- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/439/1556
- Title:
- ACT high significance 148 and 218GHz sources
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/439/1556
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a catalogue of 191 extragalactic sources detected by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) at 148 and/or 218GHz in the 2008 Southern survey. Flux densities span 14 -1700mJy, and we use source spectral indices derived using ACT-only data to divide our sources into two subpopulations: 167 radio galaxies powered by central active galactic nuclei (AGN) and 24 dusty star-forming galaxies (DSFGs). We cross-identify 97 percent of our sources (166 of the AGN and 19 of the DSFGs) with those in currently available catalogues. When combined with flux densities from the Australia Telescope 20GHz survey and follow-up observations with the Australia Telescope Compact Array, the synchrotron-dominated population is seen to exhibit a steepening of the slope of the spectral energy distribution from 20 to 148GHz, with the trend continuing to 218GHz. The ACT dust-dominated source population has a median spectral index, {alpha}_148-218_, of 3.7^+0.62^_-0.86_, and includes both local galaxies and sources with redshift around 6. Dusty sources with no counterpart in existing catalogues likely belong to a recently discovered subpopulation of DSFGs lensed by foreground galaxies or galaxy groups.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/850/207
- Title:
- Action dynamics of the Local Supercluster
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/850/207
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The fully nonlinear gravitationally induced trajectories of a nearly complete set of galaxies, groups, and clusters in the Local Supercluster are constructed in a numerical action method model constrained by data from the CosmicFlows survey and various distance indicators. We add the gravity field due to inhomogeneities external to the sample sphere by making use of larger-scale peculiar flow measurements. Assignments of total masses were made to find the best overall set of mutual attractions, as determined by a goodness criterion based on present-day radial velocities, individually for the Virgo Cluster, M31, and the Milky Way (MW), and via a mass-to-light ratio relationship for other masses. The low median chi-square found indicates that the model fits the present-day velocity flow well, but a slightly high mean chi-square may indicate that some masses underwent complex orbits. The best fit, when setting the value of H_0_ to the CosmicFlows value of 75km/s/Mpc and the WMAP value for {Omega}_m_=0.244 consistent with that H_0_, occurs with the following parameters: {Omega}_orphan_=0.077+/-0.016, M/L_K_=40+/-2L_10_^0.15^M_{sun}_/L_{sun}_ (L_10_ is the K-band luminosity in units of 10^10^L_{sun}_), a Virgo mass of 6.3+/-0.8x10^14^M_{sun}_ (M/L_K_=113+/-15M_{sun}_/L_{sun}_), and a mass for the MW plus M31 of 5.15+/-0.35x10^12^M_{sun}_. The best constant mass-to-light ratio is M/L_K_=58+/-3M_{sun}_/L_{sun}_. The Virgocentric turnaround radius is 7.3+/-0.3Mpc. We explain several interesting trends in peculiar motions for various regions now that we can construct the 3D orbital histories.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AZh/79/963
- Title:
- Active radio galaxies in cluster A569
- Short Name:
- J/AZh/79/963
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The nature of bright radio sources with known radio spectra in the direction of the nearby cluster of galaxies A569 (z=0.0193) is investigated. The optical identifications of the sources were provided. 45% of these radio sources are associated with compact galaxies. A substantial fraction of these galaxies have active nuclei. Some of them have radio halos.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/552/A135
- Title:
- Activity of the Seyfert galaxy neighbours
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/552/A135
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a follow-up study of a series of papers concerning the role of close interactions as a possible triggering mechanism of AGN activity. We have already studied the close (<100kpc/h) and the large-scale (<1Mpc/h) environment of a local sample of Sy1, Sy2, and bright IRAS galaxies (BIRG) and of their respective control samples. The results led us to the conclusion that a close encounter appears capable of activating a sequence where an absorption line galaxy (ALG) galaxy first becomes a starburst, then a Sy2, and finally a Sy1. Here we investigate the activity of neighbouring galaxies of different types of AGN, since both galaxies of an interacting pair should be affected. To this end we present the optical spectroscopy and X-ray imaging of 30 neighbouring galaxies around two local (z<0.034) samples of 10 Sy1 and 13 Sy2 galaxies. Although this is a pilot study of a small sample, various interesting trends have been discovered that imply physical mechanisms that may lead to different Seyfert types. Based on the optical spectroscopy we find that more than 70% of all neighbouring galaxies exhibit star forming and/or nuclear activity (namely recent star formation and/or AGN), while an additional X-ray analysis showed that this percentage might be significantly higher. Furthermore, we find a statistically significant correlation, at a 99.9% level, between the value of the neighbour's [OIII]/H{beta} ratio and the activity type of the central active galaxy, i.e. the neighbours of Sy2 galaxies are systematically more ionized than the neighbours of Sy1s. This result, in combination with trends found using the Equivalent Width of the H{alpha} emission line and the stellar population synthesis code STARLIGHT, indicate differences in the stellar mass, metallicity, and star formation history between the samples. Our results point towards a link between close galaxy interactions and activity and also provide more clues regarding the possible evolutionary sequence inferred by our previous studies.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/212/21
- Title:
- A deep Chandra ACIS survey of M83
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/212/21
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have obtained a series of deep X-ray images of the nearby galaxy M83 using Chandra, with a total exposure of 729ks. Combining the new data with earlier archival observations totaling 61ks, we find 378 point sources within the D_25_ contour of the galaxy. We find 80 more sources, mostly background active galactic nuclei (AGNs), outside of the D_25_contour. Of the X-ray sources, 47 have been detected in a new radio survey of M83 obtained using the Australia Telescope Compact Array. Of the X-ray sources, at least 87 seem likely to be supernova remnants (SNRs), based on a combination of their properties in X-rays and at other wavelengths. We attempt to classify the point source population of M83 through a combination of spectral and temporal analysis. As part of this effort, we carry out an initial spectral analysis of the 29 brightest X-ray sources. The soft X-ray sources in the disk, many of which are SNRs, are associated with the spiral arms, while the harder X-ray sources, mostly X-ray binaries (XRBs), do not appear to be. After eliminating AGNs, foreground stars, and identified SNRs from the sample, we construct the cumulative luminosity function (CLF) of XRBs brighter than 8x10^35^erg/s. Despite M83's relatively high star formation rate, the CLF indicates that most of the XRBs in the disk are low mass XRBs.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/827/46
- Title:
- A deep Chandra ACIS survey of M51
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/827/46
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have obtained a deep X-ray image of the nearby galaxy M51 using Chandra. Here we present the catalog of X-ray sources detected in these observations and provide an overview of the properties of the point-source population. We find 298 sources within the D_25_ radii of NGC 5194/5, of which 20% are variable, a dozen are classical transients, and another half dozen are transient-like sources. The typical number of active ultraluminous X-ray sources in any given observation is ~5, and only two of those sources persist in an ultraluminous state over the 12yr of observations. Given reasonable assumptions about the supernova remnant population, the luminosity function is well described by a power law with an index between 1.55 and 1.7, only slightly shallower than that found for populations dominated by high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs), which suggests that the binary population in NGC 5194 is also dominated by HMXBs. The luminosity function of NGC 5195 is more consistent with a low-mass X-ray binary dominated population.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/701/587
- Title:
- A deep HST H-band imaging survey. II. QUEST QSOs
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/701/587
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report the results from a deep Hubble Space Telescope (HST) NICMOS H-band imaging survey of 28 z<0.3 QSOs from the Palomar-Green (PG) sample. This program is part of QUEST (Quasar/ULIRG Evolution Study) and complements a similar set of data on 26 highly nucleated ULIRGs presented in Paper I (Veilleux et al. 2006ApJ...643..707V). Our analysis indicates that the fraction of QSOs with elliptical hosts is higher among QSOs with undetected far-infrared (FIR) emission, small infrared excess (L_IR_/L_B_<10), and luminous hosts. The hosts of FIR-faint QSOs show a tendency to have less pronounced merger-induced morphological anomalies and larger QSO-to-host luminosity ratios on average than the hosts of FIR-bright QSOs, consistent with late-merger evolution from FIR-bright to FIR-faint QSOs.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/104/185
- Title:
- A deep multicolor survey. I.
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/104/185
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have used the Kitt Peak National Observatory 4m Mayall telescope to image 0.83 square degrees of sky in six fields at high Galactic latitude in six filters spanning 3000-10000A to magnitude limits ranging from 22.1 to 23.8. We have assembled a catalog of 21375 stellar objects detected in the fields for use primilary in conducting a multicolor search for quasars. This paper describes the data reduction techniques used on the CCD data, the methods used to construct the stellar object catalog, and the simulations performed to understand its completeness and contamination.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/462/614
- Title:
- A deep multicolor survey. II.
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/462/614
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have used the Kitt Peak National Observatory 4m Mayall telescope to image 0.83 square degrees of sky in six fields at high galactic latitude in six filters spanning 3000-10000A to magnitude limits ranging from 22.1 to 23.8. As a first use of this database, we have conducted a multicolor survey for quasars. We discuss various methods of selecting outliers in different color-color diagrams and multicolor space that have been used to identify quasars at all redshifts from their colors alone. We discuss the initial results of our program of spectroscopic identification which has so far resulted in the identification of over 40 faint quasars, including one a z>4, a similar number of compact narrow emission-line galaxies, and a number of unusual and potentially interesting stars. We use these spectroscopic results, along with extensive simulations of quasar spectra, to study the efficiency of our candidate selection procedures. Finally, we compare the number counts of our quasars and quasar candidates to the expected numbers based on previous studies of the quasar luminosity function. The agreement of our observations with these expectations is good in most cases. However, we do estimate that our survey contains more quasars with B<21 and z<2.3 than expected from the results published by Koo & Kron in (1988ApJ...325...92K) and more z>3 quasars than expected from the results published by Warren, Hewett & Osmer in (1994ApJ...421..412W), both at the 3 {sigma} level. Additional spectroscopic observations will be required to confirm or refute these excesses.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/114/2269
- Title:
- A deep multicolor survey. III.
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/114/2269
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have made spectroscopic identifications of 39 additional quasar candidates from the Deep Multicolor Survey (DMS) of Hall et al. (1996, Cat. <J/ApJ/462/614>). We have identified 9 new quasars with 0.3<z<2.8 and 16.8<B<21.6, all from the group of candidates with ultraviolet excess (UVX). No new quasars with z>3 were found among the observed candidates selected due to their red (B-R) and (V-R) colors. As a result, there are now 55 confirmed quasars in the survey: 42 with 0.3<z<2, nine with 2<z<3, three with 3<z<4, and 1 at z=4.3. One new quasar, DMS 0059-0055, is very bright with B=16.8 and z=0.3, making its detection by our survey very unexpected. Including this new spectroscopy, the results of the DMS are converging with the predicted space densities of other surveys. In particular, we no longer find an excess of quasars with z<2.3 and B<21 in the survey over predictions based on models by Koo & Kron (1988ApJ...325...92K). Also, the excess in the number of quasars seen at z>3 over predictions based on models by Warren et al. (1994ApJ...421..412W) is less than previously suggested. We also demonstrate the success of our quasar color modeling which is important in assessing the completeness of our survey.