High frequency water maser and HI spectra are available through this web service. The water maser phenomena are found in active galactic nuclei (AGN) and have been surveyed with the NRAO Green Bank Telescope. HI spectra are measured mostly from galaxies in the local Universe.
The Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope (HUT) was a shuttle-borne instrument used to obtain ultraviolet spectra in the far ultraviolet region of the spectrum. It was part of the ASTRO payload complement of three co-mounted instruments that flew in December 1990 and March 1995 as Space Shuttle missions. More than 650 spectra were obtained of 340 targets. In April, 2013, the HUT data was reprocessed to improve calibration, expand metadata, add new data products, and update file formats. The current cone service uses the metadata from these reprocessed files.
MAST-produced spectral container files for STIS spectra. STIS
spectra range from 1150 to 10,300 at low to medium spectral resolution, high
spatial resolution echelle spectroscopy in the ultraviolet. STIS began
operation in 1997. (Note the included echelle spectra are technically not
yet supported by the SSAP.)
Hubble Infrared Pure Parallel Imaging Extragalactic Survey (HIPPIES)
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22 Jul 2020 22:31:09
Space Telescope Science Institute Archive
Hubble Infrared Pure Parallel Imaging Extragalactic Survey (HIPPIES) utilizes long-duration pure parallel
visits (~> 3 orbits) of HST at high Galactic latitude (|b|>20o) to take deep, multi-band images in WFC3
(since Cycle 17) and in ACS (starting Cycle 18). It is unique in its large number of descrete fields
along random sightlines, and thus is complementary to other surveys over contiguous fields but
along limited sightlines.
The Hubble Source Catalog (HSC) is designed to optimize science from the Hubble Space Telescope by
combining the tens of thousands of visit-based source lists in the Hubble Legacy Archive (HLA)
into a single master catalog.
The Hubble Source Catalog (HSC) detailed search
displays an entry for each separate detection (or nondetection if nothing is found at that position)
using all the relevant Hubble observations for a given object
(i.e., different filters, detectors, separate visits).
The catalog currently contains over 100 million entries.
The Hubble Source Catalog (HSC) is designed to optimize science from the Hubble Space Telescope
by combining the tens of thousands visit-based source lists in the Hubble Legacy Archive (HLA)
into a single master catalog.
The HSC Summary search displays a single row entry for each object,
as defined by a set of detections that have been cross-matched and hence are believed to be a single object.
Averaged values for magnitudes and other relevant parameters are provided.
The catalog currently contains over 16 million entries.
Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is an orbiting astronomical observatory operating from the near-infrared into the ultraviolet. Launched in 1990 and scheduled to operate through 2010, HST carries and has carried a wide variety of instruments producing imaging, spectrographic, astrometric, and photometric data through both pointed and parallel observing programs. MAST is the primary archive and distribution center for HST data, distributing science, calibration, and engineering data to HST users and the astronomical community at large. Over 100 000 observations of more than 20 000 targets are available for retrieval from the Archive.
Hubble Space Telescope ACS Nearby Galaxy Survey (ANGST)
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23 Jul 2020 19:38:15
Space Telescope Science Institute Archive
The ACS Nearby Galaxy Survey observed roughly 14 million stars in 69 galaxies. The survey explored a region called the "Local Volume," and the galaxy distances ranged from 6.5 million light-years to 13 million light-years from Earth. The Local Volume resides beyond the Local Group of galaxies, an even nearer collection of a few dozen galaxies within about 3 million light-years of our Milky Way Galaxy. The observations were made in November 2006 with Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveysi (ACS).
Hubble Space Telescope Heritage Press Release Images
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23 Jul 2020 19:38:59
Space Telescope Science Institute Archive
WFPC2 and ACS images used to create the Heritage project color composite press releases. The data has been expertly prepared, significantly beyond the standard pipeline processing. This usually involves careful image registration, combination, and cleaning via drizzling, making it ready for further scientific analysis and educational use. These data will typically be made available at the time of the associated press release.
Hubble Space Telescope multi-color ACS mosaic of M82
Short Name:
23 Jul 2020 19:39:46
Space Telescope Science Institute Archive
In March 2006, the Hubble Heritage Team obtained a large 4-color (B, V, I, and H-alpha) mosaic image of the M82 with the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) onboard the Hubble Space Telescope.