- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/850/94
- Title:
- Spectroscopy of the fields of gravitational lenses
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/850/94
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Strong gravitational lensing provides an independent measurement of the Hubble parameter (H_0_). One remaining systematic is a bias from the additional mass due to a galaxy group at the lens redshift or along the sightline. We quantify this bias for more than 20 strong lenses that have well-sampled sightline mass distributions, focusing on the convergence {kappa} and shear {gamma}. In 23% of these fields, a lens group contributes >=1% convergence bias; in 57%, there is a similarly significant line-of-sight group. For the nine time-delay lens systems, H0 is overestimated by 11_-2_^+3^% on average when groups are ignored. In 67% of fields with total {kappa}>=0.01, line-of-sight groups contribute >~2x more convergence than do lens groups, indicating that the lens group is not the only important mass. Lens environment affects the ratio of four (quad) to two (double) image systems; all seven quads have lens groups while only 3 of 10 doubles do, and the highest convergences due to lens groups are in quads. We calibrate the {gamma}-{kappa} relation: log({kappa}_tot_)=(1.94+/-0.34)log({gamma}_tot_)+(1.31+/-0.49) with an rms scatter of 0.34dex. Although shear can be measured directly from lensed images, unlike convergence, it can be a poor predictor of convergence; for 19% of our fields, {kappa} is >~2{gamma}. Thus, accurate cosmology using strong gravitational lenses requires precise measurement and correction for all significant structures in each lens field.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/478/4952
- Title:
- SPIDERS BCGs gri photometry
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/478/4952
- Date:
- 10 Dec 2021 13:51:48
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a sample of 329 low-to intermediate-redshift (0.05<z<0.3) brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) in X-ray-selected clusters from the SPectroscopic IDentification of eRosita Sources survey, a spectroscopic survey within Sloan Digital Sky Survey-IV (SDSS-IV). We define our BCGs by simultaneous consideration of legacy X-ray data from ROSAT, maximum-likelihood outputs from an optical cluster-finder algorithm and visual inspection. Using SDSS imaging data, we fit Sersic profiles to our BCGs in three bands (g, r, i) with SIGMA a GALFIT-based software wrapper. We examine the reliability of our fits by running our pipeline on ~10^4^ point spread function-convolved model profiles injected into eight random cluster fields; we then use the results of this analysis to create a robust subsample of 198 BCGs. We outline three cluster properties of interest: overall cluster X-ray luminosity (L_X_), cluster richness as estimated by REDMAPPER ({lambda}),and cluster halo mass (M_200_), which is estimated via velocity dispersion. In general, there are significant correlations with BCG stellar mass between all three environmental properties, but no significant trends arise with either Sersic index or effective radius. There is no major environmental dependence on the strength of the relation between effective radius and BCG stellar mass. Stellar mass therefore arises as the most important factor governing BCG morphology. Our results indicate that our sample consists of a large number of relaxed, mature clusters containing broadly homogeneous BCGs up to z~0.3, suggesting that there is little evidence for much ongoing structural evolution for BCGs in these systems.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/837/88
- Title:
- SPT-GMOS spectroscopy of gal. in massive clusters
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/837/88
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The velocity distribution of galaxies in clusters is not universal; rather, galaxies are segregated according to their spectral type and relative luminosity. We examine the velocity distributions of different populations of galaxies within 89 Sunyaev Zel'dovich (SZ) selected galaxy clusters spanning 0.28<z<1.08. Our sample is primarily draw from the SPT-GMOS spectroscopic survey, supplemented by additional published spectroscopy, resulting in a final spectroscopic sample of 4148 galaxy spectra -- 2868 cluster members. The velocity dispersion of star-forming cluster galaxies is 17+/-4% greater than that of passive cluster galaxies, and the velocity dispersion of bright (m<m^*^-0.5) cluster galaxies is 11+/-4% lower than the velocity dispersion of our total member population. We find good agreement with simulations regarding the shape of the relationship between the measured velocity dispersion and the fraction of passive versus star-forming galaxies used to measure it, but we find a small offset between this relationship as measured in data and simulations, which suggests that our dispersions are systematically low by as much as 3% relative to simulations. We argue that this offset could be interpreted as a measurement of the effective velocity bias that describes the ratio of our observed velocity dispersions and the intrinsic velocity dispersion of dark matter particles in a published simulation result. Measuring velocity bias in this way suggests that large spectroscopic surveys can improve dispersion-based mass-observable scaling relations for cosmology even in the face of velocity biases, by quantifying and ultimately calibrating them out.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/833/229
- Title:
- Star forming cloud-giant molecular cloud complexes
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/833/229
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Star formation on galactic scales is known to be a slow process, but whether it is slow on smaller scales is uncertain. We cross-correlate 5469 giant molecular clouds (GMCs) from a new all-sky catalog with 256 star-forming complexes (SFCs) to build a sample of 191 SFC-GMC complexes-collections of multiple clouds each matched to 191 SFCs. The total mass in stars harbored by these clouds is inferred from WMAP free-free fluxes. We measure the GMC mass, the virial parameter, the star formation efficiency {epsilon} and the star formation rate per freefall time {epsilon}_ff_. Both {epsilon} and {epsilon}_ff_ range over 3-4 orders of magnitude. We find that 68.3% of the clouds fall within {sigma}_log{epsilon}_=0.79+/-0.22dex and {sigma}_log{epsilon}_ff__=0.91+/-0.22dex about the median. Compared to these observed scatters, a simple model with a time-independent {epsilon}_ff_ that depends on the host GMC properties predicts {sigma}_log{epsilon}_ff__=0.12-0.24. Allowing for a time-variable {epsilon}_ff_, we can recover the large dispersion in the rate of star formation. This strongly suggests that star formation in the Milky Way is a dynamic process on GMC scales. We also show that the surface star formation rate profile of the Milky Way correlates well with the molecular gas surface density profile.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/360/439
- Title:
- Stellar and ionized gas kinematics in NGC 4672
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/360/439
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report the case of the early-type disk galaxy NGC 4672 as a new example of a galaxy characterized by the orthogonal geometrical decoupling between bulge and disk. The morphological features of this galaxy are discussed as well as the velocity curves and velocity dispersion profiles of stars and ionized gas along both its major and minor axis. We conclude that NGC 4672 has structural (i.e. a bulge elongated perpendicularly to the disk) and kinematical (i.e. a stellar core rotating perpendicularly to the disk) properties similar to those of the Sa NGC 4698. The presence of the isolated core suggests that the disk component is the end result of the acquisition of external material in polar orbits around a pre-existing oblate spheroid as in the case of the ring component of AM 2020-504, the prototype of polar ring ellipticals.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/766/136
- Title:
- Stellar encounter rates in Galactic GCs
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/766/136
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The high stellar densities in the cores of globular clusters cause significant stellar interactions. These stellar interactions can produce close binary mass-transferring systems involving compact objects and their progeny, such as X-ray binaries and radio millisecond pulsars. Comparing the numbers of these systems and interaction rates in different clusters drives our understanding of how cluster parameters affect the production of close binaries. In this paper we estimate stellar encounter rates ({Gamma}) for 124 Galactic globular clusters based on observational data as opposed to the methods previously employed, which assumed "King-model" profiles for all clusters. By deprojecting cluster surface brightness profiles to estimate luminosity density profiles, we treat "King-model" and "core-collapsed" clusters in the same way. In addition, we use Monte Carlo simulations to investigate the effects of uncertainties in various observational parameters (distance, reddening, surface brightness) on {Gamma}, producing the first catalog of globular cluster stellar encounter rates with estimated errors. Comparing our results with published observations of likely products of stellar interactions (numbers of X-ray binaries, numbers of radio millisecond pulsars, and {gamma}-ray luminosity) we find both clear correlations and some differences with published results.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/786/L10
- Title:
- Stellar IMF mass normalization for z~1 galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/786/L10
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The stellar initial mass function (IMF) is a key parameter for studying galaxy evolution. Here we measure the IMF mass normalization for a sample of 68 field galaxies in the redshift range 0.7-0.9 within the Extended Groth Strip. To do this we derive the total (stellar + dark matter) mass-to-light [(M/L)] ratio using axisymmetric dynamical models. Within the region where we have kinematics (about one half-light radius), the models assume (1) that mass follows light, implying negligible differences between the slope of the stellar and total density profiles, (2) constant velocity anisotropy ({beta}_z_=1-{sigma}_z_^2^/{sigma}_R_^2^=0.2), and (3) that galaxies are seen at the average inclination for random orientations (i.e., i=60{deg}, where i=90{deg} represents edge-on). The dynamical models are based on anisotropic Jeans equations, constrained by Hubble Space Telescope/Advanced Camera for Surveys imaging and the central velocity dispersion of the galaxies, extracted from good-quality spectra taken by the DEEP2 survey. The population (M/L) are derived from full-spectrum fitting of the same spectra with a grid of simple stellar population models. Recent dynamical modeling results from the ATLAS^3D^ project and numerical simulations of galaxy evolution indicate that the dark matter fraction within the central regions of our galaxies should be small. This suggests that our derived total (M/L) should closely approximate the stellar M/L. Our comparison of the dynamical (M/L) and the population (M/L) then implies that for galaxies with stellar mass M_*_>~10^11^ M_{sun}_, the average normalization of the IMF is consistent with a Salpeter slope, with a substantial scatter. This is similar to what is found within a similar mass range for nearby galaxies.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/446/4039
- Title:
- Stellar kinematics for NGC 2859 and NGC 4371
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/446/4039
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present an analysis of nine S0-Sb galaxies which have (photometric) bulges consisting of two distinct components. The outer component is a flattened, kinematically cool, disc-like structure: a 'discy pseudo-bulge'. Embedded inside is a rounder, kinematically hot spheroidal structure: a `classical bulge'. This indicates that pseudo-bulges and classical bulges are not mutually exclusive phenomena: some galaxies have both. The discy pseudo-bulges almost always consist of an exponential disc (scalelengths=125-870 pc, mean size ~440 pc) with one or more disc-related subcomponents: nuclear rings, nuclear bars, and/or spiral arms. They constitute 11-59 percent of the galaxy stellar mass (mean PB/T=0.33), with stellar masses ~7x10^9^-9x10^10^ M_{sun}_. The classical-bulge components have Sersic indices of 0.9-2.2, effective radii of 25-430 pc and stellar masses of 5x10^8^-3x10^10^ M_{sun}_; they are usually <10 percent of the galaxy's stellar mass (mean B/T=0.06). The classical bulges do show rotation, but are clearly kinematically hotter than the discy pseudo-bulges. Dynamical modelling of three systems indicates that velocity dispersions are isotropic in the classical bulges and equatorially biased in the discy pseudo-bulges. In the mass-radius and mass-stellar mass density planes, classical-bulge components follow sequences defined by ellipticals and (larger) classical bulges. Discy pseudo-bulges also fall on this sequence; they are more compact than large-scale discs of similar mass. Although some classical bulges are quite compact, they are as a class clearly distinct from nuclear star clusters in both size and mass; in at least two galaxies they coexist with nuclear clusters. Since almost all the galaxies in this study are barred, they probably also host boxy/peanut-shaped bulges (vertically thickened inner parts of bars). NGC 3368 shows isophotal evidence for such a zone just outside its discy pseudo-bulge, making it a clear case of a galaxy with all three types of 'bulge'.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+AS/133/317
- Title:
- Stellar kinematics in spiral galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/A+AS/133/317
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the results of absorption spectroscopy on the inner region of 34 Sa-Sc galaxies. We have determined the central velocity dispersion and, for 32 of these objects, stellar rotation curves and velocity-dispersion profiles. Some of these profiles are limited to the bulge, some others do reach a region dominated by the luminosity of the disk. These data are intended to provide basic material for the study of the mass distribution and dynamical status in the central regions of spiral galaxies. Although no elaborate bulge-and-disk photometric decomposition is performed, we estimate the effects of limited resolution and contamination by disk light on the central velocity dispersion of the bulge.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+AS/136/509
- Title:
- Stellar kinematics in spiral galaxies. II.
- Short Name:
- J/A+AS/136/509
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a second dataset of absorption spectroscopy on the inner region of spiral galaxies. We have determined the central velocity dispersion for 42 Sa-Sc objects and, for 32 of them, stellar rotation curves and velocity-dispersion profiles. Some of these profiles are limited to the bulge, some others do reach a region dominated by the luminosity of the disk. These data are intended to provide basic material for the study of the mass distribution and dynamical status in the central regions of spiral galaxies. Although no elaborate bulge-and-disk photometric decomposition is performed, we estimate the effects of limited resolution and contamination by disk light on the central velocity dispersion of the bulge. All the material presented in this paper, in particular the spectra, is available on-line.