitudes, and by constructing the luminosity function to compare it with theoretical expectations.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/657/A9
- Title:
- Virgo Filaments. I. CO and HI data
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/657/A9
- Date:
- 21 Mar 2022 09:21:25
- Publisher:
- Description:
- It is now well established that galaxies have different morphology, gas content and star formation rate in dense environments like galaxy clusters. The impact of environmental density extends to several virial radii, and galaxies appear to be pre-processed in filaments and groups, before falling into the cluster. Our goal is to quantify this pre-processing, in terms of gas content, and star formation rate, as a function of density in cosmic filaments. We have observed the two first CO transitions in 163 galaxies with the IRAM-30m telescope, and added 82 more measurements from the literature, for a sample of 245 galaxies in the filaments around Virgo cluster. We gathered HI-21cm measurements from the literature, and observed 69 galaxies with the Nancay telescope, to complete our sample. We compare our filament galaxies with comparable samples from the Virgo cluster and with the isolated galaxies of the AMIGA sample. We find a clear progression from field galaxies to filament and cluster ones for decreasing star formation rate, increasing fraction of galaxies in the quenching phase, increasing proportion of early-type galaxies and decreasing gas content. Galaxies in the quenching phase, defined as having star formation rate below one third of the main sequence rate, are only between 0-20% in the isolated sample, according to local galaxy density, while they are 20-60% in the filaments and 30-80% in the Virgo cluster. Processes that lead to star formation quenching are already at play in filaments. They depend mostly on the local galaxy density, while the distance to the filament spine is a secondary parameter. While the HI to stellar mass ratio decreases with local density by an order of magnitude in the filaments, and two orders of magnitude in the Virgo cluster with respect to the field, the decrease is much less for the H2 to stellar mass ratio. As the environmental density increases, the gas depletion time decreases, since the gas content decreases faster than the star formation rate. This suggests that gas depletion significantly precedes star formation quenching.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+AS/127/367
- Title:
- Virgo Photometry Catalogue (VPC)
- Short Name:
- J/A+AS/127/367
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Virgo Photometry Catalogue (VPC) contains independently calibrated surface photometry in the U, B_J_ and R_C_ bands for over 1000 galaxies (including background objects) brighter than B_J25_=19.0 in a 23{deg}^2^ area of the sky centred on R.A., Dec.(1950)= 12h26m, +13{deg}08'. The angular resolution of the photometry varies from band to band and was in each case determined from the FWHM of stellar profiles: 4.75+/-0.1arcsec in the U band, 5.0+/-0.1arcsec in the B_J_ band and 6.0+/-0.1arcsec in the R_C_ band. The photometry was intended for the derivation of accurate magnitudes and colours and is therefore not of high resolution. Stellar contamination of the galaxy sample is minimal, and cannot exceed about 3 faint-end objects in total (i.e. it is less than about 0.25%). Parameters listed for catalogued galaxies include: equatorial coordinates; morphological types; surface-brightness profile parameters (which preserve the majority of the surface photometry information); U, B_J_ and R_C_ isophotal magnitudes; U, B_J_, R_C_ and [transformed] B total magnitudes; (U-B_J_) and (B_J_-R_C_) equal-area colours, apparent angular radii, ellipticities, position angles, heliocentric radial velocities and alternative designations. All total magnitudes and total colours are extrapolated according to the "t" system of Young et al. (1998A&AS..130..173Y). The VPC is based primarily on four UK-Schmidt plates, all of which were scanned using the COSMOS measuring machine at the Royal Observatory Edinburgh. All magnitudes, colours and surface-brightness parameters are derived from numerical integrations of segmented plate-scan data; except for (in 109 cases) saturated and (in 51 cases) inextricably merged images. The latter 51 images are listed in Table 14 (Appendix D) of the original paper, whilst data for the remaining 1129 objects [i.e. including ones for which the VPC photometry is saturated in one or more bands] are listed in the main catalogue.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/704/842
- Title:
- VIRUS-P spectroscopy of NGC 5194
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/704/842
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We investigate the relation between the star formation rate (SFR) surface density ({Sigma}_SFR_) and the mass surface density of gas ({Sigma}_gas_) in NGC 5194 (a.k.a. M51a, Whirlpool Galaxy). Visible Integral field Replicable Unit Spectrograph Prototype (VIRUS-P) integral field spectroscopy of the central 4.1x4.1kpc^2^ of the galaxy is used to measure H{alpha}, H{beta}, [OIII]5007, [NII]6548,6584, and [SII]6717,6731 emission line fluxes for 735 regions ~170pc in diameter. We use the Balmer decrement to calculate nebular dust extinctions, and correct the observed fluxes in order to accurately measure {Sigma}_SFR_ in each region. Archival HI 21cm and CO maps with spatial resolution similar to that of VIRUS-P are used to measure the atomic and molecular gas surface density for each region.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/633/A70
- Title:
- VIS3COS. III. Galaxy spectra
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/633/A70
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present spectroscopic observations of 466 galaxies in and around a superstructure at z~0.84 targeted by the VIMOS Spectroscopic Survey of a Supercluster in the COSMOS eld (VIS3COS). We use [OII]3727, H{delta}, and Dn4000 to trace recent, medium-, and long-term star formation histories and investigate the eect of stellar mass and local environment on them. By studying trends in individual and composite galaxy spectra, we find that stellar mass and environment play a role in the observed galactic properties. Galaxies with low stellar mass (10<log10(M*/M_{sun}_)<10.5) in the eld show the strongest H{delta} absorption. Similarly, the massive population (log10(M*/M_{sun}_) > 11) shows an increase in H absorption strengths in intermediate-density environments (e.g. filaments). Galaxies with intermediate stellar mass (10.5<log10(M*/M_{sun}_)<11) have similar H{delta} absorption proles in all environments, but show an indication of enhanced [OII] emission in intermediate-density environments. This indicates that field galaxies with low stellar mass and lament galaxies with high stellar mass are more likely to have experienced a recent burst of star formation, while galaxies of the intermediate stellar-mass show an increase of star formation at lament-like densities. We also find that the median [OII] equivalent width (|EW[OII]|) decreases from 27+/-2{AA} to 2.0^+0,5^_-0.4_{AA} and Dn4000 increases from 1.09+/-0.01 to 1.56+/-0.03 with increasing stellar mass (from ~10^9.25^ to ~10^11.35^M_{sun}_). For the dependence on the environment, we find that at fixed stellar mass, |EW[OII]| is tentatively lower in environments with higher density. We find for Dn4000 that the increase with stellar mass is sharper in denser environments, which indicates that these environments may accelerate galaxy evolution. Moreover, we find higher Dn4000 values in denser environments at fixed stellar mass, suggesting that galaxies are on average older and/or more metal rich in these dense environments. This set of tracers depicts a scenario where the most massive galaxies have, on average, the lowest specic star formation rates and the oldest stellar populations (age>~1Gyr, showing a mass-downsizing eect). We also hypothesize that the observed increase in star formation (higher EW[OII], higher specic star formation rate) at intermediate densities may lead to quenching because we find that the quenched fraction increases sharply from the lament to cluster-like regions at similar stellar masses.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/473/369
- Title:
- VISIR/VLT mid-infrared imaging of Seyfert nuclei
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/473/369
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Half of the Seyfert-2 galaxies escaped detection of broad lines in their polarised spectra observed so far. Some authors have suspected that these non-HBLRs contain real Sy2 nuclei without intrinsic broad line region hidden behind a dust torus. If this were true, then their nuclear structure would fundamentally differ from that of Sy2s with polarised broad lines: in particular, they would not be explained by orientation-based AGN unification. Further arguments for two physically different Sy2 populations have been derived from the warm and cool IRAS F25/F60 ratios. These ratios, however, refer to the entire host galaxies and are unsuitable to conclusively establish the absence of a nuclear dust torus. Instead, a study of the Seyfert-2 dichotomy should be performed on the basis of nuclear properties only. Here we present the first comparison between [OIII] {lambda} 5007{AA} and mid-infrared imaging at matching spatial resolution. The aim is to check whether the nuclear dust emission scales with AGN luminosity as traced by [OIII].