- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/351/265
- Title:
- Cluster galaxy circular velocity function
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/351/265
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present galaxy circular velocity functions (GCVFs) for 34 low-redshift (z<~0.15) clusters identified in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS, Cat. <J/AJ/123/567>), for 15 clusters drawn from dark matter simulations of hierarchical structure growth in a {LAMBDA}CDM cosmology, and for ~22000 SDSS field galaxies. We find that the simulations successfully reproduce the shape, amplitude and scatter in the observed distribution of cluster galaxy circular velocities. The power-law slope of the observed cluster GCVF is ~-2.4, independent of cluster velocity dispersion. The average slope of the simulated GCVFs is somewhat steeper, although formally consistent given the errors. We find that the effects of baryons on galaxy rotation curves is to flatten the simulated cluster GCVF into better agreement with observations. The cumulative GCVFs of the simulated clusters are very similar across a wide range of cluster masses, provided individual subhalo circular velocities are scaled by the circular velocities of the parent cluster. The scatter is consistent with that measured in the cumulative, scaled observed cluster GCVF. Finally, the observed field GCVF deviates significantly from a power law, being flatter than the cluster GCVF at circular velocities less than 200km/s.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/637/A31
- Title:
- Cluster in superclusters of galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/637/A31
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The characterization of the internal structure of the superclusters of galaxies (walls, filaments and knots where the clusters are located) is paramount for understanding the formation of the Large Scale Structure and for outlining the environment where galaxies evolved in the last Gyr. (i) To detect the compact regions of high relative density (clusters and rich groups of galaxies); (ii) to map the elongated structures of low relative density (filaments, bridges and tendrils of galaxies); (iii) to characterize the galaxy populations on filaments and study the environmental effects they are subject to. We employed optical galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts from the SDSS-DR13 inside rectangular boxes encompassing the volumes of a sample of 46 superclusters of galaxies, up to z=0.15. A virial approximation was applied to correct the positions of the galaxies in the redshift space for the "finger of God" projection effect. Our methodology implements different classical pattern recognition and machine learning techniques (Voronoi tessellation, hierarchical clustering, graph-network theory, minimum spanning trees, among others), pipelined in the Galaxy Systems-Finding algorithm and the Galaxy Filaments-Finding algorithm. We detected in total 2705 galaxy systems (clusters and groups, of which 159 are new) and 144 galaxy filaments in the 46 superclusters of galaxies. The filaments we detected have a density contrast above 3, with a mean value around 10, a radius of about 2.5h_70_^-1^Mpc and lengths between 9 and 130h_70_^-1^Mpc. Correlations between the galaxy properties (mass, morphology and activity) and the environment in which they reside (systems, filaments and the dispersed component) suggest that galaxies closer to the skeleton of the filaments are more massive by up to 25% compared to those in the dispersed component; 70% of the galaxies in the filament region present early type morphologies and the fractions of active galaxies (both AGN and SF) seem to decrease as galaxies approach the filament. Our results support thee idea that galaxies in filaments are subject to environmental effects leading them to be more massive (probably due to larger rates of both merging and gas accretion), less active both in star formation and nuclear activity, and prone to the density-morphology relation. These results suggest that preprocessing in large scale filaments could have significant effects on galaxy evolution.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/446/2823
- Title:
- CO and CaT derived sigma in spiral galaxies
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/446/2823
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We examine the stellar velocity dispersions ({sigma}) of a sample of 48 galaxies, 35 of which are spirals, from the Palomar nearby galaxy survey. It is known that for ultra-luminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) and merger remnants, the {sigma} derived from the near-infrared CO band heads is smaller than that measured from optical lines, while no discrepancy between these measurements is found for early-type galaxies. No such studies are available for spiral galaxies - the subject of this paper. We used cross-dispersed spectroscopic data obtained with the Gemini Near-Infrared Spectrograph, with spectral coverage from 0.85 to 2.5{mu}m, to obtain {sigma} measurements from the 2.29{mu}m CO band heads ({sigma}CO) and the 0.85{mu}m calcium triplet ({sigma}_CaT_). For the spiral galaxies in the sample, we found that {sigma}_CO_ is smaller than {sigma}_CaT_, with a mean fractional difference of 14.3 per cent. The best fit to the data is given by {sigma}_opt_=(46.0+/-18.1)+(0.85+/-0.12){sigma}_CO_. This '{sigma}-discrepancy' may be related to the presence of warm dust, as suggested by a slight correlation between the discrepancy and the infrared luminosity. This is consistent with studies that have found no {sigma}-discrepancy in dust-poor early-type galaxies, and a much larger discrepancy in dusty merger remnants and ULIRGs. That {sigma}_CO_ is lower than {sigma}opt may also indicate the presence of a dynamically cold stellar population component. This would agree with the spatial correspondence between low-{sigma}_CO_ and young/intermediate-age stellar populations that has been observed in spatially resolved spectroscopy of a handful of galaxies.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/450/3675
- Title:
- CoMaLit. IV. Sigma Catalogue
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/450/3675
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The scaling of observable properties of galaxy clusters with mass evolves with time. Assessing the role of the evolution is crucial to study the formation and evolution of massive haloes and to avoid biases in the calibration. We present a general method to infer the mass and the redshift dependence, and the time-evolving intrinsic scatter of the mass-observable relations. The procedure self-calibrates the redshift-dependent completeness function of the sample. The intrinsic scatter in the mass estimates used to calibrate the relation is considered too. We apply the method to the scaling of mass M_Delta_ versus line-of-sight galaxy velocity dispersion {sigma}v, optical richness, X-ray luminosity, L_X_, and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich signal. Masses were calibrated with weak lensing measurements. The measured relations are in good agreement with time and mass dependences predicted in the self-similar scenario of structure formation. The lone exception is the L_X_-M_Delta_ relation, whose time evolution is negative in agreement with formation scenarios with additional radiative cooling and uniform preheating at high redshift. The intrinsic scatter in the sigma_v_-M_Delta_ relation is notably small, of the order of 14 per cent. Robust predictions on the observed properties of the galaxy clusters in the Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble sample are provided as cases of study. Catalogues and scripts are publicly available at http://pico.bo.astro.it/~sereno/CoMaLit/ .
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/578/A134
- Title:
- Compact early-type galaxies in SDSS
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/578/A134
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Passive galaxies at high redshift are much smaller than equally massive early types today. If this size evolution is caused by stochastic merging processes, then a small fraction of the compact galaxies should persist until today. Up to now it has not been possible to systematically identify the existence of such objects in Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We aim at finding potential survivors of these compact galaxies in SDSS, as targets for more detailed follow-up observations. From the virial theorem, it is expected that for a given mass, compact galaxies have stellar velocity dispersion higher than the mean owing to their smaller sizes. Therefore velocity dispersion, coupled with size (or mass), is an appropriate method of selecting relics, independent of the stellar population properties. Based on these considerations, we designed a set of criteria the use the distribution of early-type galaxies from SDSS on the log_10_(R_0_)-log_10_({sigma}_0_) plane to find the most extreme objects on it. We thus selected compact massive galaxy candidates by restricting them to high velocity dispersions {sigma}_0_>323.2km/s and small sizes R_0_<2.18kpc. We find 76 galaxies at 0.05<z<0.2, which have properties that are similar to the typical quiescent galaxies at high redshift. We discuss how these galaxies relate to average present-day early-type galaxies. We study how well these galaxies fit on well-known local universe relations of early-type galaxies, such as the fundamental plane, the red sequence, or mass-size relations. As expected from the selection criteria, the candidates are located in an extreme corner of the mass-size plane. However, they do not extend as deeply into the so-called zone of exclusion as some of the red nuggets found at high redshift, since they are a factor 2-3 less massive on a given intrinsic scale size. Several of our candidates are close to the size resolution limit of SDSS, but are not so small that they are classified as point sources. We find that our candidates are systematically offset on a scaling relation compared to the average early-type galaxies, but still within the general range of other early-type galaxies. Furthermore, our candidates are similar to the mass-size range expected for passive evolution of the red nuggets from their high redshift to the present. The 76 selected candidates form an appropriate set of objects for further follow-up observations. They do not constitute a separate population of peculiar galaxies, but form the extreme tail of a continuous distribution of early-type galaxies. We argue that selecting a high-velocity dispersion is the best way to find analogues of compact high redshift galaxies in the local universe.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/720/723
- Title:
- Compact galaxies in the local universe
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/720/723
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We set out to test the claim that the recently identified population of compact, massive, and quiescent galaxies at z~2.3 must undergo significant size evolution to match the properties of galaxies found in the local universe. Using data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS; Data Release 7), we have conducted a search for local red sequence galaxies with sizes and masses comparable to those found at z~2.3. The SDSS spectroscopic target selection algorithm excludes high surface brightness objects; we show that this makes incompleteness a concern for such massive, compact galaxies, particularly for low redshifts (z<~0.05). We have identified 63 M_*_>10^10.7^M_{sun}_ (~5x10^10^M_{sun}_) red sequence galaxies at 0.066<z_spec_<0.12 which are smaller than the median size-mass relation by a factor of 2 or more. Consistent with expectations from the virial theorem, the median offset from the mass-velocity dispersion relation for these galaxies is 0.12 dex. We do not, however, find any galaxies with sizes and masses comparable to those observed at z~2.3, implying a decrease in the comoving number density of these galaxies, at fixed size and mass, by a factor of >~5000. This result cannot be explained by incompleteness: in the 0.066<z<0.12 interval, we estimate that the SDSS spectroscopic sample should typically be >~75% complete for galaxies with the sizes and masses seen at high redshift, although for the very smallest galaxies it may be as low as ~20%. In order to confirm that the absence of such compact massive galaxies in SDSS is not produced by spectroscopic selection effects, we have also looked for such galaxies in the basic SDSS photometric catalog, using photometric redshifts. While we do find signs of a slight bias against massive, compact galaxies, this analysis suggests that the SDSS spectroscopic sample is missing at most a few objects in the regime we consider.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/618/A157
- Title:
- Compact Groups in SDSSDR12
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/618/A157
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- A catalogue of compact groups identified on the SDSS DR12 is provided. Compact Groups were identified in redshift space with a modified Hickson-like algorithm. The catalogue comprises 462 compact groups of which 406 clearly fulfil all the compact group requirements: compactness, isolation and velocity concordance of all of their members. The remaining 56 groups need further redshift information of potentially contaminating sources.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/225/23
- Title:
- Compact groups of galaxies from SDSS-DR12 (MLCG)
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/225/23
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We apply a friends-of-friends algorithm to an enhanced SDSS DR12 spectroscopic catalog, including redshift from the literature to construct a catalog of 1588 N>=3 compact groups of galaxies containing 5178 member galaxies and covering the redshift range 0.01<z<0.19. This catalog contains 18 times as many systems and reaches 3 times the depth of the similar catalog of Barton et al. (1996AJ....112..871B). We construct catalogs from both magnitude-limited and volume-limited galaxy samples. Like Barton et al. we omit the frequently applied isolation criterion in the compact group selection algorithm. Thus the groups selected by fixed projected spatial and rest-frame line-of-sight velocity separation produce a catalog of groups with a redshift-independent median size. In contrast to previous catalogs, the enhanced SDSS DR12 catalog (including galaxies with r<14.5) includes many systems with z<~0.05. The volume-limited samples are unique to this study. The compact group candidates in these samples have a median stellar mass independent of redshift. Groups with velocity dispersion <~100km/s show abundant evidence for ongoing dynamical interactions among the members. The number density of the volume-limited catalogs agrees with previous catalogs at the lowest redshifts but decreases as the redshift increases. The SDSS fiber placement constraints limit the catalog's completeness. In spite of this issue, the volume-limited catalogs provide a promising basis for detailed spatially resolved probes of the impact of galaxy-galaxy interactions within similar dense systems over a broad redshift range.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/897/111
- Title:
- Compilation of black hole, bulge and stellar masses
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/897/111
- Date:
- 16 Mar 2022 00:27:27
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a multiwavelength study of the active galactic nucleus in the nearby (D=14.1Mpc) low-mass galaxy IC750, which has circumnuclear 22GHz water maser emission. The masers trace a nearly edge-on, warped disk ~0.2pc in diameter, coincident with the compact nuclear X-ray source that lies at the base of the ~kiloparsec-scale extended X-ray emission. The position-velocity structure of the maser emission indicates that the central black hole (BH) has a mass less than 1.4x105M{sun}. Keplerian rotation curves fitted to these data yield enclosed masses between 4.1x104M{sun} and 1.4x105M{sun}, with a mode of 7.2x104M{sun}. Fitting the optical spectrum, we measure a nuclear stellar velocity dispersion {sigma }*=110.7_-13.4_^+12.1^km/s. From near-infrared photometry, we fit a bulge mass of (7.3{+/-}2.7)x108M{sun} and a stellar mass of 1.4x1010M{sun}. The mass upper limit of the intermediate-mass BH in IC750 falls roughly two orders of magnitude below the MBH-{sigma}* relation and roughly one order of magnitude below the MBH-MBulge and MBH-M* relations-larger than the relations' intrinsic scatters of 0.58{+/-}0.09dex, 0.69dex, and 0.65{+/-}0.09dex, respectively. These offsets could be due to larger scatter at the low-mass end of these relations. Alternatively, BH growth is intrinsically inefficient in galaxies with low bulge and/or stellar masses, which causes the BHs to be undermassive relative to their hosts, as predicted by some galaxy evolution simulations.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/886/124
- Title:
- Completed KMOS^3D^ survey NIR obs.
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/886/124
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the completed KMOS^3D^ survey, an integral field spectroscopic survey of 739 log(M_*_/M_{sun}_)>9 galaxies at 0.6<z<2.7 using the K-band Multi Object Spectrograph (KMOS) at the Very Large Telescope. The KMOS3D survey provides a population-wide census of kinematics, star formation, outflows, and nebular gas conditions both on and off the star-forming galaxy main sequence through the spatially resolved and integrated properties of H{alpha}, [NII], and [SII] emission lines. We detect H{alpha} emission for 91% of galaxies on the main sequence of star formation and 79% overall. The depth of the survey has allowed us to detect galaxies with star formation rates below 1M_{sun}_/yr, as well as to resolve 81% of detected galaxies with >=3 resolution elements along the kinematic major axis. The detection fraction of H{alpha} is a strong function of both color and offset from the main sequence, with the detected and nondetected samples exhibiting different spectral energy distribution shapes. Comparison of H{alpha} and UV+IR star formation rates reveal that dust attenuation corrections may be underestimated by 0.5dex at the highest masses (log(M_*_/M_{sun}_)>10.5). We confirm our first year results of a high rotation-dominated fraction (monotonic velocity gradient and v_rot_/{sigma}_0_>3.36^0.5^) of 77% for the full KMOS^3D^ sample. The rotation-dominated fraction is a function of both stellar mass and redshift, with the strongest evolution measured over the redshift range of the survey for galaxies with log(M_*_/M_{sun}_)<10.5.