PPAKM31 – Optical Integral Field Spectroscopy of Star-Forming Regions
in M31
12 Jun 2024 13:04:11
The GAVO DC team
These observations cover five star-forming regions in the Andromeda
galaxy (M31) with optical integral field spectroscopy. Each has a
field of view of roughly 1 kpc across, at 10pc physical resolution. In
addition to the calibrated data cubes, we provide flux maps of the Hβ,
[OIII]5007, Hα, [NII]6583, [SII]6716 and [SII]6730 line emission. Line
fluxes have not been corrected for dust extinction. All data products
have associated error maps.
Reference HII Regions for Abundance Determination (SCS)
Short Name:
HII props scs
27 Dec 2024 08:31:00
The GAVO DC team
A table containing reference data for HII regions. We also give a
source code to compute abundances and electron temperatures in HII
regions from strong emission lines.