- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/464/939
- Title:
- Abundances of red giants in NGC 6218
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/464/939
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We used the multifiber spectrograph FLAMES on the ESO Very Large Telescope UT2 to derive atmospheric parameters, metallicities and abundances of O and Na for 79 red giant stars in the Galactic globular cluster NGC 6218 (M 12). We analyzed stars in the magnitude range from about 1mag below the bump to the tip of the Red Giant Branch. The average metallicity we derive is [Fe/H]=-1.31+/-0.004+/-0.028dex (random and systematic errors, respectively), with a very small star-to-star scatter (rms=0.033dex), from moderately high-resolution Giraffe spectra. This is the first extensive spectroscopic abundance analysis in this cluster. Our results indicate that NGC 6218 is very homogeneous as far as heavy elements are concerned. On the other hand, light elements involved in the well known proton-capture reactions of H-burning at high temperature, such as O and Na, show large variations, anticorrelated with each other, at all luminosities along the red giant branch. The conclusion is that the Na-O anticorrelation must be established in early times at the cluster formation. We interpret the variation of Na found near the RGB-bump as the effect of two distinct populations having different bump luminosities, as predicted for different He content. To our knowledge, NGC 6218 is the first GC where such a signature has been spectroscopically detected, when combined with consistent and homogeneous data obtained for NGC 6752 to gain in statistical significance.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/464/953
- Title:
- Abundances of red giants in NGC 6441
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/464/953
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present an analysis of FLAMES-Giraffe spectra for several bright giants in NGC 6441, to investigate the presence and extent of the Na-O anticorrelation in this anomalous globular cluster. The field of NGC 6441 is very crowded, with severe contamination by foreground (mainly bulge) field stars. Appropriate membership criteria were devised to identify a group of 25 likely cluster members among the about 130 stars observed. Combined with the UVES data obtained with the same observations (Gratton et al., 2006, Cat. <J/A+A/455/271>), high dispersion abundance analyses are now available for a total of 30 stars in NGC 6441, 29 of them having data for both O and Na. The spectra were analyzed by a standard line analysis procedure; care was taken to minimize the impact of the differential interstellar reddening throughout the cluster, and to extract reliable information from crowded, and moderately high S/N (30-70), moderately high resolution (R~23000) spectra.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/464/927
- Title:
- Abundances of red giants in NGC 6752
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/464/927
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We are studying the Na-O anticorrelation in several globular clusters of different Horizontal Branch (HB) morphology in order to derive a possible relation between (primordial) chemical inhomogeneities and morphological parameters of the cluster population. We used the multifiber spectrograph FLAMES on the ESO Very Large Telescope UT2 and derived atmospheric parameters and elemental abundances of Fe, O and Na for about 150 red giant stars in the Galactic globular cluster NGC 6752. The average metallicity we derive is [Fe/H]=-1.56, in agreement with other results from red giants, but lower than obtained for dwarfs or early subgiants. In NGC 6752 there is not much space for an intrinsic spread in metallicity: on average, the rms scatter in [Fe/H] is 0.037+/-0.003dex, while the scatter expected on the basis of the major error sources is 0.039+/-0.003dex. The distribution of stars along the Na-O anticorrelation is different to what was found in the first paper of this series for the globular cluster NGC 2808: in NGC 6752 it is skewed toward more Na-poor stars, and it resembles more the one in M 13. Detailed modeling is required to clarify whether this difference may explain the very different distributions of stars along the HB.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/681/1505
- Title:
- Abundances of red giants in {omega} Cen
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/681/1505
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present radial velocities and Fe and Al abundances for 180 red giant branch (RGB) stars in the Galactic globular cluster Omega Centauri ({omega} Cen). The majority of our data lie in the range 11.0<V<13.5, which covers the RGB from about 1mag above the horizontal branch to the RGB tip. The selection procedures are biased toward preferentially observing the more metal-poor and luminous stars of {omega} Cen. Abundances were determined using equivalent width measurements and spectrum synthesis analyses of moderate resolution spectra (R~13000) obtained with the Blanco 4m telescope and Hydra multifiber spectrograph. Our results are in agreement with previous studies as we find at least four different metallicity populations with [Fe/H]=-1.75, -1.45, -1.05, and -0.75, with a full range of -2.20<~[Fe/H]<~-0.70. Results seem to fit in the adopted scheme that star formation occurred in {omega} Cen over >1Gyr.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/698/2048
- Title:
- Abundances of red giants in {omega} Cen
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/698/2048
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present abundances of several light, {alpha}, Fe-peak, and neutron-capture elements for 66 red giant branch (RGB) stars in the Galactic globular cluster Omega Centauri ({omega} Cen). Our observations lie in the range 12.0<V<13.5 and focus on the intermediate and metal-rich RGBs. Abundances were determined using equivalent width measurements and spectrum synthesis analyses of moderate resolution (R~18000) spectra obtained with the Blanco 4m telescope and Hydra multifiber spectrograph. Combining these data with previous work, we find that there are at least four peaks in the metallicity distribution function at [Fe/H]=-1.75, -1.45, -1.05, and -0.75, which correspond to about 55%, 30%, 10%, and 5% of our sample, respectively. We conclude that the metal-rich population must be at least 1-2Gyr younger than the metal-poor stars, owing to the long timescales needed for strong s-process enrichment and the development of a large contingent of mass transfer binaries.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/740/106
- Title:
- Abundances of 4 red giants in Pal 1
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/740/106
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Detailed chemical abundances for 21 elements are presented for four red giants in the anomalous outer halo globular cluster Palomar 1 (R_GC_=17.2kpc, Z=3.6kpc) using high-resolution (R=36000) spectra from the High Dispersion Spectrograph on the Subaru Telescope. Pal 1 has long been considered unusual because of its low surface brightness, sparse red giant branch, young age, and its possible association with two extragalactic streams of stars. This paper shows that its chemistry further confirms its unusual nature. The mean metallicity of the four stars, [Fe/H]=-0.60+/-0.01, is high for a globular cluster so far from the Galactic center, but is low for a typical open cluster. The [{alpha}/Fe] ratios, though in agreement with the Galactic stars within the 1{sigma} errors, agree best with the lower values in dwarf galaxies. No signs of the Na/O anticorrelation are detected in Pal 1, though Na appears to be marginally high in all four stars. Pal 1's neutron-capture elements are also unusual: its high [Ba/Y] ratio agrees best with dwarf galaxies, implying an excess of second-peak over first-peak s-process elements, while its [Eu/{alpha}] and [Ba/Eu] ratios show that Pal 1's contributions from the r-process must have differed in some way from normal Galactic stars. Therefore, Pal 1 is unusual chemically, as well in its other properties. Pal 1 shares some of its unusual abundance characteristics with the young clusters associated with the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy remnant and the intermediate-age LMC clusters, and could be chemically associated with the Canis Majoris overdensity; however, it does not seem to be similar to the Monoceros/Galactic Anticenter Stellar Stream.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/780/94
- Title:
- Abundances of red giants in 47 Tuc
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/780/94
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- 47 Tuc is an ideal target to study chemical evolution and globular cluster (GC) formation in massive more metal-rich GCs, as it is the closest massive GC. We present chemical abundances for O, Na, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, Fe, Ni, La, and Eu in 164 red giant branch stars in the massive GC 47 Tuc using spectra obtained with both the Hydra multifiber spectrograph at the Blanco 4m telescope and the FLAMES multiobject spectrograph at the Very Large Telescope. We find an average [Fe/H]=-0.79+/-0.09dex, consistent with literature values, as well as overabundances of alpha-elements ([{alpha}/Fe]~0.3dex). The n-capture process elements indicate that 47 Tuc is r process-dominated ([Eu/La]=+0.24), and the light elements O, Na, and Al exhibit star-to-star variations. The Na-O anticorrelation, a signature typically seen in Galactic GCs, is present in 47 Tuc, and extends to include a small number of stars with [O/Fe]~-0.5. Additionally, the [O/Na] ratios of our sample reveal that the cluster stars can be separated into three distinct populations. A Kolmogorov-Smirnov test demonstrates that the O-poor/Na-rich stars are more centrally concentrated than the O-rich/Na-poor stars. The observed number and radial distribution of 47 Tuc's stellar populations, as distinguished by their light element composition, agrees closely with the results obtained from photometric data. We do not find evidence supporting a strong Na-Al correlation in 47 Tuc, which is consistent with current models of asymptotic giant branch nucleosynthesis yields.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/600/A118
- Title:
- Abundances of red giant stars in NGC6093 (M80)
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/600/A118
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Homogeneous abundances of light elements, alpha-elements, Fe-group elements and neutron-capture elements from high-resolution FLAMES spectra are presented for stars in the globular cluster NGC 5634, associated to the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy. In particular we present detailed chemical abundance of 22 species for the seven stars observed with UVES-FLAMES, and the abundance of six elements for stars observed with GIRAFFE. We derived a metallicity [Fe/H]=-1.867+/-0.019+/-0.065dex (+/-statistical+/-systematic error) with sigma=0.050dex (7 stars). We found the normal anti-correlations between light elements (Na and O, Mg and Al), signature of multiple populations typical of massive and old GCs. We confirm the associations of NGC 5634 to the Sgr dSph, from which the cluster was lost a few Gyr ago, on the basis of its velocity and position, and the abundance ratios of {alpha} and neutron capture elements.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/578/A116
- Title:
- Abundances of red giant stars in NGC6093 (M80)
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/578/A116
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Homogeneous abundances of light elements, alpha-elements, and Fe-group elements from high-resolution FLAMES spectra are presented for 82 red giant stars in NGC 6093 (M 80), a dense, metal-poor globular cluster (GC). M 80 shows star to star variations in proton-capture elements, and the extension of the Na-O anticorrelation perfectly fit the relations with (i) total cluster mass, (ii) horizontal branch morphology, and (iii) cluster concentration previously found by our group. The chemistry of multiple stellar populations in M 80 does not look extreme. The cluster is also a typical representative of halo globular clusters for what concerns the pattern of alpha-capture and Fe-group elements. However we found that a significant contribution from the s-process is required to account for the distribution of neutron-capture elements.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/157/154
- Title:
- Abundances of RGs in Galactic globular clusters
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/157/154
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Among stars in Galactic globular clusters the carbon abundance tends to decrease with increasing luminosity on the upper red giant branch, particularly within the lowest metallicity clusters. While such a phenomena is not predicted by canonical models of stellar interiors and evolution, it is widely held to be the result of some extra mixing operating during red giant branch ascent which transports material exposed to the CN(O)-cycle across the radiative zone in the stellar interior and into the base of the convective envelope, whereupon it is brought rapidly to the stellar surface. Here we present measurements of [C/Fe] abundances among 67 red giants in 19 globular clusters within the Milky Way. Building on the work of Martell et al. (2008AJ....136.2522M), we have concentrated on giants with absolute magnitudes of M_V_~-1.5 within clusters encompassing a range of metallicity (-2.4<[Fe/H]<-0.3). The Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO) 4 m and Southern Astrophysical Research (SOAR) 4.1 m telescopes were used to obtain spectra covering the {lambda}4300 CH and {lambda}3883 CN bands. The CH absorption features in these spectra have been analyzed via synthetic spectra in order to obtain [C/Fe] abundances. These abundances and the luminosities of the observed stars were used to infer the rate at which C abundances change with time during upper red giant branch evolution (i.e., the mixing efficiency). By establishing rates over a range of metallicity, the dependence of deep mixing on metallicity is explored. We find that the inferred carbon depletion rate decreases as a function of metallicity, although our results are dependent on the initial [C/Fe] composition assumed for each star.