OpenNGC is a database containing positions and main data of NGC (New
General Catalogue) and IC (Index Catalogue) objects. It has been built
by merging data from NED, HyperLEDA, SIMBAD, and several databases
available at HEASARC.
In this VO publication, we have changed most of the column names,
mostly to make them work as ADQL column names without resorting to
delimited identifiers. The mapping should be obvious.
The Principal Galaxy Catalog, 2003 Version (PGC2003) is a new catalog of principal galaxies. It constitutes the framework of the HYPERLEDA database that supersedes the LEDA one, with more data and more capabilities. The catalog is still restricted to confirmed galaxies, i.e. about one million galaxies, brighter than a B-magnitude of ~18. In order to provide the best possible identification for each galaxy, the authors give accurate coordinates (typical accuracy of better than 2 arcseconds), diameters, axis ratios and position angles. Diameters and axis ratios have been homogenized to the RC2 system at the limiting surface brightness of 25 B-mag/arcsec<sup>2</sup>, using a new method (EPIDEMIC). In order to provide the best designation for each galaxy, the authors have collected names from 50 catalogs. The compatibility of the spelling has been tested against NED and SIMBAD, and, as far as possible a spelling is used that is compatible with both. For some cases, where no consensus exists between NED, SIMBAD and LEDA, the authors have proposed some changes that could make the spelling of names fully compatible. The full catalog is distributed through the CDS and can be extracted from HYPERLEDA, <a href=""></a>. This table was created by the HEASARC in July 2004 based on the <a href="">CDS catalog VII/237</a> file pgc.dat.gz. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
Shakhabazian (Shk) Compact Groups of Galaxies: Individual Galaxies Data
Short Name:
07 Mar 2025
The largest survey of compact galaxy groups was published by Shakhbazian et al. (the <a href="">CDS catalog VII/89</a>, implemented by the HEASARC as the SHK database table). This present catalog provides accurate positions of the individual galaxies in the groups; photometric properties of the Southern sky (delta not greater than +2.5 degrees) are evaluated on the basis of the COSMOS/UKST catalog of the Southern sky. This catalog contains 373 groups; this number differs from the number in Shakhbazian's list (377 groups) by the following: (i) there are no data for groups 001 (already published by other authors), 206 and 241 (could not be re-identified), 252 (this is identical with 214), 301 and 353 (could not be re-identified); (ii) Group 328 was published twice (in North and South); and (iii) Group 340 was divided in two parts (340 and 340a), according to Bettoni and Fasano ([BF95]=1995AJ....109...32B). This HEASARC version of the catalog contains a total of 3435 individual galaxies identified as members of the compact groups, 2574 from the northern part of this survey (taken from the ADS Catalog VII/196 file north.dat), and 861 from the southern part of this survey (extracted from the 10746 entries in the ADS Catalog VII/196 file south.dat by including only entries corresponding to bona fide group members). This database table was created by the HEASARC in June, 2000, based on the <a href="">CDS Catalog VII/196</a> (files north.dat and south.dat). This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
This SkyNode points to the latest public SDSS catalog data release available at The Sloan Digital Sky Survey is the most ambitious astronomical survey ever undertaken. The survey will map one-quarter of the entire sky in detail, determining the positions and absolute brightnesses of hundreds of millions of celestial objects. It will also measure the distances to more than a million galaxies and quasars. The SDSS addresses fascinating, fundamental questions about the universe. With the survey, astronomers will be able to see the large-scale patterns of galaxies: sheets and voids through the whole universe. Scientists have many ideas about how the universe evolved, and different patterns of large-scale structure point to different theories. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey will tell us which theories are right - or whether we will have to come up with entirely new ideas.
Sloan Digital Sky Survey Cone Search (Latest Release)
Short Name:
05 Feb 2015 21:18:36
The Johns Hopkins University
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey is a project to survey a 10000 square degree area on the Northern sky over a 5 year period. A dedicated 2.5m telescope is specially designed to take wide field (3 degrees in diameter) images using a 5x6 mosaic of 2048x2048 CCD`s, in five wavelength bands, operating in drift scan mode. The total raw data will exceed 40 TB. A processed subset, of about 1 TB in size, will consist of 1 million spectra, positions and image parameters for over 100 million objects, plus a mini-image centered on each object in every color. The data will be made available to the public after the completion of the survey
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey is a project to survey a 10000 square degree area on the Northern sky over a 5 year period. A dedicated 2.5m telescope is specially designed to take wide field (3 degrees in diameter) images using a 5x6 mosaic of 2048x2048 CCD`s, in five wavelength bands, operating in drift scan mode. The total raw data will exceed 40 TB. A processed subset, of about 1 TB in size, will consist of 1 million spectra, positions and image parameters for over 100 million objects, plus a mini-image centered on each object in every color. The data will be made available to the public after the completion of the survey
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey is a project to survey a 10000 square degree area on the Northern sky over a 5 year period. A dedicated 2.5m telescope is specially designed to take wide field (3 degrees in diameter) images using a 5x6 mosaic of 2048x2048 CCD`s, in five wavelength bands, operating in drift scan mode. The total raw data will exceed 40 TB. A processed subset, of about 1 TB in size, will consist of 1 million spectra, positions and image parameters for over 100 million objects, plus a mini-image centered on each object in every color. The data will be made available to the public after the completion of the survey
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey is a project to survey a 10000 square degree area on the Northern sky over a 5 year period. A dedicated 2.5m telescope is specially designed to take wide field (3 degrees in diameter) images using a 5x6 mosaic of 2048x2048 CCD`s, in five wavelength bands, operating in drift scan mode. The total raw data will exceed 40 TB. A processed subset, of about 1 TB in size, will consist of 1 million spectra, positions and image parameters for over 100 million objects, plus a mini-image centered on each object in every color. The data will be made available to the public after the completion of the survey
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey is a project to survey a 10000 square degree area on the Northern sky over a 5 year period. A dedicated 2.5m telescope is specially designed to take wide field (3 degrees in diameter) images using a 5x6 mosaic of 2048x2048 CCD`s, in five wavelength bands, operating in drift scan mode. The total raw data will exceed 40 TB. A processed subset, of about 1 TB in size, will consist of 1 million spectra, positions and image parameters for over 100 million objects, plus a mini-image centered on each object in every color. The data will be made available to the public after the completion of the survey