- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/627/A137
- Title:
- Cosmology from galaxy lensing and clustering
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/627/A137
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The combination of Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing (GGL) and Redshift Space Distortion of galaxy clustering (RSD) is a privileged technique to test General Relativity predictions, and break degeneracies between the growth rate of structure parameter f and the amplitude of the linear power-spectrum {sigma}8. We perform a joint GGL and RSD analysis on 250 sq. degrees using shape catalogues from CFHTLenS and CFHT-Stripe 82, and spectroscopic redshifts from the BOSS CMASS sample. We adjust a model that includes non-linear biasing, RSD and Alcock-Paczynski effects. We find f(z=0.57)=0.95+/-0.23, {sigma}8(z=0.57)=0.55+/-0.07 and {OMEGA}m=0.31+/-0.08, in agreement with Planck cosmological results 2018. We also estimate the probe of gravity E_G_=0.43+/-0.10 in agreement with {LAMBDA}CDM-GR predictions of E_G_=0.40. This analysis reveals that RSD efficiently decreases the GGL uncertainty on {OMEGA}m by a factor of 4, and by 30% on {sigma}8. We use an N-body simulation supplemented by an abundance matching prescription for CMASS to build a set of overlapping lensing and clustering mocks. Together with additional spectroscopic data, this helps us to quantify and correct several systematic errors, such as photometric redshifts. We make our mock catalogues available on the Skies and Universe database.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/856/68
- Title:
- COSMOS lens candidates with LensFlow
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/856/68
- Date:
- 08 Mar 2022 14:20:03
- Publisher:
- Description:
- In this work, we present our machine learning classification algorithm for identifying strong gravitational lenses from wide-area surveys using convolutional neural networks; LensFlow. We train and test the algorithm using a wide variety of strong gravitational lens configurations from simulations of lensing events. Images are processed through multiple convolutional layers that extract feature maps necessary to assign a lens probability to each image. LensFlow provides a ranking scheme for all sources that could be used to identify potential gravitational lens candidates by significantly reducing the number of images that have to be visually inspected. We apply our algorithm to the HST/ACS i-band observations of the COSMOS field and present our sample of identified lensing candidates. The developed machine learning algorithm is more computationally efficient and complimentary to classical lens identification algorithms and is ideal for discovering such events across wide areas from current and future surveys such as LSST and WFIRST.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/176/19
- Title:
- COSMOS: strong lens systems
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/176/19
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the first catalog of 67 strong galaxy-galaxy lens candidates discovered in the 1.64deg^2^ Hubble Space Telescope COSMOS survey. Twenty of these systems display multiple images or strongly curved large arcs. Our initial search is performed by visual inspection of the data and is restricted, for practical considerations, to massive early-type lens galaxies with arcs found at radii smaller than ~5". Simple mass models are constructed for the best lens candidates, and our results are compared to the strong lensing catalogs of the SLACS survey and the CASTLES database. These new strong galaxy-galaxy lensing systems constitute a valuable sample to study the mass distribution of early-type galaxies and their associated dark matter halos.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/454/185
- Title:
- EROS-2 microlensing parameters
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/454/185
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a new EROS-2 measurement of the microlensing optical depth toward the Galactic Bulge. Light curves of 5.6x10^6^ clump-giant stars distributed over 66deg^2^ of the Bulge were monitored during seven Bulge seasons. 120 events were found with apparent amplifications greater than 1.6 and Einstein radius crossing times in the range 5d<t_E_<400d. This is the largest existing sample of clump-giant events and the first to include northern Galactic fields.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/130/1977
- Title:
- FIRST-Optical-VLA survey for lensed radio lobes
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/130/1977
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present results from a survey for gravitationally lensed radio lobes. Lensed lobes are a potentially richer source of information about galaxy mass distributions than lensed point sources, which have been the exclusive focus of other recent surveys. Our approach is to identify radio lobes in the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty cm (FIRST, Cat. <VIII/71>) catalog and then search optical catalogs for coincident foreground galaxies, which are candidate lensing galaxies. We then obtain higher resolution images of these targets at both optical and radio wavelengths and obtain optical spectra for the most promising candidates. We present maps of several radio lobes that are nearly coincident with galaxies. We have not found any new and unambiguous cases of gravitational lensing. One radio lobe in particular, FOV J0743+1553, has two hot spots that could be multiple images produced by a z=0.19 spiral galaxy, but the lensing interpretation is problematic.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/891/3
- Title:
- Follow-up LCs of 2 Spitzer microlensing events
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/891/3
- Date:
- 17 Jan 2022 00:32:54
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report the mass and distance measurements of two single-lens events from the 2017 Spitzer microlensing campaign. The ground-based observations yield the detection of finite-source effects, and the microlens parallaxes are derived from the joint analysis of ground-based observations and Spitzer observations. We find that the lens of OGLE-2017-BLG-1254 is a 0.60+/-0.03M_{sun}_ star with DLS=0.53+/-0.11kpc, where DLS is the distance between the lens and the source. The second event, OGLE-2017-BLG-1161, is subject to the known satellite parallax degeneracy, and thus is either a 0.51_-0.10_^+0.12^M_{sun}_ star with DLS=0.40+/-0.12kpc or a 0.38_-0.12_^+0.13^M_{sun} star with DLS=0.53+/-0.19kpc. Both of the lenses are therefore isolated stars in the Galactic bulge. By comparing the mass and distance distributions of the eight published Spitzer finite- source events with the expectations from a Galactic model, we find that the Spitzer sample is in agreement with the probability of finite-source effects occurring in single-lens events.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/887/126
- Title:
- Follow-up obs. of the PSJ0147+4630 lens system
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/887/126
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Because follow-up observations of quadruple gravitational lens systems are of extraordinary importance for astrophysics and cosmology, we present single-epoch optical spectra and r-band light curves of PS J0147+4630. This recently discovered system mainly consists of four images ABCD of a background quasar around a foreground galaxy G that acts as a gravitational lens. First, we use long-slit spectroscopic data in the Gemini Observatory Archive and a multi-component fitting to accurately resolve the spectra of A, D, and G. The spectral profile of G resembles that of an early-type galaxy at a redshift of 0.678+/-0.001, which is about 20% higher than the previous estimate. Additionally, the stellar velocity dispersion is measured to ~5% precision. Second, our early r-band monitoring with the Liverpool Telescope leads to accurate light curves of the four quasar images. Adopting time delays predicted by the lens model, the new lens redshift, and a standard cosmology, we report the detection of microlensing variations in C and D as large as ~0.1mag on timescales of a few hundred days. We also estimate an actual delay between A and B of a few days (B is leading), which demonstrates the big potential of optical monitoring campaigns of PS J0147+4630.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/446/683
- Title:
- Free-form lensing grid solution for A1689
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/446/683
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We examine Abell 1689 non-parametrically, combining strongly lensed Hubble Space Telescope images and weak distortions from wider field Subaru imaging. Our model incorporates member galaxies to improve the lens solution. By adding luminosity-scaled member galaxy deflections to our smooth grid, we can derive meaningful solutions with sufficient accuracy to permit the identification of our own strongly lensed images, so our model becomes self-consistent. We identify 11 new multiply lensed system candidates and clarify previously ambiguous cases, in the deepest optical and near-infrared data to date from Hubble and Subaru. Our improved spatial resolution brings up new features not seen when the weak and strong lensing effects are used separately, including clumps and filamentary dark matter around the main halo. Our treatment means we can obtain an objective mass ratio between the cluster and galaxy components. We find a typical mass-to-light ratios of M/L_B_=21+/-14 inside the r<1arcmin region. Our model independence means we can objectively evaluate the competitiveness of stacking cluster lenses for defining the geometric lensing-distance-redshift relation in a model-independent way.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/457/4089
- Title:
- Frequency of snowline-region planets
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/457/4089
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a statistical analysis of the first four seasons from a 'second-generation' microlensing survey for extrasolar planets, consisting of near-continuous time coverage of 8 deg^2^ of the Galactic bulge by the Optical Gravitational Lens Experiment (OGLE), Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics (MOA), and Wise microlensing surveys. During this period, 224 microlensing events were observed by all three groups. Over 12 per cent of the events showed a deviation from single-lens microlensing, and for ~one-third of those the anomaly is likely caused by a planetary companion. For each of the 224 events, we have performed numerical ray-tracing simulations to calculate the detection efficiency of possible companions as a function of companion-to-host mass ratio and separation. Accounting for the detection efficiency, we find that 55^+34^_-22_ per cent of microlensed stars host a snowline planet. Moreover, we find that Neptune-mass planets are ~10 times more common than Jupiter-mass planets. The companion-to-host mass-ratio distribution shows a deficit at q~10^-2^, separating the distribution into two companion populations, analogous to the stellar-companion and planet populations, seen in radial-velocity surveys around solar-like stars. Our survey, however, which probes mainly lower mass stars, suggests a minimum in the distribution in the super-Jupiter mass range, and a relatively high occurrence of brown-dwarf companions.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/854/73
- Title:
- Full-data results of HFF: galaxies z~6-9
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/854/73
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present UV luminosity functions of dropout galaxies at z~6-10 with the complete Hubble Frontier Fields data. We obtain a catalog of ~450 dropout-galaxy candidates (350, 66, and 40 at z~6-7, 8, and 9, respectively), with UV absolute magnitudes that reach ~-14mag, ~2 mag deeper than the Hubble Ultra Deep Field detection limits. We carefully evaluate number densities of the dropout galaxies by Monte Carlo simulations, including all lensing effects such as magnification, distortion, and multiplication of images as well as detection completeness and contamination effects in a self-consistent manner. We find that UV luminosity functions at z~6-8 have steep faint-end slopes, {alpha}~-2, and likely steeper slopes, {alpha}<~-2 at z~9-10. We also find that the evolution of UV luminosity densities shows a non-accelerated decline beyond z~8 in the case of M_trunc_=-15, but an accelerated one in the case of M_trunc_=-17. We examine whether our results are consistent with the Thomson scattering optical depth from the Planck satellite and the ionized hydrogen fraction Q_HII_ at z<~7 based on the standard analytic reionization model. We find that reionization scenarios exist that consistently explain all of the observational measurements with the allowed parameters of f_esc_=0.17_-0.03_^+0.07^ and M_trunc_>-14.0 for log{xi}_ion_/[erg^-1^Hz]=25.34, where f_esc_ is the escape fraction, Mtrunc is the faint limit of the UV luminosity function, and {xi}_ion_ is the conversion factor of the UV luminosity to the ionizing photon emission rate. The length of the reionization period is estimated to be {Delta}z=3.9_-1.6_^+2.0^ (for 0.1<Q_HII_<0.99), consistent with the recent estimate from Planck.